View Full Version : Reclining problem!

02-28-2002, 11:59 PM
ok- here is the problem..:confused: my passenger seat tends to just fall back if someone is sitting in the car whenever I accelerate and the passenger is sucked into the seat.. it just gives in and leans back.. as far back as the it will go depending on th8e wait of the person.. don't ask how it broke.. all I got to say is females.. lol.. well - one particular one........

anyways.. its stiff enough to sit still by itself... and an interesting thing one of my friends figured out was that when they let the seat 'click' back into a position and they push the handle for the recliner in and down it'll lock more securely.. unless they put alot of pressure into the seat.. then it will give way again.. I dunno what to do-- I can't buy another seat right now.. but I need the seat so when I pick my ladies up(or anybody)- it ain't just falling down when ever I need to hit the gas pedal..

ok- looking for any help or advice on fixing this problem..THANKS!

-stop laughing-- cuz I know some of you are.. laugh and then help.. lol...

03-01-2002, 12:03 AM
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