View Full Version : Teckademics MISCHIEF DESTROY

07-08-2003, 03:27 PM
Just saw it a little while ago. Its good stuff. The car store i work at is the first and only store to sell the video before the release date. It gets released July 15 at Best Buy and Circuit City and whatnot. But Alpha Omega Motorsports (formerally Car Trenz VA) in Fairfax, Virginia has them. Actually all the copies were autographed by Dustin earlier today when he dropped off the DVD's. If you are looking for this video before it comes out and autographed and are in the DC metro area swing by and pick it up. Also the official release party is July 18 at Club Insomnia in DC. They will be filming clips there also for the next video.

If you enjoyed the last Mischief, (Gumball 3000), you will like this one. I was lucky to see this before its actual release date. The cars in this one are [email protected] as well.

07-08-2003, 07:27 PM
whats the film about? Same old thing?

07-08-2003, 08:41 PM
if you head over to teckademics (www.teckademics.com) they have a trailer for it, but it is 13 mb so 56k users might wanna download it overnight or something

07-08-2003, 09:14 PM
Can't wait, must destroy property, j/k :D

07-09-2003, 01:09 PM
The first scene in the video is hilarious. If u see it, you will know why you shouldnt use FWD to drift....haha! Its about the Players Run where they travel across the US from racetrack to racetrack. This one has a lot more hiding from the cops and more nuduty :eek: . I really hope my car is ready for the release party. I heard they are shutting down 6th street in DC to have cars parked outside and they will film for the next video. (I hope this is true. My sources are very credible).

This guy, Dan is in the video at the end.

So is this car. Although it has a different body kit on. THis picture was taken a week before they shot his car for Destroy. Later this same night, someone ripped off the rear bumper and wing. But he nade a new one for the shoot.

07-09-2003, 01:25 PM
All these movies are pretty good. I will probably buy this one as well.