View Full Version : Hello from Afghanistan

06-01-2010, 01:05 AM
I dont know if you guys remember me but a few years back i posted i wanted to join the military, well i did, US army as an MP, now im in Afghanistan and im just stopping by to say hi to everyone especially to Thatguy cause him and i had our differences and now i understand why ahahaha, but wish me luck ill still be on here from my laptop searching for another car, but if you must know ive already been blown up 4 times and shot at countless, but im doing good, peace ouut

ADMIN EDIT: If you're in the sandbox and plan on posting here, remember OPSEC.

06-01-2010, 01:11 AM
watch out for those damn camel spiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-01-2010, 01:12 AM
...ive already been blown up 4 times...
Are you like, Iron Man or something? I don't think that's normal to survive even two, at most lol.

Hey, good luck out there though. I've had my cousin and my neighbor shipped out to Afghanistan I think too like a month or so ago (both in Marines though). Can't really give much advice because you're trained to know what to do. Handle business and :rl:

06-01-2010, 01:14 AM
LOL i know bra, i put a rag over cause i was like,"wtf!!!" and it crawled away with it but then i smashed it, fuckers are hard to kill

06-01-2010, 01:16 AM
Are you like, Iron Man or something? I don't think that's normal to survive even two, at most lol.

Hey, good luck out there though. I've had my cousin and my neighbor shipped out to Afghanistan I think too like a month or so ago (both in Marines though). Can't really give much advice because you're trained to know what to do. Handle business and :rl:

naah MRAPs and some were terrible mortar shots lol and afghan Taliban are different from Iraq.......even more retarded but i wont let that get me complacent and Iron man aint got shit on my 50. cal

06-01-2010, 01:38 AM

Slammed Assassin
06-01-2010, 02:00 AM
hey make a "ghost ride the whip" video!!

06-01-2010, 03:08 AM
hey take some pics of some places out there and post them up.

06-01-2010, 04:26 AM
hey make a "ghost ride the whip" video!!

LOL ghost ride the Mrap......and as for pics i have taken pics but i cant post them up yet....seeing how these guys are good hunters and navigators any little thing in the background and they can spot us...but ill post some on my 2 weeks off

06-01-2010, 12:42 PM
What unit are you with ? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? How long have you been here ?

As for getting blown up... if you have been hit 4 times or so, you guys might want to think about changing your ttp's or lead driver....

I have been here since july 09 and am about to go home(knock on wood). This is my second time here and it still blows...

I have been lucky enough to no be blown up "this deployment" or really shot at, minus an rpg... lol

allthough not all of my friends have been so lucky:naw:

06-01-2010, 12:47 PM
hey take some pics of some places out there and post them up.

I have a ton of stuff to post when I get to a place that has internet & bandwidth.

I have seen alot of cool shit this deployment though(a $500 toyota corolla with te37 & advan sa3, a 00' camero v6, mitsu fto, a few hummer h3's, 15 plus people on a 3 wheel 250cc trike, ect....)

06-01-2010, 12:58 PM
im just stopping by to say hi to everyone especially to Thatguy

Keep your head down, and your spirits up! Good luck to you!

06-01-2010, 07:08 PM
Good luck and stay safe!

06-01-2010, 07:24 PM
yea good luck

06-01-2010, 07:29 PM
Thank you........... :)

06-01-2010, 07:57 PM

06-01-2010, 09:12 PM
What unit are you with ? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?? How long have you been here ?

As for getting blown up... if you have been hit 4 times or so, you guys might want to think about changing your ttp's or lead driver....

I have been here since july 09 and am about to go home(knock on wood). This is my second time here and it still blows...

I have been lucky enough to no be blown up "this deployment" or really shot at, minus an rpg... lol

allthough not all of my friends have been so lucky:naw:

yeah hearts and minds lol 14342312th Civil Retard Patrol we just changed our undies and go back and fourth now and im in the Monkeybones province

06-01-2010, 09:15 PM
Keep your head down, and your spirits up! Good luck to you!

thanks bro....

06-01-2010, 11:21 PM
Good luck to you, and be safe

nismo 240sx
06-01-2010, 11:32 PM
good luck bro..and be smart!..come back in one piece

06-01-2010, 11:33 PM
Good luck and stay safe. Thanks for protecting our county...:rawk:

06-02-2010, 06:13 AM
thanks guys appreciate all the feed back

06-02-2010, 06:27 AM
dude you should totally slam that MRAP.

Maybe vinyl rap it.

Stay safe though man. Keep your head on a swivel.

06-02-2010, 08:10 AM
dude you should totally slam that MRAP.

Maybe vinyl rap it.

Stay safe though man. Keep your head on a swivel.

ill keep my crow system on a swivel ahahahaha:coold:

06-02-2010, 10:15 AM
ill keep my crow system on a swivel ahahahaha:coold:

c.r.o.w = fail

pop the hatch and get a feel for the butterflies.

And I have been up there quite a bit this deployment. What fob are you at ?

06-02-2010, 11:54 AM
c.r.o.w = fail

pop the hatch and get a feel for the butterflies.

And I have been up there quite a bit this deployment. What fob are you at ?

been there butterflies are too much collateral, 240 b is what im rolling through the city with....im tired of being oout there i feel like i deserve the crow....damn kids have good arms when they throw rocks ahahaha you know what i mean and im at #####

06-02-2010, 12:13 PM
Yeah the little bastards do have good aim. One convoy I was on earlier this year. A kid deadlined a hemtt wreacker by hitting the fuel/water seperator on the side of the truck by the spare tire. Its a 8''x8'' target from 100ft.

Do you mean Mordor?

I am in Hobbiton myself. I was in Mordor last deployment though. I was almost killed there on the fob more times than out on the road. "Rocket City"

06-02-2010, 12:21 PM
Thanks for serving for our country man, be safe!

06-02-2010, 12:30 PM
Be safe and tell the government to get you some real weapns! But seriously thanks for protecting us!!!

Kill dem bunnies out there LOL!!!


06-02-2010, 01:30 PM
Yeah stay safe man. My brother is there right now. He comes home in 4 weeks!!! Can't wait.

06-02-2010, 01:56 PM
Yeah the little bastards do have good aim. One convoy I was on earlier this year. A kid deadlined a hemtt wreacker by hitting the fuel/water seperator on the side of the truck by the spare tire. Its a 8''x8'' target from 100ft.

Do you mean Mordor?

I am in Biggleton myself. I was in Mordor last deployment though. I was almost killed there on the fob more times than out on the road. "Rocket City"

ahahah on our #### this kid hit the freakin camera in between the weapons and broke the window.......yeah Hobbiton...we got mortered pretty good but fortuanatly it hit their mosque lol

06-02-2010, 09:56 PM
thanks for everything you do for us. i really appreciate it.

06-02-2010, 11:26 PM
I remember reading up on your shipping out.

Follow what ThatGuy says man and you'll be okay.

I think within the year I may be in USAF. I want to try to be a TACP (tactical air control party apprentice). I want to do SERE training, but having allergies prohibit you from doing such a thing. Fail.

Funny thing about my allergies though. I airsoft and I either play at Desert Fox /Victorville or at a local private field in OC with a bunch of plants, trees, shrubs and etc. My allergies don't bug me while I'm playing. Usually the next day or two it will hit me. Probably because I'm not doing anything.

Come back home safe and in one peace and alive! :D

06-02-2010, 11:37 PM
God you guys must be some kinda stupid or senseless...
please don't discuss units, fobs, fob names, attacks or any of the such on PUBLIC forums...

didn't you guys get opsec briefs when you came out here????

06-03-2010, 12:02 AM
It's not like they are discussing what they are strong against, weak against or where they are going to attack/patrol.

06-03-2010, 12:05 AM

Seriously, it's not that hard.

I went thru and changed shit to LOTR names on some things in the interest of OPSEC. I doubt Osama bin Lurkin' has any eyes on silly internet car forums, but just the same it's better to be safe than have our friends get hurt because we're sloppy.

06-03-2010, 09:36 AM
yeah i get ya opsec...anyways ill end it here ill probably be on here looking for a car and i might buy one of yours on my 2 weeks leave...i guess mods can lock this.....i appreciate everyones responses including the opsecs lol thanks for keeping me inline

06-03-2010, 11:29 AM
Thank you and keep it on a swivel.

06-04-2010, 06:30 AM
Good luck buddy. stay safe and quoting super troopers " spread it on"
Ive been thinking of enlisting in the Army also but Ill after a year if Im happy with my work and living situation. If not Im perpared for a drastic change, been thinking about it for the 4-5 yrs