View Full Version : marijuana hype

05-16-2010, 12:55 PM
somebody decided to discuss this in OT and it was deleted, so here's an LN thread on it
have you noticed lately that premium cable and R rated movies pretty much can't make it to the theater/broadcast without at least a couple weed references? also i've read more than one article in GQ on the subject in the last several months. what up with that? i know it's been in the news a lot lately, but now it almost feels like we're being force fed pot stories

05-16-2010, 02:10 PM
Weed just isn't cool anymore.

Your parents smoke it.

05-16-2010, 02:13 PM
too mainstream bro.
can't wait for all the recreational cocaine use in movies in the next decade.

05-16-2010, 03:22 PM
prop 215 sb 420 FTW

05-16-2010, 04:40 PM
weed is bad. i think this guy overdosed :bowrofl:


05-16-2010, 06:28 PM
Iz whahai do :fawkd:

05-16-2010, 06:45 PM
weed is bad. i think this guy overdosed :bowrofl:


'And I think we're dead.'


05-16-2010, 09:53 PM
Just found another show called How Weed Won The West. DL it and watch A+ in my book.

05-16-2010, 10:33 PM
Just found another show called How Weed Won The West. DL it and watch A+ in my book.

i found it on youtube.

if anyone is interested, here's a link...
YouTube - How Weed Won The West part 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAe0whJVz6g)

05-16-2010, 10:53 PM
hmm... i noticed people on there myspace... facebook.. anything that involves a profile that you explain your self.... alotta people ive noticed are always talking about how they smoke weed. idk why there so proud.. i think it may be a faze that people are going through. im not against it i just dont see a reason to be proud of it.

05-17-2010, 01:43 AM
Marijuana has become socially acceptable just like casual sex and underage drinking.
Not only is smoking weed now socially accepted, but I think it's almost the new norm.
At my high school, kids nonchalantly talk about smoking marijuana all the time.
Personally, I don't smoke, but I don't think it's a very big deal either.
I don't have a problem against the drug or the use of it,
but I do have a problem with the
mentality that a lot of smokers have. Many smokers that I know think that it is completely "OKAY" to smoke but the bottom line is that it is STILL ILLEGAL. (not trying to generalize, but I'm speaking from personal experience)
smoking weed is like street racing! X) ahah

I actually support the legalization along with the taxation of marijuana.
By legalizing marijuana, not only can the government collect more revenue, but government agencies, such as the FDA, could possibly regulate the quality of the marijuana.
By creating a set of standards for the drug, it can help ensure the safety of the users.
Not to mention the possible reduction of crime due to the drug cartels and illegal sale of marijuana.
The prohibition of marijuana also creates a "forbidden fruit" type of appeal to the drug itself.
It makes it seem "bad" and "rebellious," so people want to do it even more.
...I think I'm starting to stray away from the topic of the thread.. so I guess I'll stop my rant... my bad X) sorry to the op..

05-17-2010, 01:53 AM
Weed isn't cool because s0ap isn't here to talk about the saganistic qualities of it.

05-17-2010, 02:06 AM
i found it on youtube.

if anyone is interested, here's a link...
YouTube - How Weed Won The West part 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAe0whJVz6g)

here's the whole video in one piece:

MEGAVIDEO - I'm watching it (http://megavideo.com/?v=PIZVIJ0J)

05-17-2010, 02:09 AM
weeed.... the missing link between cig's and beer lol

05-17-2010, 02:11 AM
yeah, i miss s0ap :( in a totally gay buttsechs way.

so george mother fucking washington smoked weed.....wtf.

05-17-2010, 03:00 AM
dont really smoke... but I watched How High yesterday and felt like rollin one up... lol I love it when mike epps has his homie powder his hand to commence upon bitch slappin

Touge Noob S13
05-17-2010, 10:19 AM
Some 12 year olds already do it therefore it is uncool.

05-17-2010, 10:31 AM
Comparing weed use to street racing is one of the worst examples i have ever seen.

Street racing. You can die. People with you can die. Random pedestrians can die. You can tie up traffic for hours, You also cost tax money since cops have to come. You can also destroy thousands of dollars....
Yeah weed is just like that. Exactly.

Legalize bitch.

No reason not to.

If the government owned govt farms they could grow it for pennies on the dollar. Imagine if a O was 20$.... Nobody would grow it...It would basicly be tabbaco. People wouldnt spend 100s of dollars on it. The govt could track the % of thc they could also tax the shit out of it and use the taxes to fight other drugs like cocain or meth. Let us pot heads pay for your safety.

Youd be stupid not to.. And does anyone know why weed is illegal? It was the #1 pain killer at one point. You know the big drug companys couldnt be havin none of that SMEAR CAMPAIGN!

05-17-2010, 10:55 AM
Comparing weed use to street racing is one of the worst examples i have ever seen.

Street racing. You can die. People with you can die. Random pedestrians can die. You can tie up traffic for hours, You also cost tax money since cops have to come. You can also destroy thousands of dollars....
Yeah weed is just like that. Exactly.

Legalize bitch.

No reason not to.

If the government owned govt farms they could grow it for pennies on the dollar. Imagine if a O was 20$.... Nobody would grow it...It would basicly be tabbaco. People wouldnt spend 100s of dollars on it. The govt could track the % of thc they could also tax the shit out of it and use the taxes to fight other drugs like cocain or meth. Let us pot heads pay for your safety.

Youd be stupid not to.. And does anyone know why weed is illegal? It was the #1 pain killer at one point. You know the big drug companys couldnt be havin none of that SMEAR CAMPAIGN!

I wasn't really comparing the two actions, I was comparing the mentalities of the people that do them.
They think that there's nothing wrong with what they're doing.
..and it was kind of a joke...

05-17-2010, 12:06 PM
pssh weed is for high schoolers grow up.

05-17-2010, 12:10 PM
Some 12 year olds already do it therefore it is uncool.

i know you're joking. but on a serious note. i feel bad for people who smoke it for the mere reason of trying to be 'cool'.

Drift N Dragg
05-17-2010, 12:13 PM
I still tring to figure out why This Subject keeps popping up.

Honetly, IMO if they pass it and make it legal, Umm ok ... If they Don't, Umm ok ...

It doesn't effect me, I don't smoke or do any type of Illegal Drug .. Matter of Fact, I try not to take anything ..

But I do Agree, this is a High School thing more then anything ...

I guess like anything we do, as we get older what we value or do changes...

05-17-2010, 12:35 PM
legalize of marijuana could bring CA a lot of needed revenue to help our economy. our state brings in more brings in over $14,000,000 in marijuana. (that's the most of all our agricultural commodities.) the tax revenue from that amount alone would be something like 1.4 billion a year. And, let's not forget all the people we pay to keep in jail for marijuana related charges, court cases we pay for and everything else that comes with it being illegal.

quite a big deal IMO

Touge Noob S13
05-17-2010, 12:39 PM
i know you're joking. but on a serious note. i feel bad for people who smoke it for the mere reason of trying to be 'cool'.

Im not joking, a friend of mine caught his 12 year old brother with that stuff. When asked why the stupid tool said because it was "cool".

Drift N Dragg
05-17-2010, 12:46 PM
legalize of marijuana could bring CA a lot of needed revenue to help our economy. our state brings in more brings in over $14,000,000 in marijuana. (that's the most of all our agricultural commodities.) the tax revenue from that amount alone would be something like 1.4 billion a year. And, let's not forget all the people we pay to keep in jail for marijuana related charges, court cases we pay for and everything else that comes with it being illegal.

quite a big deal IMO

You have a Good point with the inmates and having to pay for them ..

But I look at it like this .. It will be one more problem of stupid people abusing it and doing stupid things..

I know People are ALL READY doing this, But legalized, IMO, would create a Huge outbreak of Problems ..

But economic's path, you are correct .. It could bail out CA ..

05-17-2010, 01:16 PM
Comparing weed use to street racing is one of the worst examples i have ever seen.

Street racing. You can die. People with you can die. Random pedestrians can die. You can tie up traffic for hours, You also cost tax money since cops have to come. You can also destroy thousands of dollars....
Yeah weed is just like that. Exactly.

Actually all of those things im sure have happened while someone was high as hell. Pretty sure while high, you could wreck, kill yourself and your passengers, you could def tie up traffic, pedestrians are in harms way, and i do believe that weed is illegal so that means that the cops are going to be looking for it. Finally, How much money have you spent/destroyed on weed?

05-17-2010, 01:18 PM
You have a Good point with the inmates and having to pay for them ..

But I look at it like this .. It will be one more problem of stupid people abusing it and doing stupid things..

I know People are ALL READY doing this, But legalized, IMO, would create a Huge outbreak of Problems ..

But economic's path, you are correct .. It could bail out CA ..

I disagree. Even if it were legalized and everyone went "weed crazy" as you implied, they very nature of the drug prevents it from having the kind of negative backlash on society that we already deal with from alcohol use. The pro's by FAR out weight the possible negative affects of legal weed.

Its only a matter of time, really. Those of you who are hardcore against the legalization either need to get used to the idea, or move. Mark my words, marijuana will be at the very least, nationally decriminalized in the next 7-10 years.

Drift N Dragg
05-17-2010, 01:24 PM
I disagree. Even if it were legalized and everyone went "weed crazy" as you implied, they very nature of the drug prevents it from having the kind of negative backlash on society that we already deal with from alcohol use. The pro's by FAR out weight the possible negative affects of legal weed.

Its only a matter of time, really. Those of you who are hardcore against the legalization either need to get used to the idea, or move. Mark my words, marijuana will be at the very least, nationally decriminalized in the next 7-10 years.

not disputing that fact... but I use to know people that smoked in the car .. There Judgement was VERY impared .. now if its legal, even though there will be restrictions on when it, same as Alcohol, you think that would stop them?

How Many Alcoholics still Drive under the Influence .. I understand that Alcohol is by no means, 100 Times worse, I am just stating the possible recourse .. I could very well be 100% Mistaken..

05-17-2010, 01:25 PM
Actually all of those things im sure have happened while someone was high as hell. Pretty sure while high, you could wreck, kill yourself and your passengers, you could def tie up traffic, pedestrians are in harms way, and i do believe that weed is illegal so that means that the cops are going to be looking for it. Finally, How much money have you spent/destroyed on weed?

So much wrong with this post. Where do i start?

All of those things happening while someone is high- wouldnt that be irrelevant? If someone is street racing, the risk is there regardless of marijuana's influence. If you've ever smoked weed, youd know that MOST people are much less likely to engage in street racing while driving stoned (not that i condone stoned driving, just saying). The fact of the matter is, those are risks associated and caused by the racing, not the weed. If someone happened to be racing stoned and get into an accident, the racing would be the cause, the weed would be a contributing factor. Legal weed by itself doesnt kill people, nor tie up traffic.

How much money have I spent/destroyed on weed?

Lets start with "destroyed." All of that money that i've "destroyed" by buying pot would be going directly back into our economy if it were legal. Our government insists upon keeping it illegal, forcing people who would otherwise not be criminals, into dealing with drug dealers and putting money into a black market. Although these days, 90% of the weed i get is coming from Cali. So thanks guys. :)

not disputing that fact... but I use to know people that smoked in the car .. There Judgement was VERY impared .. now if its legal, even though there will be restrictions on when it, same as Alcohol, you think that would stop them?

How Many Alcoholics still Drive under the Influence .. I understand that Alcohol is by no means, 100 Times worse, I am just stating the possible recourse .. I could very well be 100% Mistaken..

Thats actually one of the main reasons pot is still illegal. If it became legal, it'd have to be illegal while driving. Problem is, we can only test for weed in your system.. theres no way to test of the cannabinoids are active. Theres no "blood weed content" test. And i agree with you that weed while driving is an impairment. But i cannot say it is "VERY" impaired. Maybe for a newbie smoker... I dont get too stoned to drive anymore. At most, smoking pot is a minor impairment for me.

But more on the subject- would those laws restricting stoned driving prevent anyone from doing it? Maybe, maybe not. Thats not a topic to debate when the initial topic is legalizing pot though. Thats a police enforcement issue. Do people follow laws BECAUSE theyre the law? I think people generally do whatever they want- the law says no drunk driving, but it doesnt seem like that stops many people. I dont drive drunk ever. Because I know that I cant drive when I'm drunk. I dont refrain from drunk driving because its illegal.. i dont do it because its STUPID.

The people who want to smoke pot will smoke pot regardless of what the law says. The laws arent stopping anyone now, so why not make it easier on everyone and start makin some fuckin money off it?!

05-17-2010, 01:44 PM
Lets start with "destroyed." All of that money that i've "destroyed" by buying pot would be going directly back into our economy if it were legal. Our government insists upon keeping it illegal, forcing people who would otherwise not be criminals, into dealing with drug dealers and putting money into a black market.

I dont believe the government is FORCING you people into buying drugs from drug dealers

05-17-2010, 01:48 PM
im not sure what so amazing about weed. all it does is make you lazy and antisocial.... "dude lets go do something. nah brah i just want to listen to some music."

05-17-2010, 02:01 PM
im not sure what so amazing about weed. all it does is make you lazy and antisocial.... "dude lets go do something. nah brah i just want to listen to some music."

do some research on sativa vs indica strains. Therein lies your friend's problem.

05-17-2010, 02:18 PM
LOL at this thread, but I come from California.

Whats wrong with weed in movies? Coffee is in movies? Alcohol is in movies? Cocaine is in movies? Cigarettes are in movies? A lot of people smoke weed.

I mean, who smokes weed to be cool? When I first started smoking I smoked from curiosity, and I found it to be a state of mind I enjoy. I drink booze every once in a while, but I definitely enjoy marijuana more.

In California, weed is pretty much already legal. LA County sheriffs don't care at all. Also we have medicinal marijuana, and this November, its on the ballot to become legal in the state of California.

Actually all of those things im sure have happened while someone was high as hell. Pretty sure while high, you could wreck, kill yourself and your passengers, you could def tie up traffic, pedestrians are in harms way, and i do believe that weed is illegal so that means that the cops are going to be looking for it. Finally, How much money have you spent/destroyed on weed?

LOL. You could wreck, kill yourself and your passengers, you could def tie up traffic, pedestrians are in harms way from being a distracted driver, or not paying attention, or even by being a stupid driver.

hmm... i noticed people on there myspace... facebook.. anything that involves a profile that you explain your self.... alotta people ive noticed are always talking about how they smoke weed. idk why there so proud.. i think it may be a faze that people are going through. im not against it i just dont see a reason to be proud of it.

I think its kinda sad to talk about bud on myspace or facebook, but then I think just using a myspace or facebook is kind of sad.

Finally, How much money have you spent/destroyed on weed?

LOL. How much money have you spent/destroyed on your shitty 240? Money is meant to be spent/destroyed son. If you die tomorrow, what is some money gonna do? Im not saying to blow your money, but people buy shit they like so they can enjoy life, something they only have once. Lol, "destroy money", what a stupid concept.

Marijuana has become socially acceptable just like casual sex and underage drinking.
Not only is smoking weed now socially accepted, but I think it's almost the new norm.

It was wrong for weed to not be accepted by society in the first place. But I mean, who cares what is socially accepted by the society in which we live? Why should the thoughts of the majority influence anyone? Following what society excepts displays a person of a sheep-like characteristic, following the herder and not what one wants to do.

05-17-2010, 03:10 PM
im not sure what so amazing about weed. all it does is make you lazy and antisocial.... "dude lets go do something. nah brah i just want to listen to some music."

Whats wrong with relaxing and listening to music?

05-18-2010, 12:02 AM
It doesn't effect me, I don't smoke or do any type of Illegal Drug .. Matter of Fact, I try not to take anything ..

you should take fish oil. great for your heart.

05-18-2010, 12:37 AM
you should take fish oil. great for your heart.

LOL idk if you actually watched How Weed Won The West. But they talk about a pharmaceutical companie that wants to make fish oil illegal along with vitamin C and about every other natural thing that grows or lives in the wild.

05-18-2010, 12:38 AM
LOL idk if you actually watched How Weed Won The West. But they talk about a pharmaceutical companie that wants to make fish oil illegal along with vitamin C and about every other natural thing that grows or lives in the wild.

lol nah i didn't watch it. i seriously take 2400mg's of fish oil daily, thinking about switching to krill oil when i run out

05-18-2010, 08:33 AM
I dont believe the government is FORCING you people into buying drugs from drug dealers

Then you're delusional.

In the 20's when Prohibition of alcohol was going on in the US, where did everyone get their booze from? Not a liquor store, thats for damn sure. They got them at "speak easy" parties. Also known as black market sources of an illegal controlled substance. The same is happening now. If marijuana were legal, we'd buy it legally from dispensaries, or something similar. We'd pay taxes on that weed. By keeping pot illegal, the government is forcing all of those people who want or need marijuana to make their purchases elsewhere. Read: black market. Making it illegal isn't going to make it go away, it merely encourages people to buy it from illegal sources.

Drift N Dragg
05-18-2010, 09:28 AM
you should take fish oil. great for your heart.

I was told to take that and Flax Seed oil .. Something about being good for Heart and Cholesterol ...

05-18-2010, 12:38 PM
i dont use marijuana or any illegal drugs, any more, mostly because its illegal and can result in your car getting impounded among many things.
good song to listen to on the subject of cannibis YouTube - The Streets - Irony of it All (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwDRBm-qbQI)

05-18-2010, 01:22 PM
I was told to take that and Flax Seed oil .. Something about being good for Heart and Cholesterol ...

you should take one or the other, or just skip to krill oil which is apparently much better, although about three times more expensive.
all three provide omega 3 fatty acids
here's a fish oil vs flax seed
Fish Oil Versus Flax Seed Oil - Which Is Better? (http://www.supplementquality.com/efficacy/fishoil_flaxoil.html)

05-26-2010, 03:36 PM
[quote=Drift N Dragg;3449566]I still tring to figure out why This Subject keeps popping up.

Honetly, IMO if they pass it and make it legal, Umm ok ... If they Don't, Umm ok ...

It doesn't effect me, I don't smoke or do any type of Illegal Drug .. Matter of Fact, I try not to take anything ..


it kinda does effect you. if it becomes legal so many people would buy it so therefore the gov' can tax it and make bank. the more the gov' taxes weed the easier it is to pay taxes at the end of the year because there going to be cheaper.

05-29-2010, 12:12 PM
i honestly despise drug dealers, but I love the bud so I am forced to deal with them.
Except for everynow and then there are a couple that you befriend and u dont have to worry about being ripped off. But I rather not have to do that

Weed has been smoked by man since ancient times. Everybody loves the shit, its just greedy fucking corporations and politicians in our times fucking up shit as usual

Legal weed = less crime, less waste by the gov, and more money/weed in peoples pockets. Its a win win

08-16-2010, 02:33 AM
not sure if it's been posted, but "The Union" is a really good documentary on the subject..think I saw the full thing on google video

08-16-2010, 02:35 AM
[quote=Drift N Dragg;3449566]I still tring to figure out why This Subject keeps popping up.

Honetly, IMO if they pass it and make it legal, Umm ok ... If they Don't, Umm ok ...

It doesn't effect me, I don't smoke or do any type of Illegal Drug .. Matter of Fact, I try not to take anything ..


it kinda does effect you. if it becomes legal so many people would buy it so therefore the gov' can tax it and make bank. the more the gov' taxes weed the easier it is to pay taxes at the end of the year because there going to be cheaper.

lol do you pay taxes? They're not gonna lower them because they're making more money

08-16-2010, 03:21 AM
nothings wrong with pot,
if anyone knows 1 (minus lung shit) bad side of it lmk
cause yeah
i smoke and its chill
im not like a pothead....
but i mean its chill..
uhmm what everyones saying about the plus's is true
and dealing with drug dealers is kinda awkward but
sometimes its chill cause you might have that friend who sells and
matches bowls or a whole session aha

08-16-2010, 10:34 AM

Pot is bad mmmkay

08-16-2010, 10:48 AM
If the govt tries to tax it and make it more exspensive its going to bring back street dealers who are selling it cheaper. The clinics IMO have done a perfect job of getting it off the streets. There are still big time dealers but they arent the problem its the other drugs, cocaine, ectasy, herione, etc

08-16-2010, 11:06 AM
nothings wrong with pot
:wan: :fruit: yeh man drugs is cool

08-16-2010, 11:09 AM
i get that its not for every one but to be honest i smoke on a daily basis and have been for about 3 years but for me its more of a grown up thing instead of going to the fridge after work or at night and drinking beer i just smoke a small amount of pot just a bowl pack or 2 nothing crazy chill out max and relax with my friends and my girlfriend i think its 100 times safer than drinking you are wayy less likley to do something crazy when your high plus im not going to be a raging alcoholic either it is what it is and to each his own and i also hang out with straight edge kids its not a cool thing just personal choice ya know

08-27-2010, 03:02 PM
I smoke weed and I see no hype. Its only the youngsters that are all hyped about it. Then again, all the youngsters are starting to do ecstacy/mdma at a very young age. HELL, there was something on the news about kids taking extremely large doses of nutmeg to get high. Some of them were even snorting that shit. I see no problem with cannabis if your smart about it.

Just to add: prop19 isn't what you think it is. Please take your time and read this article
Stoners Against the Prop. 19 Tax Cannabis Initiative (http://votetaxcannabis2010.blogspot.com/)

08-27-2010, 04:47 PM
i smoke and its chill

i smoke on a daily basis

I smoke weed

Zilvia does not condone illegal activities, and posting about performing such activities is not permitted. Anything that is illegal falls under this, from murder to jaywalking. While it is true that some US states may permit the consumption of federally-banned substances for medicinal purposes only, Zilvia is an international forum, and holds itself to the highest standard possible. Note that discussion of topics is not prohibited - you can argue marijuana legalization all day long - just know that there will be repercussions to admitting culpability in regards to something illegal.

08-28-2010, 12:43 AM
Zilvia does not condone illegal activities, and posting about performing such activities is not permitted. Anything that is illegal falls under this, from murder to jaywalking. While it is true that some US states may permit the consumption of federally-banned substances for medicinal purposes only, Zilvia is an international forum, and holds itself to the highest standard possible. Note that discussion of topics is not prohibited - you can argue marijuana legalization all day long - just know that there will be repercussions to admitting culpability in regards to something illegal.

should we also not talk about driving cars until we're 18 or whatever the highest driving age is worldwide?
not looking to get banned for three months, just wondering where the double standard begins.
are gay people allowed to post on Zilvia?

08-28-2010, 12:59 AM
I was thinking more on the fact that marijuana is legal in many countries... didn't know Zilvia was a USA only forum.

I can understand promoting drug abuse is a bad thing but people just chiming in before they discuss that they smoke... I don't really see a problem.

08-28-2010, 01:33 AM
I can understand promoting drug abuse is a bad thing but people just chiming in before they discuss that they smoke... I don't really see a problem.

it's giving full disclosure if anything.

08-28-2010, 02:16 AM
should we also not talk about driving cars until we're 18 or whatever the highest driving age is worldwide?
not looking to get banned for three months, just wondering where the double standard begins.
are gay people allowed to post on Zilvia?

Tread lightly.

I was thinking more on the fact that marijuana is legal in many countries... didn't know Zilvia was a USA only forum.

I can understand promoting drug abuse is a bad thing but people just chiming in before they discuss that they smoke... I don't really see a problem.

I have no doubt that both of you get the point I'm trying to make.

Arguing semantics on that point is only going to irritate me and make your day go south.

I'm done explaining. If you have a problem, go ahead and push my buttons - you won't like the results.

Otherwise, get back on topic or GTFO of Loud Noises.

08-28-2010, 09:27 AM
Not trying to argue anything just don't see the logic behind it...

I mean why does Zilvia.net care if people admit to doing something illegal? It's not really yours or the admins problems... It would be their issue if they get caught talking about it on a public internet forum.

Just trying to understand, don't get all crazy I'm a moderator and I will kill you on me.

08-28-2010, 09:30 AM
Not trying to argue anything just don't see the logic behind it...

I mean why does Zilvia.net care if people admit to doing something illegal? It's not really yours or the admins problems... It would be their issue if they get caught talking about it on a public internet forum.

Just trying to understand, don't get all crazy I'm a moderator and I will kill you on me.

Maybe owners don't want to have their servers confiscated as evidence when some kid posts about doing something illegal, dies, and then his parents throw a fit that nobody said anything.

08-28-2010, 10:35 AM
Otherwise, get back on topic or GTFO of Loud Noises.

Not trying to argue anything just don't see the logic behind it...

I mean why does Zilvia.net care if people admit to doing something illegal? It's not really yours or the admins problems... It would be their issue if they get caught talking about it on a public internet forum.

Just trying to understand, don't get all crazy I'm a moderator and I will kill you on me.

s0apgun's Loud Noises privileges are now revoked.

08-28-2010, 11:37 AM
Bah!! Who cares about the Federal gov?
We all know the universe revolves around CA

In all fairness, it's hard to expect most here to know the ins & outs of law.
There's just so many inconsistencies pertaining to state & federal law, esp with mj.

Maybe owners don't want to have their servers confiscated as evidence when some kid posts about doing something illegal, dies, and then his parents throw a fit that nobody said anything.

Agreed, it's a legal liability issue & a matter of precautions.

08-29-2010, 12:35 AM
at any rate, I think this thread has run its course. We need one about Prop 19, though.

08-31-2010, 12:16 AM
i am excited about the november ballot here in california, i'm voting yes for legalization on the level that it would be COOL to buy a pack of marlboro chronic joints.

but i don't smoke...

09-01-2010, 09:05 PM
at any rate, I think this thread has run its course. We need one about Prop 19, though.
Fuck Prop 19.

i am excited about the november ballot here in california, i'm voting yes for legalization on the level that it would be COOL to buy a pack of marlboro chronic joints.

but i don't smoke...
Please, for the love of smokers everywhere, vote NO on Prop 19. It is NOT a good thing.

09-01-2010, 09:57 PM
Fuck Prop 19.

Please, for the love of smokers everywhere, vote NO on Prop 19. It is NOT a good thing.

what's your ulterior motive? do you grow? are you not 21? or are you just wishing it was more liberal?

people who DO smoke but DON'T like prop 19, well, however you acquire it now, that doesn't have to change. dispensaries won't go away. there might not be a THOUSAND OF THEM, but they'll still be around.

09-03-2010, 03:16 PM
its a fact that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco and prescription drugs....which all 3 of those are controlled by the government...why wouldnt it be legal?? weed imo is taught to be this really evil, super dangerous "drug"
that will make you lazy, fat and ruin your life....now what if by chance the really lazy, fat no lifer used in weed smoker examples, were already lazy, fat and had no life before they smoked....if you see where im going with this is that you are who you are and weed wont change you unless you change with it...many productive, active, healthy people smoke weed daily without any issues...if your a lazy person, your a lazy person, if your a productive person, your a productive person....weed will not change that...weed is natural, people have been smoking it for thousands of years...weed opens your mind up to be more creative and helps you view things differently....just dont let it run your life

09-03-2010, 04:21 PM
Vote NO on prop19. Do your homework and read about it.

As I stated again, everyone that hears 'legal' and 'marijuana' in one sentence goes ape shit and does not even consider reading what its all about. Again, read the entire bill.

Yes, I have my 215 license.

09-19-2010, 10:43 PM
NO on 19 please.

09-19-2010, 11:00 PM
We won't be able to do that if this bill passes
so vote no on prop 19 this coming November.

My friends.. Please vote NO on Prop 19! (http://www.thcfarmer.com/forums/f15/my-friends-please-vote-no-prop-19-a-22379/)

read this too my friend and pass it on.

09-19-2010, 11:26 PM
Vote NO on prop19. Do your homework and read about it.

As I stated again, everyone that hears 'legal' and 'marijuana' in one sentence goes ape shit and does not even consider reading what its all about. Again, read the entire bill.

Yes, I have my 215 license.

NO on 19 please.

We won't be able to do that if this bill passes
so vote no on prop 19 this coming November.

My friends.. Please vote NO on Prop 19! (http://www.thcfarmer.com/forums/f15/my-friends-please-vote-no-prop-19-a-22379/)

read this too my friend and pass it on.
Post here regarding Prop 19.


10-08-2010, 09:45 AM
YouTube - Kat Williams - Weed (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93jQI_6G5Cw)

end of conflict!

10-08-2010, 10:05 AM
i think that medicinally it should be legal 50 state wide. i have a herniated disc that has caused nerve damage in my lower back and left leg. i dont see how it matters what state im in how i shouldnt be able to use a drug that has left side affects than the numerous pills i take currently, and has a better effect....hmmm

and if you havent tried it you cant bash it, just saying

Dirty Habit
10-08-2010, 10:42 AM
I think possession of *small* quantities is acceptable. As long as shops have a license, and cannot carry over a certain overall amount at the shop. It should also be taxed. The taxes should go to helping fight against hard drugs such as crack, meth, cocaine etc and drug education.

Anyways, what I think really doesn't matter.

10-18-2010, 12:01 AM
I think possession of *small* quantities is acceptable. As long as shops have a license, and cannot carry over a certain overall amount at the shop. It should also be taxed. The taxes should go to helping fight against hard drugs such as crack, meth, cocaine etc and drug education.

Anyways, what I think really doesn't matter.

10-18-2010, 12:14 AM

do you sell crack?

10-18-2010, 01:16 AM
i think that medicinally it should be legal 50 state wide. i have a herniated disc that has caused nerve damage in my lower back and left leg. i dont see how it matters what state im in how i shouldnt be able to use a drug that has left side affects than the numerous pills i take currently, and has a better effect....hmmm

and if you havent tried it you cant bash it, just saying

I agree with having it as a medicinal alternative for all states.
As well as being something that's affordable,
it probably has much less side effects than prescription drugs.

I don't see any reason not to have it for it's medical properties.
Well maybe voters are too conservative in states outside of CA, idk.

10-18-2010, 04:21 AM
^ People Aren't stoopid. They realize that with the abuse of every other perscription substance marijuana would then be on that list.

10-18-2010, 12:38 PM
Marijuana is a natural herbal remedy.
Bb4, have you tried marijuana before?

10-18-2010, 12:51 PM
I am going to vote yes on the nov ballot.... i don't event smoke. but i would like to see people in CA jail for pot possesion or pot sales let out of jail. i think there will be a rise in video game sales if pot is legal, and more parents will be annoyed that their children keep living with them well into their forties. haha, i know taco bell isn't voting NO