View Full Version : check out my redesigned maddphatt.com :)

07-08-2003, 09:04 PM
im so tired
i just finished(not 100%finished) redesigning my maddphatt.com beta version
i spent a week (4-5 hours/day) working on this thing considering that im a beginner at flash design..

however, SilviaDriver teached me all the basic things i should know about flash.. thanks man!

well here it is..

flash player required

any comments and suggestions are welcomed
even if you fell like dissing and flaming my website, please do :p
cuz i know i still need A LOT of improvements

07-08-2003, 09:22 PM
haha i like it. especially the end part when its flashin all the words around. cool song too

07-08-2003, 09:23 PM
Not too shabby, me likes. :)

07-08-2003, 09:55 PM
my speakers are mest up so the intro seemed to draaaaaaaag, watch it with no sound and you'll see what I mean, but I am sure its better with the music.

Only thing thats odd is the pics of your car and the engine bay clash. Whatever you did to the pics of your car, doesnt go with the crisp pic of the engine bay.

Also is it just becuase it is under construction or am I not supposed to be able to click the links in the links sections.

07-08-2003, 10:33 PM
as your teacher Bbandit. there is only one smilie that speak my words and amazement


ur **** is freaken sick now man! dang guys u DONT know how FAST Bbandit improved this is all in less than a Month from knowing JACK **** to this!

i dont really like the text that u put..i thought the Original text was better. i thought the original intro was better but i like the LAST part of the New intro..where u did the words Maddphatt and it had a blue version fading in..that was good..mayb integrate them?

looks like u used that cartoonish thingy haha i like how u made the car blink its hazards. and i really like the pic of the SR motor. well done.

next time try and put 100+ hrs into it!!

man..now im jealous! hahahah! good stuff Bbandit

EDIT: i will not be PWN3D!!1

07-08-2003, 11:00 PM
I like the photo album. coming soon... coming soon... so in conclusion, coming soon. but good job

07-09-2003, 01:09 AM
thanks for the inputs guys
the website is still under construction
so not everything will work perfectly... well not yet.. its beta version anyways :)
just click the update button and see whats up

the links section.. its not done yet.. thats why the links wont work

but yes, you definitely need speakers
without one, the intro is worthless

i cant wait to move to my new apartment (T1 internet connection)
faster connection = faster download/upload
so by then, i should have everything done

ps. silviadriver: 100+ hours.. :eek: :eek:
but i'll try to make one that involve 100+ hours of work... but that will happen once i mastered the art of combining *.mpeg, XML, javascript, and some programing together with flash :aw: :aw:

07-09-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Bbandit

ps. silviadriver: 100+ hours.. :eek: :eek:
but i'll try to make one that involve 100+ hours of work... but that will happen once i mastered the art of combining *.mpeg, XML, javascript, and some programing together with flash :aw: :aw:

indeed 100+hrs. when u go over 100hrs in working on a flash site..u know uve mastered enough to get around and ur site will be near untouchable.....

...like mine ;)

if ur flash base like me..meaning no HTML...u only need two tools. Flash and Photo..if u have both skills ur site can be VERY Powerful.

in other words..i need to learn Photo :(

07-09-2003, 01:36 PM
look at all the pretty colors... now what did I do with my last batch of shrooms... ;)

good job Rey.

07-09-2003, 02:40 PM
Nice. I like the colors and animations, well done. Now if only I could learn how to do that stuff:bash:

07-09-2003, 04:59 PM
very nice Bandit :bigok:

07-09-2003, 06:08 PM
cool site man, thought i was listening to an old school porn for a second with the music :p

07-09-2003, 06:45 PM
thanks guys! :D

Originally posted by 91blk240
cool site man, thought i was listening to an old school porn for a second with the music :p

lmao!! yea thats the point actually :p