View Full Version : Moving from Socal to Nevada. What to do with my car?

05-07-2010, 11:22 AM
Hey guys, so later this year I plan on moving to Reno, NV. I obviously want to bring my car with me, but as I look into it, I'm not sure if it will legally be possible.

I'm looking here on what it takes to transfer out of state cars into Nevada.
Nevada DMV New Resident Guide (http://www.dmvnv.com/newresident.htm#Residency)

Not only will I have to get it smogged, but the DMV has to personally look at the car to record VIN numbers.

My car being as modified as it is, I don't see how transfering it into Nevada is possible. =/

But before giving, up I want to get your guys' opinions on what to do and if it's possible to get a nevada license, but drive a california car. And if anyone has moved from Cali to Nevada, what did you do with your car?


05-07-2010, 11:25 AM
first opinion would be...wrong section...try the regionals...

05-07-2010, 11:55 AM
My uncle has a Civic down there with a GSR swap he just has it registered over here and when he has to do paperwork he just comes down here and gets it all over with. just my .02

05-07-2010, 12:02 PM
yep just forward your CA mail to your NV Address

05-07-2010, 12:37 PM
If you're going to school, you can usually keep your car registered in your home state. Smog it when you go home for summer/spring break.

If you're transferring it to establish residency, then so be it. Drive up to Vegas this weekend, see if you can find a shop to "pass" it. Then come back home - you'll have the smog cert ready to go for when you move.

05-07-2010, 01:51 PM
My uncle has a Civic down there with a GSR swap he just has it registered over here and when he has to do paperwork he just comes down here and gets it all over with. just my .02

What about his driver's license? Nevada license with a California car? will that be acceptable?

I am basically establishing residence, but want to keep it registered and insured in cali.

05-07-2010, 02:12 PM
Its easy to pass. A few years ago when I asked my friend about smog(in vegas). He was like... waaaaht?? all they do is the tailpipe sniffer and if you pass, that is it. Not much else. its not like its CArb so I would not worry about it.

05-07-2010, 03:09 PM
You can register it at any NV dmv office, with some being far more backwoods than others. Last time i brought an out of state vehicle they asked me if it was stolen, laughed, and handed back the vin inspection without looking. What the website says are the rules, and the amount of work government employees want to do are two totally different things.

05-07-2010, 05:09 PM
The VIN is recorded by whoever does the smog. They shop does the sniffer test and gives you a print out. Go to the DMV(and be sure to go in the right line. The Reno DMV can be confusing) fill out a registration form and give them the smog sheet. Done and done.

05-07-2010, 07:17 PM
Nevada isnt california.
we have guys over here with RHD cars and grey market cars that are fully registered,how idk but its possible.
as for a swaped car ie 240 jsut put a KA even if its rhd. bamm pass
make sure all the paper work is in order and flirt with the lady you get at the DMV if its a dude well do what you have to do lol * no homo*
hopefully that helps out a lil.
nevada is a state where it needs money and more people so they can work with you.
just sayin.

05-07-2010, 07:27 PM
giving up the beach?? sucks...

05-08-2010, 12:31 AM
When they say Vin Inspection all you realy do is drive up to a little building at the end of the dmv parking lot and hand someone your title then wait a few minitues for them to give you a piece of paper. Funny story I recently got a second car with a blown engine and changed it myself. I had a pretty big coolant leak I was still looking for at the time but I had to take a friend to the dmv so I figured I'd try to get this out of state car registered. While the lady was inside with my title I was standing in front of my car hoping she wouldn't notice the large puddle of coolant under my car from the five minitues of just sitting there idleing. She didn't notice and when I got back in the car and left there was a huge puddle on their concrete.

Anyways in Las Vegas the state does'nt smog you're car, you go to a little smog hut place that is a little bigger than an atm. If you go to one in the ghetto and your car does'nt pass they will usually ask you if you want to pay them off, I'm sure Reno is the same way.

05-08-2010, 08:25 AM
oh ok. sounds like Nevada is a little more forgiving then. =)

05-08-2010, 10:27 AM
Even more forgiving if you're in a rural area, what smog?? Test pipes ftw