View Full Version : MA FS: HyperTune 90MM throttlebody with Wiggin Clamps

05-25-2010, 07:58 PM
I have a slightly used 90mm (3.5") HyperTune throttle body. There's a 3.5" wiggin ferrules already welded onto the throttlebody and I will include the other 3.5" ferrule with this purchase so you can weld it onto your piping. Clamps are also included.

I am asking $315 shipped/paypalled.

If you need a weld flange, I can also get that CNC'd for another $25. Or if you have a intake that is already flanged for a Mustang throttlebody, I have a short adapter that will bolt onto that flange.

or shoot me an offer, need this gone.

Picture available upon request.

05-25-2010, 08:05 PM
pics please!

05-25-2010, 10:19 PM

I just snapped these pictures 5 minutes ago. I haven't weld the ferrules to the throttle yet but I will before it get shipped out. I also forgot to mention that the throttlebody's mouth was cut down a little because the weld ferrule would have added another inch or so, which would be pretty long.

I am also up for offers.

05-26-2010, 05:31 AM
damn,i think the wiggins clamps are worth that alone!!!