View Full Version : Stealthy 240

05-06-2010, 05:25 AM
After receiving a PM from "Stealthy 240" early this week I scheduled a meeting point with him. With a more than fair price for the BNIB item ($140) and driving from Manchester, CT to Lee, MA (which has tolls) and asked 10 bucks for some gas.

After going back and forth with where and when to meet I changed my personal schedule to accommodate him wanting to be able to install them today (meeting was supposed to happen yesterday evening). You can read all of this in the pictures below. What I would like to tell you is I was on my way to the meeting spot when he PMd me here and told me he can't make it. So I turn around and waste gas and 50 minutes out of my day. I will never do business with him and dont recommend anyone else does either.

He hit me up un Tuesday the 4th of May late at night. I responded to him Wednesday the 5th and planned to me him that night. The distance between my house and the meeting point was 73 miles 1 way. I work Mon-Fri 8-5 so I basically blew my evening for nothing. Here is a link to the F/S thread.


Here are screenshots of our PM conversation.

05-06-2010, 08:26 AM
shippping would be cheaper lol