View Full Version : Army Officers stationed in Japan?

05-29-2010, 01:58 PM
Know its a super long shot here, but just wanted to give it a chance

Im in ROTC right now with a year left and Im about to go to LDAC this summer on June 24th(omg times a comin!) and I should get E's on most of my ratings. I should also max the PT score. But my GPA is only a 3.0 :(

Before I was really wanting a combat branch, more specifically armor so the CPT is sending me to Ft. Knox with an armor unit for CTLT immediately after LDAC. I still want to go to this to give me some insight to what being in a unit is like but I would much rather be overseas in Japan and doing something with engineering/communications/ordnance that I can really use in the future when I get out.

But if there arent any on here could someone help me get some info from their ranking officers because the only ones I have access to are the ones that have been stationed locally and mainly combat. Or info from anywhere else is good also. The more the better

Im basically trying to see what my chances are of getting stationed there

any help is appreciated thx

05-29-2010, 11:57 PM
Stupid thread.

Let me hold your hand, future leader of troops.

Google "Army bases in Japan"

Results will be Camp Zama and Torii Station, and maybe a couple of others.

Google those results.

Now you can figure out which commands are where.

OK so you have a list of commands?

Now you can figure out which ones have JOBS that you might want for a post-military career.

Crazy, right?

Also, have fun in Korea.

05-30-2010, 12:06 AM
OK brah, if u actually read the thread and not just the title you can see it plainly says

Im basically trying to see what my chances are of getting stationed there

and not asking what bases/jobs there are. I already know that there are three army bases. Ive googled this shit all day and havent found any info of what im looking for

Im asking if anyone basically has information on the likelyhood of me getting the job there when I do my MOS/station wishlist. So thank you for your irrelevant post


05-30-2010, 12:10 AM
well from what i was told by my recruiter, they go down your wishlist and if they have an opening for your MOS then they'll take you...if not, next on the list, goes on until they find a place that needs you

05-30-2010, 12:14 AM
yeah thx for a reply that actually belongs here.

I also already know that, but more specifically Im trying to figure out if its somewhere thats very sought after and how some of the officers there now performed when they were in my position. Just trying to get an idea

Drift N Dragg
05-30-2010, 12:34 AM
Wow if you are the Future Leadership of the Army .. I am sorry to say, Things are not looking good " Brah! " ..

So Glad I got out when i did ..

Grow Up . Seriously .

The information given to you by the Admin was informational and showing you the way to search and ask for people CURRENTLY stationed there. Since Most Military websites have a listing of personnel to email about living conditions, Orders, etc ..

Your blatant disregard for this, shows that your ability to take a situation and find the information and facts you need, are so low that a you will be issued a Military Coloring Book, Crayons ( Only Colors of OD Green - Brown - black), and Bubble Gum ..

Next time look into the answer before just jump your ass off a Bridge. ..

Next time you want an Answer Follow these simple Steps ..

1: Remove Head From Ass
2: Clean Shit From Ears
3 Scrub Shit From Face
4: Brush Shit from Teeth
5: Gargle Shit from Mouth
6: Comb Shit From Hair
7: Listen Up and prepare for an answer that will not be handed to you . For the Search of Google is your friend ..
8: Unlazy yourself and take initiative and write someone there from a .mil website..

Have a Good Day!

05-30-2010, 12:37 AM
OK brah, if u actually read the thread and not just the title you can see it plainly says

and not asking what bases/jobs there are. I already know that there are three army bases. Ive googled this shit all day and havent found any info of what im looking for

Im asking if anyone basically has information on the likelyhood of me getting the job there when I do my MOS/station wishlist. So thank you for your irrelevant post


K dude brah,

Way to miss the point of my post. You're clearly officer material.

Your likelihood of getting a certain job on a certain base is based upon manpower needs (specifically of a smaller subset of military personnel), which is almost completely impossible to measure without inside knowledge of manpower needs, rotation dates and projected incoming manpower.

In other words, it's inscrutable.

My point was (obviously not-so-clearly-stated) at the bottom of the post.

You are far more likely to end up in Korea than Japan, regardless of your job.

well from what i was told by my recruiter, they go down your wishlist and if they have an opening for your MOS then they'll take you...if not, next on the list, goes on until they find a place that needs you

Mostly true, but anyone that takes the words of their recruiter at face value is looking to buy some oceanfront property in Kansas.

For me in the USMC, both times I requested duty stations, I received the LAST option I chose.

But they gave me one of the ones I chose, at least.

Just trying to get an idea

Good luck with that.

Final note - I fear for the future of US soldiers being led by people who sign correspondence 'kthxbye'.

05-30-2010, 12:40 AM
why dont you just go to any of the base websites, since you said you already know about them, and get their contact info.. ie: base commander, support center. call them up and they can give you a straight up update.. i can just tell you,.."yeah, they got a lot of openings, you gonna get first dips on them trust me" are you going to trust me??? i wouldnt lol.(i've been in the military 8 years, i learned not to trust many..). you get what im saying tho? so go straight to the source. maybe this helps

05-30-2010, 12:44 AM
drift n dragg..lol you are the shit..haha. no matter what i wont ever work with him but, yeah, zeitgeist, start preparing to NOT hear the answers you want, and spevially to take shit from many haha..

05-30-2010, 12:54 AM
well since we're on a similar topic and no one on the military thread has answered me yet...can your recruiter guarantee you a station upon enlisting? buddy said," make them give you the location you want and get it on paper"...recruiter says," i cant promise you anything"

i scored a 81 on the ASVAB if that makes a difference

05-30-2010, 01:04 AM
the recruiter doesnt give a damn. and he can guarantee NOTHING. his job, to out it in easy words, is to be a salesman, if he got you in, that means, he just made a sale.. he got no saying on where you are going to end up once you are in. you might end up in afghan/iraq/zimbabwe who knows. once you are in, you become "expendable" you are worth $400,000. does this help? or answer your Q?

Drift N Dragg
05-30-2010, 01:13 AM
You are a Number, to say the least ... Its a bad way to look at it, But it's true ..

The information and experience you gain is from Self Gained Knowledge ..

i.e, schooling yourself outside of military tech school, making the most out of each base instead of complaining, giving yourself enough merit to help your career setting, learning about new enlisted or officer instead of just bashing away ...

think of the military as the old saying " We give you the tools, its up to you to create something "

The recruiter is more along the lines of the annoying fly in your ear that won't leave you alone till you get the swatter.. you threaten the fly with death if you have to get up but nooooo, you still have to pause your DVR, get off the couch, get the Fly swatter, kill the bastard, and Then you can watch the movie again... But Ooooo whats this .... Another Flipping FLY!!

Just FYI.. Recruiters Lie out there Fly!

05-30-2010, 01:15 AM
ehh, kinda...i understand that im another "sale" or "number" and that he has no say once im in, but does he have a say before im in? i know im suppose to get everything on paper cuz verbal promises dont mean shit

but can i get on paper:

this is what you'll do

this is where you'll go

this is your pay

this is how many years

sign here__________

EDIT: oh and my recruiter hasnt called me back in almost 3weeks now

Drift N Dragg
05-30-2010, 01:22 AM
You Assignment it based off the NEED of the Military .. that is ALSO in your contract you are signing ... Just FYI ..

Read everything.. But Eff it man.. Join have a good time out there.. Many Sites, Not just Japan...

I have been to 5 Different countries.. had a Blast in each one ..

Its Life experience you can't get in many places or Jobs..

05-30-2010, 01:39 AM
yeah im looking forward to it..hopefully i can get my degree at the end of this year:s101:

now im looking into helicopter engineering, what do you guys think?

05-30-2010, 03:27 AM
So I clearly see you two fell out of your mothers with all the knowledge about the army.

There are certain standards in each branch. Aviation = high standards, Chemical = alot lower
But whatever, I got a straight answer so im done

05-30-2010, 04:04 AM
well since we're on a similar topic and no one on the military thread has answered me yet...can your recruiter guarantee you a station upon enlisting? buddy said," make them give you the location you want and get it on paper"...recruiter says," i cant promise you anything"

i scored a 81 on the ASVAB if that makes a difference

Shit they spoke truth!

The only thing that is guaranteed is what is written on your enlistment contract. Your recruiter can tell you anything he wants (within reason) to get you to sign it.

If you can find a way to establish your first duty station on your contract, go for it (although I've never heard of it being done). Best I've ever heard is someone getting the job they asked for.

the recruiter doesnt give a damn. and he can guarantee NOTHING. his job, to out it in easy words, is to be a salesman, if he got you in, that means, he just made a sale..


ehh, kinda...i understand that im another "sale" or "number" and that he has no say once im in, but does he have a say before im in? i know im suppose to get everything on paper cuz verbal promises dont mean shit

but can i get on paper:

this is what you'll do

this is where you'll go

this is your pay

this is how many years

sign here__________

EDIT: oh and my recruiter hasnt called me back in almost 3weeks now

If you can truly get your first duty assignment in writing, go for it. I have a feeling he's blowing smoke, though.

Your recruiter hasn't called you back because you're on the hook and reeled in. Hell you're already in the live well, he just needs to take you & get you processed and packaged and put on the store shelves (am I taking this analogy too far?).

Anyway he's less concerned about losing you than he is about finding someone else to convince to join.

Send him a text saying 'I think I might wanna do college' and he'll be blowing up your phone in no-time flat.

Just know that once you've signed the contract at MEPS, his involvement in your future is over and done with.

Make sure you're clear that you want what you want and you won't sign the contract until you get it in writing.

yeah im looking forward to it..hopefully i can get my degree at the end of this year:s101:

now im looking into helicopter engineering, what do you guys think?

Officer route is the ideal route, if only for the different odor of bullshit.
I recommend to all of the younger people who are interested in the military to DO COLLEGE FIRST.

So I clearly see you two fell out of your mothers with all the knowledge about the army.

There are certain standards in each branch. Aviation = high standards, Chemical = alot lower
But whatever, I got a straight answer so im done

Oh look, a mature response, exactly what I was expecting from a future officer.

Oh wait, that's idiotic sarcasm and immaturity. Fits the bill, though.

Honestly, I don't see what the military will do for you. Will it make you feel better about yourself? You looking forward to bossing people around for 4-6 years and then getting out with your college bills paid and nothing of value added to the service?

That's the vibe I'm getting from you.

You're unwise, unappreciative, slow-witted and immature. People like you give career military officers a bad name.

Hell, people like you give the military itself a bad name.

Don't take my word for it, though.

It's not like I've spent 10 years of my life in/around the military, and I certainly don't have any knowledge about what really goes on. I mean, I have no doubt that a 20-21 year old who is 1 year away from his bachelor's degree and has never served in the military has FAR more vast and wide-ranging experience when it comes to the realities about life in the military.

Forgive me for ever doubting your clear superiority.

You want my best advice for you?
It's easy to follow and I'll make sure it's not confusing.

1. Don't be an asshole. Commission doesn't = asshole license.
2. Respect everyone. Strangers, friends, superiors and especially subordinates. The day you treat someone like shit because you think you're special is the day when you can be sure that you're worth less than them.
3. Cover your own ass. Nobody else will.
4. Pick a job that suits your skills, and do well in it.
5. Volunteer for extra training/difficult tasks. It'll suck for a little while, but you'll be glad you did.
6. Get every fucking medical problem you experience while on active duty documented.
7. Don't concern yourself with petty shit like 'will I end up in Japan?'.

3. - Big one here, you need to be able to look out for yourself, or you WILL get screwed in some fashion or another.
4. - Better to spend time in a job that suits you but doesn't translate to civilian life than be miserable for the rest of your life in a job that does.
7. - Seriously. Bust your ass and do well in all of your assignments, and eventually you'll get what you want. It may even take a job change, but it can happen. If it's about getting parts from Japan, you're better off saving money and taking a trip to fill a container.

05-30-2010, 04:42 AM
to the previous post by MRmephisto.... you got all the points that need to be taken inboard. i see zeitgeist just like any other brat. comes in, gets a tattoo of their MOS/Rate/insignias whatever the case may be, suffer through their first enlistment, regret getting that Tatt and get out or get kicked out.

If you are planning to come in as an Officer ZEITGEIST, then i suggest you start working on what Qs to ask, how to ask, and what to expect of what you ask.
hope for the best, expect the worst.
im not going to say you asked a dumb question, you just cant take criticism....GOOD LOCK "BRAH"!. take care of yourself and your troops(im feeling sorry for whoever that might be)
but then again, all you can do is prove us(those who gave you a feedback whether pos. or neg) wrong..

05-30-2010, 04:45 AM
Officer route is the ideal route, if only for the different odor of bullshit.
I recommend to all of the younger people who are interested in the military to DO COLLEGE FIRST.
That's the vibe I'm getting from you.

You're unwise, unappreciative, slow-witted and immature. People like you give career military officers a bad name.

Hell, people like you give the military itself a bad name.

7. - Seriously. Bust your ass and do well in all of your assignments, and eventually you'll get what you want. It may even take a job change, but it can happen. If it's about getting parts from Japan, you're better off saving money and taking a trip to fill a container.

all this is 100% accurate..lol no more to add

05-30-2010, 05:34 AM
Best chance at getting to Japan is Navy or Air Force, even Marines have a better shot than Army I think. I've seen some Army Officers around that are with the 1-1 ADA here on Kadena AB, but not too many.

05-30-2010, 12:16 PM
Thx for the response superbike

You know nothing about me mrM. I asked a simple question here and you are the one that started off coming in here disrespectful. Everyone Ive ever met Ive given them the utmost respect except to people like you that feel the great need to constantly look down on people and tell them that they are stupid for some reason

Im not an asshole, I bust my ass harder than you will even know, Im not going this way for the money nor to boss people around or what you may think, and I really dont care.
From what I see and the majority of your posts in this forum, you are one of the people that come off as an asshole all the time always having the greatest answer. Yea you may know alot more than me but but you act like a prick

Never in this thread have I acted like Im superior to anyone. I came specifically in this thread to ask people that have been in the military for some help. I can take criticism perfectly fine. I take it all the time to try and make myself better. But your kind of criticism is petty. And as you can see the other people in here that had a decent attitude I showed gratitude for any info they offered

Sorry if my question wasnt up to your standard of how things should be asked

05-31-2010, 12:11 AM
It's ok, I don't mind being the 'bad guy'.

I'm disrespectful of people who can't show initiative, and then spit on people that try to help - sue me.

I hope you're not the person I have you made out in my head to be, but even if you are, it's not like it'll ever personally matter to me.

Good luck, and again - have fun in Korea.

Also, for clarity's sake (in regards to your comment that I was acting like a prick), I wasn't acting.


05-31-2010, 12:36 AM
1. Don't be an asshole. Commission doesn't = asshole license.
2. Respect everyone. Strangers, friends, superiors and especially subordinates. The day you treat someone like shit because you think you're special is the day when you can be sure that you're worth less than them.
3. Cover your own ass. Nobody else will.
4. Pick a job that suits your skills, and do well in it.
5. Volunteer for extra training/difficult tasks. It'll suck for a little while, but you'll be glad you did.
6. Get every fucking medical problem you experience while on active duty documented.
7. Don't concern yourself with petty shit like 'will I end up in Japan?'.

3. - Big one here, you need to be able to look out for yourself, or you WILL get screwed in some fashion or another.
4. - Better to spend time in a job that suits you but doesn't translate to civilian life than be miserable for the rest of your life in a job that does.
7. - Seriously. Bust your ass and do well in all of your assignments, and eventually you'll get what you want. It may even take a job change, but it can happen. If it's about getting parts from Japan, you're better off saving money and taking a trip to fill a container.

This is incredible advice. I remember talking to people before I joined the Navy, and when I would go on and on about the things I was worried about (first duty stations, boot camp, A-school, and 'guaranteed jobs' after I got out) they would just kind of laugh and change the subject... I never knew why.

The shit you're worried about now will mean so little to you once you're a year in. Enjoy the ride.

05-31-2010, 10:11 AM
needs of the army. they can and will put you wherever, whenever and for who knows how long. and you cant do a thing about it. enjoy.

05-31-2010, 08:35 PM
Alright lets end this on a good note.

I wasnt trying to get my sole info from here just trying to get info from as many sources as possible. So Im sorry I came off wrong
And thanks to everyone for all the info, even you Mr.M

06-08-2010, 05:01 PM
Which AROTC Batallion are you from? I opted ROTC out since I plan to graduate a year early than expected so I'm going OCS. Maybe, slim chance, I'll see you at BOLC or something.

06-18-2010, 05:48 PM
Im at TX State Univ.
Never know, its a small world

06-21-2010, 12:59 AM
Enlisted FTW!!!!!!

06-21-2010, 01:14 AM
cool story

07-24-2010, 08:20 AM
This was a fun thread to read...

Juan, you nailed me perfectly...but I didn't get the tat lol

My situation
Got my job....no
Got my pay....no
Got my location....no
Got my contract term....no

Denied clearance so I couldn't go spook, didn't give me my E2 for the homework in DEP, I wanted a Boat (Navy, how hard is it to get a carrier?!?!) supposed to do 4yrs in boot they upped it to 5 but got booted under medical seperation at 3.5

Even tho I got nothing I wanted I kinda miss it and would almost go back in if I could.

07-24-2010, 02:54 PM
can anyone get me a ka24e wire harness for 1990 240sx in need of one badly n cant find one at all

07-25-2010, 04:32 PM
can anyone get me a ka24e wire harness for 1990 240sx in need of one badly n cant find one at all

SrsLy?!?! Are you dumb or just retarded?!?!

07-25-2010, 06:40 PM
SrsLy?!?! Are you dumb or just retarded?!?!

07-25-2010, 07:55 PM
Also, have fun in Afghanistan.

Fixed it for you.

07-25-2010, 08:07 PM
ehh, kinda...i understand that im another "sale" or "number" and that he has no say once im in, but does he have a say before im in? i know im suppose to get everything on paper cuz verbal promises dont mean shit

but can i get on paper:

this is what you'll do

this is where you'll go

this is your pay

this is how many years

sign here__________

EDIT: oh and my recruiter hasnt called me back in almost 3weeks now

Then he/she is obviously not hurting for quota. You get assigned recruiting duty, not everyone likes it or is good at it. Some love it, and what to do it forever, but others just grit their teeth, try their best and hope they can maintain a good review so they can get cycled to another job/posting.

As a friend described Recruiting Duty "it's like signing up to be a professional race car driver... only to be stuck at filling in as a used car salesman"

07-25-2010, 11:51 PM
EDIT: oh and my recruiter hasnt called me back in almost 3weeks now

Recruiting is one of the easiest jobs right now....tough economy...more people trying to join....Army Recruiting quotas are met in the first quarter of the fiscal year.

I know the National Guard is restricted to one new soldier per month because we are over strengthed. They are offering early outs and or making any waivers from the past obsolete.

zeitgeist.... I still am shocked you came to a Car website for advice..... You need to establish an AKO account and seek advice there....not here...

You post to much info on our wonderful World Wide Web.....

For your security and ours dont share anymore info on unsecured websites....

If you have anymore questions PM me and I will assist you....

mrmephistopheles Semper Fi Devil dog...


10-05-2010, 01:12 PM
Enlisted FTW!!!!!!

Agreed, this is depressing. You know how pissed I would be if this guy cam in as my new squadron commander...........right

10-06-2010, 06:29 PM
wow a soon to be boot LT asking a dumb question.... im not suprised

10-06-2010, 09:01 PM
this thread is classic... got me cracking with all the replies. Brings back memories when i first joined in. HOORRRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

10-10-2010, 11:53 PM
We were all boots at one point. I believe this future LT will remain one.

Just my opinion.

I got "FUCK YOU" tattooed on the outer part of my right pinky to show my appreciation to you shiny gents.

10-11-2010, 01:39 AM
We were all boots at one point. I believe this future LT will remain one.

Just my opinion.

I got "FUCK YOU" tattooed on the outer part of my right pinky to show my appreciation to you shiny gents.

Haha, pics! That's some waiver you'd need.

10-13-2010, 12:46 PM
Doing my package to go From Air Force enlisted to Army Officer. O-1E pay is a lot better than E-4 pay.

11-01-2010, 11:46 PM
No military O/E pay is worth the freedom of being a civilian after serving four years with three combat tours back to back to back.

I thank God every day I wake up and before I go to sleep I don't have to go through it anymore, makes me appreciate the people who keep going.

11-02-2010, 04:21 AM
Sir yes sir....haha

Wow if you are the Future Leadership of the Army .. I am sorry to say, Things are not looking good " Brah! " ..

So Glad I got out when i did ..

Grow Up . Seriously .

The information given to you by the Admin was informational and showing you the way to search and ask for people CURRENTLY stationed there. Since Most Military websites have a listing of personnel to email about living conditions, Orders, etc ..

Your blatant disregard for this, shows that your ability to take a situation and find the information and facts you need, are so low that a you will be issued a Military Coloring Book, Crayons ( Only Colors of OD Green - Brown - black), and Bubble Gum ..

Next time look into the answer before just jump your ass off a Bridge. ..

Next time you want an Answer Follow these simple Steps ..

1: Remove Head From Ass
2: Clean Shit From Ears
3 Scrub Shit From Face
4: Brush Shit from Teeth
5: Gargle Shit from Mouth
6: Comb Shit From Hair
7: Listen Up and prepare for an answer that will not be handed to you . For the Search of Google is your friend ..
8: Unlazy yourself and take initiative and write someone there from a .mil website..

Have a Good Day!

11-07-2010, 10:37 AM
well anyways I was given a combat branch. Its cool, im happy with it

davirene like stated before this wasnt the sole place i was looking for info. Just trying to look for info from as many sources as possible. But yeah im still learning and thanks for your input

11-12-2010, 03:37 AM
[email protected] this thread gotta love the butta bar glad im an Enlisted...a person with a degree and could be a commander of an company is asking a car forum about where he could be stationed why not ask your SNCO of your ROTC program

11-12-2010, 03:41 AM
Doing my package to go From Air Force enlisted to Army Officer. O-1E pay is a lot better than E-4 pay.

after O-2 that "e" goes away then back to reg pay

11-12-2010, 11:24 PM
after O-2 that "e" goes away then back to reg pay

Really where did you get that info from???
I have been out of out the Marines for a while but I'm pretty sure you go back to regular pay after O3E.
Here is my proof.


11-29-2010, 05:17 PM
Hey, i'm in ROTC too. I go to Arizona state university and am hoping to branch armor. I'm also going to LDAC this summer. Pretty excited/nervous. Maybe we'll be in the same rotation.

Don't take some of these guys too seriously. As you know we're real people too, not robots.