View Full Version : DD7 Ride...

07-12-2003, 05:02 PM
Well DD7 is fast approaching, and my I will again not be able to drice because my brakes will NOT pass tech the way they are, and I highly doubt I will be able to pay registration and get my brakes done. Anywho if anyone in SoCal would be willing to give me a ride to Irwindale and let me ride in there car with them, it would be greatly appreciated. I will pay for your gas back and forth, and I can even drive to your house and then we can go from there to not make you really go out of your way. I can swap your tires for you and help you with any probelms you may encounter during the day. I have my own helmet so now worries there and I can bring my jack and tools if needed.

My main reason for wanting to do this, is to really get a first hand expereince with the drift day, and so I can prepare myself for when I actually drive. I really want to see what its all about. Ever since I got my car almost a year ago I have been prepping it for the track (both auto-x/grip and drift). If anyone is nice enough and has a spare seat it would be greatly appreciated. :bow:

07-12-2003, 05:20 PM
last i heard, DD7 will be like 6, no passengers whatsoever, unless its with an instructor

07-12-2003, 05:40 PM
yep dd7=no passengers=FONTANA
dd8=irwindale, passengers should be OK

07-13-2003, 12:32 AM
OOOOOOOH! Hmm I didn't even know that. Damn, shows just how little I really do know about the track. I geuss it will all just be first hand at DD8. :eek:

07-13-2003, 05:51 AM
if you fly to hawaii and want to go to DS...ill take you if you do my tires for me :D