View Full Version : Deleting threads to increase storage and possible speed?

05-06-2010, 01:37 PM
Did some searching but the results were either too specific or too vague. But, out of curiosity and if the notion hasn't been considered:

Out of the 2234 pages of for sale threads, would deleting half of them increase the space in your servers?

Assuming so, would this be a substantial increase? Could this also result in an increase in server response time or website load speed?

If it does make a noticeable difference, could it benefit you by avoiding or delaying the necessity of purchasing addtional server space?

I ask because I don't see the necessity in keeping/archiving FS threads past page 1000. I can't imagine someone needing to reference a FS thread past page 1000. I'm sure if one would search for technical information, one wouldn't bother looking through old FS threads for technical info.

Keeping/archiving the technical sections is understandable. I suppose this idea could stretch to the regional sections as well.

05-06-2010, 03:30 PM
I don't think we have a storage problem.

The issue is an unexpected increase in page serving loads. There are 1200 people using the forum right now as I type this. That is a lot of Processor and Bandwidth load.

Our load continues to go up every month., more then we expected or forecasted. We are trying to get server upgrades done as soon as possible. But, we are having to upgrade sooner then expected and the timeline is getting crunched.

Growing pains but, we are trying.

05-07-2010, 12:01 AM
Oh ok, I understand.
Thank you.

05-09-2010, 10:46 PM
I don't think we have a storage problem.

The issue is an unexpected increase in page serving loads. There are 1200 people using the forum right now as I type this. That is a lot of Processor and Bandwidth load.

Our load continues to go up every month., more then we expected or forecasted. We are trying to get server upgrades done as soon as possible. But, we are having to upgrade sooner then expected and the timeline is getting crunched.

Growing pains but, we are trying.


Deleting posts will not increase speed.

05-09-2010, 10:54 PM
Would deleting FS threads screw with the trader ratings in any way? you cant create a trader rating for someone without a valid link to a FS/WTB thread.....so would deleting a thread that is already linked to a trader rating cause problems?