View Full Version : Job's..Problems...economy.....

05-15-2010, 05:47 AM
I was in the Air Force for 6 years with 1 year of tech school that got me my AS then I had 5 years of Aircraft Avionics, Communication, Navigation, Satellite communication and lots of other experience, Honorable discharge, No felonies or misdemeanors, been applying for a year and NOTHING!!!

I know a lot of people are having problems cause of the economy but Im almost about to give up... the only thing that keeps me goin is workin on my cars which Im gonna have to sell soon if something doesnt change...and an 8$ an hr job isnt gonna cut it. I got a wife who is going through the same thing and a 3 yr old son... been surviving on edd thats about to run out.

I guess you could call this the "venting" thread..

05-15-2010, 06:07 AM
Oh wow, that trully sucks! Where in "sin Cal" are you?

05-15-2010, 06:09 AM
Reason I ask, I just might Have a job for you, but it all depends where you are located..

05-15-2010, 06:28 AM
Im in Bakersfield... but tryn to get out so gimme a reason :) sin = cen lol

05-15-2010, 08:25 AM
Honestly, I don't want to sound cruel and heartless, but I think the economy is a good gut check for everyone.

What have you been doing with your life? Do you have any stability? Can you get by if you lost your job or get sick? Do you need to improve your situation?

Everybody does well in good times, but the rough times separate the weak from the strong. If you can still do well in a down economy then it can say something about your character.

Things like having a stable job, good health benefits, 6 months supply of living expenses, retirement money, etc. become really important. When times were good in the early 2000s, putting money away wasn't sexy, but I bet you the people who saved a lot back then are doing much better right now.

It's like back in college. Our first year curriculum was pretty slack, but I overloaded with advanced classes, summer school, etc. My friends would always make fun of me for going crazy with classes while they were enjoying college.

Now look at them. Some of them are successful, but most of them can't get decent paying jobs because they have bad grades and couldn't compete for jobs.

You work hard during downtimes but you work even harder when times are good so you can put away stuff for the rough times.

So keep your head up and fight through it. If times were always easy then there's no way to separate the men from the boys.

You may want to consider going back to school and getting a decent degree that can get you just about any type of jobs.

Just my thoughts.

05-15-2010, 08:34 AM
Honestly, I don't want to sound cruel and heartless, but I think the economy is a good gut check for everyone.

What have you been doing with your life? Do you have any stability? Can you get by if you lost your job or get sick? Do you need to improve your situation?

Everybody does well in good times, but the rough times separate the weak from the strong. If you can still do well in a down economy then it can say something about your character.

So keep your head up and fight through it. If times were always easy then there's no way to separate the men from the boys.

Just my thoughts.

I agree with you.

OP, I hope things look up for you in the future.

That being said, no one should ever blame the "economy" for anything. If you can't make it in the US, you can't make it anywhere.

People complain they aren't making enough money, or "there are no jobs".

There are no jobs when you:

A) Don't have a skill or perform a service that people are willing to pay you for (in demand)


B) You DO have a skill, but YOU feel you deserve to make more money that what the market dictates you should be paid.

I don't get our country any more.....NO ONE is responsible for themselves EVER. Everything is someone else's fault.

No job? = Government's fault.
No healthcare? = Government's fault or rich peoples' fault
Terrorism? = Western world's fault.

OP, good luck in the future, I mean that. In the US, moreso than anywhere else in the world, YOU are in control of your future.

05-15-2010, 09:04 AM
You also have to be very pro active and have the ability to see what might happen in the future and react. I lost my job through some downsizing stuff but was able to get another job not making as much money as I was before the stuff went bad. I was pro active in that I finished up some classes I needed for Respiratory Care School in my down time and now I will be going to their program in the fall. In the mean time I was able to land a job which does not pay as well as what I made before but the medical job will pay as much or more in the long run then I made before I got canned.

You have to decide what you want to do? Medical, Technology, and Teaching jobs are ALWAYS going to be there. Those are good fields for someone looking for stability in a very unstable market. Good Luck.

05-15-2010, 09:15 AM
forgive me for sounding ignorant, but the airforce doesn't have any work available? or is that only if you're on active duty? have you considered law enforcement?

05-15-2010, 06:16 PM
OP, i hear ya brotha. I was in the same situation about two weeks ago. Was on my last few weeks of UE and had a family to care for.

Lucky for me I got a call for an interview because HRM and I graduated from the same college. Then a few weeks later got the job.

All i can say is pump out those apps and hope for the best.

On a side note:

It's difficult to prepare for rough times. You could have had a great paying job and saved for a rainy day, but in the end your savings will run out, especially when you have mouths to feed.

Shit happens to the prepared and unprepared in these troubled times, the only difference is the prepared will just weather the storm a bit longer. But in the end will still be fucked when the savings run out.

05-15-2010, 06:38 PM
i know what you mean man, finding a job that isnt flipping burgers or earning min is fucking bull..i have a misdemeanor from 2 1/2yrs ago, the minute they see that i get denied..wish they can just get to know me personally and not by whats on paper, shit happens and i paid the price for it

i got 3 more edd checks and im on my own..ive saved up enough to last me 3months and im probably gonna join the army, luckily i have a degree that can get me pretty far there

05-15-2010, 07:25 PM
Have you considered relocation?

If the jobs matching your skills/experience do not come where you are, what is there holding back from going to where THEY are to ensure your future?
If you mention ANYTHING about a car keeping you from your future, never talk to me again.

05-16-2010, 12:26 AM
Honestly, I don't want to sound cruel and heartless, but I think the economy is a good gut check for everyone.

What have you been doing with your life? Do you have any stability? Can you get by if you lost your job or get sick? Do you need to improve your situation?

Everybody does well in good times, but the rough times separate the weak from the strong. If you can still do well in a down economy then it can say something about your character.

Things like having a stable job, good health benefits, 6 months supply of living expenses, retirement money, etc. become really important. When times were good in the early 2000s, putting money away wasn't sexy, but I bet you the people who saved a lot back then are doing much better right now.

It's like back in college. Our first year curriculum was pretty slack, but I overloaded with advanced classes, summer school, etc. My friends would always make fun of me for going crazy with classes while they were enjoying college.

Now look at them. Some of them are successful, but most of them can't get decent paying jobs because they have bad grades and couldn't compete for jobs.

You work hard during downtimes but you work even harder when times are good so you can put away stuff for the rough times.

So keep your head up and fight through it. If times were always easy then there's no way to separate the men from the boys.

You may want to consider going back to school and getting a decent degree that can get you just about any type of jobs.

Just my thoughts.

You sir are very wise..

But its true a lot of people don't think about the day of tomorrow, only about today. And back then ( early 2000s ) saving money for a rainy days was laughed at. cause people never thought about what if and how the saying goes"The world does spin in more ways than one " .
It sad that soo many people are having a hard time find jobs. But most case is there overqualified for jobs that are available.
*short story*My father lived in new york he did a change of job to make more money and the company end up going down hill after 6-8 months working there. He when on a man hunt after being without work for 2-3 months and found job in texas where he know lives making just as much as he did before he the stupid the job switch.

SOO Like (PHLIP) said consider going to where the jobs are at..Thats if you can

05-16-2010, 12:40 AM
move somewhere with a lower cost of living
buy a house, stop throwing money away
take any job you can get your hands on until you find something you like

this is probably cliffs for every other post in this thread

oh and a life goal might help. i want to open a dive bar downtown, and i plan to do so by 30

05-16-2010, 12:50 AM

Bakersfield is already pretty damned cheap (relative to CA at least).
Unemployment rates in central CA is generally worse the most of the state.
Last I checked, state average unemployment was around 12.6%

Problem with moving is that it's not cheap at all.
Moving back to live with the parents isn't such a bad idea to save costs.

Applying to be cop is an idea.
However, most departments in socal as far as I know stopped hiring.
Even then the hiring process takes time.
From application to police academy I recall it takes no less than 6 months, if not more.

05-16-2010, 01:09 AM
Been unemployed for over six months now and have been applying to every minimum wage entry level shit job I can find. I get no calls or responses. It's like theres already a huge queue for any job that might scrape along. Looks like I'll be going back to school on the government/ tax payers dollar.

Even then, my college is understaffed probably thanks to cut backs as evidenced by huge waitlists for any class I need; not a single spot open.

Oh and for people that have been able to maintain jobs and save a little money don't need to push that in our faces. You think we haven't saved? You think if you lost all sources of income for 6 months to a year that you'd be absolutely fine?

You think people won't bitch about the economy when they're frustrated that any job they look for is being highly competed for? Even if its some run of the mill minimum wage job.

05-16-2010, 01:11 AM
my brother in law makes a killing as a fireman. just a thought. he became an EMT as a stepping stone to fireman, and now he works 10 days a month and brings home like 70k.

i applied to be an air traffic controller about a year ago. took my test in november and i'm still waiting to interview. probably going to be another six months before i get a chance. so it taking time to become a police officer makes sense.... gov't hiring = :(

05-16-2010, 01:34 AM
you guys in cali have it tough. Lots of jobs but lots of hella competition. You also have to look for things that are needed in your area with or without a degree. Cause every one has at least one or two of those these days.

05-16-2010, 03:07 AM
CA really isn't all that great in terms of jobs imo.
(unless you absolutely have to get into Hollywood).

There's still a good amount of corporations here, but many have left to other states.
My theory is that it's too expensive here and the laws aren't the most business friendly.
Nissan's HQ used to be here, but moved to Tennessee.

Also cost of living here in CA is just exhoborant,
yet salaries aren't that much better.
Even when the economy was good, stuff wasn't exactly affordable.
I make around 65-70k myself, yet I have no delusions of ever buying a house here.
(even the garbage condos are going for at least $300k or so it seems)

I've had a few aquaintences & ex-coworkers move to TX, AZ, and NV cause they felt they had a better chance of finding work after they got laid off.
Some states seem to be fairing the economy better than others.
TX seemed to have a lower than national average unemployment.

If not for the relatively stable job I have right now, I'd want to get out of CA.
It's a great place overall, just overpriced.

05-16-2010, 03:12 AM
i got to talking to this representative for AT&T at a previous job. she was from California, on a business trip to STL, and she was describing her house, her house smaller than the house i bought for $65k, in a seemingly more dangerous area (Oakland, but hey i don't know), and then she tells me this tiny ass house is half a million dollars and almost all her and her husband's paychecks go towards the mortgage. blew my mind.

05-16-2010, 03:38 AM
I don't get our country any more.....NO ONE is responsible for themselves EVER. Everything is someone else's fault.

haha look atthe oil spill in the gulf of mexico, BP owns the off shore drill, subcontracts it to someone else, and that someone else had haliburton install crappy concrete, now when the shit hits the fan everyone points the finger at haliburton and haliburton says it's not their fault cause BP wanted to go low dollar.... why can't someone just say yeah, it was my fault... sorry....

Why is Obama creating these stupid laws regarding a ban on clove ciggarettes, he's made it more easy for kids to get drugs than for them to buy cigarettes or alcohol.

i can go on and on... but instead, i'm happy that arco's gas has not gone up, i am happy that i am still alive , one of these days i'll do my dishes and clean my apt... the list goes on...i'm grateful

05-16-2010, 04:20 AM
biggest problem with people is they don't want to move to where the jobs are, 2nd is people for some reason pay rent. ugh.

If you are in California, you are in competition with millions of others for the jobs. Do what I did, move out to a place where its cold and nobody wants to work. I make 80k/year, and even though I've had 2 months off, I have enough in the bank where I can sit around and argue on the internet for full year before I run out of cash.

Edit: I'd also like to mention that everyone should avoid rent. I got a house, and I let renters pay my mortgage for me. I almost live for free. I also qualified to have a Japanese Exchange student live here too, so thats another $600/month. All i have to do is provide a room in my house and bed. And the odd drive around town.

btw, I rape the earth of natural gas as my main source of income.

05-16-2010, 04:32 AM
btw, I rape the earth of natural gas as my main source of income.

lol YES


05-16-2010, 04:33 AM
wow never thought of it like that?? move somewhere nobody wants to work

Also the japanese exchange student is possibly the best idea EVVVEEERRRR!!,also great help for the kid who wants to get edu in this country

05-16-2010, 02:17 PM
thanks to those who see my point of view. While relocation is an option I have been looking around for one but only around 150 miles radius. I like Cali and I want to stay but if it dose come down to me having nothing I wll move to a different state. Fire dept wasnt hiring for a while I just looked and they are so Im gonna to try that out. cop.... lol ..... wont live by two sets of laws ever again. and I have been putting my resume where ever I even think there is a 1% chance of me getting it. some of you act like I havent been trying and I can guarantee you that is wrong. Others say Im blaming it on everyone else.... NO I simply am just not finding a job making it hard. and am I blaming it on the economy... YES I am and have a right to, on the other hand Im not saying its impossible to get a job it just makes it much more work, in which I have been doing everyday, Application after application,

I did however get accepted to ATT to go take a test as a Uverse installer on Wed so God be with me. I know I will pass the test. I have taken many just like it in the military, I just have to work on showing one hell of a first impression at the interview, which I am prepared to do as well, its a matter of them deciding and I guarantee others are driving very hard to get it, so A game here I come

Wish me luck, as I do to everyone else out there that deserves a shot!!!

05-16-2010, 03:11 PM
As someone I know said, "For everyone who complains about the economy being down no one really supports mom and pop businesses, which are the backbone of America".

05-16-2010, 05:39 PM
I was in the Marines for a little over four years. The Marine Corps didn't want to buy what I was selling. So I started to talk to a police recruiter prior to getting out. I figured that I had a high chance of getting hired. So I get out and what not. I start to talk to the recruiter he tells me, that most departments in Ca are only hiring people with degree's. It didn't bother me since my backup plan was to go to school and make myself more competitive.

The new GI Bill is awesome. I didn't join the Marines for money, education, woman/whores. I wanted to get out of fresblow and travel a bit. The GI Bill changed in 2008. I figured I would go get an education and stare at boobies and learn shit... Like how to tie my shoes and how to read.

I would love to go back to Japan. I am thinking of being a foreign exchange student all paid for by the government.

05-16-2010, 07:53 PM
As someone I know said, "For everyone who complains about the economy being down no one really supports mom and pop businesses, which are the backbone of America".

Actually I do, and my plan is in the future to own a shop but have to focus on the immediate problems. I am looking in to applying for a buisness grant but thats on the back burner.

I was in the Marines for a little over four years. The Marine Corps didn't want to buy what I was selling. So I started to talk to a police recruiter prior to getting out. I figured that I had a high chance of getting hired. So I get out and what not. I start to talk to the recruiter he tells me, that most departments in Ca are only hiring people with degree's. It didn't bother me since my backup plan was to go to school and make myself more competitive.

The new GI Bill is awesome. I didn't join the Marines for money, education, woman/whores. I wanted to get out of fresblow and travel a bit. The GI Bill changed in 2008. I figured I would go get an education and stare at boobies and learn shit... Like how to tie my shoes and how to read.

I would love to go back to Japan. I am thinking of being a foreign exchange student all paid for by the government.

I am using my GI bill now but I have a Wife and 3 yr old Son to support so not so easy to just get up and go but I would love to go back to Japan,.. trust me :)

05-16-2010, 08:08 PM
I am using my GI bill now but I have a Wife and 3 yr old Son to support so not so easy to just get up and go but I would love to go back to Japan,.. trust me :)

Family first fun later. I barely get by on the GI Bill. I am single and live at home. I guess I need to reevaluate my spending. :duh:

05-16-2010, 11:00 PM
Family first fun later. I barely get by on the GI Bill. I am single and live at home. I guess I need to reevaluate my spending. :duh:

Yes sir... thats what Im goin through...but summer vacation is gonna be 3 weeks so Im only getting 1/4 of what I get for the month...

05-17-2010, 10:50 AM
my brother in law makes a killing as a fireman. just a thought. he became an EMT as a stepping stone to fireman, and now he works 10 days a month and brings home like 70k.

it will take years to become a fireman in CA. my brother tried that for 5 years never got through, he was working as an Emergency room tech(kinda like an EMT). a friend of his took 6 years to get a job and had to move from Long Beach to San Francisco just to get the job.

05-17-2010, 11:07 AM
it will take years to become a fireman in CA. my brother tried that for 5 years never got through, he was working as an Emergency room tech(kinda like an EMT). a friend of his took 6 years to get a job and had to move from Long Beach to San Francisco just to get the job.

see what I mean... if you cant get a usually abundant job fireman, emt, police... then somethings wrong..

seriouslu.. NONE of the above is hiring... seriously.. chk for your self if you think Im lying.

05-17-2010, 11:36 AM
yeah its weak, everything is crappy.. ive applied at sooo many places, and my college cant even afford auto tech classes so all of summer i have no classes to take now. so now all i have to look forward to is a job and i cant really find one of those. and that means my project car doesnt get done even after 2 years. and for some reason i really dont think its gonna get any better. just gonna get worse and worse.

Touge Noob S13
05-17-2010, 11:37 AM
You think people won't bitch about the economy when they're frustrated that any job they look for is being highly competed for? Even if its some run of the mill minimum wage job.

^^^^^^This I've been unemployed for around the same time you have and still without luck. I'm a student and I really don't have much of a job history but it shouldn't be as difficult as it is right now to get a basic job.

05-17-2010, 11:44 AM
sadly this is called LIFE

05-17-2010, 11:53 AM
this is called LIFE so stop bitching.

obviously if your 16 you have no idea what life has instore when your not having everything paid for you and not paying rent or bills etc.

everyone is allowed to bitch because economy these days is ruining peoples lives.

05-17-2010, 11:55 AM

#1 bad luck w/jobs.

05-17-2010, 12:36 PM
obviously if your 16 you have no idea what life has instore when your not having everything paid for you and not paying rent or bills etc.

everyone is allowed to bitch because economy these days is ruining peoples lives.

Thank you.....couldnt have said it better^^

KWES- Dude you need to read! you are gonna be livin with mom and dad the rest of your life!

05-17-2010, 12:45 PM
dude im not 16.just because it says im 16 doesnt mean i am sixteen

05-17-2010, 12:50 PM
dude im not 16.just because it says im 16 doesnt mean i am sixteen

Well, you certainly are not an adult that can sustain yourself, based on how horrid your grammar is.

05-17-2010, 12:55 PM
dude im not 16.just because it says im 16 doesnt mean i am sixteen

Well you act like your 13 which you probably are so dont go talkin shit especially if you dont know what the hell you are talkin about. I made this thread to see what was going on with others that are in the same situation not for some kid to come in and act like he knows it all.. Its life stop bitchin... Im a veteran w/a family..I got to put food on the table and payrent. so STFU...

05-17-2010, 01:01 PM
who cares if your a veteran.what you think your better just because your a veteran.who gives a fuck

05-17-2010, 01:05 PM
dude, you have the GI bill.... free college


if you hustle with summer sessions and stuff you could easily blast through it in three years... and after that you'll be able to waltz into a ton of job interviews and just smash them to pieces

everyone is whining about the economy, the OP's answer to his woes is an easy one. he needs to go to college and get it for free

i know kids making 30-40k a year who have well over 50k in debt from college

hell you could have made 19.75 as a census enumerator and they would hire anyone

opportunities are out there, things just arnt as easy as they were years ago.

go to college, graduate with no student debt, hell go to grad school part time after.. with no college debt

sure you have a wife and a 3 year old, she'll have to work while youre going to school. move back in with one of your parents or work something out with a school with living in grad-school family housing or whatever

05-17-2010, 01:07 PM
who cares if your a veteran.what you think your better just because your a veteran.who gives a fuck

Hmmm what the fuck have you done you little punk.... Im gonna put what you just said on my sig.. and we will see how many vets and or people that respect someone that has done something for their country will be PMing you with.

your not gonna last long around here

05-17-2010, 01:13 PM
dude, you have the GI bill.... free college


if you hustle with summer sessions and stuff you could easily blast through it in three years... and after that you'll be able to waltz into a ton of job interviews and just smash them to pieces

everyone is whining about the economy, the OP's answer to his woes is an easy one. he needs to go to college and get it for free

i know kids making 30-40k a year who have well over 50k in debt from college

hell you could have made 19.75 as a census enumerator and they would hire anyone

opportunities are out there, things just arnt as easy as they were years ago.

go to college, graduate with no student debt, hell go to grad school part time after.. with no college debt

sure you have a wife and a 3 year old, she'll have to work while youre going to school. move back in with one of your parents or work something out with a school with living in grad-school family housing or whatever

I AM USING THE GI BILL!! Read before you post something, Dad is living w/girl friend and mom is living with grandma so some of us dont have those opportunities

What the fuck is wrong with you people.. I know what it is.... people who arent having to deal with this yet. so just STFU I have an AS degree already.. and going for BS.. still got to live tho

05-17-2010, 01:36 PM
dude im not 16.just because it says im 16 doesnt mean i am sixteen

who cares if your a veteran.what you think your better just because your a veteran.who gives a fuck

Wow, fuck you. Immature prick.

05-17-2010, 02:06 PM
Lets keep this at what it is and not let some one ruin it. its about how the economy is effecting one another. Not About someone who wants attention. The first mistake he made was registering to this forum and basically the first post he posted was talking shit. I think a mod would know how to handle this sitchuation .

*to jspec * dude if your going to school i would try to get a grant. I filed for one and got it, but it depends on how many credits your making. if you get the grant money it definitely help with some bills.

05-17-2010, 02:37 PM
People are just shitting all over this thread.

I lost my job in March of 09, right in the depths of the abyss economically speaking, and I had a $3800/mo mortgage at the time. Pretty devastating.

That said, in three months I had three offers, and I've been good ever since. Shit works out if you're persistent, although I know my salvation came much more quickly than most people's (helps that the DC economy is better than CA).

Relocation is worth looking into, as is a field change. Ever look at being a leasing consultant? Anyone can lease apartments, and it tends to pay like $25-35k plus commissions. If you're good at it you can get by on it, just look presentable. Check out every property manager in your area (residential only, of course) and see if they're hiring.

05-17-2010, 03:12 PM
Thanks men... the grant I was just looking into but im on summer break for college now and got a job possibly with ATT got to go take the test Wed. and then an interview so Im hoping an praying for the sake of my family that I get it. If not Im gonna look in to the grants including a small buissness one, or a technical school. It seems like its figured out but there is alot more, Ive sold most of my car parts, family problems, and others, so Im holdin on for the ride..

Thanks for the encouragement.

Very Respectfully


05-17-2010, 03:14 PM
who cares if your a veteran.what you think your better just because your a veteran.who gives a fuck

Take it easy on the "kwes" hes been in "combat" playing gaylo or call of duty.

If one of your family members is a veteran tell them what you really think. See how they respond to you.

05-17-2010, 03:48 PM
Thanks men... the grant I was just looking into but im on summer break for college now and got a job possibly with ATT got to go take the test Wed. and then an interview so Im hoping an praying for the sake of my family that I get it. If not Im gonna look in to the grants including a small buissness one, or a technical school. It seems like its figured out but there is alot more, Ive sold most of my car parts, family problems, and others, so Im holdin on for the ride..

Thanks for the encouragement.

Very Respectfully


good luck with it.. yeah i have to go on summer break because my school is too dam cheap to even keep the auto tech classes going. also good luck on the interview. never give up.

05-17-2010, 04:15 PM
good luck with it.. yeah i have to go on summer break because my school is too dam cheap to even keep the auto tech classes going. also good luck on the interview. never give up.

cant give up on the family, and thanks

05-17-2010, 04:15 PM
dude Honestly i feel your pain, as a small business owner myself, its been tough the last few months, maybe the last 6 months? in 09 i made 68K.. this year is pretty terrible, last 6 months i've made maybe 18K if that... really really shitty compared to the last couple years. and it's not so much that I'm not getting work, is that people don't have the money to pay for the jobs being done. right now as I type there are 3 cars sitting in my shop that the owners have no money to pay for... basically right now im bearly making the monthly basis. which is pretty lame. luckily like stated earlier by previous members i put money away for the tough times. which i still got a good chunk of, but we all hate digging into the savings.

Drift N Dragg
05-17-2010, 04:37 PM
who cares if your a veteran.what you think your better just because your a veteran.who gives a fuck

This could turn for the Worse .. Especially on a Military Friendly Site .. We owe alot to our Veterans ..

dude im not 16.just because it says im 16 doesnt mean i am sixteen

So are you stating that you Falsified information in your Registration Profile?

05-17-2010, 04:47 PM
Honestly I think the best degree to have right now is a 4-year computer engineering degree. It's tough to swing, but you can get a job just about damn near anywhere in the country.

Nurses and doctors are always good as well, but may not be your type of work .

05-17-2010, 04:58 PM
Yeah nursing seems like a safe bet.

Idk about being a doctor though.
Depends on what type.
Something like Dentistry is fairly conservative & probably doesn't require too many years schooling/training.

Bieng something along the lines of a trauma surgeon would suck though.
Friend of mine sometimes works 24+ hr days w/out breaks.
The schooling and fellowship (or whatever the equivelent) takes a rediculous amount of time & money.

Not sure how the healthcare bill will effect the healthcare industry either.
Good thing about health-care providers is that it isn't exactly a proffession you can off-shore.

05-17-2010, 05:10 PM
i dont understand how the younger guys here cant find jobs, i get tons of interviews all the time..walmart, sears, best buy, in n out, t-mobile...maybe its my retail experience, not sure..my record is what fucks it up

what i recommend is go online and fill out 4 apps a day, your bound to find something eventually

05-17-2010, 05:13 PM
Well Los Angeles is probably better off than central CA & the Inland area
Yeah in LA there are plenty of min wage jobs,
it's just not realistic to sustain a lifestyle w/ that income beyond living with your parents.

05-17-2010, 05:28 PM
Family first fun later. I barely get by on the GI Bill. I am single and live at home. I guess I need to reevaluate my spending. :duh:

I'd hate to have your bills. I was getting $1700 living allowance from my GI bill per month for taking two classes.

05-17-2010, 05:34 PM
Well Los Angeles is probably better off than central CA & the Inland area
Yeah in LA there are plenty of min wage jobs,
it's just not realistic to sustain a lifestyle w/ that income beyond living with your parents.

yeah totally agree reason why i was applying to the "younger guys" (16-21)

05-17-2010, 06:13 PM
I dont think its easy to find a job. out of about 11 applications i only got one call for an interview and even at the end of the interview they said they would call me back. still no call, maybe in specific areas there are jobs.. but in Valencia ca there are none that ive been able to have luck.

05-17-2010, 06:40 PM
I'd hate to have your bills. I was getting $1700 living allowance from my GI bill per month for taking two classes.

LOL, I have no bills I just like to ball for a couple of nights. Thats why I said evaluate my spending habits.

05-17-2010, 10:32 PM
Its not just the younger guys its everyone. If theres a position open 9 out of 10 there is going to be someone perfectly qualified for the position, mine was avionics which Id have to take 2 years in classes then a series of tests to get my A&P licence to work on civilian aircraft.. I do have electronics hence my interview with ATT but most employers can be picky now and even though Im a veteran with electronics skills another may have the same time but in the exact field making him more experianced... catch 22, you just have to get in there and be willing to do whatever needed to get the position, I have and Im not sure weather there were more qualified people or what but one thing that has been important is its not WHAT you know its WHO you know that is getting you jobs.

05-18-2010, 12:01 AM
if you were in a position of hiring someone, you would do the same. hire the most qualified for the best possible price, what about a career change?

05-18-2010, 12:14 AM
I applied to some job in AT&T some 5-6 yrs in Oakland, CA.
(think it was for non-skilled, fiber-optic cable splicing or some crap like that).

I did pass, but test wasn't easy.
40-50 ppl took it, I recal only 4ppl including myself passed.
Then they put you on some mysterious lottery/waiting list.
Never got a call back despite numerous follow-ups.
Never even got an interview.
Lotteries are pure BS imo.

I disagree WHO you know always helps.
My step-dad who is a senior manager @ AT&T in the Bay Area couldn't pull any strings either.
I don't get the impression it's such a secure company to work for.
Seems like their corporate offices are always doing mass layoffs 2-3 times a year.

Oh, Might also try looking into Lockheed Martin (sp?)
Not sure if that's related, but a mutual friend who got laid off from them,
mentioned they might be hiring.
It's prob worth a browse.

05-18-2010, 12:28 AM
who cares if your a veteran.what you think your better just because your a veteran.who gives a fuck

fuck you, asshole.

05-18-2010, 01:44 AM
if you were in a position of hiring someone, you would do the same. hire the most qualified for the best possible price, what about a career change?

Of course. Im not hating I was simply stating the reason for them not hiring me, I was never angry towards them about it. Sucked for me though

I applied to some job in AT&T some 5-6 yrs in Oakland, CA.
(think it was for non-skilled, fiber-optic cable splicing or some crap like that).

I did pass, but test wasn't easy.
40-50 ppl took it, I recal only 4ppl including myself passed.
Then they put you on some mysterious lottery/waiting list.
Never got a call back despite numerous follow-ups.
Never even got an interview.
Lotteries are pure BS imo.

I disagree WHO you know always helps.
My step-dad who is a senior manager @ AT&T in the Bay Area couldn't pull any strings either.
I don't get the impression it's such a secure company to work for.
Seems like their corporate offices are always doing mass layoffs 2-3 times a year.

Oh, Might also try looking into Lockheed Martin (sp?)
Not sure if that's related, but a mutual friend who got laid off from them,
mentioned they might be hiring.
It's prob worth a browse.

You are right... for Large equal opportunity employers, but for smaller buisnesses Ive seen it my self more than once that some one got a friend or family member on just because of that reason. It is what it is, Im not giving up tho.

fuck you, asshole.

I am still astonished from KWES's comment this dude is the most self centered individual Ive came across ever.

05-18-2010, 01:52 AM
Rob the rich, give to the poor.

05-18-2010, 03:04 AM
Speaking of that... lol I downloaded robin hood and couldnt play it cause of CINEVIA!!! so I had to hook my laptop up to my TV... any one have a PS3 and try to stream torrents?

05-18-2010, 03:07 AM
speaking of ps3, i gotta get my laser thing fixed, but i got more important stuff to take care of..if i cant find a job by august im enlisting sooner rather than later

05-18-2010, 03:14 AM
I havent had any problems like everyone thought. I bought the 60G right when it came out and its been great... besides the damn DRM protection via cinavia... check ebay...

05-18-2010, 03:20 AM
me too, OG 60g..in september it stopped turning on and blinked red, cost $150 to get it fixed..now the laser went out like 2 months ago, i swear after this if it gives me another problem im selling that shit

05-18-2010, 03:53 AM
Rob the rich, give to the poor.
I'm going to say this nicely.

F%ck you welfare a-hole.

05-18-2010, 04:15 AM
^^^I really dont see how that was nice..lol

I dont see a problem with welfare as long as you use it properly.... those who abuse is different.

I luv my s13- did you leave it on alot? my buddy that got his the same time as me had a similar problem. I make sure and turn mine off whenever Im not using it.

05-18-2010, 11:14 AM
hmmmmm....jspec your in bako ? dam i live in lebec

05-19-2010, 12:52 AM
Check this out: I have no work exp. right? so I went to the mall and turned in like 10 or 12 apps. Not one of them called me. I'm startin' to think... What was your guy's first jobs and how did you get it?? Did you have to know someone prior to applying?

05-19-2010, 01:01 AM
Check this out: I have no work exp. right? so I went to the mall and turned in like 10 or 12 apps. Not one of them called me. I'm startin' to think... What was your guy's first jobs and how did you get it?? Did you have to know someone prior to applying?

my first job was at circuit city...1 week after graduation i thought,"damn, so whats next. school doesnt start for 2months". so began filling out apps up the ying yang..got interviews with a circuit city, staples, home depot, and a walmart..circuit offered the most and i began at 9.50...best decision i ever made, got some of the best memories, friends, and experience there..shit if i had worked anywhere else i probably wouldnt be into 240s..3 other guys on this forum worked there haha

its funny one day i show up to work and there are 3 other 240s there, now we all kick it..anyways i was makin $11-$23 an hour depending on sales, i averaged about $15 (best salesman in the store)..and well, everyone knows what happened to circuit a year ago, since then ive been on edd..i only got 4 weeks left and enough saved up to last me 2 months:wtc:

anyways sorry for the rant, point is keep trying..i almost got hired by walmart, but the background check came in and they said fuck you sir..oh well army in august :wan:

^^^I really dont see how that was nice..lol

I dont see a problem with welfare as long as you use it properly.... those who abuse is different.

I luv my s13- did you leave it on alot? my buddy that got his the same time as me had a similar problem. I make sure and turn mine off whenever Im not using it.

dud my bros used to play for like 5-6hrs straight, pissed me off..i blame them for it haha

i babied that thing man, oh well repair is coming soon cuz i miss that shit

LimeLite Racing
05-19-2010, 12:35 PM
That sucks drew! Time to move up to Portland man! Things will get better for you. I'm sure of it.

05-19-2010, 12:58 PM
first job was a roller hockey referee. made good money for being 15

05-19-2010, 01:59 PM
who cares if your a veteran.what you think your better just because your a veteran.who gives a fuck

how dare you say something like that you disrespectful little shit. even if you think that way how fucking DARE you think of saying something like that. i hope you and your mother get raped by terrorists.

05-19-2010, 05:08 PM
That sucks drew! Time to move up to Portland man! Things will get better for you. I'm sure of it.

How is Portland, economy wise?
Hows the unemployment rate there?

I wouldnt mind moving there or Austin, TX.
Heard housing and cost of living is nicer.
Def a cooler town than lame-ass Los Angeles imo.

05-25-2010, 03:05 PM
That sucks drew! Time to move up to Portland man! Things will get better for you. I'm sure of it.

Lol Damn man I wish I could.. How is it up there for you?

I took the ATT test and passed so now its a waiting game to see if Im gonna get an interview? fingers crossed

LimeLite Racing
05-25-2010, 03:15 PM
How is Portland, economy wise?
Hows the unemployment rate there?

I wouldnt mind moving there or Austin, TX.
Heard housing and cost of living is nicer.
Def a cooler town than lame-ass Los Angeles imo.

It's awesome up here. I've been satisfied ever since I left Socal. Cost of living is wayyyyy cheaper as well. Craigslist some housing for Portland, I think you'll be surprised.

Lol Damn man I wish I could.. How is it up there for you?

I took the ATT test and passed so now its a waiting game to see if Im gonna get an interview? fingers crossed

Job hunting up here is a lot more different I noticed than Southern California. Everyone seems to always be hiring. I've had the option to bounce from job to job out of pickiness whereas in Southern Cali I was lucky to have a job to begin with.

If I was going to hire someone, I would pick the military experience a thousand times over the average joe. You've got that to your advantage Drew, now all you've got to do is keep your head up.....

Or move to Portland...

05-25-2010, 03:21 PM
It's awesome up here. I've been satisfied ever since I left Socal. Cost of living is wayyyyy cheaper as well. Craigslist some housing for Portland, I think you'll be surprised.

Job hunting up here is a lot more different I noticed than Southern California. Everyone seems to always be hiring. I've had the option to bounce from job to job out of pickiness whereas in Southern Cali I was lucky to have a job to begin with.

If I was going to hire someone, I would pick the military experience a thousand times over the average joe. You've got that to your advantage Drew, now all you've got to do is keep your head up.....

Or move to Portland...

Yea Im trying... but sieriously I am thinking of just moving. PM me your # again bro I will keep intouch. When you commin thru? :)

<<< almost 2k posts :)

LimeLite Racing
05-25-2010, 03:30 PM
Yea Im trying... but sieriously I am thinking of just moving. PM me your # again bro I will keep intouch. When you commin thru? :)

<<< almost 2k posts :)

I will do that for sure man! I'm gonna be visiting in September I hope. I haven't seen anyone in the 661 in pretty close to a year man.

<<< almost 1400 posts :) hahah

05-25-2010, 04:29 PM
dude, you have the GI bill.... free college

GI bill free college? You are definitely wrong.

05-25-2010, 04:36 PM
wow lucky i have a job, this is a pretty chill job with chill people, working in the accounting at a law firm in downtown LA and all, regular 7-4pm job, pay is good, so are benefits and the experience with working with managers, supervisors and partners is awesome =)

05-25-2010, 07:47 PM
wow lucky i have a job, this is a pretty chill job with chill people, working in the accounting at a law firm in downtown LA and all, regular 7-4pm job, pay is good, so are benefits and the experience with working with managers, supervisors and partners is awesome =)

Yea if you got a job.... be grateful and keep strong as long as you can.

05-26-2010, 11:15 AM
MY first job i ended up fucking my self lol... it was 10th grade, through a work ability program where the school finds a job and your alowed to leave school early and then work ends at 5. but the job was working with a guy named shine yoshikawa he is a main designer for toyota. back then tho i didnt give a dam about cars i was just into motocross.. but he wanted to help me learn how to design and improve my drawing skills. he then gave me a once in a life time opertunity. i started to improve my drawing skills, and he said he was gonna have me design my own car.. send it to a company and he said if they accepted the design i would have been set for life. but stupid me wanted to go to a motocross race that day. and when he heard about that i was fired. i guess we all make mistakes.

05-26-2010, 04:00 PM
Damn that sucks... I am now working on a small buisness grant to start a shop or an import dismanteling company. I have my old high school teacher with an MBA and has successfully written and collected grants :) so Im hoping this will be it. I just have to find something for money now though.

Any other Ideas out there?

thanks for all input

06-09-2010, 02:03 AM
Best place to work in my opinion is CHW they are all over cali pays good great benefits. That's if ur in the healthcare field. . But economy wise I been lucky I was able to buy a house at a great price I've never collected edd, just finish college. Planning on becoming a pharmacist,
But I know not everybody has been tru the same like many others my parents are strugling financially house bill to high work is slow.

So drew keep it up bro. Don't give up.

06-09-2010, 04:22 AM
move somewhere with a lower cost of living
buy a house, stop throwing money away
take any job you can get your hands on until you find something you like

this is probably cliffs for every other post in this thread

oh and a life goal might help. i want to open a dive bar downtown, and i plan to do so by 30

dood bakersfield is pretty cheap.......

that might be part of the problem though, what is the main source of industry in bakersfield besides cooking and selling meth? I recommend moving out of bakersfield because there is not a lot of jobs there to begin with. maybe you can find a job at a local airport. or with a private jet company, even selling planes... or i know that the police hire lots of us service people..... I know all too well the $8.20 an hour is not going to cut it, going to that from some $30 an hour for marketing

if you have some money, start something of your own, and hire people at $8.00 an hour to make you rich

06-09-2010, 04:28 AM
always try to find a job that nobody wants to do... will work every time, will always have steady work even when the economy is low. if you want to do a service type job, just make sure that its a job that is always going to need to be done.... car sales NO... Real estate depends... but usually no, like making shirts always needs to be done, cleaning commercial properties always needs to be done. even little shit like washing windows... it can all add up. just a thought

06-09-2010, 04:22 PM
Well I didnt get that ATT job so back to square one. I think im gonna use my GI bill to go to a specialized school but need to be cautious cause I only get one shot.

any routes that anyone has taken out there that LOVES their job and was worth the training?

if so which institution and what did you certify in?


06-10-2010, 03:41 PM
past 4 month i've turned in 150-200 applications. still nothing...

06-10-2010, 03:55 PM
always try to find a job that nobody wants to do... will work every time, will always have steady work even when the economy is low. if you want to do a service type job, just make sure that its a job that is always going to need to be done.... car sales NO... Real estate depends... but usually no, like making shirts always needs to be done, cleaning commercial properties always needs to be done. even little shit like washing windows... it can all add up. just a thought

Yeah I seriously thought about being something along the lines of a mortician or coroner.
There's got to be demand for that sort of thing
I can't see how most ppl would be comfy under those circumstances.

06-10-2010, 08:19 PM
Yeah I seriously thought about being something along the lines of a mortician or coroner.
There's got to be demand for that sort of thing
I can't see how most ppl would be comfy under those circumstances.

if you want to know something funny... im planning on becoming a forensic pathologist (coroner) or a mortician...

more than likely ill just finish up my psych degree then go to mortician school. or ill work my ass off to meet the requirements for coroner or at least deputy coroner.

its a good line of work. good pay good benefits, as long as you dont mind wierd smells

06-10-2010, 10:22 PM
Ok, I didn't read anything past the 1st page because it was basically the same thing over and over...

So forgive me if someone mentioned this but I've come to realize... to get a job in this kind of economy, it really is more about knowing someone rather than having the appropriate credentials or best degree.

I personally didn't graduate with honors or a 4.0 from a top school. Actually, I had a 3.2 and got a B.S. in Business Administration from UC Riverside. Good school, but not the best. Anyways, In the past year, I've had 2 different full time jobs, both of which I got through someone I knew. 1st was through my friend's mom's friend, 2nd was through my sister's friend.

Also, every other person that I know that has gotten a job recently (within the past year) has gotten the job through someone they knew. In fact, the company I just joined just hired ~20 people in March. I think 15 or so were through referrals.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, yes work on your resume, study hard, but also, go out and NETWORK! Be social, and talk to people! You never know when the "work" topic will come up! Everybody has friends who have friends that work at a company that's hiring. Your mom, your dad, your uncle, your friends friends mom... Try to make a good impression with people you meet, and have a good conversation with them, and they might just think of you when a job opportunity comes up.

Just my $.02, maybe I just got lucky with both jobs...? i dunno...

06-10-2010, 10:29 PM
Ok, I didn't read anything past the 1st page because it was basically the same thing over and over...

So forgive me if someone mentioned this but I've come to realize... to get a job in this kind of economy, it really is more about knowing someone rather than having the appropriate credentials or best degree.

I personally didn't graduate with honors or a 4.0 from a top school. Actually, I had a 3.2 and got a B.S. in Business Administration from UC Riverside. Good school, but not the best. Anyways, In the past year, I've had 2 different full time jobs, both of which I got through someone I knew. 1st was through my friend's mom's friend, 2nd was through my sister's friend.

Also, every other person that I know that has gotten a job recently (within the past year) has gotten the job through someone they knew. In fact, the company I just joined just hired ~20 people in March. I think 15 or so were through referrals.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, yes work on your resume, study hard, but also, go out and NETWORK! Be social, and talk to people! You never know when the "work" topic will come up! Everybody has friends who have friends that work at a company that's hiring. Your mom, your dad, your uncle, your friends friends mom... Try to make a good impression with people you meet, and have a good conversation with them, and they might just think of you when a job opportunity comes up.

Just my $.02, maybe I just got lucky with both jobs...? i dunno...

i hate how ucr lags in their career resources center =( glad u got through ok lol only 2 more years for me!

06-11-2010, 12:41 AM
i got a job with boeing after a few months of searching. its in saudi arabia, but its work

06-11-2010, 08:26 AM
i got a job with boeing after a few months of searching. its in saudi arabia, but its work

Dayum... Im straight with that... lol. I was thinking of going for a year to build up some doe but seeing all of those contractors gettin knabbed and stabbed made me think of my son. Id go back to japan.. but trust me Im looking elsewhere but not that far.

what was your afsc Yokotas13? what rank there are a couple jobs in Edwards and China Lake Im applying for. congrats on the job. Hows the Vip style over there?? haha

06-11-2010, 01:09 PM
Well I didnt get that ATT job so back to square one. I think im gonna use my GI bill to go to a specialized school but need to be cautious cause I only get one shot.

any routes that anyone has taken out there that LOVES their job and was worth the training?

if so which institution and what did you certify in?


I know CA is a prime spot for the aerospace industry. Do the manufactures have apprentice programs for tech jobs?

at my company, they take applications for apprenticeship programs that train you for stuff like pipe fitting, welding, electrical work, computer aided drafting and such. You dont pay them, they pay you. They give you a 14-15/hr job, while learning your trade for a few years. Most govt contractors give you full ride on college education once your working full time as well, so you can continue with a BS degree part time (preferably an engineering degree), and continue moving your way up the ladder.

I would assume LM, NG, Boing, SpaceX does stuff like this out in Cali

Honestly I think the best degree to have right now is a 4-year computer engineering degree. It's tough to swing, but you can get a job just about damn near anywhere in the country.

Nurses and doctors are always good as well, but may not be your type of work .

any engineering degree really. I have class mates that graduated with low 2s and are getting the same jobs as ones that worked hard for mid to high 3s.

The hot new degree for both defense and IT industry now is Systems Engineering for the next decade.

06-26-2010, 03:29 AM
Ok, I didn't read anything past the 1st page because it was basically the same thing over and over...

So forgive me if someone mentioned this but I've come to realize... to get a job in this kind of economy, it really is more about knowing someone rather than having the appropriate credentials or best degree.

That is precisely my point. All of these online applications may work sometimes but ^^ just as he said its wl lho you know. if you have good work ethic, and are mechanically inclined. such as most of us, and know someone with a buisness or higher up then you have a lot more hope than applying on line.

Im still lookin. .. just got done as a matter of fact..

06-26-2010, 08:46 AM
Took me a long ass time to get a job. Past two years I've done a few seasonal jobs and a bunch of day labor.

My problem has been having a school schedule. So many people applying for the same jobs that are willing and able to make 7 days of their week available. But I'm not skipping class for $8-10/hr. I always felt like keeping a school schedule helped me pick up some of my jobs back in the day.

I have an AS in bio, but it hasn't done anything for me yet.

07-02-2010, 12:22 AM
Damn still lookin.... thought I had a couple on the hook but now and days there are people perfectly qualified for the job or its friends or family.

guess Im gonna have to wait till a homie or relative hooks me up..lol fuck it.