View Full Version : ac wires dohc vs sohc?

05-20-2010, 09:26 PM
car is a 1990 sohc auto 240sx hatchback

my issue is this.

my ac fan dont turn on when i press my ac switch.

what i tested so far

fuse is is good with voltage on it,i tested it with vom
tested my relay also and works
ac fan tested as well and it works when i run a fresh direct line from the battery.

im trying to trace the line but im not familiar with sohc wiring unless they are the same as the dohc.

i can easily wire it up with new wire with new relay but i want to use and retain my factory setting to turn the ac fan.

if anyone can helps pls do. i appreciate it.

05-30-2010, 03:35 PM
Do you have a Factory Service Manual?? Have you tried using the SEARCH function here on Zilvia to locate a link to download one?? How's your FREON? You have a sufficient amount to run the compressor?? The FSM is a great help when it comes to troubleshooting AC problems. Sounds like the AC fan is not getting a power signal from the compressor when it activates.

Anyhow, hope this helps...

05-30-2010, 03:53 PM
IF you have insufficient amount of Freon, It prevents the compressor from running. This is so you Do not damage the compressor when it has too low of the freon

Another thing you can check Is via consult port.