View Full Version : Boosting morale in Iraq

S14_drift junkE
06-01-2010, 09:24 PM
This was at a squadron morale day. One of the many events was synchronized swimming. My Team (Cookies N' Cream) went first then the rest of the teams forfitted. Spread the word to as many people as possible. my commander is convinced we can get this more popular than the lady gaga done by the army...
YouTube - Airmen Synchronized Swimming in Iraq (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoUEPDi32-A)

06-01-2010, 09:35 PM
Moral: is a message conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be left to the hearer, reader or viewer to determine for themselves, or may be explicitly encapsulated in a maxim.

Morale: also known as esprit de corps when discussing the morale of a group, is an intangible term used for the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others.

Being schooled in grammar and spelling by a "dumb jar head", PRICELESS. :p

S14_drift junkE
06-01-2010, 10:10 PM
Moral: is a message conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be left to the hearer, reader or viewer to determine for themselves, or may be explicitly encapsulated in a maxim.

Morale: also known as esprit de corps when discussing the morale of a group, is an intangible term used for the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others.

Being schooled in grammar and spelling by a "dumb jar head", PRICELESS. :p

lol yea yea my bad i had a small typo. thanks for the correction jar head.

06-09-2010, 01:06 AM
That is great lol But the Army guys definitely have you beat....