View Full Version : dying after defrost is on???

07-14-2003, 09:07 AM
the other night i took my s14 out and used the defrost to clear up my windsheild. well after about 10 mins of driving and sitting in a parking lot for another 10 at idle, the car started to sputter and click like a fuse was blown out. i traced the problem down to defrost. everytime i turn the fan on (it doesnt matter what setting 1-4) the car acts liek its going to die when the defrost is on. and another weird thing that happened after i got home i checked under the hood and my coolant level was on all the way empty, when i had filled it up the same day. i have no clue what's going on, if it is an electrical problem then maybe its the reason my hazards dont work too (if you checked out my other thread). anybody's input is more then welcome, thanks!

Bill Roberts
07-14-2003, 09:40 AM
Defrost automatically kicks on the AC compressor and the idle compensator should adjust just like it does with AC on. If it is not, then the contacts in the defrost control is not triggering the relay.

As for the water, it is hot out and their will be some evaporation...but that you just filled it, you could have had an air bubble in the system (did you bleed your radiator?) and when the bubble "popped" the water took its place.

Look for leaks..if none are found, I would suppose this was the radiator situation.

07-14-2003, 09:51 AM
yeah i flushed the radiator and all that, after i filled it back up after the parking lot incident, i drove around for about 2 days before it went into the bodyshop and never touched the climate control, but the fluid level seemed to be fine before it went in. we'll see in a couple days when she comes out. thanks.