View Full Version : Cop shoots motorcyclist in the back and now faces 11-years in prison

05-11-2010, 04:00 PM
Cop shoots motorcyclist in the back in a traffic stop.... - Orange, CA, United States, 92865 - Sportbike Club Blog post - Brought to you by 2 Wheel Tuner magazine (http://my.sportbikeclub.com/_Cop-shoots-motorcyclist-in-the-back-in-a-traffic-stop/blog/2334309/46089.html)

thoughts? cops gettin AGGRO up in here.

05-11-2010, 04:15 PM
that was a bit extreme.. i do understand though from teh cop's view angle and the way the guy was turned, could have a concealed weapon, but its hard to tell if the cop gave any warning before firing.

05-11-2010, 04:36 PM
How do you not know there was a cop behind you.

05-11-2010, 04:47 PM
How do you not know there was a cop behind you.

I can't hear myself next to a harley several lanes over. couldn't imagine being on one...

Also, cop comes out of the car cocked and locked. don't think that is normal shit.

05-11-2010, 04:48 PM
^^ yeah seriously how do you not know a cops behind you when you can see the lights flashing even if you can't hear them.

but yeah the cop was kinda quick to fire. didn't really tell him to get his hands up or anything before shooting him. i think he may have said "get down" but hard to make out with the reporter talking till the last second.

05-11-2010, 04:52 PM
It is extreme on the cop's part.

It's like shooting the driver of a car you pulled over,
just b/c they don't have both their hands on the wheel.
In this case, I'm not convinced it was the reasonable thing to fire at the kid.
OC cops are pretty ruthless and this doesn't surprise me at all.

Is it possible the kids weren't aware cops were behind them?
Unlikely, but not impossible if they were stoned & drunk enough (as per the 2nd vid).
Still doesn't justify the shooting in any way at all imo.

Cop is def in the wrong here.

11 yrs imprisonment doesn't seems sufficient.
somehow I think the cop will get no more than 1 month suspension w/ pay though.
they can do no wrong.

05-11-2010, 04:56 PM
kids were stoned and drunk the night before the incidence. i doubt they were still wearing the effects.

05-11-2010, 05:57 PM
Finally a police officer being held accountable for his mistake.

05-11-2010, 05:58 PM
although i cant imagine them not being able to see the bright ass lights behind them (you would really need to be spaced out or have tunnel vision to not see the bright LED lights bouncing off your surroundings/rearview mirrors), there is no excuse for the initial shot and no way in hell for a second shot...im talking out of my ass because i dont know the legalities or protocol, but if he was in doubt, the cop should have just tased him...would have been in the news for like 10 seconds, then over with...no irreparable damage in sight...

on a side note, not an ounce of offense for anyone in the police force or in criminal justice, but are all these incidents revolving around cops/enforcers occurring because any damn trigger happy HS drop out without common sense is able to be a cop now a days? seems like a lot of bad judgment calls and human error with that field in the last 5 years in general...i have no real knowledge of this subject matter...

05-11-2010, 06:37 PM
That officer deserves to go to jail.

05-11-2010, 06:45 PM
Finally a police officer being held accountable for his mistake.
exactly what i was thinking, but somehow i still think he will get off easy.

05-11-2010, 07:03 PM
Seems to be a win-win situation.

05-11-2010, 07:51 PM
kids were stoned and drunk the night before the incidence. i doubt they were still wearing the effects.

The specifics are shaky.
Vid mentioned the kid's alchol BAC level was over the limit
If the drinking was from the night prior, I don't see how that could be relevant.

Also bieng 'over the limit' is vague.
Getting buzzed & shit-faced drunk makes some difference.
Kid appeared relaxed in a posture.
I wouldn't have done too much different under the circumstances.

But like I said, they could or could not have been drunk.
They could be on something else
They could be 100% sober.
They could have been stupid
(which they are regardless imo for obvious reasons)

Still, I see no reasonable justification for what happened here.

on a side note, not an ounce of offense for anyone in the police force or in criminal justice, but are all these incidents revolving around cops/enforcers occurring because any damn trigger happy HS drop out without common sense is able to be a cop now a days? seems like a lot of bad judgment calls and human error with that field in the last 5 years in general...i have no real knowledge of this subject matter...

Well you can't generalize based on a few isolated incidences.
Personally I think the worst ppl are the judges and the PD superiors.
Their outrageously lax approach to disciplinary measures are saying cops can, and will pretty much get away with just about anything.

It's not necessarily easy being a cop.
I looked in Los Angeles Sheriff's & LAPD.
I think HS graduation is a requirement.
They also look into past legal offenses, drug use, driving record, employment record (even at jobs you'd rather not list), credit score, personal references, etc.
Now how strict they are with that screening is another matter probably.

05-11-2010, 09:44 PM
I dont give a shit who you are. Shoot someone in the back, your a motherfucker.

05-11-2010, 10:17 PM
doesnt matter if they had something in their system, the cop could not determine that at the time and still no reason to shoot.

05-11-2010, 11:40 PM
sadly enought this is what cops are supposed to be able to do. the alternative is this
CAUTION: very disturbing
kushmonster: VIETNAM VETERAN KILLS COP (http://kushmonster.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_16.html)

05-11-2010, 11:52 PM
only 11 years! this cop should at least get 15! there is no reason for a cop to shot someone sitting on a motorcycle with his back turned to him! there i no way in hell the kid on the bike could of opened fire on the police officer from that position! plus he didnt have a gun, trigger happy pig!

05-12-2010, 12:51 AM
sadly enought this is what cops are supposed to be able to do. the alternative is this
CAUTION: very disturbing
kushmonster: VIETNAM VETERAN KILLS COP (http://kushmonster.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_16.html)

the guy didnt have a back up. should call a back up before coming out. but still

the guy on the bike nonetheless not needed to get shot. he is on his back

thats like a pussy move.

05-12-2010, 01:09 AM
sadly enought this is what cops are supposed to be able to do. the alternative is this
CAUTION: very disturbing
kushmonster: VIETNAM VETERAN KILLS COP (http://kushmonster.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_16.html)

fuck that sucks.... should of called for some back up. mistakes happen. too bad this mistake ended up with him dead.

05-12-2010, 01:13 AM
this is why we crew dont stop for cops this are main head check it out.. lol

YouTube - Ridin Dirty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnKTfe655Ss)

05-12-2010, 10:13 AM
this is why we crew dont stop for cops this are main head check it out.. lol

YouTube - Ridin Dirty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnKTfe655Ss)

I don't know what the fuck you just said.


On a side note: this is not normal protocol. You don't exit your vehicle gun drawn when the guy is already stopped. His buddy fucking wrecked and is about to get run over by the other patrol car. These cops were just out to have a good time and needed something exciting to do.

I think cops should require a college degree of some sort and a pay raise. This is ridiculous. Graduating HS is not a great feat... you can graduate HS without being literate (this board is a prime example).

I feel that HS graduates going in to law-enforcement are a bunch of strung-out college drop outs that didn't know what else to do because all of their other options have been exhausted. Can't hold a steady office job? Try a badge.

Mate-J? Where is the win-win? Cop gets a lenient sentence (more so than a "normal" citizen") and the kid loses his legs forever? Sure he gets some cash, but he was probably already well off....early 20s riding a harley and body builds in his spare time?

05-12-2010, 11:29 AM
I dont know if education would have helped in this situation.
I agree its a good idea.
A more educated cop isnt necessarily a more ethical one.

The offending cop is pretty dumb though.
How could he not be aware that he was bieng filmed by his own camera?

The evidence is blatantly obvious.
All the remains to be seen is how inept the court & judge are.

05-12-2010, 11:40 AM
doesnt matter if they had something in their system, the cop could not determine that at the time and still no reason to shoot.

And its irrelevant.
Glad I wasnt shot when i had my DWI in 1996.

I think cops should require a college degree of some sort and a pay raise. This is ridiculous. Graduating HS is not a great feat... you can graduate HS without being literate (this board is a prime example).

Mate-J? Where is the win-win? Cop gets a lenient sentence (more so than a "normal" citizen") and the kid loses his legs forever? Sure he gets some cash, but he was probably already well off....early 20s riding a harley and body builds in his spare time?

Hey, Im not literate because i didnt graduate, lol.
Skateboarding and watching Matlock at 10am where way more important, lol.

they need so many cops in LA, and its not an appealing job.
Plus, growing up in LA and around the entertainment industries, people think about money and social position differently then the rest of the country.
Everyone wants to be a baller.
So being a help to the world and society just isnt selfish enough for most people.
So LAPD takes what they can get and still needs to advertise on billboards.
its actually kind of sad.

yeah, no win.
Although, for being in SoCal, and a cop being held accountable.
That is pretty good.
Had it been a minority in a "urban" area, cop would be suspended, and let go later.
Rich guy in the OC has the support and the money to handle it properly.
Guys life is ruined, forever!!!
Cop seems like he was to dumb to have been an officer in the first place.
A little adrenaline and he's out of control of rational thought and reasoning?
crazy, good idea giving him a gun.

05-12-2010, 11:49 AM
The guys on the bikes shouldn't have tried to run in the first place. That being said, no one deserves to be shot in the back.

05-12-2010, 11:51 AM
this is why we crew dont stop for cops this are main head check it out.. lol

YouTube - Ridin Dirty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnKTfe655Ss)
you give our generation a bad image... :rant:

05-12-2010, 11:52 AM
doesnt matter if they had something in their system, the cop could not determine that at the time and still no reason to shoot.

This guy is exactly right!! Working in law enforcement I can honestly say based on my experience the officer was trigger happy and did not act accordingly. I did not really watch the whole video, but with the pursuit lasting a minute or so from what I seen, the motorcyclist did not put anyones life in danger but his, he was not a threat to anyone else, think about it the threat (motorcyclist) was driving away from the officer. Yea, stopping him from going into a highly populated area is one thing. The officer carries his taser, his oc spray, his batton, his DEFENSIVE TACTICS he learned in the academy. The officer was shielded by his vehicle, no way in fucking hell the motorcylist could have turned, balanced his bike and had an accurate shot on the officer. The officer totally ignored the force continuum in my opinion, but who knows what the officer was thinking at that exact moment. It's sad but this is the reason many hate the police departments around the world. Jackass. Hopefully justice is served.

05-12-2010, 11:55 AM
Hey, Im not literate because i didnt graduate, lol.
Skateboarding and watching Matlock at 10am where way more important, lol.

Exactly my point, bro. No offense, but I wouldn't give you a badge. It isn't because I don't think you're a stable and intelligent dude, but because skateboarding and Matlock were more important to you than the grand scheme. Your short term goals were ranked higher than your long term goals.

Not a big deal but its similar to applying taking a badge instead of finishing school vs studying law, finishing school, and being a detective. One case, you take it because you can. The other case, you make it a goal to serve justice.

they need so many cops in LA, and its not an appealing job.
Plus, growing up in LA and around the entertainment industries, people think about money and social position differently then the rest of the country.
Everyone wants to be a baller.
So being a help to the world and society just isnt selfish enough for most people.
So LAPD takes what they can get and still needs to advertise on billboards.
its actually kind of sad.

I've seen these. Its terrible. I totally agree that people here are out to make a dime vs work in a fulfilling job. I'm a prime example. I'm very just in my actions but I'd hate the life of a cop. I'd rather be comfy in my office.

Cop seems like he was to dumb to have been an officer in the first place.
A little adrenaline and he's out of control of rational thought and reasoning?
crazy, good idea giving him a gun.

Boom. I'd rather have people out there "protecting and serving" because they want it (and work for it), not because it is an only option.

"Dropped out of school....army? marines? navy? police? hmm..."

05-12-2010, 11:58 AM
This guy is exactly right!! Working in law enforcement I can honestly say based on my experience the officer was trigger happy and did not act accordingly. I did not really watch the whole video, but with the pursuit lasting a minute or so from what I seen, the motorcyclist did not put anyones life in danger but his, he was not a threat to anyone else, think about it the threat (motorcyclist) was driving away from the officer. Yea, stopping him from going into a highly populated area is one thing. The officer carries his taser, his oc spray, his batton, his DEFENSIVE TACTICS he learned in the academy. The officer was shielded by his vehicle, no way in fucking hell the motorcylist could have turned, balanced his bike and had an accurate shot on the officer. The officer totally ignored the force continuum in my opinion, but who knows what the officer was thinking at that exact moment. It's sad but this is the reason many hate the police departments around the world. Jackass. Hopefully justice is served.

THIS is the guy I want protecting me. I've had nothing but good run ins with LEOs in my areas (both in OC and Riverside). I've had one who was a little rude but that was in a bad area and I only got a warning (window tint and my window switch was broken so I couldn't roll it down).

05-12-2010, 12:03 PM
First off the cop had NO reason to have his gun pulled, they drove from stop sign to stop sign its not like he was ending a 20 minute high speed persuit.

And the thing that still has me thinking is the cop is to his LEFT, the guy on the motorcycle turned to his RIGHT... Who in their right mind would turn to the OPPOSITE side of the person to shoot them?... Logically, you'd turn to the direction that the person was, and I would understand if a cop would react to that... But this guy turned to his right and looked right into the dash cam/lights, not only right before he got shot but also twice when he was pulled over, so he was just turning around like "WTF" The lawyer was making it seem like he made a jerking motion too like he was pulling something out, the guy turned his fucking head and his shoulder moved and he shot him... Throw that fucking trigger happy pig in jail...

05-12-2010, 12:35 PM
And another thing that kills me. There are some officers that have been on departments for 20 years who have NEVER pulled out there weapon or used it!! You are taught alternative methods to calming situations down and that proves it. Then, there are some guys who just wanna shoot someone in there career, what kinda crap is that? Going home safe is always important for an officer, I'm sure several of you guys have heard that before. Police work is very unexpected as we all know, having to shoot some one or hurt someone etc etc is all with the territory, but this video is a prime example of that one jack ass on a department who has had the goal of shooting someone in his career.

05-12-2010, 01:01 PM
And another thing that kills me. There are some officers that have been on departments for 20 years who have NEVER pulled out there weapon or used it!!

+1 Fucking no reason at all to pull a gun in that situation or 99.9% of the situations a cop encounters. Even if I knew he was pulling a weapon I wouldn't have pulled mine. I would have closed the gap and had him in an arm bar before he was even fully turned around. If you can't get from the cop car to his arm brandishing a weapon before it's aimed at you, then honestly you deserve to be shot. Watch the video again and see how long the cop had to close the gap. Pathetic.

05-12-2010, 01:03 PM
I'm pretty sure that's not what a cop is supposed to do. Run up on a guy and arm bar him? WTF?

05-12-2010, 01:40 PM
^^^^^ I read through some of these responses and some of you guys have NO IDEA of what is is to be a police officer or what a cop can and can't do or even what local penal laws are. (especially the post above from OperationSr20 & 0100), and furthermore you guys are saying the officer has no RIGHT to have his gun out. You are absolutely wrong. That cop had every right to have his gun out during that situation. How about we start from the beginning. First: If the cops are riding behind you, drive or ride like a normal human being, Second: how about not driving on the sidewalk and on the wrong side of the road and making it look like you are running aka fleeing when they are trying to stopping ?!?!?!? Now, in no way shape or form im I saying the guy deserved to be shot, but clearly this whole situation could have been avoided is what im saying. I don't think the cop should go to jail, there is no way the cop in this situation CAN be charged with murder. It would IMPOSSIBLE for them to prove INTENT. The only charge I could possibly see is reckless endangerment and that would hard enough for them to prove without a reasonable doubt. I believe this cop at the end of the day will be indemnified by his department and beat all those charges. At most the family will sue civilly but the city and a department will foot the bill. my .02 :l101:

05-12-2010, 01:51 PM
^^^^^ I read through some of these responses and some of you guys have NO IDEA of what is is to be a police officer or what a cop can and can't do or even what local penal laws are. (especially the post above from OperationSr20 & 0100), and furthermore you guys are saying the officer has no RIGHT to have his gun out. You are absolutely wrong. That cop had every right to have his gun out during that situation. How about we start from the beginning. First: If the cops are riding behind you, drive or ride like a normal human being, Second: how about not driving on the sidewalk and on the wrong side of the road and making it look like you are running aka fleeing when they are trying to stopping ?!?!?!? Now, in no way shape or form im I saying the guy deserved to be shot, but clearly this whole situation could have been avoided is what im saying. I don't think the cop should go to jail, there is no way the cop in this situation CAN be charged with murder. It would IMPOSSIBLE for them to prove INTENT. The only charge I could possibly see is reckless endangerment and that would hard enough for them to prove without a reasonable doubt. I believe this cop at the end of the day will be indemnified by his department and beat all those charges. At most the family will sue civilly but the city and a department will foot the bill. my .02 :l101:

The guy shot a guy in the back.

who was sitting still.

How should he not be punished for that?

05-12-2010, 01:56 PM
The guy shot a guy in the back.

who was sitting still.

How should he not be punished for that?

Correction he shot a guy in the back that just finished running from him and had his hands in his pockets while the officer clearly shouted put your hands UP!!! and the guy proceeded to turn toward the cop as if he had a weapon. :rl:

No I dont feel he should be punished the two guys should be charged with reckless driving, reckless endangerment, and a bunch of other sh*t.

05-12-2010, 01:58 PM
Exactly my point, bro. No offense, but I wouldn't give you a badge. It isn't because I don't think you're a stable and intelligent dude, but because skateboarding and Matlock were more important to you than the grand scheme. Your short term goals were ranked higher than your long term goals.

When I was in Middle School, and already bored as shit with the system, and starting to not go to school. I went and took some phycological test to see what was up.
It said I was most likely to be a POLICE OFFICER, LAWYER or FELON.


I dropped out to pursue a career as a sponsored skateboarder, do art, and not waste my time in a stupid system that didnt work for me and offered me nothing.

Here I am years later.
Published photographer,
Living in Hollywood CA.
Working as a Cinematographer and doing movie lighting.

My long term goals ranked higher then societies short term shit.
I knew since 9 years old I was gonna, animate for Disney, shoot for national geographic or make movies in Hollywood.
High school is for learning social skills anyway.
Along with teaching you the 9-5 schedule that you will spend 40 years of your life doing.

Correction he shot a guy in the back that just finished running from him and had his hands in his pockets while the officer clearly shouted put your hands UP!!! and the guy proceeded to turn toward the cop as if he had a weapon. :rl:

No I dont feel he should be punished the two guys should be charged with reckless driving, reckless endangerment, and a bunch of other sh*t.

You are fucking high dude.

2 guys dont knwo a cop is behind them cause they had a couple and smoked some weed.
They floor it, cop hits siren, one guy slows to a stop while his buddy looses control.
Somehow another cop is already there in SECONDS to stop em. (look like a couple cops having a night out? police truck by Dead Kennedies anyone, lol)
Guy looks back at cop with hand on right KNEE, looks at his friend who JUST FUCKING CRASHED AND WAS ALMOST RUN OVER BY A COP CAR!
cop says to freeze or whatever, guy looks back over his shoulder, hand still on knee, and gets fucking shot!

BTW, that "pursuit" lasted about 12 second from lights to dead stop.
no one tried to run.
They are just idiots that floor it not thinking a cop was behind them.
The guy that got shot is at a stop by the time the cop catches up.
The officers own partner testified against him.
The motorcyclist that crashed had to call 911 after his friend was shot, the officer just stood there.

It cant be any more clear.
Why would you even try and rationalize that kind of behavior.
you dont need to stick up for him.

05-12-2010, 02:01 PM
^^^^^ I read through some of these responses and some of you guys have NO IDEA of what is is to be a police officer or what a cop can and can't do or even what local penal laws are. (especially the post above from OperationSr20 & 0100), and furthermore you guys are saying the officer has no RIGHT to have his gun out. You are absolutely wrong. That cop had every right to have his gun out during that situation. How about we start from the beginning. First: If the cops are riding behind you, drive or ride like a normal human being, Second: how about not driving on the sidewalk and on the wrong side of the road and making it look like you are running aka fleeing when they are trying to stopping ?!?!?!? Now, in no way shape or form im I saying the guy deserved to be shot, but clearly this whole situation could have been avoided is what im saying. I don't think the cop should go to jail, there is no way the cop in this situation CAN be charged with murder. It would IMPOSSIBLE for them to prove INTENT. The only charge I could possibly see is reckless endangerment and that would hard enough for them to prove without a reasonable doubt. I believe this cop at the end of the day will be indemnified by his department and beat all those charges. At most the family will sue civilly but the city and a department will foot the bill. my .02 :l101:

Who mentioned anything about murder?
The charges weren't murder, so I don't see how it's relevant.

Please enlighten us how local penal codes in OC are pertinent in this case.

05-12-2010, 02:01 PM
<3 i am very proud of you castro!

05-12-2010, 02:06 PM
Correction he shot a guy in the back that just finished running from him and had his hands in his pockets while the officer clearly shouted put your hands UP!!! and the guy proceeded to turn toward the cop as if he had a weapon. :rl:

No I dont feel he should be punished the two guys should be charged with reckless driving, reckless endangerment, and a bunch of other sh*t.

guy drove from one stop sign, to the other.

a total of ten seconds.

on the right side of the road.

or maybe we're watching different videos? iunno

05-12-2010, 02:09 PM
High school is for learning social skills anyway.
Along with teaching you the 9-5 schedule that you will spend 40 years of your life doing.

this qft...

05-12-2010, 02:16 PM
^^^plain and simple.
I agree exactly with you murda-c.

05-12-2010, 02:20 PM
<3 i am very proud of you castro!


Im all for policemen that act accordingly and do their job best they can.
But something is wrong with this officer.

I think homeboy did the natural reaction to stick up for a fellow officer.
But I think when he sits back and looks at it more objectivly, he will wonder "WTF was officer white thinking?"

i agree on the dude seemed to have a sweet life before he got capped.

05-12-2010, 02:26 PM
Who mentioned anything about murder?
The charges weren't murder, so I don't see how it's relevant.

Please enlighten us how local penal codes in OC are pertinent in this case.

The reason I said murder is because everybody is saying the cop should go to jail or be punished but I don't see why. So im assuming thats what they are thinking he should be charged with....Because every time a cop shoots someone thats the first thing people say. I know that its not possible but hey. I mentioned about penal law because apparently nobody acknowledges that these guys were doing stuff wrong before this whole shooting incident happened. ONCE again im not saying Its cool for a cop to shoot someone in the back....but Im saying this situation could have been avoided.

C-murda it doesn't matter if it was 5 seconds you have a cop driving behind you and, you proceed to speed off like they did the officer is gonna try to stop you.....The guy on the left was going so fast he couldn't even turn and ran up onto the side walk.

The point im trying to make is everybody is so quick to say what a cop should have done when you really have no idea of how dangerous situations like that can be. I believe its really sad that he got shot but maybe if he was doing the right thing and not break the law this wouldn't have happened

05-12-2010, 02:31 PM
lol....that cop didn't give a fuck....you always see cops where they pull their guns out cause someone else has a gun out....never do they shoot unless the other guy opens fire....but damn... no real warning.

If someone yelled freeze, I think i would turn to see who is saying that...it's normal reaction. Its like a earthquake....who starts running immediately? Its always a little shake, feel it out, walk outside, nothing...go back inside turn the tube back on.

05-12-2010, 02:34 PM
I'm pretty sure that's not what a cop is supposed to do. Run up on a guy and arm bar him? WTF?

If the officer thought he had a weapon, I can tell you if his decision was to closed the gap and put his arm holding a weapon in an arm bar he wouldn't be sitting in court.

If he really did have a weapon you would have full control of his arm holding the weapon.
If he didn't you let his arm go.

Sinking hot lead into his back was not the correct decision.

Any monkey can pull a trigger. I suggest he get more (if he has any at all) hand to hand combat training which is much more effective in 99.9% of the situations a cop will encounter.

05-12-2010, 02:44 PM
Dude being a police officer and a jiu jitsu trainer are totally different. I think you're missing the point....you know how many police brutality cases there already are? Now imagine cops walking around putting people in arm bars and geaten holds.

Bottom line is the cop is an idiot and should not have shot him.

05-12-2010, 02:59 PM
C-murda it doesn't matter if it was 5 seconds you have a cop driving behind you and, you proceed to speed off like they did the officer is gonna try to stop you.....The guy on the left was going so fast he couldn't even turn and ran up onto the side walk.

So as soon as you break the speed limit cops should start shooting you?

I'm sorry but that's fucking idiotic.

The officer is the one with the gun and the badge. He should be held to a higher standard than those around him when he's on the job.

I'm sorry but if you shoot a guy in the spine for looking over his shoulder you are wrong.

05-12-2010, 06:24 PM
Dude being a police officer and a jiu jitsu trainer are totally different. I think you're missing the point....you know how many police brutality cases there already are? Now imagine cops walking around putting people in arm bars and geaten holds.

Bottom line is the cop is an idiot and should not have shot him.

Bottom line dude I never said anything about bjj. Krav Maga which is trained by many officers is very useful. I am not talking MMA tapout shit. The gun should be your last option not your first.

05-12-2010, 06:41 PM
Haha...it's useful in certain situations....NOT this one though, SHOOTING the gun should be the last option. BRO.

05-12-2010, 06:43 PM
^ahhhh so what is your point? That is what I was saying since my first post...

05-12-2010, 06:47 PM
You made it sound like every time cops should use mixed martial arts, like this cop should have ran up to the kid and started wrestling him.

05-12-2010, 07:12 PM
i think you two are on different wave lengths because you two are arguing, but essentially saying the same thing...

forget the people defending the cop's actions in this thread...that just tells me that if the individuals that defend his actions in this thread were cops, they would make the same mistake...figures

05-12-2010, 07:23 PM
You made it sound like every time cops should use mixed martial arts, like this cop should have ran up to the kid and started wrestling him.

Cause I mentioned arm bar, you think MMA and wrestling. :smash: Don't worry I blame the media.


05-12-2010, 07:44 PM
The reason I said murder is because everybody is saying the cop should go to jail or be punished but I don't see why. So im assuming thats what they are thinking he should be charged with....Because every time a cop shoots someone thats the first thing people say. I know that its not possible but hey. I mentioned about penal law because apparently nobody acknowledges that these guys were doing stuff wrong before this whole shooting incident happened. ONCE again im not saying Its cool for a cop to shoot someone in the back....but Im saying this situation could have been avoided.

C-murda it doesn't matter if it was 5 seconds you have a cop driving behind you and, you proceed to speed off like they did the officer is gonna try to stop you.....The guy on the left was going so fast he couldn't even turn and ran up onto the side walk.

The point im trying to make is everybody is so quick to say what a cop should have done when you really have no idea of how dangerous situations like that can be. I believe its really sad that he got shot but maybe if he was doing the right thing and not break the law this wouldn't have happened

Just because ppl say the cop ought to be punished and/or go to jail,
has no correlation whatsoever with 'murder'.

The charges are:

Felonious Assault 2-8, years (seems to be the same as Aggravated Assualt).
Firearms Specification, 3 years.

A felonious assault generally is defined as an attack or threat of an attack on another individual in which the attacker uses a dangerous weapon and seeks to cause serious harm but stops short of an attempt to kill the victim. The exact definition varies from one jurisdiction to another, with different interpretations of intent and different conditions and distinctions drawing the line between misdemeanor and felony charges, but most agree on this basic premise. Further distinctions are often drawn between different grades of felonious assault to better fit the punishment to the specific crime. For instance, assault and battery, where an attacker has caused a level of harm to an individual that medical attention is required, is a form of felonious assault.

I don't think you bringing up local penal law is relevant either.
Unless of course it is official protocol for OC cops to shoot first, ask questions later, shoot after a pursuit, etc.
(not likely).

Could something like this be avoided?
Of course.
However, if the said cop had such poor judgement it would be a matter of time before somebody else got hurt.

IMO, cop should have also been charged with Reckless Endangerment.
The DA & judge here is either a pussy, and/or corrupt
He shot the kid & left him to bleed & get stuck under the bike instead of getting immediate medical attention.
It's not unplausible the kid might not have suffered as much, had he gotten to the hospital right away.

Reckless endangerment: A person commits the crime of reckless endangerment if the person recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury to another person. “Reckless” conduct is conduct that exhibits a culpable disregard of foreseeable consequences to others from the act or omission involved. The accused need not intentionally cause a resulting harm or know that his conduct is substantially certain to cause that result. The ultimate question is whether, under all the circumstances, the accused’s conduct was of that heedless nature that made it actually or imminently dangerous to the rights or safety of others.

BTW, that "pursuit" lasted about 12 second from lights to dead stop.
no one tried to run.

Even if the kids tried to run, all things equal I dont see justification for the shooting.
There's still no plausible indication of threat.

Yea, police do have to use discretion but they ought to be held accountable for poor jugdement.
(do you shoot everyone you pull over?)

05-12-2010, 10:21 PM
By law: The officer was not threatened in any manner, and was not provoked to fire. An officer may only fire his weapon when he feels threatened (physical harm/death). This looked like police being overzealous. And why not tazer him? Isnt that the point of the tazer gun, to disarm, and disorient the suspect/offender?

Personall: I think the cop should go to jail. He has no justificatino for shooting the motorcyclist, unless he wants to admit hes a total pussy.

05-13-2010, 11:21 AM
^^^^^ I read through some of these responses and some of you guys have NO IDEA of what is is to be a police officer or what a cop can and can't do or even what local penal laws are. (especially the post above from OperationSr20 & 0100), and furthermore you guys are saying the officer has no RIGHT to have his gun out. You are absolutely wrong. That cop had every right to have his gun out during that situation. How about we start from the beginning. First: If the cops are riding behind you, drive or ride like a normal human being, Second: how about not driving on the sidewalk and on the wrong side of the road and making it look like you are running aka fleeing when they are trying to stopping ?!?!?!? Now, in no way shape or form im I saying the guy deserved to be shot, but clearly this whole situation could have been avoided is what im saying. I don't think the cop should go to jail, there is no way the cop in this situation CAN be charged with murder. It would IMPOSSIBLE for them to prove INTENT. The only charge I could possibly see is reckless endangerment and that would hard enough for them to prove without a reasonable doubt. I believe this cop at the end of the day will be indemnified by his department and beat all those charges. At most the family will sue civilly but the city and a department will foot the bill. my .02 :l101:

Your $0.02 is pretty worthless for the fact that you DIDN'T watch the video closely enough. No one is running away from the cops. They didn't realize that it was a cop as seen in their taking off the way they did. It was dark out, you have headlights on you and no one turns around long enough to stare at the cop car. They just take off because they're being reckless (endangerment? I don't think so. Just reckless.) The guy on the left isn't running on the sidewalk because he is trying to run away. He freaks out because he realizes that it was a cop (lights) and loses control of his bike and FALLS OFF the bike after he hits the curb. The other guy stops his bike. If he was running, he would have taken off (and subsequently, not been shot).

The partner of the offender testified and quoted the offending officer saying that "he fucked up and hopes he doesn't go to jail." That right there shows guilt in that he KNEW he didn't have any right to pull his gun and blast the rider. He was just too amp'd up.

05-13-2010, 02:45 PM
fuck pigs. pos mothers

05-13-2010, 02:47 PM
Officer White takes the stand at his trial | 13abc.com (http://abclocal.go.com/wtvg/story?section=news/local&id=7439608)

updates in the case!!


"TOLEDO, OH -- Ottawa Hills police officer Thomas White is on the stand testifying. The Ottawa Hills police officer who shot and paralyzed a motorcyclist takes the stand for the first time.
Officer Thomas White told jurors today he thought Michael McCloskey Jr. had a weapon. Officer White says he had met McCloskey once before and the two had a brief conversation.
The officer admitted to the jury he had no reason to start following McCloskey and his friend Aaron Snyder that night. He says as he was following the two, he noticed they were weaving and crossing the center line.

He says he thought something was suspicious so he turned on his dash cam and started to pursue the two men. He also testified that he did not see McCloskey's knife in his boot, but did believe he had a weapon. White also admitted to the jury he turned off the dash cam video and re-wound it. He said he wanted to review it because he was shocked and wanted to make sure what happened actually happened.
At noon, White was still on the stand. We'll have updates on 13abc Action News beginning at 5.
White says he believed McCloskey had a weapon. He admits to turning off the dash cam to review the video to seen what happened. He said he was shocked and wanted to make sure what happened actually happened."

05-13-2010, 03:59 PM
By law: The officer was not threatened in any manner, and was not provoked to fire. An officer may only fire his weapon when he feels threatened (physical harm/death). This looked like police being overzealous. And why not tazer him? Isnt that the point of the tazer gun, to disarm, and disorient the suspect/offender?

Personall: I think the cop should go to jail. He has no justificatino for shooting the motorcyclist, unless he wants to admit hes a total pussy.

bieng a pussy is no justification either.
bottom line, there is no excuse for what happened.

05-13-2010, 05:47 PM
lol...bad humor but found this image (nothing relating to the guys in this thread):


05-14-2010, 05:24 PM
another 'hate the cops thread'.

05-14-2010, 05:38 PM
another 'hate the cops thread'.

Ahhhh how? I hope your not talking about me and many others in this thread. I personally train everyday with lot's of officers, and most are great guys. My best friend of 20+ years is in the ATF.

Nice blanket statement.

05-14-2010, 05:38 PM
another 'hate the cops thread'.

You didn't watch the video or read the posts. Some turned it in to that, but this is more of a news item that people have accepted as "one bad apple"

05-14-2010, 05:40 PM
You didn't watch the video or read the posts. Some turned it in to that, but this is more of a news item that people have accepted as "one bad apple"

if you count 30 percent or 1/3rd of the force a "BAD APPLE" that sure is a lot of bad apples.

Watch Training Day and Street Kings and you have what you need to know.

05-14-2010, 06:23 PM
Sorry guys but I'm gunna have to argue against most of you and be on the cops side. Here is where I shall start.

Why the fuck do you take off, run from the cops when they are right behind you just normally driving? Obviously you have something to hide. The cops did every right thing to draw their weapons and everything went smoothly. Until the dumbass on the motorcycle decides to put his right hand on his hip as if he were reaching for a gun. Think about if he WOULD have had a gun, the he could have easily done a quick shot and nailed the cop no problem. To me, it looked exactly like he was reaching for a gun, hell I woulda shot too. Unfortunetly, the only mistake the cop made was shooting him in the BACK. He should have shot his arm or leg, a less harmful wound.

Thus being a very well arguement, I think the only thing he did wrong was not shooting the guy, but shooting him in the back. Everything else went well. Thats what you get when you fucking run from cops. They are there for a reason. It shouldn't be a "fuck the police" situation, it should be a "fuck the douchebag drivers" situation. But then again being shot in the back was pretty bad I wish he would have just shot him in the arm, probably woulda saved his career.

*EDIT* Just read Eric's post. From the police officers position, it would definitly look like his hand is not on his knee but reaching for a gun on his right side. People should always check their mirrors and be aware of their surroundings, ESPECIALLY on a motorcycle, so THEIR fault for not realizing a cop was behind them. Obviously they weren't ok to drive because one of them almost lost control of the damn motorcycle.

05-14-2010, 07:09 PM
Actually, I'll help you out a bit further (for the sake of playing devil's adv).
Cop car is facing the biker directly.
From the cop car's point of view, we see the driver leaning back, right hand on this leg.

When cop get's out of the car to the left, the view is different.
His vision of the kid's right hand is less visable, if not blocked entirely.
(compared to the cop car).
From the cop's vision's, the kid's right hand manuever is more ambiguos.
If you consider this viewpoint, it's more plausible to interpret the event as a possible threat.

However, the cop ought to stay in his car.
Cop should have given the kid MORE time and make absolutely sure kid would be in a position where he couldn't do anything harmful.
Raise hands in the air, lay down on the floor, etc.
This should have been done BEFORE the cop got out of the car.
Even if the kid did have a gun, and did plan to attack, this could have been handled more strategically.

The whole affair was just sloppy.
Officer reacted too quickly & too rash.

Aiming for the leg is a better, albeit not optimal solution.
No reason this could not be done at such close range.
Still, charges wouldn't be too different however.
The only difference I see is the judge might assign less years, if officer is convicted.

Another thing that suggests cop's unproffesionalism is his delay in requesting medical assistance.
One mistake might be coincidence.
Two or more suggest a pattern.

05-16-2010, 07:14 AM
Jury finds Officer White guilty of felonious assault

TOLEDO, OH (WTVG) -- After several hours of deliberating, the jury has found Officer White guilty of felonious assault with a gun specification. He could face up to 11 years.

At around 8 pm on Friday, 13abc learned White was found guilty. That morning, the prosecutor and defense attorney gave closing arguments. Prosecutors say Officer Thomas White failed to protect and serve when he shot Michael McCloskey Junior in the back and paralyzed him. The jury had to decide if Officer White was justified in the shooting.

The defense argued Officer White believed McCloskey had a gun and feared for his life. Prosecutor Jeff Lingo says, "Officer White rushed to judgment, shot, critically injured, permanently disabled McCloskey for traffic violations."

White's attorney Jerome Phillips says, "You don't get a time out and go and tap the individual on the shoulder and say before we enter the next phase, the dangerous phase, where I'm going to have my gun out, and let's talk about this and see what's going on."

Jury finds Officer White guilty of felonious assault | 13abc.com (http://abclocal.go.com/wtvg/story?section=news/local&id=7441887)

05-17-2010, 10:48 AM
Just judgment.

05-19-2010, 05:58 AM
Wow he had a jury trial that sucks..........his department left him to the wolves.:bash: