View Full Version : Dear Admins.

04-30-2010, 06:46 PM
Can i PLZ have a signature now!?!?

plz? ^__^

<insert signature privileges here>

04-30-2010, 06:48 PM
Do you want a ban instead?

I've got one of those I can give you.

04-30-2010, 06:51 PM
oh really? is this 7chan where admins ban u for no reason now?

well if u wanna be a ghey admin go for it.

if you wanna give zilvia a good rep i highly suggest u dont.

if anything ur prolly not even admin.

04-30-2010, 06:51 PM
hahahaha. i say... if you have to ask, you ain't ready yet.

04-30-2010, 06:53 PM
Can i PLZ have a signature now!?!?

plz? ^__^

<insert signature privileges here>

Dear waffel,



04-30-2010, 06:55 PM
oh really? is this 7chan where admins ban u for no reason now?

I don't know what 7chan is but yes the mods are power happy around here.

well if u wanna be a ghey admin go for it.

Me an admin? No, I am way too fucking cool for that.

if you wanna give zilvia a good rep i highly suggest u dont.

Not bothered.

04-30-2010, 06:58 PM
@bubbles 4chan = my most hatred 7chan = admins ban u just kuz they are OP and dumb.
@memph ...well shit.

04-30-2010, 07:49 PM
Dear Waffel,
You seem awesome in a funny way. Like, your so far from having a clue, that I am really interested in getting to know more about you.
Can we please have a link to your facebook and myspace as well as a synopsis of your life.

Also very curious to see what happens if you personally dont give Zilvia a high rep?

Eric Castro

04-30-2010, 08:25 PM
hahahaha. i say... if you have to ask, you ain't ready yet.

agreed lol

04-30-2010, 09:08 PM
if you wanna give zilvia a good rep i highly suggest u dont.

Zilvia: If you haven't noticed it by now, we don't have rep. :dead:

04-30-2010, 09:38 PM
I think hes saying that he will give zilvia aids.. and then go around telling everyone. Super bad for your rep

04-30-2010, 10:02 PM
haha it's CRABS! and no i could careless about his "personal" rep.


05-01-2010, 05:38 AM
You know, if you go to User CP, you can make a damn signature right?!?!

But before hand, I suggest you read up on what is an acceptable signature. Put up a picture of the wrong proportion, it will get "fixed" aka deleted with a quickness.

05-01-2010, 12:36 PM
Dear OP,

Don't mind EricCastro- He's new here.


05-01-2010, 01:45 PM
This thread sucks.

I vote to excommunicate OP.

05-01-2010, 03:50 PM
I second.

Motion passed?

05-01-2010, 03:56 PM
f&^k eric castro!

05-01-2010, 04:02 PM
f&^k eric castro!

Yeah man! Screw that guy! :rofl:

05-01-2010, 05:04 PM

Drift N Dragg
05-01-2010, 05:26 PM
I don't know what 7chan is but yes the mods are power happy around here.

Dear Bubbles,

You're an Idiot .....

With Much Love,

05-01-2010, 06:54 PM

05-01-2010, 06:59 PM
...............and, were back.

Eric Castro loves you all

05-01-2010, 07:11 PM
...............and, were back.

Eric Castro loves you all

can you please make this into a sticker so i can rock it on my car??:D

Touge Noob S13
05-01-2010, 07:15 PM
can you please make this into a sticker so i can rock it on my car??:D

Please no, the IE doesnt need more 240s with inside joke stickers.

05-01-2010, 07:38 PM
hahaha this is the funniest thread of the day for me.

05-01-2010, 08:09 PM
Please no, the IE doesnt need more 240s with inside joke stickers.

i dont care what the I.E wants or needs :fawkd:lol. i was asking for me

05-01-2010, 08:14 PM
the first thing i thought of when i even saw the thread name i said to my self ( probably closed)

05-01-2010, 08:20 PM

05-01-2010, 08:40 PM
i think the problem is the "IE" thinks that its "the IE" and its seperate.

join the rest of the world.
The IE doesnt need to segregate itself, then get mad for their self induced exclusion.
venture out!!
Leave your local Dave and Busters, lets hang!!

realalistically, you dont wanna drive around with that on your car, normal people are gona think weird things of you, lol.

05-01-2010, 08:54 PM
join the rest of the world.
The IE doesnt need to segregate itself,

Take that fucking back!

We don't want them.

Touge Noob S13
05-01-2010, 09:14 PM
realalistically, you dont wanna drive around with that on your car, normal people are gona think weird things of you, lol.

This is what I was implying, Pretty soon every idiot at Adams will have an Eric Castro sticker right next to their Riley "Im a cop you idiot" sticker.

05-01-2010, 09:47 PM
i think the problem is the "IE" thinks that its "the IE" and its seperate.

join the rest of the world.
The IE doesnt need to segregate itself, then get mad for their self induced exclusion.
venture out!!
Leave your local Dave and Busters, lets hang!!

realalistically, you dont wanna drive around with that on your car, normal people are gona think weird things of you, lol.

thank you!!! thats exactly what is wrong with people form this area. i Hate it

and i take that as a no :wtc:...lol

This is what I was implying, Pretty soon every idiot at Adams will have an Eric Castro sticker right next to their Riley "Im a cop you idiot" sticker.

and once again i have no interest in what others are doing...the kids at adams , "IE", la, New York, canada, Nigeria..etc

05-01-2010, 10:25 PM
Yep, this crap has gone on long enough.

waffel, stop making new Threads.
