View Full Version : EthanoldSR

05-26-2010, 12:48 AM
EthanoledSR and I had been discussing purchase of several items he had for sale in December. Gt2871r hks mani/actuator earl's lines meagn elbow-greddy mani n15 t/b tomei adptr... (http://zilvia.net/f/sale-items/291710-gt2871r-hks-mani-actuator-earls-lines-meagn-elbow-greddy-mani-n15-t-b-tomei-adptr.html) . Eventually we agreed on a trade of used s15 headlights and $275 for the greddy manifold that included n15 tb and tomei adapter. We were to ship parts at the same time but he stalled in sending his. At the same time I was to go out of town for month and left the task to a family member. When ethanoled received the parts he texted me that one light was not in acceptable condition. I apologized, explained that the task was left to a family member and that I would ship another set as soon as I got back in town. We kept constant communication and in order to not prolong the transaction I pay pal'd $463.95 as a replacement for the lights a couple weeks after I arrived. He assured he would send the parts as soon as possible and would not update with shipping info as requested. I would keep asking for an update only to be given the excuse that he was sorry and was busy but would send parts out soon. Seeing as how I had fault at the beginning I was compassionate to wait. A month later he provides shipping info. 10 days later the manifold was received without the t/b or tomei adapter. What follows next can best be read in the copy of PM's I have were he admits to being wrong, refuses to refund money, refuses alternative options, indicates he has no money, call him out on parts he has sold, and says he doesnt have the parts anymore. I took it to pay pal and only the 2nd transaction could be disputed since the first one was past due the deadline. After attempting through pay pal they informed they could not do anything. Called them and explained situation only to be informed that it would be forwarded to their fraud department. Have not heard anything from them and I was to post this on zilvia earlier but have not had time due to traveling. As I was planing on doing so today I also noticed that he is now selling the tb and tomei adapter he indicated he had sold. http://zilvia.net/f/sale-items/322132-tomei-big-bore-70mm-n15-throttle-body-kit-sr20det.html He has also sold other items of his. I have dealt with members here that have taken time to deliver parts but always come through. I have also dealt with members who I pay for parts and they hold them for periods of time until a family member comes to pick them up. I showed EthanoldSR the same respect and patience I have had with others only to be scammed.

Here are the PM's after the parts did not come in.

05-29-2010, 02:20 PM
Oh well, it appears that I'm going to have to involve these guys Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Home (http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx) . From what I've read they do a pretty good job.

05-29-2010, 05:16 PM
Yeah do something and fast don't be like the others that get scammed and dont do shit about it. To me it seems like a big mess. I do see your point in wanting a refund. He lied about not having the tb and other crap so shows how he wouldn't mind "pulling a fast one".

05-29-2010, 06:07 PM
I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt by providing other options to resolve the issue and he still did not want to cooperate. I was kinda hoping the mods would remove his market place provilages until this was resolved but I guess locking one of my fs threads was more important. I mean it's not like I've been living with my gf for 3yrs and we have a 1yr old.

EDIT: reference for anyone that happens to get scammed. http://forums.nicoclub.com/avoid-scams-and-how-to-fight-back-t43462.html