View Full Version : steam coming out of overflow hose

06-09-2010, 08:10 PM
yessss I have checked ALOT for this answer...

Okay so once my car warms up steam pours out of the over flow hose,with occasion coolant drips...currently theres mostly water in my coolant system cause i havnt had money to get coolant, also my temp gauge doesnt work (idk why cause i have changed the sensor, cleaned the connections, and messed with the cluster plugs) so I have no way of tell if it over heats...i dont think it has a blown HG or over heats cause my old engine did the same thing with a blown HG but the engine it self got extremely hot...also i have changed the rad cap and that wasnt it...could it be the radiator it self?

06-11-2010, 06:49 AM
you hear bubbling when you turn it off? could be the thermostat

06-11-2010, 12:34 PM
You've got to provide more information about the car, level of modification, etc... before you can expect people to help. I would assume you have some air in your coolant system. OR possibly the seal of your radiator cap is shot, but I'm only speculating b/c I have nothing but symptoms to go on.

06-11-2010, 01:12 PM
okay, well its a stock single slammer, i dont think its the termostate cause it did this same stuff with my old engine and that engine had a fine thermostat. and put a new radiator cap on, one off my freinds ka and it worked fine on his car so i know it was good, but it didnt fix the problem

Ka man fu
06-12-2010, 10:17 PM
What kind of raiator cap is it if it's a pressure release radiator cap make sure the red lift thing is down if ur car is bubling after u turn it of cause it's been running for a while lik14 minutes over heating

06-14-2010, 07:21 PM
replaced the radiator....no more steam, runs like a champ

06-14-2010, 09:22 PM
i had the same situation w/ my 8y.o. car... the tech advised me to replace my radiator or have my radiator cleaned.