View Full Version : Post your funniest encounter with a cop

05-09-2010, 03:11 AM
To start it off... I got pulled over the other day for supposably speeding(speedo cable loose) anywho, I was heading back to my buddies after getting donuts... Yes donuts, I got pulled over by a cop with a bag of donuts right next to me. I guess he smelt them

05-09-2010, 03:16 AM
this is going to get locked nice and quick.

my buddy just bought an '06 350Z vert, about 36 hours ago. we were cruising over to my parents' house about half an hour ago to drop off a mothers day card, and he picked up a 107 in a 60. probably going to cost about $500 to keep points off his license. weak. additionally this beats my 98 in a 60, the (previous) reigning champ of high-stakes tickets in our circle of friends.
this isn't funny, but i feel like mentioning it somewhere and i'm not starting a new thread.

05-09-2010, 03:35 AM
The time my zipties broke off and my front bumper launched itself into an empty intersection late at night...

The cop: "Okay, just tell me what you hit back there, and you'll get into less trouble."

Me: "There was this really bad bump on the road and it broke my bumper off."

Cop: "No really... tell the truth, it'll save you from getting into big trouble."

Me: "No I'm serious... you can go back there and check. I didn't damage anybody's property or anything like that."

Cop goes ahead and gives me a DUI test, which consisted of...

Cop: "Okay look into this flashlight... Okay, now follow this pencil eraser with your eyes while I do figure eights in the air with it."

Then, he left. No ticket or anything.

... and that was the last time I used zipties to hold up my front bumper. LoL.

05-09-2010, 04:02 AM
swear i've seen a thread like this somewhere else

05-09-2010, 04:03 AM
Two girl cops grabbed my balls.

05-09-2010, 04:20 AM
Two girl cops grabbed my balls.

that's always awkward.
one time at jail i had really sweaty feet when they checked my soles for crack rock. the lady in front of me had crack rocks in her shoes. the guy checking my shoes bitched about how they smelled. i lol'd a little and then later went home, but not until after a hot pocket. thanks for the hot pocket, YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

05-09-2010, 01:35 PM
My friend spun out in my car going thur a intersection. He was driving cause I was drinking. Anyways he spins out cause it was wet out ( he was NOT trying to drift ) and there was a cop right in front of us. So he ends up turning around to pull us over. So he walks up to the car and ask what happen. So we told him it was wet and hes not use to driving my car. Then the cop points his light on the case of beer thats open behind the driver seat, then points his light at my friend in the back seat with NO seat belt with my crazy roll cage around him, then he points his light at me and im not wearing a seat belt. Then he asked if I have a disco potato turbo and how much power I was making. Then he starts telling me about his sentra with a sr and bigger turbo all his crazy stuff. Then he asked my friend in the back if he feels safe sitting back there and my friend says yes then the cop goes well theres nothing really I can do about that and lets us go.

05-09-2010, 02:17 PM
I got pulled over at 2am because I touched the yellow line, you know one of those routine checks. anyways the cop was awesome.

Asks me for my license and reg, and asks if I drank anything.

I said "nah you got my license im not 21"
he chuckles and looks around the car. Asks where I was going and told him "on my way home about 10 mins up the road."

He says "Alright well take it easy", hands me my stuff back, starts walking back to his car.
Then i hear him running back to my car, he sticks his head in the window and goes, "any weed?". I was like.. "isnt that illegal.." and hes like "good man!" and leaves.

05-09-2010, 02:24 PM
I got pulled over at 2am because I touched the yellow line, you know one of those routine checks. anyways the cop was awesome.

Asks me for my license and reg, and asks if I drank anything.

I said "nah you got my license im not 21"
he chuckles and looks around the car. Asks where I was going and told him "on my way home about 10 mins up the road."

He says "Alright well take it easy", hands me my stuff back, starts walking back to his car.
Then i hear him running back to my car, he sticks his head in the window and goes, "any weed?". I was like.. "isnt that illegal.." and hes like "good man!" and leaves.

You might not know this but cant u have up to so many grams before it is a felony?? Cause from what I have heard its just like a $50 ticket if u get caught with anything under 20 grams or something in NY.

05-09-2010, 02:46 PM
Cops around here just ask me if they think I can take their F-body or mustang. =[

Had a few cops give me thumbs up.

Cops are pretty cool around here about modded cars since most of them drive them.

05-09-2010, 02:48 PM
I have a great one for this, me and my buddy call it the night we got "super troopered".

So there is a road that connects 2 counties that everyone chooses to run, our local "touge" if you will.
Me and my buddy were sitting in my coupe in a small turnout that also happens to be an entrance to some hiking trails. Headlights were down but my parking lights were still on so other drivers could identify us.
Now I dont know if this ia a common practice for other canyon drivers, but me and all my friends have a tendency to try and call out the model of car as we hear it coming up the mountain. I hear a V8 hauling up the mountain towards us, I called out mustang (hearing that distinct ford rumble) and we see the headlights come around the last bend. My bud Brandon says "nope cop" so the cop pulls up nose to nose with my car and turn all his lights on and points em at us and tells us to step out.
he gives us the usual shpeal,
License and Reg?
Why are you here?
What are you doing?
anything illegal in the car?
everything is legit and I tell him there is some weed but I have my medical card. He searches us both and puts us bth in the back of his car. He pulls the weed out along with my card and puts it aside as he continues searching the car. In my drivers door pocket he pulls out a perscription bottle of norco with ,y gfs name on it and starts to question me again.
Why didnt you tell me about this?
Whos is it?
why do i have it?
So at this time 2 more cops pull up as I explain that its my gfs and I took them because she started taking them too much after an accident, which was true. So he goes to talk to the other 2 cops that just pulled up whats going on. Brandon turns to me in the back seat and says
"do you think they can hear us?"
me: no but im sure they are recording us"
B: "like right meow?"
and we both laugh at the reference, and continue with the "meow game" for a sec, as on of the cops goes and urinates about 5 feet from my door. Until we see all three cops walking back towards us. They all come up to the window of the cop car and the original cop in the middle says
cop:"What did i tell you i was gonna do if i found something in there and you lied?"
me:"uh take me to jail, but honestly had forgotten it was in there"
cop:"well we are gonna make you smoke the whole bag"
me:"of norco?"
me: "is that even possible?"
cop (now laughing with the others): "I dunno but you guys can get out of the car"
So we get out, and get back into my car, then the cop yells at brandon because all the shit the cops had taken out of his pockets was still on the cops hood.
B grabs his stuff and all three cops take off to a 4 way stop sign.
one goes right
one goes left
cop #1 burns a big ass smoky donut in the middle of the 4way and heads back the way he came with his lights blazing.

Me and Brandon just sit there amazed at what just happened.
Then we decide to call it a night and head home.

05-09-2010, 02:50 PM
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/CAepItFDXc4&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/CAepItFDXc4&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

05-09-2010, 02:54 PM
this is going to get locked nice and quick.

my buddy just bought an '06 350Z vert, about 36 hours ago. we were cruising over to my parents' house about half an hour ago to drop off a mothers day card, and he picked up a 107 in a 60. probably going to cost about $500 to keep points off his license. weak. additionally this beats my 98 in a 60, the (previous) reigning champ of high-stakes tickets in our circle of friends.
this isn't funny, but i feel like mentioning it somewhere and i'm not starting a new thread.

True story:

My best friend got pulled over going 88 in a 35 about 3 years ago in his EG hatch.

Literally ended up paying a $15 ticket for a tailight or something.

Kid is so lucky it is ridiculous.....happened in Delaware.

05-09-2010, 02:55 PM
HAHA 90hatchie killed it

thats it, close the thread.

05-09-2010, 02:58 PM
^^Hahahaha Matt. Ohhhh man....
You're story is pretty funny too Wake.

I don't have any fun/funny cop stories... They all sucked.

05-09-2010, 03:12 PM
Yesterday I jumped on the freeway on my CBR. I bust it up to about 125-130 and go 1 exit down. Get off the freeway, lane split to the front of the line, then take a left. Next thing I know a CHP officer is behind me with his lights on. I pull over, and hes like...

Me: What do you mean officer?
Officer: I saw you get on the freeway and shot up to about 80 MPH, I turned on my lights to follow you, and you got off the freeway, lane split to the front and took a left then I pulled you over.
Me: I'm not sure what you mean by that officer, I was cruising on the frontage road and never went on the freeway, that would be illegal seeing as I only have a permit.
Officer: So you're going to lie to me. Not only that, but I can't see your plate up under your tail section like that.
Me: No sir, I'm not sure what your referring to, It is a nice day, maybe you saw another bike out.
Officer: License and reg.

At this point another cop car pulls up and 3 officers are having a conference. Another officer comes up to me.

Officer #2: So whats going on?
Me: I'm not sure officer, I was just cruising down the frontage road and I got pulled over.
Officer #2: So you never got on the freeway, and when we play back the footage from the cop car we wont see you?
Me: No sir, not only was I not on the freeway, but your associate said he couldn't see my plate. Like I mentioned to him, its a nice day out and maybe he saw a similar bike.
Officer #2: Sit tight.

He heads back and they confer for a bit. The other 2 leave and the first guy comes up.

Officer #1: Ok were going to write you a ticket for no insurance and for your license plate location. I'm still not convinced that you didn't get on the freeway, but that's in the past.

I was lolin so hard because there wasn't SHIT he could do about it and he knew it. I have insurance on the bike, just no proof on me at the time so basically no harm no foul.

05-09-2010, 03:13 PM
Wake, that's an epic story..

05-10-2010, 12:40 AM
So I got pulled over again, this time the cop comes up and was like,
you know why I pulled u over right.
I said yea for swerving around( I kept changing lanes over and over just cuz I was bored)
he says yup, so wh are u driving around like your fucking andre mandretty?
I said I'm warming up my tires lol
he just laughs and said go home have a good night and your lucky I got a better call( he and 5 other cops flew by my chasing a little civic)

05-10-2010, 02:33 AM
Cops always ask if I have weird weapons on me. Any nuclears in the car? Got any grenades in the truck?

05-10-2010, 02:42 AM
Tell them yes next time.

Just for gits and shiggles.

Dirty Habit
05-10-2010, 03:06 AM
Spring break, Tampa Florida, 2002(?).

Super wasted with a group of 10 or so people walking from a bar to a waffle house. We encounter a police officer walking the oposite direction of us. One of my drunken friends loudly yells "WHAT UP 5-0?!?!" as he walks by the cop, staring him down hard.
The cops simply replies "Good evening pedestrian." and continues walking by without even looking at our obnoxious friend or breaking stride.
As you can guess everyone just about fell over laughing.

Midwest white boy on spring break in florida: Not a concern of local police.

05-10-2010, 06:45 AM
lol wow some of these stories are funny as hell

05-10-2010, 07:25 AM
I had a cop in a charger pull me over. I asked him if it had a hemi. His response:

"well I'm not sure if it's a hemi but I know it's got a v8."

high 5 officer.

05-10-2010, 07:25 AM
I don't have any fun or funny encounters with the police. Well except racing a Vette going down to LA over the Grapevine, I guess someone called it in and I ended up getting pulled over like 5 miles down the road for doing 75 in a 60 with some poor guy who didn't know what was going on in a early model 300ZX... I imagine he got a ticket as well. I asked the officer why he didn't pull the minivan over that was passing me on the right doing 85, never did get the answer to that question...

05-10-2010, 07:38 AM
my buddy was driving home around 2am from a drive in theatre we all went to. he gets pulled over in his 240 while speeding with my other friend drunk in the passenger seat. the cop asks what they're doing out this late and where they're coming from.

my nervous friend goes on a tangent about how they're on the way back from a drive in

cop doesnt buy it and asks what movies were playing

friend says (truthfully) "Mean Girls and 13 going on 30"

cop awkwardly goes back to his car

comes back and lets him go with a warning, (his 240s registration was also expired) thinking that he just pulled over two gay 18 year old guys who went to see mean girls together at the drive in

05-10-2010, 07:45 AM
Ive had the whole super trooper movie happen to me.

05-10-2010, 10:01 AM
ive had the whole super trooper movie happen to me.

You boys like mex-i-co?!

05-10-2010, 10:10 AM
me and my friend were cleaning out a trash enclosure off rosemead, and a cop comes fast into the small parking lot of the abandoned bank and flicks on his spotlight. my friend was still new at working with me and gets nervous, cop gets out and asks what we are doing, and I tell himw are cleaning the disgusting enclosure, he agrees its fucking nasty, walks to his car adjusts the spotlights, and starts helping us clean up! at this point me and my friend are laughing at him for sweeping up the trash. so we ask him if the charger cop cars are fast, he says he hasnt gotten to drive one yet, and my friend says how about that thing, pointing to the crown vic. and he replies "um, i dont know, never really push it" so my friend says "yeah thought id ask because I always see you guys hauling ass" and the cop replies "yeah, thats not me, i dont believe in any of the dramatic bull shit" he says bye then gets in his truck and peels out exiting the parking lot, keeping the tires smoking until he makes the u-turn and speeds off

05-10-2010, 10:33 AM
so a group of friends, my little brother and me were chilling at a del taco parking lot after bouncing from a wack meet, just a few 240s and my rx8, then a cop shows up around 9:50 asks if were up to no good then proceeds to talk to us for 10 minutes then he finally asks if any of us are underage cause we all reply no, so he starts walking to his car, then says the owner of the white nissan you should put on your front plate before you get a ticket, then he sped off

05-10-2010, 12:41 PM
Well I got a pretty good one.

It's 9:30PM or so and My girlfriend wanted cookies from Mickey D's and just as I go into the street a cop turns his lights on me and I just thought "What the fuck did I do?!?! I pull into this swap meet parking lot and a all of a sudden four more cop cars show up and surround my car ! So now there's 10 Officers looking at me and all I hear is "O0oo this car looks clean he's gonna have a couple mods to his" (I only had the car for less than a month. All I had was a Exhaust and JDM 1 Pc Headlights.) So they start placing bets saying "Oh He's got 10 at least.""Naw maybe 12!" Random ass numbers and I'm just sitting there with a big smile on my face and the cop who originally pulled me over says "alright kid, Pop the hood!" haha and I was like "can I get out and see too!" He says "Sure! C'mon on out!" *Pop the hood and walk to the front of the car and show 'em the stockness!" and they're all like "What the fawk! It's stock!" HAHA I say "I know! I've only had it for a month!" hahahahahaah then one says "well, what about the headers?" I smile and say "No Heatshield." haha and they just walk back to their cars and say "damn! the next one the next one!" Cops leave right and I leave the parking lot and not even two blocks down all the cops are surrounding a little Civic haahahahhaha!

I was never bothered by the Rialto PD cops! Good times hahahahaha

05-10-2010, 12:53 PM
Well I got a pretty good one.

It's 9:30PM or so and My girlfriend wanted cookies from Mickey D's and just as I go into the street a cop turns his lights on me and I just thought "What the fuck did I do?!?! I pull into this swap meet parking lot and a all of a sudden four more cop cars show up and surround my car ! So now there's 10 Officers looking at me and all I hear is "O0oo this car looks clean he's gonna have a couple mods to his" (I only had the car for less than a month. All I had was a Exhaust and JDM 1 Pc Headlights.) So they start placing bets saying "Oh He's got 10 at least.""Naw maybe 12!" Random ass numbers and I'm just sitting there with a big smile on my face and the cop who originally pulled me over says "alright kid, Pop the hood!" haha and I was like "can I get out and see too!" He says "Sure! C'mon on out!" *Pop the hood and walk to the front of the car and show 'em the stockness!" and they're all like "What the fawk! It's stock!" HAHA I say "I know! I've only had it for a month!" hahahahahaah then one says "well, what about the headers?" I smile and say "No Heatshield." haha and they just walk back to their cars and say "damn! the next one the next one!" Cops leave right and I leave the parking lot and not even two blocks down all the cops are surrounding a little Civic haahahahhaha!

I was never bothered by the Rialto PD cops! Good times hahahahaha

LoL! I like this one... cops are always like WTF when they pop the hood and it's 100% stock.

05-10-2010, 01:10 PM
So the other week, I drove down to Austin (I moved to Texsux y'all!!) to visit my visiting GF there. Anywho, i'm driving back, and the highways become streets and then back to highways. Weird as fuck. Anywho, I'm in Early, TX and I pull into a mall parking lot because I got kinda lost. My BBerry's GPS was acting weird. Anywho, a cop had been following me for a while and decided now was a good time to get me.

Cop - Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me - You pulled me over?
Cop - Yea. You pulled in, I pulled in behind you.
Me - I didn't see the lights sir. Sorry.
Cop - I didn't use the lights.
Me - That explains why I didn't see the lights.
Cop - Yea. I didn't feel like using the lights because you already pulled over.
Me - Oh. Cool. Well, lights kinda help inform the driver about being pulled over. Was there a specific reason you pulled me over Officer?
Cop - Yea. Did you know your tail light was out?
Me - My tail light?
Cop - Yeap. Your left tail light.
Me - Really? Driverside taillight?

This entire time, he's pronouncing it LAH-T. And i'm pronouncing it as Light. Going back and forth enunciating it harder and more clearly than the previous time. License and Reg.

Comes back and asks "Is there something you want to tell me?"

Me - Light?
Cop - (chuckles) Did you know your drivers license is suspended?
Cop - Yeap. Well, no. But it says right (rah-t) here it is.
Me - WTF! Thats not RIGHT!

this goes on for a few minutes, and my cheeks hurt like shit from smiling. Anywho, the cops cool and writes me a ticket for fixing the tail light and issues it as a warning. He sums the entire situation with his crazy funky talk, and says "Boy, you just made my day."
Me - You know, happy endings normally cost 75 bucks.
Cop - (chuckle) here in Texas, its free when you got to prison.

He then tells me were the closest autoparts shop is and escorts me. No Homo.

Team DET
05-10-2010, 01:14 PM
i got pulled over for speeding going about 120 in the Titan around 11:30pm

Me-Fuck Speeding ticket for sure
Officer -License and Insurance , Reg
Officer-You know how fast you were going
Me-sorry I didn't look
Officer -95
Me-(Thinking in my head)WTF wrong lol
Officer-What's the rush
Me-Got to get up early 2mrw for work
Officer-You on probation
Officer-Been to jail
Officer-Want to
Me- No
Officer-runs my plates and comes back Ok have a nice night drive safe
Me-Ok thanks

That would never would have happen in the 240 lol

05-10-2010, 01:40 PM

i was selling my 93 civic hatch with jdm b16 to a guy that came down from los angeles to tecate.

its like a 4hr + drive...anyways...

so where i live is a rural area, so no chps, or local police, just sheriffs.

guy shows up to buy my car, so he wants to test drive it first.

so hes driving, and im on the back seat cuz im all jdm and didnt have a passenger seat.

so like three blocks down, sheriff pulls us over.

cop: license, insurance and registration.
buyer: sure, but its not my car officer.
me: its my car officer.
cop: im not talking to you yet.
me: sorry.

cop leaves then comes back

cop: driver get it out. you stay in. (me)

20mins later

cop: so, what are you doing with this registered gang member?
me: im sorry what? this is my car, he wants to buy it, he's test driving it.
cop: ok. you got any drugs? doing some drug deals?
me: no.

cop leaves, the other guy comes back.

driver/gang member: dude wtf! you know how much money i spent trying to clean my record.
me: what?
driver/gangmember: i used to be in drugs and in a gang, and i was registered as a gang member, but i paid my dues and it was taken off my record. how come it came up on his records?
me: mmm, cuz hes a sheriff? he's higher than regular cops i think. so um, you like the car?
driver/gangmember: yeah, pretty good. lets try it out better.


05-10-2010, 05:32 PM
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/caepitfdxc4&hl=en_us&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/caepitfdxc4&hl=en_us&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
The best lol I've had all day.

05-10-2010, 07:58 PM
True story:

My best friend got pulled over going 88 in a 35 about 3 years ago in his EG hatch.

Literally ended up paying a $15 ticket for a tailight or something.

Kid is so lucky it is ridiculous.....happened in Delaware.

where the fuck was this? haha, better have not been newark. i got pulled over for doing "50" in a 35 and he knocked it down to 44 so it was 9 over and it was like a $75 ticket.

05-10-2010, 11:21 PM
i got pulled over and searched one time.. cop comes back with my phone after searching me and all my homies... says isn't this an ae86..

05-11-2010, 01:30 AM
i got pulled over and searched one time.. cop comes back with my phone after searching me and all my homies... says isn't this an ae86..

is/was it?:Ownedd:

05-11-2010, 08:08 AM
Was delivering pizza and I got pulled over no more than a hundred feet away from my destination. So I had to call the people that ordered. Told them I got pulled over (would have been awhile) and that if they wanted to walk over to get it. They asked how far I was and I told them to just come out and look at the police lights.

05-11-2010, 08:43 AM
ok so LONG story short....

I got pulled over cuz my car was "reported stolen" which idk why cuz i never reported it stolen, and it wasnt stolen, but anyways i get harrassed for awhile guns out and me on the ground... well after they chilled out a little they actually looked at my paper work and relixed i was the registered owner and everything was legit, well they were searching my car and the sargent asked me if i had any weapons or drugs in the car while i was sitting on the curb, and i told him no. well he yelled to the officers in the car.. he said he has a gun and some pot !! i was like whoa whoa whoa no i dont. and he was like im just kidding with you guys (to the officers) and asked me if that scared me at all ha ha. well they were kinda pissed that they called out three patrol cars and 6 officers to get nothing so while im still on the curb still talking the the sargent he tells them to go look under my hood for illegal mods. i was like oh shit... cuz i have a blacktop sr... well they open the hood and are all over it, lookng inot every crack of the damn thing, and the sarget asks so what does it have ? the officers said he just has an illegal intake. lol well the sergent knew there had to be more so he went to my car and was looking over everything too, and at this point i said its stock with a legal k&n intake. well little did i know, he knew one of the ref guys, and called him out to the scene to inspect my car. well he came out and instantly when he seen it said to me oh i didnt know 240s came stock with a turbo, lol i was like yeah its nissans uped model and they are hard to find. he was like oh ok but it has an illegal intake. so all and all i got a ref ticket for the intake but i didnt go to the ref i just seen the judge and told her how i just smogged it and i had to pay $20. true story

05-11-2010, 10:04 AM
^ lol bluff for the win haha

05-11-2010, 10:09 AM
i wasnt kidding that really happened lol

05-11-2010, 10:59 AM
No No No...YOU bluffing the cop. Not you bluffing us..I hope none of us thought that was true, yet this is zilvia.......

05-11-2010, 11:11 AM
i wasnt kidding that really happened lol

ref guy is gonna feel pretty dumb when he finds out it was all a bluff lol :axe:

05-11-2010, 03:26 PM
Cops always ask if I have weird weapons on me. Any nuclears in the car? Got any grenades in the truck?

I read somewhere they do that to test people they suspect of trafficking drugs. Depending on the way you react to those questions, they'll try to search your car.

Back in 2007 maybe, I went with a couple friends to snag some used tires from behind the local dealerships and shops for drift spares. Night was going good. Got some nice Hankooks and Coopers from behind the VW and Audi dealer, still with plenty of tread. Also got something from behind a BMW dealer, cant remember.

The last place we went to was a Firestone next door to one of the shops I worked for. Finished loading up the van and headed back to my house. Apparently there was a couple dropping their car off to be worked on in the morning, and thought we were stealing tires. As we're pulling into my neighborhood, a cop passes us. We didnt know it, but he turned around and hauled ass after us! We're sitting at the stop sign, literally infront of my house at 3am when he pulls up behind us with his lights on and sits there for a little bit.

He walks up and starts asking us questions, "What are we doing with all these tires?", "Where did we get them from?" Pretty soon we have 11 COP CARS BEHIND, INFRONT, AND TO THE SIDES OF US INFRONT OF MY HOUSE!!

We went on to explain to them that we were doing nothing wrong, picking up used tires for drift spares, and actually doing the shops a favor. He wouldnt believe us. So I explained to him what happens with used tires, still doesnt believe me. This whole time you can hear several of the cops behind the van miming drifting and making tire screeching sounds.
He calls the manager or someone of Firestone and he tells him, word for word, "Let them take as many tires as they want."

We chit chat with the cops for a little bit and then they all leave. We had to call up everybody to tell them what just happened; when Cop Number 12 comes speeding through the neighborhood. He sees he missed everything, we wave, and guns it out of the area.

One of my neighbors told me he thought it was a drug sting or something and thought bullets were gonna be flying. My nocturnal korean neighbor came out and talked to us a bit about it. He thought it was hilarious.

Fuck thats long.

05-11-2010, 05:37 PM
fuck this thread is good..

I got pulled with my pants down once...

We were on a hill in this residential with a bunch of foreclosed houses, no cars on the street and city lights ahead.

I see the spotlight come around the corner and I'm thinking (fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck). We scramble to get our belongings gathered and the cop has me roll down the window

Cop: lic and reg?
Me: yes...but its on the floor somewhere..
Cop: Please step out of the car.
Me: uhh...
Cop: go ahead and button up (shines light on me)

we find my wallet and hes checking my info outside of the car

Cop: Can I ask what you two were doing out herE?
Me: admiring the city lights.
Cop: I can respect that. Is she of age?
Me: YUP!
Cop: Alright. have a... nice night (wink).

05-11-2010, 05:39 PM
U wanna hear funny stories U dont belive Mexico cops...

I have friends than have street race in front of cops, get chased for a few minutes and then out run them... park in a dark street for a few minutes waiting the cops stop looking for him...15 min later they find him get him in the police car going to the police station and still talk out of it with a small bribe (is that word right?) of $400 pesos, (like $30 dollars)

but here is my fun story, hope u understand cause my bad english

when i was kinda young yet (around 16) me and 4 of my friends got drunk but after the alcohol run off, we decide to take a walk looking for some food (in mexico there is hot dogs stands all night for people getting off parties) well we dont find nothing was kinda late like 4:00 am, so we was walking on a avenue side walk and i hear some kind of water pouring, when i turn around a friend of mine was pissing while he was walking in the street!, i think my self "hope a cop dont show off" and pooff! the appear in front of us =/ they put us against the wall and everything saying have to take my friend to jail, we start talking with them beggin for let him go please and one of the cops (was only 2 of them) tell his partner with a "over acting" voice: "we can call the judge and u can pay the fine right here" i almost exploded laffing out, so we say "ok" and one cop went to the radio ACTING he was talking to the radio and came back "the judge say is $200 pesos", we made a poll and only had $180, "we only have $180" we said, and the cop say "that is ok", turn to his partner and give him the money "take it... give it, to the judge" with the worst acting ever. was so funny, yeah they let us go, we laffed about it for months =P

This last one sounds like a good scene for a movie or somehting:

one time a friend of mine got pull over and he was drunk, when the cop arrive to my friends window my friend trying to look cool and ok said "is a problem officer" an dhe took a gulp of his beer -_-; the cop told him he was trunk have to take him to jail etc etc etc, at the end my fried directly said "how much to let me go?" the cop said "$200 pesos", my drunk dumb friend took out a $500 bill and ask him "have change for 500?", and the cop said "yes, i have change in the police car" he took the $500 bill went to his patrol and took off ^_^

05-11-2010, 05:59 PM
fuck this thread is good..

I got pulled with my pants down once...

We were on a hill in this residential with a bunch of foreclosed houses, no cars on the street and city lights ahead.

I see the spotlight come around the corner and I'm thinking (fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck). We scramble to get our belongings gathered and the cop has me roll down the window

Cop: lic and reg?
Me: yes...but its on the floor somewhere..
Cop: Please step out of the car.
Me: uhh...
Cop: go ahead and button up (shines light on me)

we find my wallet and hes checking my info outside of the car

Cop: Can I ask what you two were doing out herE?
Me: admiring the city lights.
Cop: I can respect that. Is she of age?
Me: YUP!
Cop: Alright. have a... nice night (wink).

same thing happened to me, except it was a security guard with a gem car and a flashlight, lol only in riverside. lol

05-11-2010, 07:43 PM
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/CAepItFDXc4&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/CAepItFDXc4&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

I LOL so hard and can't keep on thinking of how embarrassed that cop must have felt.

05-12-2010, 10:56 AM
U wanna hear funny stories U dont belive Mexico cops...

I have friends than have street race in front of cops, get chased for a few minutes and then out run them... park in a dark street for a few minutes waiting the cops stop looking for him...15 min later they find him get him in the police car going to the police station and still talk out of it with a small bribe (is that word right?) of $400 pesos, (like $30 dollars)

but here is my fun story, hope u understand cause my bad english

when i was kinda young yet (around 16) me and 4 of my friends got drunk but after the alcohol run off, we decide to take a walk looking for some food (in mexico there is hot dogs stands all night for people getting off parties) well we dont find nothing was kinda late like 4:00 am, so we was walking on a avenue side walk and i hear some kind of water pouring, when i turn around a friend of mine was pissing while he was walking in the street!, i think my self "hope a cop dont show off" and pooff! the appear in front of us =/ they put us against the wall and everything saying have to take my friend to jail, we start talking with them beggin for let him go please and one of the cops (was only 2 of them) tell his partner with a "over acting" voice: "we can call the judge and u can pay the fine right here" i almost exploded laffing out, so we say "ok" and one cop went to the radio ACTING he was talking to the radio and came back "the judge say is $200 pesos", we made a poll and only had $180, "we only have $180" we said, and the cop say "that is ok", turn to his partner and give him the money "take it... give it, to the judge" with the worst acting ever. was so funny, yeah they let us go, we laffed about it for months =P

This last one sounds like a good scene for a movie or somehting:

one time a friend of mine got pull over and he was drunk, when the cop arrive to my friends window my friend trying to look cool and ok said "is a problem officer" an dhe took a gulp of his beer -_-; the cop told him he was trunk have to take him to jail etc etc etc, at the end my fried directly said "how much to let me go?" the cop said "$200 pesos", my drunk dumb friend took out a $500 bill and ask him "have change for 500?", and the cop said "yes, i have change in the police car" he took the $500 bill went to his patrol and took off ^_^

Haha.. Damn thats pretty funny. Muy chitoso

05-12-2010, 04:48 PM
Went to a suby meet with my friend. There were like 2 Evo's there. Everyone is hanging out and this cop pulls in the parking lot. drives right up to the middle where pretty much everyone is standing and says all serious "Who has the Evo?" everyone is like oh shit these guys are gonna get rolled. So The cop gets out of his car pops the trunk and then says "Cuz i got some Evo parts for sale!!!" he pulls out a catback and like IC pipes and a BOV haha everyone started laughing the Evo guys came out from hiding and said they weren't interested, the cops very cool chilled for a min and then took off.

05-12-2010, 09:01 PM
You know what's funny? You speak better English than some of the Americans posting in this thread.


05-12-2010, 10:58 PM
Last Halloween I was hanging out with a few friends in Michigan. We were going to eat in the city, then head up to a Halloween party. Because we were heading directly to the party after eating, we were dressed up in costume as we walked down the streets towards the restraunt. One of my friends was dressed up as the guy from Reservoir Dogs. He was wearing a black suit with black glasses, and he had a fake pistol tucked behind his shirt.

Anyway, as we're walking, a cop car pulled up with two cops in it, one stays inside, and the other one - a fairly young guy, probably under 25 comes out and walks towards us.

Cop - Hi, what are you lads up to? (Bear in mind we're about the same age as this young cop)
Me - Just on our way to eat.
Cop - Where are you eating?
Me - *Restraunt name I forgot*
Cop - We've had reports of a couple of lads breaking into cars and stealing stereos around here, probably not you two since you didn't try to run [laughs], but do you mind if I search you?
Friend - Sure, but before we go any further, I just wanna let you know, I have a toy gun in my inside pocket as part of my costume.
Cop - Sure thing, if you just keep your hands at your sides I'll take the toy and look at it.

He opens my friend's jacket and takes the toy gun

Cop - Ha Ha, I'd be Johnny Top Banana at the station if this was real.
Friend - No, you'd be dead.
Cop - ...
Friend - ...
Cop - Yeah, well, I guess you guys can go now.

Most awkward and uncomfortable silence ever.

05-12-2010, 11:45 PM
cop called my car a honda prelude im guessing thats why i got pulled over lol

05-13-2010, 01:18 AM
cop called my car a honda prelude im guessing thats why i got pulled over lol

Lol there is only one cop in the surrounding cities that pulls me over and every fucking time he asks" this is a Acura integra right"......

05-13-2010, 01:30 AM
Got pulled over once.

Cop told me how my ride was straight out of Road Warrior.
Got a good laugh and left.

Kwonza Says
05-13-2010, 01:45 AM
cop called my car a honda prelude im guessing thats why i got pulled over lol

Was around 3 or 4 AM took a cruise at Modjeska Canyon rd and Trabuco canyon at the end of the road there was a center with Jack in the Box and stores was empty and was hanging out with my buddy who came to visit from the Navy and was going to leave so we were hanging out and the Cop comes and starts to ask questions weapons drugs etc. After all that he looked at my car and said "Honda Prelude right"
Me- No...240sx
Cop-Really?!?! O.o
Me- yeah I have the flip up lights sir -___-

Looked at my expired tags and I was 6 days away form 6 months and they could tow it right then and there. The cop was pretty bummed but let us go ^^Y. Thanks Rancho Santa Margarita PD hahah :wavey:

05-13-2010, 01:57 AM
welljust tonight two cops came to break up out paryty and i went to the cop and said u see that girl, she as a tonge ring, does that mean shes a freak? he siad most drefinately.
so that was it.

05-13-2010, 02:09 AM
Went to a suby meet with my friend. There were like 2 Evo's there. Everyone is hanging out and this cop pulls in the parking lot. drives right up to the middle where pretty much everyone is standing and says all serious "Who has the Evo?" everyone is like oh shit these guys are gonna get rolled. So The cop gets out of his car pops the trunk and then says "Cuz i got some Evo parts for sale!!!" he pulls out a catback and like IC pipes and a BOV haha everyone started laughing the Evo guys came out from hiding and said they weren't interested, the cops very cool chilled for a min and then took off.
ROFL, that story sounds too good to be true

05-13-2010, 11:31 AM
ROFL, that story sounds too good to be true

I'm thinkin the same thing. :bs:

05-13-2010, 01:05 PM
No BS guys, true story.

07-01-2010, 02:09 PM
Lol. I got a new one from last weekend.

I had just finished replacing my exhaust manifold gaskets after putting it off forever. So I took a friend in my car and another friend went in his 8th gen civic to our local mountain road(TBC). After running it a couple of times, I stop at the top to chill for a little like usual. Then this old ass civic pulls up next to my friend and me, so we were basically blocking the whole damn road. Old ass civic was like you wanna run? I didn't want to cuz I was basically done. Then a cop rolls up right behind us, and I was like wow, these fuckers making it look like we are about to fucking street race. The fucking old ass civic bones out down the other side and my friend turns around and goes down the hill. And I was like wtf? So I Was stuck with the cop, which was pretty lame, cuz he targeted my ass and not even the people that boned out. lol.

Cop: What are you doing up here? Racing?
Me: Nah, I am just showing my friend the view? (afterwards my friend was like that was fucking gay)
Cop: Look at your bald tires. Don't bull shit me.
Me: What are you talking about, I don't know what your talking about me. Can I look?
Cop: Yea come look.
Me: Oh shit. My bad. I didnt know, Ill get them changed right away.
Cop: Dont Bull shit me. Are you drifting?
Me: No. I just took my friend up here to see the view.
Cop: Dont bull shit me. Look at your tires. I am gonna write you up.
Me: For what?
Cop: Anything I can. (At this point I was like fuck, what a dick) Give me your license. Ever been arrested?
Me: Yea, I was with my friend and he stole something, I didn't have anything, but the cop arrested both of us.
Cop: Goes to his car and after a couple seconds tells his partner to get back in and they leave.

I thought that was pretty bull shit, saying he was gonna write me up for whatever he could. I was laughing at my tires. After we had run, my friend told me he could see sparks coming out, and I was like thats how it should be. But he was like nah, even when you are just driving normally. I was like oh shit. At least I didn't get in trouble. Its pretty lame how those other two cars were just able to drive away. LOL.

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-01-2010, 02:24 PM
got pulled over swerving. Cop asks me what was going on. Had to be honest with him, I told him I was about to go No. 2 in my pants. He let me go.

07-02-2010, 05:43 PM
YouTube - Chinese Drifting (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzZhBjMXU74)

Lol. I have one of me on video. Having to take a pregnant woman to the hospital is the best excuse to do excessive daytime street drifting while being escorted by a cop.

07-02-2010, 06:07 PM
lol^ thats a good one

07-02-2010, 07:42 PM
my first ref ticket in 06.. was leaving a friends house to go to the local hang out spot late at night. a few cars with us... my friends super clean 240z, i ask him to drive it and he can drive my sr s13.. well we form a line to the spot, and my friend in my car is at the very back.. Well a cop pops up out of no where and lights up my s13, my friend pulls into the shopping center, i swoop around and park near it incase..

Cop parks behind him, my car has a turbo timer, but the timer is via alarm remote, which he did not know how to work.. so he turns the ignition off, male cop is all over the PA like "turn the fucking car off".. my friend is japanese, hes like "it is off!! " I dont recall if they had their guns drawn. lol. They tell my friend to toss the keys, which he eventually does.. Few momments later the car shuts off and everything is calm.. I walk up to the situation and explain that its my car we and we just wanted to drive each others cars.

I forget why they pulled us over, probably because a train of cars late at night looks suspicious.. I was sad i only got the drive the 240z for about a block lol.

I sanded some body filler on the roof a day before so i had dust on it, and the cop was questioning "what is this powder?" I told him its bondo etc..

They eventually pop my hood, and the female cop gets out the book, they look over everything (black top SR20, hks BOV and FMIC).

What was funny tho was they had no clue , the girl kept pointing stuff out and they where talking amongst themselves "what about this? how about that" blah blah.. then she would look in the book "oh nope,.. wait what about that?" They looked at the engine for a good few minutes.

Eventually I got a ticket for illegal intake, which resulted in a ref. I was pretty bummed out after that though.

07-02-2010, 09:50 PM
I think its a tie between the these two stories:

I had driven a friend out to look at a modified Evo that was for sale, on our way back got pulled over for speeding (stupid me)
cop: where are you coming from?
me: (whatever town it was in)
cop: what were you doing out there?
me: looking for a new car
cop: what....this one isn't fast enough for you?!
me: (tried really hard not to smile)

Got pulled over again for out of date sticker on plate.
Friend in passenger seat started to laugh while holding a can. Cop asked "whats your friend drinking over there?" friend held up a diet mountain dew. Cop said "Eww" and something like have a nice day, get that new sticker on.

07-03-2010, 11:39 AM
friend says (truthfully) "Mean Girls and 13 going on 30"

comes back and lets him go with a warning, (his 240s registration was also expired) thinking that he just pulled over two gay 18 year old guys who went to see mean girls together at the drive in

I pulled the gay card once. Me and el hombre pulled over in an empty cul de sac in a construction area to drop some knowledge on some green.....there was a hyundai on chromies about 100 feet behind us also stopped in the cul de sac...some couple making out...5 minutes later a cop pulls in behind them and I'm like "ufckfuckfuck"...and we drive off...and I'm high..so I think it's agood idea to leave my lights off maybe the cop won't see me. 5 minutes later the 75 super beetle is getting the disco lights....

"What exactly were you boys doing back there?"

Me, in a terrified moment of highness I inadvertently acquire a stutter-lisp: " We-we-we were just tawkin' offisssser?"
half lit rolled one sitting in the open ashtray....my friend giggles akwardly (he does giggle pretty femine like).

Cop says nothing, walks back to the cruiser and drives off. Me and my friend made out to celebrate.

07-03-2010, 11:56 AM
YouTube - Chinese Drifting (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzZhBjMXU74)

Lol. I have one of me on v

Shaken baby syndrome. It's not a laughing matter.

07-04-2010, 12:33 PM
I'm cruising down a road by the beach in FL, there's a cop in front of me. We get to a stop sign, he goes straight and I turn left. I get about 1/4 to 1/2 of a mile down the road and I see this cop flying up behind me. I think, "no way is he coming for me" so I just pull over to let him pass. Nope, he wanted me. I was barely on the throttle, so I'm guessing he heard the BOV.

Cop: Boy, I heard you bark yer tires from 300ft away.
Me: Uhhh, I didn't hear anything. I know my exhaust is kind of loud though.
Cop: So what, you were grabbing them gears?
Me: *puzzled look* No, I didn't hear anything.
Cop: (Gets my license and comes back) Well, you need to slow it down
Me: Maybe it's the new clutch master cylinder that I put in, the clutch grabs really hard.
Cop: Well, you've got some sort of wire and light fixture hanging off your bumper. Just slow it down, mmk?

That "wire" and "light fixture" is a hello kitty ziptied to my tow hook. It was hard not to bust out laughing.

A week before I was sitting at a light with my dad riding shotgun. Light turns green, I dump the clutch and get up to the speed limit. There was a cop 3 cars back. Yeahh. He bitched me out and then said "if you gotta do that stuff, do it later when there is less traffic." No ticket =)

07-04-2010, 12:40 PM
got pulled over at a check point

cop was young and saw that my car was modded

he asked where i was comming from,did i drink where was i going...the usual q's

and the last question he asked "you got a sr"?

i said yes with a grin

he said sweet...ok ur free to go..haha

07-04-2010, 12:46 PM
That was risky...what if it was a trap?!?!?! lol

Something similar happened to me but i dont have an SR so when he asked and i said no he said "Why not? its a cool motor" ahaha

07-04-2010, 02:22 PM
i walked by a cop that had someone pulled over, i yelled out, without stopping or anything, "do not talk to police, they are not your friend, call a lawyer." i heard the cop say to the man he had pulled over "you know hes probably right."
the next time i did that i was arrested for obstruction of justice. funny the first time.

07-05-2010, 11:11 AM
My funniest experience would have to be with my friends in his Civic. Back when my friends and I were 16, a friend of mine just had gotten a new '07 Civic. As we were driving he was swerving side to side in the lanes. We end up at a red light, and see this cop hauling ass up behind us. Anyways he ends up pulling us over a half a block later

Cop: License & Reg please, what are you boys doing out this late? (11:30PM)

Friend: (while getting his registration, he pulls out a Mormon Bible, and gently rubs it) Well sir we were just picking up some Taco Bell (which was true)

Cop: (Shines his flashlight on the bible)Well I thought you guys may have been drinking (shines his light back on the bible) but I can see now you guys aren't. (Gives back the license & reg) You boys have a nice night, I'll see ya'll at church tomorrow.

It was awesome, none of us even go to church nor Mormon. Now my friend always carrys the bible with him.

The rest of my storys always end up with me getting a ticket or arrested, and aren't funny at all.

hostyS 14
08-07-2010, 08:07 AM
I got one.

Cruising with my buddy in his E30, he's smoking a dub. We pull up to a main road off a residential side street. Cop passes by, pulls into a drive way. I tell my buddy to reverse because the cop is going to try and follow us. My buddy reverses and we continue they way we came.

15 seconds later the cop burms the corner behind us, my buddy instantly (high as fuck) pulls over and starts wiping his car down (show quality E30).

Cop - "Wtf you doing, I was waiting for you to pass by I was going to see if you were going to open it up"

Buddy - "oh I was just wiping the dust off my car"

Me - :duh:

cop - "You've been smoking weed, step out the car I'm going to search it"

cop finds the weed, goes to car and runs are names in the system.

Cop - "You remember me!?!!"

Me - :eek3: "no?"

cop - " Oh, I'm the guy that arrested you for going 127km/h in a 50 along with stuntdrving"

We both laughed, and than we stood around talking for 15 minutes about that night, and how my s14 out ran the cop car until he found me pulling in my driveway.

LULZ were had, and my buddy had to throw his weed down the gutter. We left with no tickets, but pulse's def. raised

08-07-2010, 08:40 AM
lol, that's funny.......

08-07-2010, 03:35 PM
I got pulled over recently for having "expired tags". They said that my tags were expired since Nov 2009. When they searched me and seated me behind my car, I saw my tags. They said Nov 2010. The beauty of driving a 240sx in SoCal..

Rut Ro
08-07-2010, 05:00 PM
Alright. Here one for you to munch on. Ended up going to a rave called Skylab two years ago. After the show, all my friends headed back to my house for the after party. I guess there wasn't enough seats on the way back so my buddy rode in the trunk of one of the cars coming back to the house. When they arrived, my buddy had literally flopped out of the trunk onto the ground cause he was annihilated from the show. Fast forward to Eleven in the morning. I went out for a beer run and got pulled over. Cop asked me to get out of the car with his gun drawn. They searched my car cause it fit the description of a car that was seen having a possible dead body fall out of the trunk. Needless to say, i guess my neighbors all heard us pull up at three in the morning after the show and saw my friend fall out. Reported it as suspicious activity. That was one for the record books.

08-07-2010, 07:28 PM
Cop pulled me over on my Ruckus just to ask what it was and where he could get one.

He was out of his car by the side of the road with the speed gun and just waved me over. I thought I was going to get nailed for something, as technically the bike goes faster than is allowed for a vehicle with no tags.

08-07-2010, 10:35 PM
wow after reading over this american police seem pretty bad ass, In australia we dont get told to get out of the car unless its something serious.. Generally its the whole..

'Had anything to drink' 'Licence please' maybe a breath test, most times your on your way within minutes or if they want to defect the vehicle(illegal modifications etc) you just get out and stand next to them, none of this sit on the curve take everything out of your pockets stuff!

08-07-2010, 11:46 PM
wow after reading over this american police seem pretty bad ass, In australia we dont get told to get out of the car unless its something serious.. Generally its the whole..

'Had anything to drink' 'Licence please' maybe a breath test, most times your on your way within minutes or if they want to defect the vehicle(illegal modifications etc) you just get out and stand next to them, none of this sit on the curve take everything out of your pockets stuff!

Yup cops here take any little excuse to make a huge drama so they can feel they are doing something. They treat little kids who skateboard like criminals (make them get in the car, frisk them, take photographs,chase after them in cars, etc etc) just so they can feel a little adrenaline rush:rolleyes:

My story:

when I was around 10, my driver is taking me and my bro to school. He's speeding cause we're late. Gets pulled over, I'm on the passenger seat.

(this conversation was in Spanish, btw)
-Cop: License and registration.
Driver: Here you go. Listen brother, why don't you give me a hand, and I'll help you out as well...
-Cop: Really? And what could you help me out with?
Driver: (pulls out $5) this is all I have
-Cop: what the hell...I can't even buy a coke and some chips with this!...
Driver: I know brother, but you know how bad the economy is right now...I'm on the same boat as you are
-Cop: Fuck.......Fine. Get outta here

Then he takes the $5, signals to the other traffic officers to let us pass, and lets us go :bigok:

08-07-2010, 11:55 PM
Story 1:

me and my buddy were out in his modded SRT-4 on a country road and had just hit the speed limiter(155mph or so) when the radar detector goes off and we notice a sheriff car coming on a perpendicular road, the road we where on was a 40mph zone.

friend: Do I run or stop?
Me: Stop, cop will beat us to the intersection
friend: shit this isn't going to be good
Cops show up as we stopped........
Female cop 1: You guys know how fast you were going tonight over there?
friend: faster then we should have
Famale cop 1: how fast was that?
friend: Don't really know
Famale cop 2: way to fucking fast, slow it down and have a good night.

needless to say, we sat still for a bit going WTF just happened.

Funniest thing that happened with me driving:

cop pulls me over in my driveway.... Cop does the basic cop shit. He then tells me he observed me sliding around corners spinning all 4 tires, and leaving black marks in my lifted grand cherokee.

Cop: I see this jeep has a v8 in it so it has some power, that doesn't mean you can drive it like its a corvette.
Me: So, officer, if i owned a corvette and I did what you said I was doing then i wouldn't ever get a ticket for being stupid and sliding around corners?
Cop: ummmm thats not what i meant.
Me: here is the keys to my jeep, if you can slide it around corners and leave black marks with all 4 wheels, i will pay whatever ticket you think u can give me.

08-08-2010, 04:54 AM
cops : how are you doing
me : im pretty good
Cops : can i see ur reg and blah blah bklah
to his car , then come back ...

cops : do u know why i pulled you over ?
me : no sir
cop : do u have anything in the car that u shouldnt be having ?
me : yea i have like 15 lb of cokes in the back
cop : ok seat tight ( at this time there two or three cops on my back pointing gun at me while im still in the car )
cop : he went to my trunk and put the flash light in my trunk
cop : ok he clear
cop : ** laught ** i mean cokes and drug not coca cola
me : uhhh well i dont know...
then he asked me
Cops : how fast wear you going
Me : i have no idea sir , but im sure to my self that i wasnt speeding because when u pulled me over the pt cruiser in the left lane is going faster then me
cops : did u know that i am seating there watching you speeding and now u'r lying to me ?
me : well i didnt speed . and i prob just drive fast enough to this spot because i know you are waiting for me here ( he alway there same cops car and number on the side )
cops : Laugh a little bit
cops : so how fast is this thing
me : slower then a pt cruiser that for sure
cop laugh again
cops : what motor did you put in here nice z32

i was like ( uhhhhh oh fuck me ... he know his shit )
me : uhhh z32 motor ?
cop : dont get smart with me what motor is it
me : vg30dett ..
cop : mmm i figure that
cop : mind if u can open the hood for me real quick ?
me : can i see ur warren ?
cop : dont worry i have one of these at home my self

me and the cops talk for a while my girlfriend is recording everysingle freaking thing me and the cop conversation . at the end i asked him if i can touch his siren just for once and he said. Just go home ...

this was all happen two night ago .. and i almost shit my pant...

08-08-2010, 06:25 AM
this threads dope.!

i wana tell a story.!

ill be back..

(hops in s14)

08-08-2010, 06:50 AM
this threads dope.!

i wana tell a story.!

ill be back..

(hops in s14)

i expect a story on monday when you get out:boink:

08-08-2010, 07:02 AM
Short and simple, but my friend and I got a good laugh out of it.

Was in high school, driving by with a friend in the passenger seat at about 3am. Cop comes out of the bushes and pulls me over.

Cop: Step out of the car
(we get out)
Cop: Step to the front of the car and place your hands on the hood
Us: What's going on? What did we do?
Cop: I have reason to believe you are in possession of Marijuana.
Me: What makes you think that? Neither myself or my friend even smoke cigarettes.
Cop: I smelled it as you drove by.
(at this point I looked at the cop like he was retarded and started laughing)

The "interrogation" went on for about 10 minutes, and then he finally released us and said to go home. Keep in mind, I don't smoke, never have smoked *anything* and friends weren't allowed to smoke in my car.

Guess he just needed an excuse to pull me over and search us.

08-09-2010, 02:22 AM
This is kinda a reverse of the thread but here we go:

I was crusin on the 610 loop in Houston heading home and was driving a black Dodge Charger police package personal car: (I took it out to the track for some grip fun)

Well anyways I'm on the loop and a group of bikes come sliding up a little past me and start doing wheelies and little quick runs with each other not noticing me, well I slide over in the lane next to them, one looks back and honks a few times and bolts, I gun it but fail to keep up, and a stragler come flying up to me and gave me a ohh shit look and bolted, well a few miles down the road I see them at a gas station so I creap up with the lights off and park for a minute and wait for them to notice me, I pulled up and said "That was some fancy riding guys" and you saw a sigh of relief across the whole group, after that we chatted about their bikes and moved on. Fun night.

08-09-2010, 02:45 PM
This thread has made my day. I had some good laughs ><. Too bad all my stories with cops are all normal events.

08-09-2010, 03:29 PM
After a movie, I decided to do my first slide around a pole in an empty parking lot, I pull out of the parking lot and two cops come running in the street and pull me over on foot, my buddy comes over and yells "drift around my car!" the cops tell them to get out of here. So he tells me to pull into the apartments and if I take off I was gonna be in serious trouble.
Turns out there was attempted grand theft auto, and my Orange s13 fit the description of the car. Give me a break. They search my car pick up some cologne in the glove compartment "whats this?" as he smells it. Ummm cologne? " what do you use this for"? pulls a mask out of the backseat. "thats from halloween".
He talk about an incident where two kids werent wearing seatbelts, and how his friend flew to the back and back to the front kicking his friend in the head killing him instantly :keke:. Then he explains how I should keep it at the track and talking about his camaro. I end up getting a reckless driving ticket, but was knocked down to careless and only had to pay $90.

hostyS 14
08-09-2010, 05:00 PM
cops : how are you doing
me : im pretty good
Cops : can i see ur reg and blah blah bklah
to his car , then come back ...

cops : do u know why i pulled you over ?
me : no sir
cop : do u have anything in the car that u shouldnt be having ?
me : yea i have like 15 lb of cokes in the back
cop : ok seat tight ( at this time there two or three cops on my back pointing gun at me while im still in the car )
cop : he went to my trunk and put the flash light in my trunk
cop : ok he clear
cop : ** laught ** i mean cokes and drug not coca cola
me : uhhh well i dont know...
then he asked me
Cops : how fast wear you going
Me : i have no idea sir , but im sure to my self that i wasnt speeding because when u pulled me over the pt cruiser in the left lane is going faster then me
cops : did u know that i am seating there watching you speeding and now u'r lying to me ?
me : well i didnt speed . and i prob just drive fast enough to this spot because i know you are waiting for me here ( he alway there same cops car and number on the side )
cops : Laugh a little bit
cops : so how fast is this thing
me : slower then a pt cruiser that for sure
cop laugh again
cops : what motor did you put in here nice z32

i was like ( uhhhhh oh fuck me ... he know his shit )
me : uhhh z32 motor ?
cop : dont get smart with me what motor is it
me : vg30dett ..
cop : mmm i figure that
cop : mind if u can open the hood for me real quick ?
me : can i see ur warren ?
cop : dont worry i have one of these at home my self

me and the cops talk for a while my girlfriend is recording everysingle freaking thing me and the cop conversation . at the end i asked him if i can touch his siren just for once and he said. Just go home ...

this was all happen two night ago .. and i almost shit my pant...

You're an idiot..

Please learn to spell, and a cop does not need a warrant to see under your hood. :keke:


09-03-2010, 02:31 PM
I love living in South Carolina. No inspections, no fear of being busted with "illegal mods". This towns full of ricers so the cops just deal with the normal crap and usually only mess with the speeders.

09-04-2010, 04:05 PM
got pulled over in burbank and had a pipe in the ash tray. the cops tells the other cop, he has a pipe, and they pull me out of the car and search the car. i had less than a gran in a grinder. long story short they let me go and gave me a lecture on how stupid i was for having it in plain sight. one cop tried to give me a dui for marijuana and kept asking "when was the last time you smoked?" which was a hour befor being pulled over. i told him yesterday. he was not happy with my answer and threaten to take me in. dont let them fool you, lie your ass off. you got nothing to lose.(everyone know burbank, glendale, and pasadena pigs are big on giving tickets)

09-04-2010, 04:33 PM
I was driving to pick up a friend from a party that couldnt drive around 12, went to the chevron got some gas after i picked him up and then as i was pulling out of the place i see an officer sitting in the middle of an intersection at a green light. when i pass him he turns around and follows me for a block then turns his lights on.... comes to the window and says (you know why i pulled you over ?? ) right before i answer my drunk friend is like ... (LEAVE HIM ALONE FUCKEN COP) cop pulls his gun out and points it at my door ad says put your hads on the steering wheel.i listen to the cop while my friend still talks shit. then he calls 4 other units code 3 back up i hear him say. and im like wtf..... code 3 is like the shit cops call when there down or being attacked... but the other cars show up screetching tires. yank us out the car and basically man handle us and put us in separate cars. then rip my dash panels off and didnt even get consent to check my car, also its a supra mk4 and those dashes are VERY expensive to replace. so he takes my shoes off couldnt find anything on me or the car so he gave me a citation for modified exhaust and let me go walk to my car. then as im driving off i notice my phone isnt with me. i come back and there all gone. so i call te station and they just said thats not our problem sir...so i report my phone stolen and somehow some chick found it walking home from school and called us. THEN.. when i looked at my friends ticket and mine.. they wrote his ticket at a different day, different area and different county even... its just funny to me how some police will take advantage of there badge.

09-04-2010, 04:49 PM
well your drunk friend did piss him off.

09-04-2010, 04:52 PM
one of the best threads! along with the "when can i tap that" ive been pulled over so many times ive lost count but no really funny stories exept when my friends thought it would be funny to do a Chinese fire drill....cop slammed on his brakes car did a little slide said "are you fucking kidding me!, if i didnt have a serious call youd all be in jail!" then drove off. right up the street a car had flipped pretty sure thats where he was going haha

09-04-2010, 05:14 PM
well your drunk friend did piss him off.

ohh i know he pissed him off lol.. but i just personally think he blew it outta proportion. hes no threat to the cop what so ever he ways like 115 lbs and hes got no muscle. But either way theres nothing i can do about it. what happend happend and i still have to pay for it lol

09-04-2010, 09:22 PM
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i99/dsmguy58/27781_1365580132993_1036320384_30998847_6596018_n. jpg

Here is a funny one for u guys....I had to put the pic up. Anyways..Yes, I got pulled over by a cop on a bicycle one morning at school while I was looking for a parking spot. So there I was...cruising along at 15mph thinking about my next class when I look back in my rear view mirror, and see some fat foo ridding the shitttt out of his mountain bike. I didnt think anything of it, so I drove a little farther until I had to wait at a stop sign. Next thing I know, this cop pokes his head in my car....breathing hard than a mofo....He than says "Im going to need u to pull over sir". I instantly started to laugh thinking "who gets pulled over by a cop on a bicycle" So I made a right turn at the stop sign and did as he said. Than this mutha fucka had the nerve to tell me that I have and I quote "tooooo much power for my car" I think he said that because my diff was locking as I made that right turn. Than he was like I need u to pop ur hood, and I was like sure...cause its only a stock KA. Now as he is trying to pick things out to screw me on(damn cali laws) he points at my intake manifold and says to me"those are some nice headers, ARE THEY LEGAL". At this point I was pissed so I told him "YO, thats the intake manifold, your looking at the wrong side...so why dont u let me get to class. He gets pissed makes me wait like 30 minutes and gives me a ticket for a brake light that was never out.

09-04-2010, 09:34 PM
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i99/dsmguy58/27781_1365580132993_1036320384_30998847_6596018_n. jpg

Here is a funny one for u guys....I had to put the pic up. Anyways..Yes, I got pulled over by a cop on a bicycle one morning at school while I was looking for a parking spot. So there I was...cruising along at 15mph thinking about my next class when I look back in my rear view mirror, and see some fat foo ridding the shitttt out of his mountain bike. I didnt think anything of it, so I drove a little farther until I had to wait at a stop sign. Next thing I know, this cop pokes his head in my car....breathing hard than a mofo....He than says "Im going to need u to pull over sir". I instantly started to laugh thinking "who gets pulled over by a cop on a bicycle" So I made a right turn at the stop sign and did as he said. Than this mutha fucka had the nerve to tell me that I have and I quote "tooooo much power for my car" I think he said that because my diff was locking as I made that right turn. Than he was like I need u to pop ur hood, and I was like sure...cause its only a stock KA. Now as he is trying to pick things out to screw me on(damn cali laws) he points at my intake manifold and says to me"those are some nice headers, ARE THEY LEGAL". At this point I was pissed so I told him "YO, thats the intake manifold, your looking at the wrong side...so why dont u let me get to class. He gets pissed makes me wait like 30 minutes and gives me a ticket for a brake light that was never out.

my question is.... is who had a camera at that time and got that high in the air awhile he was pulling you over?

cops can be jerks

09-04-2010, 10:08 PM
my question is.... is who had a camera at that time and got that high in the air awhile he was pulling you over?

cops can be jerks

It just so happened that a friend of mine had just parked his car on the top floor of the parking garage...and as he was walking down the stairs, he saw the whole ordeal.

09-04-2010, 10:18 PM
It just so happened that a friend of mine had just parked his car on the top floor of the parking garage...and as he was walking down the stairs, he saw the whole ordeal.

ha, well thats pretty crazy coincidence. pretty funny pic, nothing really funnier than a cop on a bicycle. ESPECIALLY when he has no idea what hes talking about when he looks under the hood... if he actually thinks he can get someone in trouble for modified parts he needs to know what to look for.

09-04-2010, 10:25 PM
ha, well thats pretty crazy coincidence. pretty funny pic, nothing really funnier than a cop on a bicycle. ESPECIALLY when he has no idea what hes talking about when he looks under the hood... if he actually thinks he can get someone in trouble for modified parts he needs to know what to look for.

I agree 187.3%

09-05-2010, 12:12 PM
Ha ha ha i got pulled over by a bike cop, i boosted and my bov went off, and the mofo like road his bike infront of my car and stopped me(he was like a half a block up the road and cut me off), he gave me a ticket for no blinker when i didnt even turn i was going straight lol... still in the process of fight that ticket cause im not paying 90 bucks for something i didnt do...

09-07-2010, 08:58 PM
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i99/dsmguy58/27781_1365580132993_1036320384_30998847_6596018_n. jpg

gives me a ticket for a brake light that was never out.

your drivers side, and rear high brake light(if you even have one) are out.

09-11-2010, 03:40 PM
this past tuesday being a kind brother i went out around 1 am to get my sister some med for her fever w/e. As i'm turning out of my complex i see cop headlights coming up on me pretty fast I was shitting myself (15 no permit >.>. Before leaving me alone this cop follows me for a good 5 miles just to bust my balls. I decided to turn around because my birthdays in a few days and id much rather be legal at 16 than 21. As i am coming out of the store i pulled in to let the cop pass by another cop somehow is behind me. Knowing my luck was cutting short im making a B line back home. As i turn into my complex he follows.. anyways he goes through the regular (lic. and reg.?) Me: i got my school i.d. (fml) cop: what are you doing out here son?" me: My mothers a nurse and she just got off a late night shift and my sisters sick, was going to pick up some meds for her but the store was closed just turning to make it back home. cop: ok do you live in here? me: yea all the way at the back of it. cop: ok can you get your mom on the phone: me: sure (bullshitting i knew she was sleep and she never answers at night . First attempt nothing second nothing 3rd she picks up yelling at me for calling her to just come in the room. anyways after telling her whats going on she talks to the cop and w/e. Cop: son, your mom says your a good driver, and you see to be a good kid (had my varsity lax jacket on haha) so im going to trust her but i'll be the judge of that. im gonna just follow you back up to make sure you get home safe." Me: Alright thanks officer. after we get to my house he gets to talking to my mom (shes pretty >.>) anyways i had to kick his ass out because i refuse to have a pig prints on my clean floors.

09-12-2010, 01:34 AM
on my way back home after taking some stuff to the university apt. i get pulled over by a cop....

cop: pulled you over because of window tint, and lane changing without signaling.

me: sorry about that officer.

cop: license and registration. who is the lady with you?

me: my girlfriend.

cop: ID mam.

she gives him her ID.

10 mins later

cop: mam, have you been arrested before? central is giving me a code back saying i can legally frisk you for narcotics.

im like WTF !?!?!

my gf is like WTF !?!?!?!

long story short....

she has the same name and last name as another person.

even cop said my girlfriend looked like the other person too.

only thing was that my gf was 2 months younger than the other person that had gotten busted for narcotics lol

let us go with a warning and praised my gf for having her passport as secondary ID

09-21-2010, 09:55 PM
I have a pretty good one. Me and my friends are driving from Jersey to South Carolina and we enter some little town in South Carolina, right has we enter my friend gets tired and asks me to drive so I say okay. 30 seconds into me driving I cross a town border and I see lights behind me. This guy with a handlebar mustache walks up to me and just says "ain't from around her boy are ya, gonna have to see some id now".
I am like fml this isn't gonna end well, luckily I hand him my nypd captain's pba card thinking it will help. The cop comes back and just says who the hell is the nypd (new york police dept.), so now I know I am screwed. Next he says " down here for vacation you must have money here is your tickets have a good day." Guy toss the ids at me with 2 tickets for 780 dollars and a court date required and just leaves no explaination nothing. Local cops advised me to not pay it so I haven't lol.

09-22-2010, 09:18 AM
Late night me and like 8 friends were bored so we went to turnbull to see if we could catch anyone running or just see anything interesting and a cop comes up behind us hits the lights gun out apparently they got a call about shots fired and it just so happens my friend was throwing rocks at a street sign and it was very loud. Anyway they search us and my 320lb 5'3" friend who has never been touched by a stranger got searched in his danger zone by this cop and i thought he was going to puke all over the place, this kid lives a very sheltered life and that was his first time on turnbull and he had a cops hand on his junk and butthole haha.

she has the same name and last name as another person.

When they started running our names our friends name came up for armed and dangerous wanted for the murder of i think 5 people in arizona and a cop asked me if i was a serial killer, ya like i'd tell you.:fawk2:

09-22-2010, 09:43 AM
When they started running our names our friends name came up for armed and dangerous wanted for the murder of i think 5 people in arizona and a cop asked me if i was a serial killer, ya like i'd tell you.:fawk2:

lol that happened to my uncle once
and he was a cop when he got pulled over he just got off duty and was on his way home from pretty much a 20 hour shift so they thought he was drunk and a wanted felon lol

09-22-2010, 11:59 AM
Got pulled over on my home from school.

Cop: (as he walks to my car) "Holy crap"

Me: "Is this about the RHD sticker?"

Most cops are convinced a "RHD Vehicle" sticker is to be displayed on the back of RHD cars in Ontario, Canada. However, if you have working turn signals, it's not required.

Cop: "no no, don't worry, we know... We just wanted to know where the driver was."

Me: ...

09-22-2010, 12:05 PM
Got pulled over on my home from school.

Cop: (as he walks to my car) "Holy crap"

Me: "Is this about the RHD sticker?"

Most cops are convinced a "RHD Vehicle" sticker is to be displayed on the back of RHD cars in Ontario, Canada. However, if you have working turn signals, it's not required.

Cop: "no no, don't worry, we know... We just wanted to know where the driver was."

Me: ...

shoulda said
"he got out and ran that way!!!!"
(pointing out the left window)

Chaw wee
09-22-2010, 05:51 PM
So this was a few weeks ago.

I was taking a friend home from hanging out downtown, and he did not live very far from where i did. I was driving my ej1, (civic coupe built b20v blah blah) and he starts asking about how quick it was. So i just got on it in first little bit right before i turn on the street to his house.
End up getting to his house dropping him off, turning around and start heading to my house. Few seconds later i see 3 cops roll up behind me and turn on the lights..

Cop: We heard you spinning the tires back there, what was that all about??
Me: Where did you see me doing that? I was just leaving a friends house, dont even think my car is warmed up yet.
Cop: Bull shit, we just saw you spin the tires back there. (reaches and feels my tires) Your tires are burning up! Now why would that be? (it maybe spun for .5 of a second)
Me: Sir, my car is only on quarter temperature, my car is not even warmed up yet. (thats where it sits when its at operating temp)
Cop: License, regs, and proof of insurance.

Cop goes back to his car to talk with his other cop friends, and then comes back.

Cop: Now im going to let you go with a warning. But dont lie to the cops, we know it was you.
Me: Ok sir, thats fine, i appreciate it.
Cop: Stop driving your car like that, it is a honda, its going to fall apart more then it already has.
I laugh and roll up my windows and drive off.

Now my car is not by any means falling apart, it clean with no dents, no faded paint, and slammed on gsr blades. lol, im taking it he is just a honda hater. If i was driving my nissan i bet he would have just let me be haha.

True story too.

09-22-2010, 09:12 PM
A couple weeks ago, I was one lucky son of a bitch.

I got pulled over twice in a day, each one deserving tickets. Once for not having headlights on by CHP. And again at 2AM for COMPLETELY running a stop sign by a Sheriff. Both times they just let me go.

I guess it makes up for the Sheriff in Glendale who took all my bud and wrote me a ticket despite me having my certificate.

09-23-2010, 10:05 AM
A couple weeks ago, I was one lucky son of a bitch.

I got pulled over twice in a day, each one deserving tickets. Once for not having headlights on by CHP. And again at 2AM for COMPLETELY running a stop sign by a Sheriff. Both times they just let me go.

I guess it makes up for the Sheriff in Glendale who took all my bud and wrote me a ticket despite me having my certificate.

happened to my friend too. He had it in a locked glove box(my s13) and he got busted cause it wasn't in the trunk. He showed the cop his lisence and everything but he still took his eigth.

10-06-2010, 11:36 PM
These r funny bump!

10-06-2010, 11:45 PM
(insert long boring story here)

Frankly, I'd find new friends. I'd take sides with the cops in any situation when it involves some punk kid running his mouth about 'his rights'.

Find new Friends, they are going to be your undoing.

10-07-2010, 01:31 AM
got popped some time early this year and the cop was just looking for a reason to throw the book at me...well, he pointed his flashlight at my headlight levelers and asked in a brash voice if that was a modification for the engine...i chuckled and wiggled the headlight for him to see...he must have felt like an idiot because at that point on he turned into the coolest guy, lol...

another time i got pulled over, a lady cop came out and was about to ask me for my papers when she started to look a little pass me and said:

her: "hey, nice chair!"
me: "oh, the racing seat? yeah, i like it, hurts my back sometimes though."
her: "i bet, but it looks so cool! well, have a great day!" (walks away)
me (thinking): "wat, thats it???!" :goyou:

still dont know why she pulled me over that day, lol...after a while they dont even pull me over anymore...they just follow me for a while and blast off...i love most cops/chp/sheriffs in the bay area...

10-07-2010, 04:53 AM
I haven't had any good stories with cops. Got pulled over once leaving a restaurant to go home. Just cruising along, going the speed limit and everything and saw this cop following me. I was like fuck, he's gonna get me. And he did. Normal spiel, what you doing, where you going, etc. I have no idea why he pulled me over but he said, change your license plate light, its out. I was like wtf!? I got out to check it and it was fucking working perfectly.

Anyways funny one though, we just saw fast & furious, the newest one or whatever. Just to have a good time. We decided to go to Dennys after to get some food. Some how we end up in this parking lot and my friend starts doing donuts (idiot). I saw the cops a few blocks down and knew they were coming. Of course there are gonna be tons of cops out when Fast & Furious is coming out.

So they pull him over and are asking him what the fuck he is doing and he was like:

friend: 'Man, I just saw Fast & Furious, sorry, it made me wanna race and do cool shit'
cop: 'Well I'm going to have to give you a ticket for reckless driving'
friend: Really? Fuck man
cop: nah I'm just kidding. How was the movie?
friend: movie was alright, some good action though
cop: sweet I'll go check it out tomorrow. anyways, can you tell me where all the street races are going to be tonight?
friend: no idea
cop: alright, i'll just go follow those other cars

and then he leaves. Made for a good story over late night breakfast haha,

10-07-2010, 07:32 PM
Heres my cop story..

Its me and my friend.
Im in my s13, vg30dett, straight pipe, open waste gate, wheels, hid's
my buddy was in his sc400. just exhaust wheels, hids and a intake.
me and him both have girls in out cars, we were going to the 1115 showing of sherlock holmes.
it was like 11
so we were rushing a bit.
so we go through the California and van burn intersection, i happen to hit boost, waste gate opend. wrrraahhhhhpaasshhhhh
i was maybe going like 50.
so we both stop at the next light, and it turned green, i boost through first and second and let off at like 55mpph for the corners, my friend is behind me in the same lane.

a cop comes bolting up behind up lights on and what not.

so i signal and quickly pull right over, no problum. my buddy passed me and also pulled right over..

cop walks up and says whay are you racing, i say im very sorry sir i was just in a hurry to get to the movie.

or course he diddnt believe me
asks foy my papers ect, i hand em over.
i get a ticket for 85 in a 45, and racing.
i was going like 50. i looked before i let off the gas.
anyway, my friend got a ticket for no license and racing.

so he tells me to leave, so i start my car up, and pull away. surprised i diddnt get my hood poped.

so they tow my friends sc. and he calls me to go pick him and his chick up.

so what diddnt make sense was my ticket said speeding/racing and his said racing/unlicensed so if he wasnt speeding, who was i racing.
and there was no radar gun involved.

they withheld his car for so long he couldn't pay the fine
and they sold his car.

so we go to corut like a month later, all worryed.
turned out it got dismissed due to lack of evidence.
so he lost his car, and we wernt charged with anything.

thats some bullshit.


10-07-2010, 08:06 PM
police impounds are dirty fucking buisness thats fucked up

but should not drive without license

risk vs. reward

10-07-2010, 09:45 PM
Lol, I just read all of these stories... some funny, some make me want to punch a cop in the face. Sadly, I don't have any stories of my own though... I guess that's a good thing, though...

10-08-2010, 03:13 AM
police impounds are dirty fucking buisness thats fucked up

but should not drive without license

risk vs. reward
Yeah, but he just diddnt have his card :/

10-08-2010, 09:13 AM
even worse why could he not immediatly go and get his license and get car out of impound after a day and only cost less than $500.

not $3,500 for 30 day storage

10-08-2010, 03:20 PM
even worse why could he not immediatly go and get his license and get car out of impound after a day and only cost less than $500.

not $3,500 for 30 day storage

because in the situation where your car gets impounded for you not having a lisence, there is a mandatory 30 day holding period.

10-08-2010, 05:38 PM
im driving down the street a little above speed limit.
cop: pulls me over, said he got me with laser
me: ok
cop: gives me ticket
3 months later i go to court
cop: shows up
me: shit!
cop: says i was speeding and got me with laser not radar to the judge
judge: oh wow, and ur fighting this? ( retorical question)
judge: cop u didnt fill out the back form about the laser
cop: oh
judge: case dismiss
me : ok... i walk out
me: i didnt even speak lol and i won the case. the beauty of law

10-08-2010, 05:52 PM
im driving down the street a little above speed limit.
cop: pulls me over, said he got me with laser
me: ok
cop: gives me ticket
3 months later i go to court
cop: shows up
me: shit!
cop: says i was speeding and got me with laser not radar to the judge
judge: oh wow, and ur fighting this? ( retorical question)
judge: cop u didnt fill out the back form about the laser
cop: oh
judge: case dismiss
me : ok... i walk out
me: i didnt even speak lol and i won the case. the beauty of law

Lol.... took me a while to understand what you wrote.

10-08-2010, 06:02 PM
really y?

10-08-2010, 06:12 PM
it's inconsistent. At points it seems to be actual words each individual spoke at others its just a summary of what happened.

10-08-2010, 11:23 PM
brother was on his GSX-R and got a ticket for "unsafe start" and the cop wouldnt tell him what an unsafe start is. all he said was (and read carefully now) "i HEARD your front tire come off the ground." he addmitted he didnt actually see a tire leave the ground.
this took place in front of the sheriff station and my bro isnt an idiot, also, there was a car infront of him and he wouldnt attempt a wheelie in that situation.
i promise you i wont be the retarded cop everybody encounters.

10-09-2010, 07:31 AM
i got pulled over in my dads RSX and it had Honda emblems instead of the Acura.
BTW (Long Beach Police)
So i get pulled over.
me: hello
popo: is this your car
me: my dads
popo:we thought it was a stolen vehicle since it had ACURA wheels and HONDA emblems
me: oh well they're the same manufacture sir. in Japan its Honda ,
popo: well this isnt japan do you understand ?
me: its the same thinggg honda and acura.
(the debate between honda and acura continues)
popo: well u get a fix it tikcet for that and ur exhaust
me: oh mk thank you
popo: thank you haha, wow

Straight up Biatch xP

11-03-2010, 10:13 PM
i got pulled over in my dads RSX and it had Honda emblems instead of the Acura.
BTW (Long Beach Police)
So i get pulled over.
me: hello
popo: is this your car
me: my dads
popo:we thought it was a stolen vehicle since it had ACURA wheels and HONDA emblems
me: oh well they're the same manufacture sir. in Japan its Honda ,
popo: well this isnt japan do you understand ?
me: its the same thinggg honda and acura.
(the debate between honda and acura continues)
popo: well u get a fix it tikcet for that and ur exhaust
me: oh mk thank you
popo: thank you haha, wow

Straight up Biatch xP

Thats the stupidist ticket i think i have ever heard about!!

11-03-2010, 10:47 PM
LATE NIGHT i was 16 years old coming back from a date around 12am in my old trans am;)
Got caught burning rubber coming off a light.

cop: have you been drinking ?
me: no??
cop: how old are you?
me: just turned 16
cop: liscence and reg please
me: here
cop: why did you burnout?
me: to be honest with you sir i really suck at this whole clutch thing...
cop: haha damn kids....have a safe night.

i damn near shit myself.=/

thats the most ive ever got in trouble with the cops. LOL

11-04-2010, 01:30 AM
LATE NIGHT i was 16 years old coming back from a date around 12am in my old trans am;)
Got caught burning rubber coming off a light.

cop: have you been drinking ?
me: no??
cop: how old are you?
me: just turned 16
cop: liscence and reg please
me: here
cop: why did you burnout?
me: to be honest with you sir i really suck at this whole clutch thing...
cop: haha damn kids....have a safe night.

i damn near shit myself.=/

thats the most ive ever got in trouble with the cops. LOL

i have used the same excuse before too, cop just said oh ok.. well here is your ticket i will see u in court.. he got me for no front license plate. F*** suisun PD

11-04-2010, 02:25 AM
i got pulled over in my dads RSX and it had Honda emblems instead of the Acura.
BTW (Long Beach Police)
So i get pulled over.
me: hello
popo: is this your car
me: my dads
popo:we thought it was a stolen vehicle since it had ACURA wheels and HONDA emblems
me: oh well they're the same manufacture sir. in Japan its Honda ,
popo: well this isnt japan do you understand ?
me: its the same thinggg honda and acura.
(the debate between honda and acura continues)
popo: well u get a fix it tikcet for that and ur exhaust
me: oh mk thank you
popo: thank you haha, wow

Straight up Biatch xP

I did not realize they could ticket you for that... I especially love the "well this isn't japan" comment.

11-18-2010, 01:57 AM
i got in my car, which was parked outside of the house.
cop pulls up behind me
gets out
asks me " sir what are you doing in the car"
i retort "its a cold day, its a good idea to warm up your car"
he asks " do you have a drugs, land mines, guns, nuclear weapons of anykind."
i said "i have a KA"
he said "get out of the car sir"
***searches car***
he said "where is your AK"
i popped my hood and said "there is my KA"
then he says i can get back in my car and asks me where im going
i said "im going to school"
he asks "where?"
i said " GGC"
he asks "what time do you have to be there i said 12:00" current time is 11:42
he said ill be like , then he bitches about my tires
and then we part ways, i get to school and 11:59 and mind you this is a 25-30 minute drive =D

11-18-2010, 07:54 AM
back when i had my first 240sx i was driving like an idiot doing about 70 in a 40 zone. i get pulled over by a Sheriff. he comes up to my car and says

Sheriff do you know how fast you were going?
Me: yeah way to fast.
Sheriff: how much do you pay for insurance?
Me: about a hundred a month.
Sheriff: do you want to pay double or triple that?
Me: no sir
Sheriff: then stop driving like that!!!!

he then turns around gets in his car and leaves.

11-18-2010, 08:49 AM
I did not realize they could ticket you for that... I especially love the "well this isn't japan" comment.

I didn't realize you could get a ticket for emblems either. o_O I once got written up in my track car. The cop put the model of the car as an 'RPS13'... -_-'

11-20-2010, 10:02 AM
dang these stories are funny.. sucks i got pulled over by same cop within 5 mins of both citations!! ....

11-27-2010, 01:06 AM
dang these stories are funny.. sucks i got pulled over by same cop within 5 mins of both citations!! ....

post up the story!!

12-23-2010, 12:24 AM
this is what happened teo years a go
cop plulls me over with my sr and gave me a referee ticket
I got rid of the car 9part it out)
two months a go the same cop pulls me over
cop:are u in a hurry
cop:dont i know u
me :i;m like fuck my life
cop:yeah i pulled u over 2 years a go,what mods have u done to this car.
me:almost crying!nothing sir
cop:come one i heard the blowoff valve 2 miles away,pop ur hood!
me:i start telling him that i lost my job and stuff like that
cop:how much did u spend last time i pulled u over
me: a lot sir , i have to get rid of the car
cop;stays quite
me:watery eyes
cop:does it sound good if i let u go with a warning
me;wtf ...huh
cop:just turn down ur blowoff ,its way too loud
me:i still cant believe it
cop:aproches to my wife and tells her for me to slow down
*i think this time he let me go cause he was by him self and felt sorry for me cause i showed him all my resumes that i was gonna send out, 2 years a go 2 cops pulled me over

12-23-2010, 06:31 AM
So I was picking up my buddy from his house and headed to the freeway to meet up with our other friends on the other side of town. Pull up to a light and a motorbike cop pulls up next to me all quick...

Cop: Evening.
Friend and I: Evening officer.
Cop: Where are you guys headed?
Me: Going to meet up with some friends.
Cop: Haven't been drinking tonight right?
Both of us: No Sir.
Light turns green as he says next line.
Cop: Okay, have a good night. (promptly stalls bike as he try's to pull away)
My friend: I'm sorry but have you been drinking tonight?
Cop: (Laughs) No I haven't, you guys have a good night and be safe.

12-23-2010, 08:36 AM
I thought you were talking about a bicycle cop at first haha.

12-23-2010, 03:42 PM
(Pulled over at 2 a.m. for modified exhaust)
cop: License, registration? Oh its your birthday, I would be a real asshole to write you a ticket on your birthday right?
me: yaaaaaa
cop: get the exhaust fixed, happy birthday

12-23-2010, 04:30 PM
man i have soooo many stories....damn. everyone of my tickets was fucking stupid.

4 years ago. I'm leaving my house, drove about 2 miles to the nearest freeway, right about to mergeon the 5 south, and a cop pulls me over. Keep in mind....i was hauling balls on that offramp. ;D

cop: do you know why i pulled you over
me: ummm.....no.
cop: You made an unsafe lane change.
me:umm....whats that?
cop: you were at "x" intersection, and changed lanes without a blinker.
me:....(thinking....where the fuck was this)....umm..i'm sorry sir, but I use my blinker everytime I change lanes....
cop: I saw you make an immediate lane change as there was a bus ahead of you.
me: Are you serious? I put my blinker on.
cop: Well sign here.....I may not send this one in.
me: Wait...I'm really getting a ticket for this? Your kidding right?
cop: Here ya go, drive safe....if you don't see it in the mail, don't worry about it.
me: oh sweet....thanks officer.

1 month later...nothing in the mail. I thought I was off the hook. Go to renew my insurance, and there's a ticket on there....

muh fuckah! Go to the courthouse to check the ticket....next day is the final court date. HOLY FUCK! I had a job interview that day....

me: how much is the ticket
courthouse: $556...
me: wow....for a unsafe lane change...fuck me!

paid ticket.

12-23-2010, 05:04 PM
A couple years ago me and a couple friends were going to go shoot the hell out of some guys house for running one of his family members off the road. well once we were done my friend in the back of the car with the paintball gun decided he wasn't done shooting stuff, even when we came up on some local dealerships. finally he ran out of ammo which was a relief, so we stopped got some gas and drank, and they thought it would be great to roll our shirt half way up and buy playgirl and 12 cream filled doughnuts and say how much we loved cream filling. So after dieing laughing we proceeded to head back to our garage to hang out for a while. when we got off our exit a county cop decided to start tailing us, followed by another and yet another. we stop at a stop sign and wait for prob 10 seconds before moving and then bam light s came on.

Cop; you know why I stopped you ?
Friend 1 (driver, that had no license): NO sir
Cop: you didnt stop back there
(friend 2 is trying to take apart a paintball gun in the back seat without the cop seeing)
Friend 1: I'm pretty sure I stopped sir I saw you behind me
Cop: Why what are you trying to hide? as he looks threw the car
Cop asked for information and proceeded to walk to his car mean while there is now 1 in front of us 3 behind us
Cop walks back up and says hey you wanna give me that paintball gun back there and all 3 of you step out of the car
we all step out and they put us up against the car and ask why we thought it was funny to paintball dealerships as they searched us.
I wasn"t worried about them finding anything illegal in the car but just what we bought earlier haha
3 cops start throwing everything out of the car, then I hear it the found the bag from the gas station
Me: mother F*$#er
They pull out the doughnuts first and are like whoa!!!!!!!! look what we got hear boys jackpot then the other cop pulls out the playgirl WHOA!!!!!!!!! you guys going to have some fun tonight ??? after a 15 minute search 3 statements and two tickets a city cop that I ride motorcycles with showed up and convinced them we were not gay and got us out of there, couldn't do anything about the ticket but at least we got to leave, and now anytime I see a county I just wave homoly at him and keep driving.

12-24-2010, 01:00 AM
Got pulled over for swerving around a major ass pot hole, that the city covered with a steel plate, common around here. I don't know if they do it everywhere but if will fuck you up if your slammed on coilovers. This is right at last call, I am coming home from work... Sober.

Copper You know why I pulled you over?

Me Well, yea.. Probably my erratic driving.

Copper So what was that all about?

Me I live just down the road, I forgot till the last second about the "construction" and had to try and miss it, do to my cars ride height. It's my bad.

Copper Have you had anything to drink tonight? and I will need you license and insurance.

I tell him no and he can tell I'm sober. He runs my name and stuff and comes back and tells me I am clear. But I might want to raise my car or change my route home. He finishes by saying that I look remarkable like Edward Norton.

Me You mean the guy that played the Hulk?

Copper Yea, but you look like him from American History X.

After all this my fucking car wont start. He is sitting behind me waiting for me to go. I get out and and comes over to see whats up. He and his trainee end up helping me push the car so I can pop the clutch. This guy was fucking awesome, just trying to bust drunkies, nothing else. He was totally cool with helping me push. He said it wouldn't have happened if he didn't pull me over.

Only cool cop I have ever meet to this day. All others were real dicks, rather I deserved it or not. May they all weep as I tell the tale of the one good officer of the law in Springfield, MO. Dammit.

12-24-2010, 06:42 AM
I thought you were talking about a bicycle cop at first haha.

lol, haha fixed for clarification.

12-24-2010, 08:36 AM
I got one got busted 130 n a 35 whn I had my subie got put n the car n everything all the sudden the pigg got a phone call after a min of conversation the officer turns around n says idk who u knw but Dnt let me see u again he let's me out and I get a call from my mom she says if u go anywhere but home I'll crush ur car lol so
I went home but the funny thing was
The cop was talking so much shit n saying that my car was his
Now n that he wad gna find every little thing to charge me for and
N the end he apologized to me
N said have a good day sir lol

12-25-2010, 05:44 AM
I got one got busted 130 n a 35 whn I had my subie got put n the car n everything all the sudden the pigg got a phone call after a min of conversation the officer turns around n says idk who u knw but Dnt let me see u again he let's me out and I get a call from my mom she says if u go anywhere but home I'll crush ur car lol so
I went home but the funny thing was
The cop was talking so much shit n saying that my car was his
Now n that he wad gna find every little thing to charge me for and
N the end he apologized to me
N said have a good day sir lol

I don't understand a thing you said. Please learn to use proper grammar, trying to read what you wrote gave me a headache. lol

12-25-2010, 04:42 PM

anyway, i was on a ride along when this one happened.

my cousin is an officer in Bell and he works graveyard, and every so often i go with him because i also want to be a part of law enforcement. its about 5 a.m. and the shift is aaalllmost over and we get a call from a frantic lady saying somebody is trying to get into her house. so naturally we haul ass over there but, just miss him. when we asked which way he went she replied "i dont know, he's really REALLY drunk" so using the info i'm given i assume he hasnt gone far. as me and my cousin (James) are leaving to look for the guy, i tell him to make a right at the first street and go straight 2 blocks. sure enough, the guy is trying to get into another residence so we hit him with the spot lights and he turns around...the front of his pants are covered in piss. at this point, im trying not to laugh at him but couldnt help it. he was very compliant so instead of taking him to jail, we just got his home address off of his i.d. and took him home, which was 2 blocks in the opposite direction (he was so drunk, he didnt know what street he was on or that those houses weren't his.)

this is the conversation that was had on the ride to his house.

Drunk: im not gonna lie officers, i wasss at a strip bar club...ihadagoodtime.

James: it's ok man, i enjoy tits and beer too. but responsibly.

Me: do you know where a bucks enough to see their stuff? THE NUDY BAR!!!

Drunk: aye papa, dont take me in!

James: dont call me papa, or i'll take you to jailjail

Drunk: ohh man donsay that cabron!

about that time we pull up to his parent's house.

James: Dylan, stay here and watch him while i get somebody to let him in.

Me: gotchya.

(james goes to the door while me and the drunk are still in the car)

Drunk: Aye cabron, whys he gotta disrespect me like that?!? i'll kill him!



(james comes back to the car with the drunks dad and exchanges words with the drunk as he walks inside the house)

James: damn dude, what did you say to him? that guys pissed!

Me: nothin man, just reassuring him shit happens when you drink too much.

S-Nation S13
12-25-2010, 05:10 PM
(not recent just wanted to share)
officer pulls me and another guy over (honda hatch)

Officer: do you know why i pulled you over?
Me: no sir..i really dont
Officer: you got a mighty loud exhaust their
Me: ....
officer: just sit tight while i talk to this other guy ( honda head )
5 mins. later after he inspects the honda he lets them off !
officer: got anything illegal in here that i should know about?
me: ...no sir want to take a look? ( my kindness will soon bite me in the ass..)
officer: takes a look..not bad
me: excuse me..
officer: nice set up..ill let you go with a obstruction of view violation for the stickers on your windshield.. if you can answer one question..
me: sure
officer: so have you ever used one of those excuses
me: what excuses..he refers to my shit..

12-26-2010, 04:22 AM
I had a compton pd try to race me. I was gonna do it but I thought it was a set-up, lol.

Slammed Assassin
01-06-2011, 02:59 AM
i live with one! period

01-06-2011, 08:17 AM
got pulled over swerving. Cop asks me what was going on. Had to be honest with him, I told him I was about to go No. 2 in my pants. He let me go.

I learned this from my dad when I used to live in california, except he actually had to take a shit I was young then moved to vegas got my license.
So I got radar at 120mph, I pull over had all my stuff ready (license,insurace and reg) told the cop when he got to the window give me the ticket write w.e you want to write, but I have to take a massive shit if not I will go on the side of the freeway and you can give me a ticket too. long story short cop let me go.

I've done this at least 4-5times since I lived here. I only do it when I was really f*cked on speeding tickets, now im older and dont really have a need to speed around like an idiot lol. :blah::blah::blah: