View Full Version : got pulled over.......

05-14-2010, 12:26 AM
so driving my car in el monte area the other day decided to step on the gas a bit car came infront of me so i changed lanes quickly then starting shitting bricks cuz theres a fukin sherriff just chillin there on the corner. so he pulls me over asks me to get out dis that, so he clocked me at 72 on a 40, gave me a speeding ticket, reckless driving, and unsafe change of lane. all the following he gave me are circled as infractions and not a misdimeanar. so just wanted to ask if anyone has been thru dis situation and could give me sum advice on what to do.

05-14-2010, 12:30 AM
This probably belongs in the regional section. If I were in your situation, I could call a lawyer, and for a nominal fee, have the tickets turned into non-moving violations. My buddy got pulled over in his new car last weekend, we were doing about 120, and he got a ticket for 107 in a 60. it's already been taken care of, and will wind up costing him about $650 when all is said and done. no points.
Learn some motherfucking grammar, shithead.

05-14-2010, 12:30 AM
i really hope your spurt of speed was worth 1000plus dollars. i highly doubt a judge will even consider lowering your bail either.

05-14-2010, 12:36 AM
This probably belongs in the regional section. If I were in your situation, I could call a lawyer, and for a nominal fee, have the tickets turned into non-moving violations. My buddy got pulled over in his new car last weekend, we were doing about 120, and he got a ticket for 107 in a 60. it's already been taken care of, and will wind up costing him about $650 when all is said and done. no points.
Learn some motherfucking grammar, shithead.

ok dumb motha fuker who gives a fuk about grammer on a 240 forum, if u aint got nothing to say that can help me out shut the fuck up

05-14-2010, 12:46 AM
sounds like reckless driving for driving 72 at local. I would think it is very hard to get out of it.

05-14-2010, 12:48 AM
ok dumb motha fuker who gives a fuk about grammer on a 240 forum, if u aint got nothing to say that can help me out shut the fuck up

lol, awesome

05-14-2010, 12:49 AM
wow, people like that fail at life.

05-14-2010, 12:49 AM
lol, awesome

i like your location :boink:

05-14-2010, 01:07 AM
i like your location :boink:

i lol'd :bowrofl:

05-14-2010, 01:11 AM
ok dumb motha fuker who gives a fuk about grammer on a 240 forum, if u aint got nothing to say that can help me out shut the fuck up

seriously dude...you are fucking retarded

any of the people that might be willing to help you probably "gives a fuk about grammer on a 240 forum."

you want some advice, though? don't drive like a fucking dumbass and you will stay out of trouble.

05-14-2010, 01:13 AM
this thread. LOL

05-14-2010, 01:15 AM
wow, 4 points in a single incident.
good job *golf clap*

Busted DID give the best advice.
Get a lawyer.

ok dumb motha fuker who gives a fuk about grammer on a 240 forum, if u aint got nothing to say that can help me out shut the fuck up

grow up


05-14-2010, 01:15 AM
ok dumb motha fuker who gives a fuk about grammer on a 240 forum, if u aint got nothing to say that can help me out shut the fuck up

with that reply i hope you go to jail and lose your D/L for a year

05-14-2010, 01:18 AM
i just love zilvia.

05-14-2010, 01:26 AM
wat grammar isnt IMPORtANT riting liek this with no periods is the COOLLESSTTT

05-14-2010, 01:27 AM
It's been covered, don't drive like a dumb fuck and you won't get tickets.

And who the fuck still says "shitting bricks" anymore?

05-14-2010, 01:36 AM
ok dumb motha fuker who gives a fuk about grammer on a 240 forum, if u aint got nothing to say that can help me out shut the fuck up


Anyways, get a traffic lawyer. Done.

05-14-2010, 01:38 AM
Good luck dude. He gave you the best advice. If you can't pay for your own they should give you one,not like it will help. Building up that much speed to pass someone?.... Judge is going to lol at that.p.s. ..
~''~-*_-YeR FuKeD iF TyPe LyKe DiSz oN HeRr_-*-~"~-..*
best of luck

05-14-2010, 01:42 AM
you mad. lulz

05-14-2010, 01:47 AM
twinkle twinkle baby twinkle twinkle

05-14-2010, 01:51 AM
i just love zilvia.
X2! <3

just listen to busted and get a lawyer!
and i think your avatar might be considered "inappropriate" :/
just sayinggggg.. :bigok:

05-14-2010, 02:04 AM

msgs lngth

05-14-2010, 02:35 AM
im a lawyer.... i say u get 3 month community service !

05-14-2010, 02:40 AM
Plea no contest. No need for a lawyer. The judge will find you guilty because you are. No need in fighting if you're wrong and you know it. You'll get driving probation, pay fines, $500 or more. Points on driving record. Infractions is good. Misdemeanor is bad. Felony is super bad.

So, you're okay. You're gonna get taxed and insurance will go up x2 or x3, insurance and points won't drop until 4-5 years later.

05-14-2010, 02:48 AM
Plea no contest. No need for a lawyer. The judge will find you guilty because you are. No need in fighting if you're wrong and you know it. You'll get driving probation, pay fines, $500 or more. Points on driving record. Infractions is good. Misdemeanor is bad. Felony is super bad.

So, you're okay. You're gonna get taxed and insurance will go up x2 or x3, insurance and points won't drop until 4-5 years later.

lol, where do you live, hell? in my country, you can throw money at this kind of crap and it disappears. also, tickets get YOU.

05-14-2010, 02:53 AM
Hey I have an idea! When you go to court dont say a word. Take your laptop, pull up Zilvia and show him this thread. Den Wez gunna see wuts hes thank'in fo'sho. 72 in a 40mph zone yeah plan on paying that fine in FULL.

05-14-2010, 02:55 AM
i had a 68 in a 40 when i was 16. i think that ticket cost like $250. again, no points.

05-14-2010, 03:01 AM
dis threead equ-l's supa win dawgg.!!!

05-14-2010, 03:15 AM
lolz @ bustedS13 location! Classic!

05-14-2010, 08:37 AM
so driving my car in el monte area the other day decided to step on the gas a bit car came infront of me so i changed lanes quickly then starting shitting bricks cuz theres a fukin sherriff just chillin there on the corner. so he pulls me over asks me to get out dis that, so he clocked me at 72 on a 40, gave me a speeding ticket, reckless driving, and unsafe change of lane. all the following he gave me are circled as infractions and not a misdimeanar. so just wanted to ask if anyone has been thru dis situation and could give me sum advice on what to do.

1st piece of advice....stop driving like a moron.

2nd piece of advice....learn how to spell (elementary school anyone?), and use grammar. The proper use of grammar, combined with your new found spelling skills will make communication on the internet, that much more enjoyable for everyone that reads what you type. :wavey:

lmao. Can i move to your area busted?

The only way this thread could possibly be any better, is if the OP had a super JDM SR swap at the time.......

05-14-2010, 09:03 AM
i really hope your spurt of speed was worth 1000plus dollars. i highly doubt a judge will even consider lowering your bail either.

trust me, it's going to be a lot more than 1000 dollars. shit has skyrocketed.

05-14-2010, 09:07 AM
sucks, expensive lesson, watch your ass more carefully next time.

05-14-2010, 10:06 AM
don't drive like a fucking dumbass and you will stay out of trouble.

thats the best advice anyone on hear can give you..

72 in a 40??? you brought your ticket upon yourself, now deal with it..

take what ever they give you, do what you have to do to pay it and dont try and sneak your way out of it...PROBLEM SOLVED

05-14-2010, 10:27 AM
Everyone knows you never stop for cops... duh! You should have just did a mad tyte jdm dorifto so the cop would respeck yo skillz dawg. :axe:

05-14-2010, 10:31 AM


05-14-2010, 10:34 AM
so driving my car in el monte area the other day decided to step on the gas a bit car came infront of me so i changed lanes quickly then starting shitting bricks cuz theres a fukin sherriff just chillin there on the corner. so he pulls me over asks me to get out dis that, so he clocked me at 72 on a 40, gave me a speeding ticket, reckless driving, and unsafe change of lane. all the following he gave me are circled as infractions and not a misdimeanar. so just wanted to ask if anyone has been thru dis situation and could give me sum advice on what to do.

you drive a nissan 240sx, which is arguably one of the best performance automobiles ever made, and you stop for a police officer? You do know that they are legally not allowed to chase you, and if they did they'd never catch you right?

05-14-2010, 10:42 AM
get a lawyer and get that ish off your record. it may be expensive but its worth it...cuz if u prolly usually drive like that and you'll prolly get another reckless.

idk how it is over there but in va its a suspended license for 6 months with 2 reckless hits on ur record. i got a reckless for doing 82 in a 55 in va so yea

05-14-2010, 10:43 AM
ok dumb motha fuker who gives a fuk about grammer on a 240 forum, if u aint got nothing to say that can help me out shut the fuck up

Nothing can help you or this thread.