View Full Version : Homework/Assignment Help Thread

06-08-2010, 11:09 PM
So Iv'e seen a few separate threads about individual help for assignments, or for different advice/help for a variety of school work. Since many members here are either in High School or College we could use a thread about it. With all the people on here Im sure that whatever you need could be figured out.

I searched for a similar thread and found nothing. If there is then I guess just lock it up or delete it.

Go ahead and ask away!

06-08-2010, 11:32 PM
Let http://www.webassign.net/images/boldV.gif = 30 http://www.webassign.net/images/ihatbold.gif + 13 http://www.webassign.net/images/jhatbold.gif - 26 http://www.webassign.net/images/khatbold.gif. What angles does this vector make with the x, y, and z axes?
θx = °
θy = °
θz = °

06-08-2010, 11:47 PM
Man, vector stuff I'm kinda rusty. Draw it up and you'll be able to see what you need to find.


X= arctan(30/13)

the length of the blue side, in the x,y plane, can be found using pythagorean theorem.
The other side is just the k vector. Use the same trig to find the angle, but remember that only gives you the angle between the vector and the negative z-axis.

06-08-2010, 11:47 PM
Lol. Can someone teach me everything there is about Protein Synthesis by Thursday?

06-09-2010, 12:03 AM
Let http://www.webassign.net/images/boldV.gif = 30 http://www.webassign.net/images/ihatbold.gif + 13 http://www.webassign.net/images/jhatbold.gif - 26 http://www.webassign.net/images/khatbold.gif. What angles does this vector make with the x, y, and z axes?
θx = °
θy = °
θz = °

Very easy.

Given the following vector V, determine the axis angles θx, θy, θz.
V = 30i + 13j - 26k

1) Determine vector magnitude ||v||

||v|| = ((30^2)+(13^2)+(26^2))^(1/2) = 41.773

2) Determine unit vector U by taking the vector V and dividing it by the magnitude ||v||

U = V/||V|| This gives you the unit vector
U = (30/41.773)i + (13/41.773)j - (26/41.773)k
U = 0.718i + 0.311j - 0.622k

3) We also understand that the unit vector U is,

U = cos(θx)i + cos(θy)j + cos(θz)k This is always true and should be understood when you take your quizzes and exams.

4) Therefore,

cos(θx) = 0.718
θx = arccos(0.718) = 44.1 deg

cos(θy) = 0.311
θy = arccos(0.311) = 71.9 deg

cos(θz) = -0.622
θz = arccos(-0.622) = 128.5 deg (This is from positive direction of Z-axis.)

Edit: Theicecreamdan is also correct. I didn't see his response before I posted.

06-09-2010, 12:10 AM
Always easiest just to draw it out. Going by the vectors only makes it wierd. If you draw it, you can usually do the trig easily without much equations.

06-09-2010, 12:14 AM
Honestly, if you have to draw everything out to understand what you are doing, maybe you need to study more. RUBEN!!!.. lol

06-09-2010, 12:26 AM
Honestly, if you have to draw everything out to understand what you are doing, maybe you need to study more. RUBEN!!!.. lol

A bunch of memorized equations will leave you stranded.

by FAR my best tool in solving problems is the ability to turn a bunch of meaningless data into useful information and I do it quickly.

If you can visualize what you need, you will find it faster.
I finish every math and physics test probably 20 minutes before anybody else and I always finish at or near the top.

Lol. Can someone teach me everything there is about Protein Synthesis by Thursday?

That plenty of time. Grab your text book, draw the pictures and write out whats going on. Then do it without your book.

The important thing is to think about what needs to happen. initiation, elongation and termination.

1) you need instructions that a ribosome can translate, so mRNA molecules are transcribed.
*remember control mechanisms good models of these are lac and trp operons.

2) mRNA meets up with ribosome subunits

3) tRNA (learn basic structure) brings amino acids, magic happens and the amino acid chain is put together (A,P and E sites etc.)

4) stop codon, the whole elongation complex blows up.

5) there's your primary structure, more magic happens and you have a potentially functional protein.

06-09-2010, 12:29 AM
I'm not denying that. I'm just making shots at my friend.

When it comes to determining the mass moment of inertia or determining the instant center of a machine, I draw things out too. But to strictly rely on drawings without any backbone... no bueno.

06-09-2010, 12:34 AM
Honestly, if you have to draw everything out to understand what you are doing, maybe you need to study more. RUBEN!!!.. lol

Skank lol Man I dumped all that ijk crap in dynamics, drew all my forces and crap out, made it 100x easier. Easier than sluts.

06-09-2010, 12:36 AM
wow thank you both for your thorough answers! the graph and xpertsnowcarver's explanation made it pretty easy to understand. thread=success!

06-09-2010, 03:11 AM
Ok I have a few specific questions.

So why does the t-rna form an L-form tertiary structure? I couldn't find it in the book, but it seems to be trying to say that the L-form is its natural form. Is that what it is saying?

what the hell does the variable arm do? my book just says its basically varies in sizes. I guess this one is kinda just out of curiosity.

where is the 16s backbone and what does the 16S rRNA backbone do? The book just kinda popped this structure out on me and I have no idea. Im guessing its either on the 50s subunit or the 30s subunit.

What exactly is mutant complementation and how does it work? I never really understood this.

Thanks. My bio book is hard as fuck to read.

06-09-2010, 08:44 AM
I like this thread! I shall be using it when fall semester starts. :)

06-09-2010, 12:13 PM
good thread idea, i'll be sure to keep this in mind next term

06-09-2010, 12:32 PM
what the hell are you guys all majoring in? i never learned any of this shit back in school lol...even in college i never learned any of this crap you guys are talking about.

06-09-2010, 12:44 PM
Ok I have a few specific questions.

What exactly is mutant complementation and how does it work? I never really understood this.

Thanks. My bio book is hard as fuck to read.

First off, this is all a lot more in depth about building protein than I had to learn for my class, but this has been some fun researching.

I would imagine the L-shape has to do with recognition, since they all need to bind to the ribosome in the same region in order to attach the proper amino acid. Like a lot of things in nature, when one thing works, she sticks with it.

"The variable arm
The variable arm has between 3 and 21 nucleotides, depending on which amino acid the tRNA encodes. This tRNA's variable arm is very short so it looks quite different from the other arms of the molecule. In some cases, the length of the variable arm is important in the recognition of the aminoacyl tRNA synthetase for the tRNA."

I found this website, has a lot of cool pictures and easy to read text.

16S ribosomal RNA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16S_ribosomal_RNA)

It seems like it would be between the two, forming like a bridge,holding the two large subunits together.

Mutant complementation is new to me, it sounds like it has to do with how having one copy of a defective gene (the mutant) can still function with one normal functional gene.

or here http://www.molecular-plant-biotechnology.info/isolation-sequencing-and-synthesis-of-genes/mutant-complementation.htm it sounds like a way to "fix" mutated DNA sequences? using synthetic DNA similar enough to the host that it is "accepted" into the genome. I'm honestly guessing here.

06-09-2010, 01:05 PM
what the hell are you guys all majoring in? i never learned any of this shit back in school lol...even in college i never learned any of this crap you guys are talking about.

Vectors are more from engineering a bit from physics, the RNA crap sounds like biology.

06-09-2010, 09:48 PM
I just finished my associates degree in biology, transferring and I'll be getting my BS in biology, specifically Ecology, behavior and evolution.

My background in physics is 2 semesters of general physics.

I could have gotten away with 2 semesters of calculus, but I took 3 because it was more interesting to me than statistics. I'm sure the stats will come back for me pretty soon.

I'm also really confident in my general chem, and I did well in the first half of organic. I didn't need any organic for my major, but I have a feeling its also going to be back to get me.

06-09-2010, 11:32 PM
Thanks icecreamdan.

But the first link didn't work. It crashed opera and internet explorer wouldn't open it.

I think I am fucked for this test, I still need to go over elongation and termination. I think I am retaking it. :(

06-10-2010, 12:33 AM
Why were you at the go-kart track today, you should of been doing your homework.....lol

good luck on the HW

06-10-2010, 01:00 AM
Its 3 a.m and I'm stuck on a stupid paper about a novel about some crazy sadomasochistic woman, and as soon as I turn this in I have to start on another paper.

Sooo does anyone know any good sources(not the 1st google result duh) about the History of Film Making in Vienna? or Film in Vienna in general or something? or is zilvia full of only engineering and science students

06-10-2010, 01:10 AM
or is zilvia full of only engineering and science students

Hardley, I think only about 10-15% is engineering/science.

11-30-2010, 12:21 PM
should have brought this thread back up sooner since it is the beginning of the school year still, but here we go.

11-30-2010, 02:55 PM
kinda late now finals are next week

11-30-2010, 10:06 PM
hey hey.. never too late to get help

11-30-2010, 10:23 PM
Anyone know a shit ton about viruses?

11-30-2010, 10:45 PM
^ just in general?

.. I believe that mostly the majors here on zilvia are health majors? as far as im concerned. Mine is health sciences

11-30-2010, 10:59 PM
Kinda generic, but indepthish too.

Im still on RNA viruses, I got postivie RNA viruses pretty good (single ORF: piconarvirus, flavivirus, and multiple ORF: coronavirus, togavirus. Negative I semi understand. and lol the rest I didn't go over yet.

I dont understand IRES and IRIS. But for negative RNA viruses, my lectures slides doesn't really go over how they are converted into mRNA. In the lectures slide - virus brings in RNA-dependent transcriptase gene invirion. I don't even understand what that means. Is it translated by the host cells RNA polymerase?

11-30-2010, 11:10 PM
lol. my bad. I think how negative sense RNA virus works is that they apparently carry a positive sense RNA that codes for RNA dependent RNA polymerase. but then I dont understand, is the RNA polymerase able to translate the negative sense RNA into positive RNA? also, this seems kind of weird to carry both positive RNA and negative RNA....

12-01-2010, 01:58 AM
I have a final essay i have to write for my upper div writing class and i have to interview 12 people!! if you live in SOCAL and have time to answer some questions for my interview, i would greatly appreciate it. thank you!

You can post it on the thread or PM me.
Name, Age, Location
1) What do you think caused the economic crisis?
2) How would you describe your feelings about the economic mess?
3) Have you been affected by the crisis?
4) If so, how?
5) Have you seen things change here at UCI as a consequence of the troubles?
6) Do you know others affected? Explain, please.
7) What’s your opinion of the measures President Obama and Congress have taken to address the economic situation?
8) Is there something more you would like to see done?
9) Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the country’s economic future?
10) How about your own economic future?

12-01-2010, 02:57 AM

1) Mostly the idiots who took loans they couldn't afford, and then the other part due to corporate greed of big over powering banks.

2) It was a disaster, hopefully it never happens again but who knows. Although some benefited from it, and I'd like to think I got my fair share out of it. When the market was crippled, I took advantage of it cause there really it was a once in a lifetime chance.

3) Yes

4) Lost 2 jobs because of the stupid economy going into shambles.

5) I don't attend UCI, but my tuition at Cal Poly has gone up because politicians would rather put money into jails than education.

6) Not really, most of my friends were slackers and didn't have jobs to begin with so they just rode it out.

7) I don't think anyone could have done a better job at approaching the situation. There really is no master plan that would have solved all of this in 1 year or even close. To see that the markets and consumer confidence has risen in the past few months is awsome.

8) More money and funding towards engineering programs. Without this, more jobs are just going to get shipped over, and less work will be available in general

9) Optimistic

10) Would rather not answer this

there you go


12-02-2010, 12:41 PM
Wow, no clue on any of the engineering stuff, but if anyone needs help on business/accounting stuff specifically hit me up.

12-02-2010, 12:52 PM
You can post it on the thread or PM me.
Name, Age, Location
1) What do you think caused the economic crisis?
2) How would you describe your feelings about the economic mess?
3) Have you been affected by the crisis?
4) If so, how?
5) Have you seen things change here at UCI as a consequence of the troubles?
6) Do you know others affected? Explain, please.
7) What’s your opinion of the measures President Obama and Congress have taken to address the economic situation?
8) Is there something more you would like to see done?
9) Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the country’s economic future?
10) How about your own economic future?

Jeremy, 20, Hacienda Heights/ Irvine

1. Government failure.
2. Economic crisis is lame. I am worried about if I will be able to get a job in the future. I am angry at the government for their inability to balance their money.
3. Who hasn't?
4. Increase in tuition. Science Library is not mother fucking open 24/7 even on week 10. Jobs. Increase in prices. Almost everything in everyday life.
5. Libraries are not open late anymore. I have to go study at jack in the box now late at night. I see the lame protests people try to do on campus. Tuition increasing.
6. Everyone is affected.
7. Stupid and illogical. Borrowing more money? Increasing Spending? LOL. GG America.
8. I want to see America balance its budget.
9. Pessimistic.
10. I will find out soon enough.


12-14-2010, 04:00 AM
Man is the most powerful animal on this earth today he is so powerful that he can destroy this planet 10 times over. And he is the weakest being in the nature’s creation as well in terms of survival. Yet he dominates this planet with one tool – intelligence. This tool has been carried from individual to individual from generation to generation in the form of education.

The meaning of this word has gone through and is going through numerous mutations according to the need of mankind. Right from the Stone Age when learning to find better food, make better tools and kill better was education through the Industrialization Era when learning to make new machines, device new inventions and finding new and profitable markets to this Neo Liberalism Era when learning to communicate better and lead better, the one goal of education has been to move towards better comfort zones of living.

This digital era has opened up a whole new dimension of possibilities with no bounds to our learning ability. Till the 19th century the memory or the ability to gain access to information determined the intelligence. Now we have access to information as never before and memory has taken a back bench position to creativity. In implication if you have the right creativity then your achievements can become infinite. This has been made possible through computers, the pinnacle of technology.

With the vast storage and momentary retrieval abilities, computers have flattened the platform of access to information, removing the differences in the memory capacity of individuals. The invention of digital computing and recording tools had raised the human intelligence to the next level. With the assistance of artificial intelligence the views on education changed drastically.

Right from the question whether students can use digital calculators in exams to the reliability of online tests, there is only one real concern in the background “Is the artificial intelligence dominating the human creativity?” The classical education focused more on memory than creativity while as mentioned earlier the digitized education is focused on creativity, so technically this renders the above concern meaningless. The reforms in digital education have a single aim of enhancing human ability immaterial of personal shortcomings.

The success of a teacher in assisting a student rests in kindling his or her learning interest thereby increasing their knowledge. Digitized education tools are visual based so this increases the knowledge curiosity and widens the scope of knowledge. Our futuristic views on education are well defined. The need to enhance our lives and increase our well being is now totally dependent on the education methods that we use. The world is being digitized in all fonts. This implies that education will be digitized as well. This new wave of change will take us one step ahead.


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04-10-2012, 06:37 PM
How many grams of water must be added to 80.0g of NaCl to prepare a solution that is 1.3475m NaCl? (molar mass NaCl= 58.44g/mol)

My answer is 1.015 but I think its wrong. Anyone..?

04-10-2012, 06:54 PM
Just a heads up, check out khanacademy.com it is a free online education service with videos on LOADS of topics. They have lots of math physics chemistry engineering videos on problem solving

04-10-2012, 09:22 PM
Bump, any ideas?

04-10-2012, 09:56 PM
How many grams of water must be added to 80.0g of NaCl to prepare a solution that is 1.3475m NaCl? (molar mass NaCl= 58.44g/mol)

My answer is 1.015 but I think its wrong. Anyone..?

You are right but that is in liters. So it is 1.015(1000)=1015g. Assuming 1mL=1g for water (this is what I use in the lab all the time)

04-10-2012, 10:05 PM
There you go, thats where I was a bit confused. Thank you sir!

04-10-2012, 10:08 PM
No prob!:trogdor: