05-13-2010, 08:28 PM
Hey guys im selling a 06 ego paintball gun. Its black with green parts with a 45/45 carbon fiber pure energy tank and a black halo b with a rip drive and a v35 board with a virtue crown speed feed. Im selling the gun for 350$ and the gun with everything (tank and hopper) for 500$ ill post pictures tomarrow but if you want pictures tonight just pm me and ill give you my # and ill text you the pictures. Also im selling a 09 special edition g3 paintball gun its white with silver parts with a white halo b with a rip drive and a v35 board and a white speed feed and a 45/45 carbon fiber ans tank. Im asking 350$ just for gun and 550$ with everything (tank and hopper) Thanks for looking. Sorry no trades unless trading the ego with everything for a s13 shell.