View Full Version : Just did something really nice

Bill Roberts
07-15-2003, 07:05 PM
I did a rolling start in second gear from 5MPH to (shift to 3rd, no speed shifting, just a nice let off and shift) and did the 5MPH to 80MPH in 8.5 seconds with my KA-E

I can do a quarter in 14.8...but I am going to find a way to do a 13.7 with it....I am learning the finer points of Love thy engine and make it happen.

I got an MP3 file of the audio, I recorded if anyone wants me to email it to them..I certainly will.

Just either PM me or email me at [email protected]

I also have a trip to the bank and back with narration...not bad...I did a minor 3 point burn, (hardly hitting it..just touque, and a drift slide.

My first attempt of recording the audio of the car was bad due to wind noise. I did this with windows up.. The car rocks.

BTW, I got a run coming up with another 240SX that has the SR20DET and I feel I can out drive him and possibly get him.

I am bored and stroked to 2.5LTR and it is tuned to over 200HP at the rear wheels now. I got power to above 7K finally...drops off around 6400...but the enertia of running to 7 is good.

This file was shifting at 6600

It rocks good

It is all cool.

07-15-2003, 07:25 PM
wow, quarter in 14.8! that's pretty good. i take it you're n/a, right? if you could send the mp3 my way, it'd be great :) just a question. how much money did you spend to get it to 200 rwhp? hehe

07-15-2003, 07:25 PM
w00t, :o

Bill Roberts
07-15-2003, 07:37 PM
Well 019, PM your email address. the 5 to 80 in 8.5 is killer.


the reason I did this...I caught a vette (97) off guard and smoked his "A" double "S" for 4 lights, we pulled over and I wondered why I had a ratio that could get him. We ran again, even to 75MPH..

I shift at 40/59/94 on the track..I need to rethink my touque curve, I feel confident if I experiment, I can get a 13.5 out of it.

He floored his automatic.

The first 20 feet is my problem.

I can get 60 feet in 1.7 or so...much better than an SR or RB.

Got to let some air out of the back tires though...to about 17LBS.

07-15-2003, 07:53 PM
:eek: thats very impressive

Bill Roberts
07-15-2003, 10:04 PM
hummmm...no one has emailed to hear it....well, you can and I will....

07-15-2003, 10:45 PM
Hey Bill, I saw this in my Jegs catalog while in the sh1tter.
Drag Sounds (http://www.jegs.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=2220&prmenbr=361)


Bill Roberts
07-16-2003, 05:58 PM
To the 4 folks that emailed me, you got mail!

The 5 MPH to 60 was 3.3 seconds 6500 Shift point from 2 to 3.

The shift (slow on purpose) was 0.4 sec

The 60 to 80 MPH took 4 seconds.

If I could actually have 1st to 10 mph and them match second and do a speed shift to 3rd and run it to 95..I believe I can break the 14 second mark. Got to do more experimenting.

As you guys can hear, this was purely traction and torque. It was close to 6K maybe a shade more, was watching the road actually when I hit 80.

This was level ground and no apperent wind.

The problem is the 3rd to 4th shiftout happens very close to the quarter mile if I go up to 7300. I may try to get in 4th at 6000 but just the shift alone, even a speedshift shows the acceleration point..putting it at 14.8

Notice how long it takes above 80...and the zero to 5MPH is another major problem, even if you ease into it..you will roast a clutch in second, or have some lag time in the launch and the shifts combined.

This is about max performace I could get without speed shifting.

I also have a file where I race it to 7500. I also do a takeoff in first, gentle and then the tires light up for a while due to torque. That one is cool. I will put it in your mails also.

Bill Roberts
07-16-2003, 08:41 PM
019, I tried to send something else, your mailbox was full...

Hate it when that happens..

07-16-2003, 11:03 PM
sounds good to me..nice engine sound

Bill Roberts
07-16-2003, 11:05 PM
To the folks asking for the files, I got to Wait until tomorrow to post more, my broadband email server does maintenance on Wed from 12AM EST to 8AM EST. I will be at work, files not there at all.

I will post them to you tomorrow night , 7-17-03 1800EST (6PM) so hang in there..those that have it , share it if you will.

Thnaks PARADOX, It isa clean smooth powerful thing eh?

07-17-2003, 11:28 AM
These are really good files. Shows you that with a little work you can build something really nice outta the KAe. If any of you need the files while Bill is at work and cannot access them, just e-mail me and I'll try and get them off to you.
[email protected]