View Full Version : CA ****************** Full 5 speed swap for s13 including transmission******************

drift freaq
04-30-2010, 12:11 PM
Ok here we have a complete s13 5 speed swap. $475
This is still available though I am in the bay area right now. I will be back on monday or tuesday.

Trans has been sold the other swap parts are $315 if you want it shipped shipping will be $65 but I cannot ship the clutch hard line. so take of $15 for that. so shipped it would be $365.

5 speed DOHC transmission SOLD!
5 speed trans crossmember
5 speed engine backing plate
manual vehicle speed sensor
clutch pedal
Clutch master cylinder Great shape
Clutch hard line
clutch soft line
Clutch slave cylinder
manual driveshaft
lower shift boot
flywheel with bolts
clutch bolts
manual trans to engine bolts

not everything is pictured but here are some pics.

drift freaq
04-30-2010, 04:37 PM
Trans has been sold still have the 5 speed swap parts though.

04-30-2010, 05:44 PM
how much for the drive shaft and the clutch pedal shipped to 93309?

drift freaq
05-01-2010, 11:02 AM
how much for the drive shaft and the clutch pedal shipped to 93309?

sent you a p.m. about it.

drift freaq
05-02-2010, 04:37 PM
back on up.