View Full Version : SOHC manual transmission into dohc, which clutch to use?

05-29-2010, 12:56 AM
I know s13 manual and auto tranny clutches have different part numbers, but which clutch should i use if i have a dohc with a sohc manual on it?
i am assuming the dohc flywheel.

drift freaq
05-29-2010, 01:57 AM
I know s13 manual and auto tranny clutches have different part numbers, but which clutch should i use if i have a dohc with a sohc manual on it?
i am assuming the dohc flywheel.

The clutches are the same( KA24E versus KA24DE) just different part numbers. It really does not matter if its a stock KA. LOL use either one.