View Full Version : HELP!!!! I turned into a ricer!!!

07-16-2003, 08:33 AM
I... I .... have un UNPAINTED front bumper on my car!!! primer white on a black car! someone stop me!! I feel the urge to get lighted washer nozzles.. auto zone is calling me.. mmm lighted exhaust tips....

07-16-2003, 08:38 AM
new bumper?
i bet its a R33 style one

07-16-2003, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by dousan36
new bumper?
i bet its a R33 style one

haha same one (but it was R33 style anyway) just finally getting repainted. his girls car was hit and run late last night so he didnt get to spray the bumper after sanding it down so its primered white. ah well that means we get to work on it somemore tonight. sand it down again fix ALL the chips and nicks. I want a better finish around the IC piping (something else he was fixing) prep and paint it tonight. trying to get my rear spoiler done too. he didnt sand the whole thing so where it wraps into the wheel well is still black. still miss that lower lip sometimes. I may have to steal your paint code man. he said he was tempted to spray it pink just to F with me

07-16-2003, 10:04 AM
What do you mean turned into?
Nokka, please.. you were ALWAYS a ricer.

07-16-2003, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
What do you mean turned into?
Nokka, please.. you were ALWAYS a ricer.

oooh dems fighting words! see now I gotta cut ya cut ya fo real!! :axe: Don't mistake a amped up nucca.. for what?
For a stand up nucca.. I won't
If you a stand up nucca.. then what?
Then stand up nucca.. R.. R.. R..

sorry Joe Buddens :)

07-16-2003, 09:34 PM

07-17-2003, 09:05 AM
well Im hoping it got painted last night.... hehe I havent heard from Jason.. I think he's holding my car hostage... lol he was gonna fill it up with 110 octane before bringing it back to me today... he's probably having fun with that. hes running around in my car and Im stuck in HIS MOMS GRANDS AM. good thing Im working or else I'd be bitter :D

Lockers huh?

why'd you have to go and do that mang :confused: hhaha

07-17-2003, 09:21 AM
it was turning into a whorabilly thread, and as much as I love 'em, WeST doesn't. I was just following the rules. :(

07-17-2003, 09:38 AM
I know s'all good. I even had my office mate in on it. she's the one that came up with sorry pathetic losers. ahh well. got the office to myself.. going to find some pron. I need a cheap external CD burner. time to clean this HD off... :D

Bill Roberts
07-17-2003, 08:43 PM

Not you!

It is a poison...serious one...It attacks...First the cool sticker, then the unpainted part to say...ya, I drift muthah...then the aluminum spoiler......next will be the winky lights, the big wink mirror and then the altezzas...

The horror...the horror

Gots to go cold turkey...or wild turkey, either way..

I am still thinking of that Zilivia.net sticker...I would like one actually that says "got rice?" Fried Rice.


07-18-2003, 02:39 AM
"nokka" lol

I thought me and my nukkas where the only one that said that, but we spell it with a "u" hehe.

hey the joe budden CD is pretty tyte if you haven't got it. =)

sorry i know i'm completely off topic, but hey...

07-18-2003, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by Bill Roberts

Not you!

It is a poison...serious one...It attacks...First the cool sticker, then the unpainted part to say...ya, I drift muthah...then the aluminum spoiler......next will be the winky lights, the big wink mirror and then the altezzas...

The horror...the horror

Gots to go cold turkey...or wild turkey, either way..

I am still thinking of that Zilivia.net sticker...I would like one actually that says "got rice?" Fried Rice.


I'm better now.. it got painted wed. night back to black.. now the only problems are its TOO shiny rest of the car looks like *** compared to it and the paint didnt cure correctly got some imperfections so Sat. it'll get stripped sanded and redone. :bash: ahh well. next year maybe full paint job. mmm wild turkey.. havent had that in a minute... good stuff :)

"nokka" lol

I thought me and my nukkas where the only one that said that, but we spell it with a "u" hehe.

hey the joe budden CD is pretty tyte if you haven't got it. =)

sorry i know i'm completely off topic, but hey...

hehe I actually just copy and pasted the lyrics that time I would spell it eith a U as well. my voab changes with the compny im with lol my ex made fun of me for it alot.

Had Joey's CD like two weeks before it hit stores :) still bought it when it came out to make sure he got paid but i STILL havent stopped listening to it. find his freestyles, Phlip got me a bunch on disk that are BLAZIN! freakin great CD it and the Killer Mike are my two favs for the year.

if you ever do that agian I'll kill joo dead fo!! the nerve of you cats sending threats to a villain I'll leave you fu<ked up like sex on the ceiling

07-18-2003, 09:36 AM
USPS Rocks!!!! my SAFC is here and options videos!!! wohooo Thanks Dousan! hehe off to apex'i to DL instructions. guess I get to do some wiring this weekend. :bowdown: to Aaron for hookin a brovah up! :bow:

07-18-2003, 09:43 AM
np glad you got it TODAY!!!!! that's good
the one w/ writing is for phil
the one w/o has gals' vid on it somewhere..
both are EP so about 6? or so hours of drifting and general mayhem.


07-18-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by dousan36
np glad you got it TODAY!!!!! that's good
the one w/ writing is for phil
the one w/o has gals' vid on it somewhere..
both are EP so about 6? or so hours of drifting and general mayhem.


haha cool I was gonna ask about that lol... hmmm I may have to lock myself in the server room this afternoon :) gotta tv/vcr combo in there and do some uhhh systems tests... yeah thats it :)

I was shocked it got here today myself I wasnt expecting it till next week sometime. they only update their tracking at night so I was gonna track it this morning and the post man walked in with it and I was huh? lol

07-18-2003, 09:55 AM
the gals is somewheer in the middle
some of the vid quality came out bad, but that's EP mode. :(
anyways gals is off original copy ;) so enjoy hehe..

mm drifting vids....

07-18-2003, 09:58 AM
hehe I will... now I just gotta make it through the day... I can kidnap my dates TV before we go out for awhile hehe :) good thing I finished watching Destroy last night!