View Full Version : Im so happy I finally got my NEW PC!!!!

Got Sileighty?
07-12-2003, 04:14 PM
after a couple months of checking out prices, and saving some $$ i finally got a pc. heres the stats:

Pentium 4, 2.4 GHZ, 533mhz FSB
1 GB (2x512) pc2700 ddrram
Western Digital 80GB HD w/8mb buffer
Gainward GeForce FX5200 w/128mb ram
Soundblaster Audigy2
19in. Proview Flatscreen monitor
Logitech 2.1 speakers

Price: $1288. Not bad, except they really went cheapo on me with the keyboard and mouse. :( o well. I cant complain cuz i just upgraded from a Pentium 200mhz, 32mbram, 2gb hd, 2mb video ram, 15in monitor.

WOOHOO!! now i can play counterstrike!

07-12-2003, 06:04 PM
Another soon dissatisfied pentium 4 consumer :wtc: You should've looked at the amd 2.0 barton's with like a nice soyo mobo. But all in all thats a nice system.

nissan slut
07-12-2003, 06:40 PM
why would he be soon dissastisfied? i don't really know too much about that kind of stuff

07-12-2003, 06:58 PM
It's been proven time and time again that amd's with slower clock speeds can outperform higher clockspeed pentiums.

Got Sileighty?
07-12-2003, 07:31 PM
oh i knew about amd being faster than pentiums. but i wanted to go with the more trusted name. just like cars, its not all about speed. i dont know if theyre all rumors or what not, but for years, ive heard about a few incompatibility issues with amd (i didnt really look anymore into it though). actually i wouldve been happy with a p4 2.0 ghz, but they had a good deal with the 2.4ghz, and the next step up (2.6) wasnt justified by the price.

07-13-2003, 12:03 AM
Pentium all the way. AMD is known for slowing down your dialup as well as DSL connection. Not to mention the AMD has a thing with locking up the computer due to not being able to handle to many things at one time. Doing one thing at a time great idea. But for most people you are doing several things at one time, so in other words my opinion AMD is junk. Just my two cents though

07-13-2003, 03:52 AM
I only trust intel honestly. They have been around for a long time. You wonder why AMD is so cheap. I use them in my other system and it runs fine. But for all my Rendering applications I use my Intel Processor. Have you ever seen when a amd processor fails. It literally burns and cracks. They did a test... in 8 seconds without sufficuent cooling, the cpu is completely fried. WIth intel, It just freezes.

Intel is a company that invests alot of time researching its product. AMD seems to me like a bitter. I am misinformed but this is a conclusion i've came up with since being into the computer scene. Havn't looked at much computer stuff in the last year though. Oh well

07-13-2003, 10:29 AM
If it comes down to the wire, its all about preference really. Intel has high front bus speeds and can overclock well such as mine. Im running a 1.6Aghz chip and I overclocked it to 2.4 for 3 months straight. I can get it as high as 2.65 but itll restart after 2-3 hours of heavy load.

AMDs are proven to out-perform pentiums at stock speeds, but cant OC as well. So good luck with the new computer and dont stay glued to the computer too much.

07-13-2003, 11:43 AM
Higher fsb? I'm pretty sure the barton has just as much fsb as the chip you bought. You all are right, this is a preference based thing, they each accel in their own categories. My comp consists of a 2.0 retail athlon xp, upgraded processor fan for 2.0+ chips, soyo kt400 dragon ultra mobo, 1 gig of 2100 ddr, radeon 9200, and a total of 8 case fans. Yeah, I won't really ever see a problem with overheating I know ;) But I'm sure an insufficiently heated amd built comp would overheat quickly. I've seen that 8 second burnup video like you are explaining, I cried.

I've been using 3ds max for about 1.5 years now. Every system that I've used wasn't enough until I went with amd. This is again, just personal preference.

07-13-2003, 05:50 PM
Damn dude, regardless of what anyone says, you got a new PC! There is obviously a night and day difference from the old to the new. I am glad for you, hope it lasts as long as the old one did. :)

07-13-2003, 09:36 PM
:bash: :bash: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :axe: :wtc:


:cry: :rolleyes:

:mrmeph: :mrmeph: :mrmeph:

Got Sileighty?
07-13-2003, 09:50 PM
:bowdown: :eek: :eek: :bowdown: :eek: :D :wackit: :whip: :rawk: :boink: :boink: DiS oWnZ jOo!

ok as u guys might guess, the pics above arent actually of my pc. btu u guys get the point. ill buy coilovers when im good and ready vadim. now bring ur digicam over so i can take a pic of my pc hehe.

zero counter, i hope this one DOES last as long as my old one. but hopefully i wont be as poor anymore to have to wait this long to upgrade hehe

jsr20det, hahaha good call. i actually spent almost the entire wknd in front of this monitor hehe. me and my pc needed some time to get to know each other ;)

07-13-2003, 10:01 PM
:hahano::hahano::hahano::hahano::hahano: :ghey:


:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:


:Owned: :hug:

Got Sileighty?
07-14-2003, 08:12 PM
oh yea, well now at least i can d/l non-pornographic videos :cool: in the comfort of my own room hehehe. coilovers are overrated anyway :rolleyes: sToCk sUsPEnSiOn pWnZ jOo!

07-14-2003, 08:47 PM
I'll be the first to say it, you should have built your own computer :hammer:

Oh well, some people just aren't up for that. Good job going with the pentium, now your computer won't also double as a space heater :cool:

Got Sileighty?
07-14-2003, 10:33 PM
no thanks. building my own PC wouldve saved me hmmmm absolutely nothing. it probably wouldve cost just about the same, but w/o all the headaches. i didnt have to worry about frying anything on the board, no configuring bios, blah blah, troubleshooting anything taht goes wrong (and for sure there will be problems). with my pc, if something goes wrong, theres always the warranty. i just have to take it back to the store and they fix it, i dont have to deal with each individual faulty part's manufacturer. plus the time involved in building the pc wouldve offset the savings (if any), cuz time = money.

i may build my own pc one day, if i had money to throw away :D

07-14-2003, 11:22 PM
You obviously do have money to throw away, price out your own system with the same specs. But when you build your own system mobo is obviously always better. All-in-all, you paid some 6 year old in malaysia $2-300 more to slap a name and a case on a system built on minimal statistics other than ram/hd/perhaps vid card/processor. gg.

Got Sileighty?
07-15-2003, 01:08 AM
uhhhh i did price the parts out. i think i came up with about $150 more than if i had built it myself. im not too sure about the figure, but it was around there. my cousin wanted me to build it myself, so he told me to go to newegg.com, and pricewatch and a couple other sites. the way i look at it, that $150 is worth it. it basically pays for labor, and 1 year warranty on the whole system. AND no it wasnt built in malaysia, it was built here. i got it a mom-and-pop type of computer shop...yea can u believe that? those places still exist in a world dominated by dell, hp, and compaq. thanks for the reply though, but NO SOUP FOR YOU! NEXT!! :D

07-16-2003, 10:55 PM
whoa that's almost like the computer I built. same processor, speed, motherboard, fsb, pc2700 512mb, two 80GB WD hard drives with 8MB cache, hercules 7.1c sound card, dvd and cdrw. I don't have a flat screen though. i think you got a good deal. i ran into a few small problems but luckily i had another computer to get online help.

07-17-2003, 03:26 AM
I went from a Pentium3 450mhz to a P4 2.53 Ghz and 512 DDR. I love it and im sure you will love your PC too.

The AMD's are the Rotary's of the comp world. :D
I have worked on both platforms and prefer the Intel chipped setup. Makes multitasking seem easier.