View Full Version : mayweather ducks again

06-06-2010, 11:17 AM
Mayweather’s New Scheme To Duck Pacquiao | BoxingInsider.com (http://www.boxinginsider.com/headlines/mayweathers-new-scheme-to-duck-pacquiao/)

With heavy pressure mounting on the shoulders of Money Mayweather to get in the ring with Manny Pacquiao in 2010, the biggest duck in the history of the sport has concocted a deception to avoid the brutal knockout loss. Money Mayweather said in a new video interview this week that he’s going to “take a couple years off from boxing” rather than box Pacquiao for an expected $30-40 million dollar payday (which could double to 60-80 when you count in the rematch clause).
Rather than take care of his “hit list” of opponents which he wanted his team “to line ‘em up” for million dollar paydays this year – the pathological liar Mayweather has done yet another about face and decided it’s a much smarter business decision to avoid the brutal knockout loss he obviously knows he will suffer at the fists of Manny Pacquiao. “Our main focus right now is the Floyd Mayweather Foundation. I’m taking a couple years off. Devoting my time to my boxing gym and doing things that are very, very positive.”
Mayweather, of course, mentioned nothing about his previous plans to clean up the sport of boxing or any kind of timetable for a Pacquaio fight.
Readers of BoxingInsider.com should not be surprised at this latest act of cowardice of Mayweather as it fulfills the prophetic words of George Peterson who informed us last November that the Pacquiao-Mayweather fight “isn’t gonna happen. Some fights aren’t mean to be made.”
The big questions are how will HBO and the egos of it’s decision makers react to being used and hustled by this mini hustler? What position will HBO take against their invested family member who will cost the company probably in excess of a $100,000,000 payoff? Will HBO continue to support and promote this fraud of all frauds when he decides it’s safe to box again, likely next year, a few weeks or months after Pacquiao eventually retires in frustration?
What lessons will be learned by the powers that be at HBO – for they have created this Frankenstein monster – the absolute worst case scenario of a protected, spoiled and manufactured boxer who for too many years was given everything he wanted – until it now has backfired into a catastrophic (approximate) $100,000,000 embarrassment on the entire sport.
How many years will the sport have to wait to build up another huge money fight of the magnitude of Pacquiao vs. Mayweather which obviously will never happen? Five years? Ten years? Twenty years? Is it possible that boxing will never be able to stage an event as big as Pacquiao vs. Mayweather – and this act of cowardice by Mayweather is a disastrous turning point in the history of the sport as we know it?
Will HBO take any action against Al Haymon for being partly responsible for this Mayweather disaster?
Will HBO allow Larry Merchant to tell it like it is, or will HBO continue to spoil the coddled, protected, manufactured fraud it created?
Is this one of the absolutely lowest moments and most damaging failures in the history of the sport of boxing?
Should sports fans still have confidence in the powers that be of boxing to make the best fights happen after seeing Mayweather and Haye shamefully duck Pacquiao and Klitschko in 2010?
Has the time come for boxing to begin to phase out of the public consciousness, just like harness racing, pro wrestling, pro bodybuilding have declined to the point of irrelevance?

i love how mayweather use his defense but this shit is too much.

06-06-2010, 11:38 AM
another reason why boxing is a dying sport

06-06-2010, 11:42 AM
Wow for a while I was all for mayweather but now with all this bullshit he just showing that he is a little bitch

06-06-2010, 01:30 PM
yea. tell me about it its really dissappointing

06-06-2010, 01:58 PM
what a bitch

06-06-2010, 03:44 PM
another reason why boxing is a dying sport

Preeeecisely. You beat me to it. There probably won't EVER be another opportunity for an event of this caliber because all new up and coming fighters are going MMA...

06-06-2010, 03:50 PM
I couldn't give a shit other than the fact that each new development results in yet another stupid thread in OT.

06-06-2010, 04:01 PM
Just prohibit sports threads in OT then.

06-06-2010, 04:34 PM
The pac man is done fighting too , he's a congressman of his town in the Phillippines, and there is already talks that he'd rather persue politics anyway.

06-06-2010, 04:46 PM
Pacquiao is not done with boxing.

06-06-2010, 04:47 PM
Just prohibit sports threads in OT then.

It's not a matter of prohibition but rather that of consolidation.

Is every little development in this particular athlete drama truly relevant to the entirety of Zilvia? I'd be fine with a 'Mayweather V Pacman' thread where all of this can continually be updated, or another such thread like 'Tour De France' where shit like mechanical doping stuff can be discussed. I'm not singling out this stuff in general - I'd do it with any other topic as well.

Furthermore, there's no need to cop an attitude. I was venting and giving a clue as to my wishes. I'd MUCH prefer to NOT have to be a moderator/administrator in this matter.

06-06-2010, 05:07 PM
Wasn't there a Mayweather/Pacquiao thread anyways?

EDIT: I found this thread


Maybe the title should be changed to something else?

06-06-2010, 05:29 PM
wow I knew it

06-06-2010, 07:14 PM
I told you guys. Like I said, I bet you guys 50$ he's probably gonna fight Margarito next

06-06-2010, 07:20 PM
The pac man is done fighting too , he's a congressman of his town in the Phillippines, and there is already talks that he'd rather persue politics anyway.

well when he has no one to fight, he mite as well

06-06-2010, 07:27 PM
Like i said, Mayweather has been a bitch since this whole thing started. Shit hasn't changed. I'm over it.

06-06-2010, 07:43 PM
Mayweather, what a contradiction
such a talented athlete and just as big a punk
not as big boxing fan as used to be but man, I just want to see his ass beat

06-06-2010, 09:21 PM
Where's Omikron?

06-06-2010, 09:29 PM
Where's Omikron?
Sucking Mayweather off. Fuck him.

06-06-2010, 09:47 PM
lol hahaha i was waiting for the mayweather thugs to chime in.

well where is your mayweather now? he acts like a damn chihuahua,

bark then run.

sucks that this fight is not gonna happen. i would pay for the match to see his ass get brutally knocked out.

06-06-2010, 09:58 PM
i dont see strider too.

06-06-2010, 09:59 PM
Sucking Mayweather off. Fuck him.

Yeah he's usually the first to post in a Pacquiao thread. LOL!

chucky norris
06-06-2010, 10:00 PM
if mayweather was a true boxer he would fight pacman but i guess not
lil bioch lol

06-06-2010, 10:19 PM
I couldn't give a shit other than the fact that each new development results in yet another stupid thread in OT.

I love how the article is obviously written by a pac man follower.


rubbish, and Mayweather is known for taking long periods of time off between his fights. He's helping kids go through school and stay off drugs, he's feeding the homeless, what the fuck are all of you doing with your money fame and fortune???

06-06-2010, 10:26 PM
Haha...Pacquaio aint doing shit other than building schools down south and housing projects for the poor...

Who gives a fuck, stop acting like a fucking Prima Donna and fight the damn man already. I think Mayweather owes Pacman that much for calling him out and slandering his name without proof.

06-06-2010, 10:28 PM
actually pacman doesnt fight for money. he gets paid because he gets the job done without ducking an opponent.

he does the same thing as what mayweather does except running away from a fight.

pacman has been sending foods for the poor in pi. the real reason he run for politics in philippines is to help the whole town.

i dont think the op intentionally put the title like. what else he would named it?

06-07-2010, 12:49 AM
It's not a matter of prohibition but rather that of consolidation.

Is every little development in this particular athlete drama truly relevant to the entirety of Zilvia? I'd be fine with a 'Mayweather V Pacman' thread where all of this can continually be updated, or another such thread like 'Tour De France' where shit like mechanical doping stuff can be discussed. I'm not singling out this stuff in general - I'd do it with any other topic as well.

Furthermore, there's no need to cop an attitude. I was venting and giving a clue as to my wishes. I'd MUCH prefer to NOT have to be a moderator/administrator in this matter.

Maybe there should just be an 'Official Boxing Thread' for the sake of consolidation, as you say.
There's really no need for the endless boxing threads popping up all the time,
esp considering half of them are Mayweather/Pacquaio soap drama rants.
(i can appreciate boxing as a sport, but this shits terribly annoying imo)

06-07-2010, 04:21 AM
I'm not a Mayweather fan but he's not THAT much of the exaggerated bitch that guys lay him down to be. The whole boxing organization has had bad history back in the day with some boxers and he's some what siding with those some. He's not a bitch about that but he's still a bitch as a REAL BOXER.

06-07-2010, 05:57 AM
Mayweather, what a contradiction
such a talented athlete and just as big a punk
not as big boxing fan as used to be but man, I just want to see his ass beat

This is PERFECT! This was exactly what I was going to post up. The man is in the best shape of his life, his boxing style has allowed him not to be punished physically from other boxers...yet he keeps making up excuses?!?

Common already, this would be the biggest PPV EVER!!!

06-07-2010, 10:55 AM
I love how the article is obviously written by a pac man follower.


rubbish, and Mayweather is known for taking long periods of time off between his fights. He's helping kids go through school and stay off drugs, he's feeding the homeless, what the fuck are all of you doing with your money fame and fortune???

whatever you say bro. you keep sucking mayweathers cock and yet he turns his back away from his loyal fans. and now you be coming up with MAYWEATHER IS KNOWN TAKING FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME OFF, thats another fucking lame excuse. when he was off he could have done taking care of the gym he talks about yet he was dancing on the floor for dancing with the stars.

i just love how you question manny's hard earn wealth and fame.

bottom line is he just dont want to fight pac at all. simple as dat or maybe he will fight pacquaio after he turns 35 LOL

cool story bro.


06-07-2010, 11:02 AM
Pac ducked Mayweather, not the other way around. All Pac had to do was agree to a drug test, that Mayweather also agreed to take, and the fight would have been on. Umm... Mosely agreed to it, why not Pac? Must be hiding something...

06-07-2010, 11:18 AM
All these Mayweather haters will not give it a rest! Once he beats Pacquiao, then you guys will bring up more excuses about Mayweather being a bit larger..blah blah blah. Everyone talked about how Mayweather was going to lose to Mosely, because Mosely was to big and too strong for him. Once he beat Mosely, then it was Mosely is too old, slow, and is washed up.

You guys will think of more excuses when he beats Pac, then pull another fighter out the box that Mayweather hasn't fought.

He has nothing to prove. He is currently the best.

- They said he wouldn't beat Oscar. To small, no reach, not enough power. When he did, all you heard was bs excuses to why he won.

- They said he wouldn't beat Hatton. Ricky hits too hard for him, and moves a lot. When he did, all you heard was bs excuses to why he won.

- They said he wouldn't beat Mosely. He's to large, too strong, and just as fast. When he did, all you heard was bs excuses to why he won.

- He tried to give Manny and chance. All he asked for was a simple drug test that both he and Mosely agreed to. He heard rumors and wanted a fair fight. Obviously, Manny is hiding something. Manny was gonna get paid, what, $20 mil or close to it...and still refused a simple test. Sounds fishy to me. Hell, I'll get in the ring right now with Mayweather for $20 mil, no questions asked.

Point is, no matter who he beats, critics will always find an excuse or reason to why he won. People are going to hate him. He's a smart mouth, cocky, rich, asshole and every hater wants to see him fall. He's allowed to take whatever time off he chooses, for however long he wants. It's his life.

06-07-2010, 12:35 PM

holy shit which mountain have you been staying? here

i pasted it for you

Pac Agrees To 14-Day – Floyd Is Cornered Again (http://www.boxinginsider.com/headlines/pac-agrees-to-14-day-floyd-is-cornered-again/)

Manny Pacquiao has agreed to random blood tests up to 14 days before a potential fight with Floyd Mayweather – the crucial compromise the undefeated American demanded but did not get this past February, which effectively canceled the “Super Bowl of Boxing” clash of titans from taking place on March 13. Many boxing insiders are convinced Mayweather demanded the extra testing above and beyond what is required according to the Nevada State Commission, as a scheme designed to cancel the highly risky though lucrative duel with Pacquiao because he secretly fears being brutally beaten up and knocked out by the Filippino marvel.
Pacquiao has made the compromise in an interview he gave to the Manila Bulletin late Wednesday evening in Makata. “As long as they’re not getting a large amount of blood I am willing to give out blood as close to two weeks before the fight,” Pacquiao told the Manila Bulletin.
Now Mayweather has the terms he claimed he wanted earlier this year. The money figures guaranteed for both combatants are going to be colossal…so this fight should be arranged with ease, right?
If Mayweather truly wants the fight and believes in his heart of hearts he can win, yes.
But still there remains great doubt. The ominous quote made on December 2, 2009 by a well-connected insider who has ties to the Mayweather camp still rings in my ears: “The fight is going to happen. Some fights aren’t meant to be made.”
We’ll wait and watch to see if Floyd steps up to the plate. Or if he shows himself to be what many suspect – a fraud masquerading himself to be the best, but who only handpicks slow, old or faded opponents he knows he can beat.
Not so fast.

Pac Agrees To 14-Day – Floyd Is Cornered Again | BoxingInsider.com (http://www.boxinginsider.com/headlines/pac-agrees-to-14-day-floyd-is-cornered-again/)

yes he is allowed to take his time off. why now though? i guess taking a break off from boxing is his last resort not to fight pacquaio. like i said mayweather will come back and fight anyone above 35 yrs old.

06-07-2010, 12:39 PM
Yeh, I saw that already. Pac made him wait, so why can't he make Pac wait?

06-07-2010, 12:51 PM
dont wait on anything anymore, cuz this fight aint gonna happen.

06-07-2010, 01:03 PM
how did pac duck if mayweather wanted him to take the olympic style drug testing in the first place?

that's right mayweather sr. said "he's taking steriods"

Mayweather Sr Accuses Pacquiao of Using Steroids: Says Won't Beat Floyd Mayweather Jr. Anyway (http://pro-boxing.suite101.com/article.cfm/mayweather_sr_accuses_pacquiao_of_using_steroids)

that's how everything elevated from there. funny thing about that is his father said it and we all know mayweather jr. is good at dodging his opponents in the ring and outside with excuses. it must run through the family.

overall we won't see this fight happening anymore.