View Full Version : Floyd Mayweather.jr Vs Shane Mosley

04-29-2010, 11:25 PM
floyd mayweather.jr VS shane mosley The Fight is Less than 48hrs away Who Do You Think is going to win i searched for this already and did not find anything so i figured i would get it started And I Also Would Like To Find the boxingfans on zilvia
im putting my money on Mayweather :snoop: personaly
watch these there pretty good



04-29-2010, 11:31 PM
i really hope mosley knocks mayweather out!..BUT...no matter how cocky mayweather is..hes a damn good fighter..he needs to stop making excuses and fight pacquiao

04-29-2010, 11:37 PM
hell yeah he needs to stop making excuses

idk saturday will be a good fight but in the end pacman will beat whoever lol

04-29-2010, 11:42 PM
i really hope mosley knocks mayweather out!..BUT...no matter how cocky mayweather is..hes a damn good fighter..he needs to stop making excuses and fight pacquiao

i wouldent mind if he lost so he would get knocked back to reality and pacquiao i think should of just took a blood test it shoulden't of been a big deal yes it will make pacquiao a litte bit weaker but it is a 2 way street it affects both of them but it will happen eventually and oscar delahoya dosent help saying pacquiao used roids during the time they were fighting but mayweather is just to fast on his feet thats y i am takeing him over mosely and i watched hbo's special and it looks like mayweather has been working out alot harder and has better training then mosley but who knows anything can happen, i thought roy jones.jr would rip bernard hopkins but it didnt turn out that way

04-29-2010, 11:43 PM
i want mosley to beat gayweather
but i still want mayweather pacquiao fight

04-29-2010, 11:46 PM
i want mosley to beat gayweather
but i still want mayweather pacquiao fight

evry one wants the mayweather pacquiao fight lol

reportedly the salarys for the fight win or lose

mayweather= 60million

mosley= 2 million

04-30-2010, 12:22 AM
prize fighter... I want mayweather to win obviously... but I expect this thread to be filled with dumb ass replies (pac man will defeat god) so this is the last post by me in this thread.

04-30-2010, 12:55 AM
Don't care about boxing but Floyd is so into himself it gets me hot.

And by hot, I mean horny.

04-30-2010, 01:04 AM
Half you guys do realize by being into himself and all that jazz he sells an assload of tickets and gets thus gets more money.

Its all strategy.

I think mayweather has it in the bag to be honest.

04-30-2010, 01:24 AM
Took someone long enough to make a thread about this fight. Even loverboy up there^^ didn't post anything about it until now to start shit with the pacman bandwagon.

04-30-2010, 02:42 AM
Sugar Shane will win!

04-30-2010, 04:50 AM
maybe chicken will win!

04-30-2010, 08:07 AM
Mosleys def. gonna get in that ass... Ko/tko in the middle rounds.

04-30-2010, 08:55 AM
Took someone long enough to make a thread about this fight. Even loverboy up there^^ didn't post anything about it until now to start shit with the pacman bandwagon.

If you are referring to me as "loverboy" I don't care for mayweather to be honest, I just think he'll end up winning. Not sure how you concocted "loverboy" from one statement, but congrats.

04-30-2010, 03:56 PM
Will post a detailed overview when I get home. Space reserved

04-30-2010, 04:50 PM
Half you guys do realize by being into himself and all that jazz he sells an assload of tickets and gets thus gets more money.

Its all strategy.

I think mayweather has it in the bag to be honest.

This fool didnt sell no ASS load of tickets. If he did they would have moved the fight like they did the Paqiou fight recently (which was soo upsetting I probably wont order another PPV fight for a while including this one)

04-30-2010, 04:54 PM
I mean come on this thread is over 24 hours old and still barely 1 page long. You mention Manny on any board of any subject and it will go for pages in a few hours. That sells tickets, not cockiness.

04-30-2010, 05:07 PM
yup. mayweather is boring to watch (hit n run) i hope mosley woops his ass.

04-30-2010, 09:32 PM
yup. mayweather is boring to watch (hit n run) i hope mosley woops his ass.

Yup! Best way to put it. Cant believe he won against de la hoya with his ferry ass running around the ring

04-30-2010, 11:53 PM
Shane Mosley baby....

05-01-2010, 01:47 AM

May 1'st = Mayweathers 1'st lost??

05-01-2010, 02:43 AM
I say Mayweather by UD.

05-01-2010, 07:49 AM
I think it'll go 8 rounds+ All it takes is one clean Shane uppercut and may weather will be screwed.

05-01-2010, 08:42 AM
it will be a good fight you eather love or hate mayweather but you do have to respect him

05-01-2010, 08:47 AM
haha watch the videos in the original post there pretty good funey watching mayweathers security move a car so he can have a good parking space

05-01-2010, 09:35 AM
i cant wait for him to lose his first fight. it will probably go to UD but hioprfully Mosely wins

05-01-2010, 08:24 PM
i hope mayweather wins so he can fucking fight paquio

05-01-2010, 09:00 PM
i really hope mosley knocks mayweather out!..BUT...no matter how cocky mayweather is..hes a damn good fighter..he needs to stop making excuses and fight pacquiao

Stop making excuses! You obviously didn't follow what happened when he tried to setup the fight with Pacquiao. Technically Pacquiao backed out because someone didn't want to get drug tested. Hmmm.....

05-01-2010, 09:17 PM
i cant wait for him to lose his first fight. it will probably go to UD but hioprfully Mosely wins

Mayweather lose? riiiiiight. You need to be able to put your hands on the man to win the fight... Mosley is a joke of a fight for Mayweather...

Pac-man though... if it ever happens...

05-01-2010, 09:28 PM
Stop making excuses! You obviously didn't follow what happened when he tried to setup the fight with Pacquiao. Technically Pacquiao backed out because someone didn't want to get drug tested. Hmmm.....

Who is he to make fucking demands when people aint watching him...Pacquaio is the money cow. Besides, there was absolutely no point in doing the extra blood test, 21 days before the fight, right after and urine test whenever they want to. What the hell can you hide in between 21 days and not detectable by urine?

Only reason people are watching this fight is because everybody is hoping that Sugar will knock his fucking ass out to bring Mayweather back down to Earth. He is so fucking high on him self its not even funny...

Then again, maybe thats what he wants. He wants to vilify himself as the most hated man in boxing since he knows he cant be the most loved boxer. Whatever brings the money I guess...

05-01-2010, 09:44 PM
2nd round, 2 right hook, Mayweather almost crumpled like a bitch...

05-01-2010, 09:46 PM
Post updates!

For those of us that ain't watchn

05-01-2010, 09:58 PM
Well, I jinxed it...3rd round to 5ths has been slow. Mayweather slowed the tempo down and now slowly picking off Mosley. Nothing big, nothing spectacular, just slowly tiring out Mosley. Starting to look like Mosley's showing his age in the 6th...

05-01-2010, 10:02 PM
Who is he to make fucking demands when people aint watching him...Pacquaio is the money cow. Besides, there was absolutely no point in doing the extra blood test, 21 days before the fight, right after and urine test whenever they want to. What the hell can you hide in between 21 days and not detectable by urine?

LOL! Are you serious!?! You obviously no nothing about boxing if you're stating that, "people ain't watching him...Pacquaio is the money cow." Not trying to be rude but this is the internet, you should probably do a simple Google search before saying such erroneous things.

Mayweather-Mosley fight could set pay-per-view mark (http://www.usatoday.com/sports/boxing/2010-04-26-mayweather-mosley-ppv_N.htm)
Oscar De La Hoya might be the king of boxing pay-per-view, but Floyd Mayweather lives up to his nickname, "Money," by virtue of being the sport's all-time leader in average revenue generated per PPV fight.

Highest Revenue for a Single Pay-Per-View Event
New Record: $120.0 million for the May 5, 2007 Oscar De La Hoya - Floyd Mayweather Jr. fight.

Whether you tune in to root for Mayweather or pray he loses, the man draws a crowd. He pulls numbers that Pacman hasn't even touched yet and I don't he'll ever be able too. Not because he's not a good fighter but because Mayweather is very polarizing and is an entertainer/boxer.

To your second point about the drug testing, I did laugh out loud when I read what you wrote. First and foremost there are a ton of drugs that you can not be picked up in urine samples like human growth hormone and designer steroids such as THG(there are hundreds more that I can't even begin to name). Olympic-style testing is the only way to catch these new designer drugs and lets be honest, the world boxing comissions rules on testing aren't the best. Not only do the only due urine tests but they schedule the urine tests so a smart boxer will know when to cycle and prepare for the test dates.

Just a few of boxers who have been caught using drugs PED's(performance enhancing drugs)

Sugar Shane Mosely
Evander Holyfield
Fernando Vargas
James Toney
Roy Jones Jr.

Just a few boxers who come to mind that I know have been caught.

I personally commend him for asking future fighters to now be subject to this kind of testing. Sports today especially boxing is plagued with steroids and he's doing his part to try and rid the sport of it. I'm glad Mosley agreed to Olympic style testing.

05-01-2010, 10:25 PM
Honestly there wasn't much of a fight to watch and just a lot of sparring. Hella fail

05-01-2010, 10:31 PM
yea i almost feel asleep it was that lame after the 2nd round but now HE GONNA FUCKIN FIGHT PACQUIOA HELL YEA i gotta save up now shit wonna go see it live

05-01-2010, 10:39 PM
yea i almost feel asleep it was that lame after the 2nd round but now HE GONNA FUCKIN FIGHT PACQUIOA HELL YEA i gotta save up now shit wonna go see it live

hey keep it on the DL, the Pacquiao bandwagon haters are lurking

Decent fight, was hoping to see Mosley get some more clean hits but it just wasnt happening.

05-01-2010, 10:48 PM
yea i almost feel asleep it was that lame after the 2nd round but now HE GONNA FUCKIN FIGHT PACQUIOA HELL YEA i gotta save up now shit wonna go see it live

I really doubt that fight will happen even though Mayweather picked Mosley to get people to talk about a Pac/Mayweather match.

Mayweather has decided that every boxer he fights must submit to Olympic-style testing and Pac. refuses to fight because he believes that the blood that is taken from his arm which is less than one teaspoon of about 380 teaspoons in the body will weaken him for the fight:rolleyes:

Anyways, I didn't get to watch the fight. How did it go go?

05-01-2010, 10:54 PM
Weak sauce...highlight was the 2nd round where Mosley caught Mayweather 2x with his right hooks. Mayweather almost buckled after the 2nd one and had the "what the fuck just happened" look on his face. Rest of the rounds after were all him picking off Mosley slowly. I think if he raised up the tempo some more...he could have knocked Mosley a couple of times, but that didnt happen. Turned into a sparring session and Mosley was pretty much done/burnt after the 6th.

05-01-2010, 10:54 PM
i think pacquiao will give into those demands, he knows the people want to see this fight happen, so he will have to make the sacrifice.

05-01-2010, 10:55 PM

the fight was pure FAIL!!!!!!!

05-01-2010, 10:59 PM
it was not worth the money to watch it. Good thing i did not pay. I still lost time.

05-01-2010, 11:02 PM
shit was wack!

05-01-2010, 11:02 PM
Weak sauce...highlight was the 2nd round where Mosley caught Mayweather 2x with his right hooks. Mayweather almost buckled after the 2nd one and had the "what the fuck just happened" look on his face. Rest of the rounds after were all him picking off Mosley slowly. I think if he raised up the tempo some more...he could have knocked Mosley a couple of times, but that didnt happen. Turned into a sparring session and Mosley was pretty much done/burnt after the 6th.

Seems you're not the only one who thought that. ESPN punch by punch stated the same thing and thought Mayweather could have ended the fight earlier but decided to play it safe.

After the second round when Mayweather took those big hits did he switch up and adapt to Mosley which led to him picking him apart?

05-01-2010, 11:03 PM
If the commentator was correct in saying that Mosley was potentially trained out I would like to see a rematch. Mosley had his number early but gassed REALLY quick. I find it hard to believe that that was his age catching up on him.

Also that ref sucked. He wouldn't let them fight.

And my last comment; I would absolutely love to see boxers fight with mma gloves. If that were the case the fight would have ended in the second round.

05-01-2010, 11:05 PM
i think pacquiao will give into those demands, he knows the people want to see this fight happen, so he will have to make the sacrifice.

You really think so? I just don't see Pacquiao giving in to his demands. In my opinion, Pacquiao feels like "who the hell is Mayweather to tell me what to do?" They are both to alpha dogs and neither wants to be told what to do.

05-01-2010, 11:25 PM
2nd round, 2 right hook, Mayweather almost crumpled like a bitch...

any boxer is gona have to put maywather down on the canvas 3 or 4 times before he is ko and mayweather fought smart and could of crumbled shane multiple times and im a be the first to say it manney is not quick enough for mayweather floyd is 2 swift and im not evan a mayweather fan but no ones going to touch him not evan pacman

05-01-2010, 11:27 PM
Seems you're not the only one who thought that. ESPN punch by punch stated the same thing and thought Mayweather could have ended the fight earlier but decided to play it safe.

After the second round when Mayweather took those big hits did he switch up and adapt to Mosley which led to him picking him apart?

Yup, biggest thing was that Mayweather kept his left hand down. After that round, he kept it up most of the time and started throwing more jab to keep Mosley out of it. The more he went after Mosley with the jab, the more he took him out of his rhythm. He wasnt able to plant himself and come in with any combos after wards. He couldnt even land any clean jabs after, Floyd just kept him away with his left jabs/hooks and a couple clean right hand counters.

05-01-2010, 11:28 PM
I just came back in here to say...


stop being a pussy pac man, lets make boxing a clean sport.

05-01-2010, 11:29 PM
If the commentator was correct in saying that Mosley was potentially trained out I would like to see a rematch. Mosley had his number early but gassed REALLY quick. I find it hard to believe that that was his age catching up on him.

Also that ref sucked. He wouldn't let them fight.

And my last comment; I would absolutely love to see boxers fight with mma gloves. If that were the case the fight would have ended in the second round.

i thought the ref was good he made them throw hands and box instead of holding like the roy jones.jr fight and mosley got skunked the only good round he had was the secound the rest mayweather took it to him

05-01-2010, 11:33 PM
I just came back in here to say...


stop being a pussy pac man, lets make boxing a clean sport.

agreed with olympic style drug testing in evry sport,would cleen up evry sport over night baseball football boxing mma ect ect just like in the videos i posted the substance abuse guy showed up randomly evry athlete should sign a waver agreeing to drug testing randomly anytime

05-01-2010, 11:34 PM
He should have made them fight out of the clinch. I understand when you have one guy with his head under the arm of the other but he was rushing in every time they got close to each other.

05-01-2010, 11:40 PM
I say Mayweather by UD.
Told you.

Mayweather/Pacquiao | Pound for Pound | Summer 2010

Let's get it on!!

05-01-2010, 11:46 PM
Told you.

Mayweather/Pacquiao | Pound for Pound | Summer 2010

Let's get it on!!

agreed ther is only one fight that could ever be bigger then
mayweatrher vs paquiao and it would have been iron mike vs ali

05-02-2010, 12:33 AM
ESPN analysts said this was Mayweathers 2nd best performance right below the Diego Corrales match up which most everyone can agree was without a doubt his best.

05-02-2010, 01:51 AM
ESPN analysts said this was Mayweathers 2nd best performance right below the Diego Corrales match up which most everyone can agree was without a doubt his best.

Seriously? If this was one of his best fights then thats fucking pathetic. Speed wise, I think Pacquaio's faster than him. Reach will definitely be on Mayweather. The question will be just how strong are Mayweather's punches. We've already seen how much punishment Pacquaio can handle. Cotto hit him harder than anybody else I've seen hit him in a while, that shit didnt even faze him.

05-02-2010, 02:27 AM
Seriously? If this was one of his best fights then thats fucking pathetic. Speed wise, I think Pacquaio's faster than him. Reach will definitely be on Mayweather. The question will be just how strong are Mayweather's punches. We've already seen how much punishment Pacquaio can handle. Cotto hit him harder than anybody else I've seen hit him in a while, that shit didnt even faze him.

Are you serious? I guess you're one of those people who like all out brawls in the ring like Manny and Cotto. Well unfortunately with Mayweather you're not going to get that at all. For real die hard boxing enthusiasts the fun and excitement in watching Mayweather fight is his attention to detail, speed, footwork and his ability to pick a part boxers in the ring.

05-02-2010, 02:29 AM
Kenny Breaks Down Mayweather's Victory - ESPN Video - ESPN (http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=5155387)

"Now Floyd having had Shane Mosley go through full WADA(World Anti Doping Agency) protocol, now kind of has the moral high ground to say 'Shane Mosley did, I'm doing it. Why can't you?'"

So true. If Mayweather can get a former welterweight champion to agree to do it I don't see why Manny can't either.

05-02-2010, 03:05 AM
lol i read this thread and its full of people licking mayweathers nutts.

guess mosley is getting old. lol

05-02-2010, 03:12 AM
Kenny Breaks Down Mayweather's Victory - ESPN Video - ESPN (http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=5155387)

"Now Floyd having had Shane Mosley go through full WADA(World Anti Doping Agency) protocol, now kind of has the moral high ground to say 'Shane Mosley did, I'm doing it. Why can't you?'"

So true. If Mayweather can get a former welterweight champion to agree to do it I don't see why Manny can't either.

i think you should fight pacquiao instead since you hate pac so much lol

05-02-2010, 03:21 AM
the fight was weak and about second round, the first hit that mosley threw mayweather was holding on and mosley was trying to push him off (watch it again if you don't believe me).

about pacquiao vs mayweather, lets not start this ruckus again. why can't mayweather accept the drug/piss test right after the fight? im assuming it's the same shit.

05-02-2010, 03:36 AM
the fight was weak and about second round, the first hit that mosley threw mayweather was holding on and mosley was trying to push him off (watch it again if you don't believe me).

about pacquiao vs mayweather, lets not start this ruckus again. why can't mayweather accept the drug/piss test right after the fight? im assuming it's the same shit.

It's amazing how many people keep saying "it's the same thing," when in fact it actually is not. If you go to the WADA web page they explain why the do random testing and why just testing immediately after the sporting event is actually counter productive. Basically to sum it up, if Manny gets his way with the testing they would only do the blood test immediately after the fight which there is no point because anyone who uses PED's would tell you that fighter and his trainer would time their cycle perfectly so that when they do have their blood drawn nothing would appear to be there. Kind of counter productive to the whole system don't you think? And trust me at the professional level guys are definitely doing this.

05-02-2010, 03:46 AM
i learned something new.

"i will only fight manny if he does the piss/blood test. if he does not do it, we will not fight" - mayweather

that's the answer to this mayweather vs pacquaio ruckus. so stop talking about it and move on everyone! we all want to see this happen but mayweather stated that line, and that's the end of it.

05-02-2010, 04:05 AM
I wish it was that easy to just move on but it's not. People are very ill uninformed about the negotiations that took place and the circumstances that led everyone to walk away. But also this is what Mayweather does best. He causes attention and has everyone buzzing about one thing or another.

05-02-2010, 06:43 AM
Are you serious? I guess you're one of those people who like all out brawls in the ring like Manny and Cotto. Well unfortunately with Mayweather you're not going to get that at all. For real die hard boxing enthusiasts the fun and excitement in watching Mayweather fight is his attention to detail, speed, footwork and his ability to pick a part boxers in the ring.

Yah I do, no point of paying money to watch 2 grown ass men spar. Seriously tho, if what he did today is his 2nd best fight ever...now I understand why he has to run his mouth so much...thats the only way he'll intrigue more folks to watch him fight.

Only reason I saw the fight was because its free and I was folding clothes since its sunday morning here...

05-02-2010, 08:05 AM
the fight was weak and about second round, the first hit that mosley threw mayweather was holding on and mosley was trying to push him off (watch it again if you don't believe me).

about pacquiao vs mayweather, lets not start this ruckus again. why can't mayweather accept the drug/piss test right after the fight? im assuming it's the same shit.

no its not mayweather and mosley were tested 6 times before the fight blood piss and saliva there is no way to hide steroids and there is alligations that when pacquiao fought delahoya he was juicing there for golden boy productions wants pacquiao to agree to olympic style drug testing and this will cleen up evry sport if they test athlets like this

05-02-2010, 10:45 AM
/\ Punctuation. Get some.

05-02-2010, 10:59 AM
I am going to sit back and wait for the pac man fans to come in and ruin this thread

05-02-2010, 11:06 AM
What was up with Mayweather's holding and that mean ass elbow he threw?

05-02-2010, 12:49 PM
no its not mayweather and mosley were tested 6 times before the fight blood piss and saliva there is no way to hide steroids and there is alligations that when pacquiao fought delahoya he was juicing there for golden boy productions wants pacquiao to agree to olympic style drug testing and this will cleen up evry sport if they test athlets like this

Well the thing is in some small boxing circles they believe Pacman has been juicing for some time now. It's just that Mayweather senior was the first to publicly admit it. These whispers have been going on for some time now if you really are a fan boxing and follow it religiously.

05-02-2010, 12:56 PM
i think you should fight pacquiao instead since you hate pac so much lol

I use to love Pac until he pulled that shit and ran from the fight. The amount of excuses that he made not to be tested was amazing and complete 100% utter bullshit! I lost a lot of respect for him that month. For a second he had the opportunity not just to be a great boxer but to change the game and rid the sport of boxing of steroids. Him and Mayweather are the faces of boxing and if those two can submit themselves to stringent WADA protocol who is newcomer or even other professionals to say they won't do it when the two best in the world are doing it. He could have easily ridden the sport and other sports of steroid use just by doing this if he manned up.

05-02-2010, 01:21 PM
I use to love Pac until he pulled that shit and ran from the fight. The amount of excuses that he made not to be tested was amazing and complete 100% utter bullshit! I lost a lot of respect for him that month. For a second he had the opportunity not just to be a great boxer but to change the game and rid the sport of boxing of steroids. Him and Mayweather are the faces of boxing and if those two can submit themselves to stringent WADA protocol who is newcomer or even other professionals to say they won't do it when the two best in the world are doing it. He could have easily ridden the sport and other sports of steroid use just by doing this if he manned up.

same here and mosley thew the elbow and then when apologizing mayweather stuck him hard and mosley would throw one punch bend doen and geab mayweather

05-02-2010, 01:32 PM
I do believe they will fight, in the summer, which will draw a bigger crowd... and ultimately, more money brought
in. There are reports of Pacquiao/Margarito, which of course, no one wants to see.

05-02-2010, 03:53 PM
I do believe they will fight, in the summer, which will draw a bigger crowd... and ultimately, more money brought
in. There are reports of Pacquiao/Margarito, which of course, no one wants to see.

Yah, I heard of this too.

What is crazy is I heard two boxers that were potential matchups for Pacman backed out because even they wanted to do Olympic-style testing. Someone from one of the two boxers camps are supposed to have press release later this week explaining their exact decision to not even meet at the table if that option can't even be negotiated.

05-02-2010, 04:19 PM
this is when Mayweather is a shit talker and a big pussy! pac doesn't take drugs, he is just that fuckin awesome!

Ali was quick and good and boxing too, pac is just a next gen pro boxer. mayweather knows that pac is just that good and could actually beat him. that's why mayweather is backing out and by doing so he brings up the drug issue.

mayweather is the biggest pussy, ive seen it at the ring.
he needs to stfu and just fight!

05-02-2010, 04:33 PM
this is when Mayweather is a shit talker and a big pussy! pac doesn't take drugs, he is just that fuckin awesome!

I take it you're Asian, more specifically from the Philippines. It explains your educated response. Even if you're not we'll just assume your a pac man fan (I'm not going to use the word bandwagon because you don't like what I like. That's condescending.)

Ali was quick and good and boxing tooPac Man nor Mayweather is not Ali, how is this even a valid point? Ali was Ali, let's not make stupid comparisons from different genre's.

pac is just a next gen pro boxer. mayweather knows that pac is just that good and could actually beat him.Any fighter can beat any fighter, whats your point? That Pac Man is more capable of doing so? Because Mosley definitely was capable... and he himself said he just got tight and froze up in the ring. After his two big haymakers he still didn't finish the fight, and got outclassed and outboxed.

If pac is just that good, he can do the tests to prove he's the clean champ, or that he's just another cheater just like Margarito, at least if that fight happens it will be level playing grounds since both fighters are already known for being "dirty".

All roads lead to Floyd Mayweather.

that's why mayweather is backing out and by doing so he brings up the drug issue.Do you think half of the people Margarito beat would've lost if he wasn't cheating the whole time? Besides the boxing training that you've seen pac mans little fast ass do, what weight training and diet regimin is he currently on that help him put on the muscle mass he has? How does he recover from his fights so quick? And why do people punches do minimal damage to him?

Is he a Filipino with blessed magical powers?

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, probably is a fucking duck. I've never been impressed with him as a fighter. They say Mayweather hasn't faced impressive opponents, and that pac man has. If Mayweather fought Cotto he could get the job done then we can just assume Manny will walk over Mayweather and the fight just wont need to happen.

mayweather is the biggest pussy, ive seen it at the ring.
he needs to stfu and just fight!Mayweather is so pussy pac man backed out of the fight agreement and sued for defamation.

right, I like your logic and argument. Which is pretty much the same argument any Pac Man fan will put down in writing or spew the bullshit from their mouth. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Fact of the matter is, I'm not saying either fighter is guaranteed the win. I just want to see the fight happen like everyone else, on fair and even playing grounds. And then we will see who the true all time pound for pound champ of our ERA is.

Love him or hate him, but respect him.

Money Mayweather put the doubters to rest with this fight, and probably put Sugar Shane Mosley on the road to retirement.

05-02-2010, 04:41 PM
I take it you're Asian, more specifically from the Philippines. It explains your educated response. Even if you're not we'll just assume your a pac man fan (I'm not going to use the word bandwagon because you don't like what I like. That's condescending.)

Pac Man nor Mayweather is not Ali, how is this even a valid point? Ali was Ali, let's not make stupid comparisons from different genre's.

Any fighter can beat any fighter, whats your point? That Pac Man is more capable of doing so? Because Mosley definitely was capable... and he himself said he just got tight and froze up in the ring. After his two big haymakers he still didn't finish the fight, and got outclassed and outboxed.

If pac is just that good, he can do the tests to prove he's the clean champ, or that he's just another cheater just like Margarito, at least if that fight happens it will be level playing grounds since both fighters are already known for being "dirty".

All roads lead to Floyd Mayweather.

Do you think half of the people Margarito beat would've lost if he wasn't cheating the whole time? Besides the boxing training that you've seen pac mans little fast ass do, what weight training and diet regimin is he currently on that help him put on the muscle mass he has? How does he recover from his fights so quick? And why do people punches do minimal damage to him?

Is he a Filipino with blessed magical powers?

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, probably is a fucking duck. I've never been impressed with him as a fighter. They say Mayweather hasn't faced impressive opponents, and that pac man has. If Mayweather fought Cotto he could get the job done then we can just assume Manny will walk over Mayweather and the fight just wont need to happen.

Mayweather is so pussy pac man backed out of the fight agreement and sued for defamation.

right, I like your logic and argument. Which is pretty much the same argument any Pac Man fan will put down in writing or spew the bullshit from their mouth. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Fact of the matter is, I'm not saying either fighter is guaranteed the win. I just want to see the fight happen like everyone else, on fair and even playing grounds. And then we will see who the true all time pound for pound champ of our ERA is.

Love him or hate him, but respect him.

Money Mayweather put the doubters to rest with this fight, and probably put Sugar Shane Mosley on the road to retirement.

and Obviously u are Myaweather fan, cause u are sticking up for him.

like u said Excuses, excuses, excuses.

05-02-2010, 05:14 PM
No amount of performance enhancers will make you better able to take a punch. Some people have an iron jaw others just have a lot of room for their brain to bounce around in.


05-02-2010, 05:16 PM
and Obviously u are Myaweather fan, cause u are sticking up for him.

like u said

just as I thought... my work here is done.

05-02-2010, 05:20 PM
I take it you're Asian, more specifically from the Philippines. It explains your educated response. Even if you're not we'll just assume your a pac man fan (I'm not going to use the word bandwagon because you don't like what I like. That's condescending.)

Pac Man nor Mayweather is not Ali, how is this even a valid point? Ali was Ali, let's not make stupid comparisons from different genre's.

Any fighter can beat any fighter, whats your point? That Pac Man is more capable of doing so? Because Mosley definitely was capable... and he himself said he just got tight and froze up in the ring. After his two big haymakers he still didn't finish the fight, and got outclassed and outboxed.

If pac is just that good, he can do the tests to prove he's the clean champ, or that he's just another cheater just like Margarito, at least if that fight happens it will be level playing grounds since both fighters are already known for being "dirty".

All roads lead to Floyd Mayweather.

Do you think half of the people Margarito beat would've lost if he wasn't cheating the whole time? Besides the boxing training that you've seen pac mans little fast ass do, what weight training and diet regimin is he currently on that help him put on the muscle mass he has? How does he recover from his fights so quick? And why do people punches do minimal damage to him?

Is he a Filipino with blessed magical powers?

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, probably is a fucking duck. I've never been impressed with him as a fighter. They say Mayweather hasn't faced impressive opponents, and that pac man has. If Mayweather fought Cotto he could get the job done then we can just assume Manny will walk over Mayweather and the fight just wont need to happen.

Mayweather is so pussy pac man backed out of the fight agreement and sued for defamation.

right, I like your logic and argument. Which is pretty much the same argument any Pac Man fan will put down in writing or spew the bullshit from their mouth. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Fact of the matter is, I'm not saying either fighter is guaranteed the win. I just want to see the fight happen like everyone else, on fair and even playing grounds. And then we will see who the true all time pound for pound champ of our ERA is.

Love him or hate him, but respect him.

Money Mayweather put the doubters to rest with this fight, and probably put Sugar Shane Mosley on the road to retirement.

I highly doubt that. I'm sure Mosley will taper off and slowly drift off into retirement but as it stands right now he is still a dangerous fighter. He can still dominate any other weight division he's in as long as Mayweather isn't in it.

05-02-2010, 05:24 PM
just as I thought... my work here is done.

LOL! Sadly I have to agree with you on the fact you proved your point without having to say much. Unfortunately, he responded like a typical Pac fan with less facts and real points of argument and more here-say.

I'm still trying to find out how Mayweather made an excuse not to fight Manny. If any Manny fan can tell me in an educated argument that doesn't involve, "mayweathers a chicken that's why" I would love to hear it. I'm just trying to get into the brains of a Manny fan.

05-02-2010, 05:32 PM
LOL! Sadly I have to agree with you on the fact you proved your point without having to say much. Unfortunately, he responded like a typical Pac fan with less facts and real points of argument and more here-say.

I'm still trying to find out how Mayweather made an excuse not to fight Manny. If any Manny fan can tell me in an educated argument that doesn't involve, "mayweathers a chicken that's why" I would love to hear it. I'm just trying to get into the brains of a Manny fan.



yeah take that bitch ass mayweather fan.

just expect to see that the rest of the thread or anything boxing related here.

Well guys I'm off to put some wheel bearing grease on the Mayweather bandwagon, hear we're going to get some more people on it. Then I have to scrub his royal penis later today and hang his clothes.

05-02-2010, 05:52 PM
same type of people who complained about the "obama" bandwagon when that time came around, oh well. They dislike minorities and the people who support them just for that fact that they are proud of it, we get it already.

05-02-2010, 07:16 PM
What I don't understand is why there is so much hate towards Pacquiao? I'm a Pacquiao fan but I don't come off
as the typical "Pac-fan". From what I see (not just on Zilvia), is that most are hating on him just because he's not
American per se, but Filipino. He hasn't done anything to warrant that hatred, is one of the most humble athletes
around, brings in millions to his sponsors, and always brings a great fight.

Oh well... I hope the fight happens. Win or lose, I'll still support him.

05-02-2010, 07:34 PM
what i don't understand is why there is so much hate towards pacquiao? I'm a pacquiao fan but i don't come off
as the typical "pac-fan". From what i see (not just on zilvia), is that most are hating on him just because he's not
american per se, but filipino. He hasn't done anything to warrant that hatred, is one of the most humble athletes
around, brings in millions to his sponsors, and always brings a great fight.

Oh well... I hope the fight happens. Win or lose, i'll still support him.

roids and he only makes him self look guilty

05-02-2010, 07:41 PM
I use to love Pac until he pulled that shit and ran from the fight. The amount of excuses that he made not to be tested was amazing and complete 100% utter bullshit! I lost a lot of respect for him that month. For a second he had the opportunity not just to be a great boxer but to change the game and rid the sport of boxing of steroids. Him and Mayweather are the faces of boxing and if those two can submit themselves to stringent WADA protocol who is newcomer or even other professionals to say they won't do it when the two best in the world are doing it. He could have easily ridden the sport and other sports of steroid use just by doing this if he manned up.

What I don't understand is why there is so much hate towards Pacquiao? I'm a Pacquiao fan but I don't come off
as the typical "Pac-fan". From what I see (not just on Zilvia), is that most are hating on him just because he's not
American per se, but Filipino. He hasn't done anything to warrant that hatred, is one of the most humble athletes
around, brings in millions to his sponsors, and always brings a great fight.

Oh well... I hope the fight happens. Win or lose, I'll still support him.

I answered it ealrier in my previous post why I stopped liking him. Used to be a giant fan.

05-02-2010, 07:43 PM
YouTube - Adam Carolla on Pacquiao/Mayweather COMMENTING ENABLED (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCr-1yq2jlM)

05-02-2010, 09:53 PM
Pac agreed to take the olympic style drug test but he doesn't want it to be taken anything less than 24 days before the fight due to the fear of it weakening him if they take a considerable amount of blood out of his system, oh he also agreed to take the test right after the fight. Mayweather wants the last test to be taken 14 days before the fight and that is why the fight didn't happen. imo both fighters should just compromise and take the last test in between 14 and 24 days which is 19 days before the fight.

05-02-2010, 10:21 PM
Pac agreed to take the olympic style drug test but he doesn't want it to be taken anything less than 24 days before the fight due to the fear of it weakening him if they take a considerable amount of blood out of his system, oh he also agreed to take the test right after the fight. Mayweather wants the last test to be taken 14 days before the fight and that is why the fight didn't happen. imo both fighters should just compromise and take the last test in between 14 and 24 days which is 19 days before the fight.

That number Mayweather picked isn't random. That's about the number of days WADA says it takes for most designer drugs to cycle. So if Manny was using them and a combined masking agent when they did the blood test immediately after the fight it would theoretically still show up in his blood system. Any longer then that and you take the risk of someone being able to cheat, supposedly.

Home - World Anti-Doping Agency (http://www.wada-ama.org/en/)

05-02-2010, 10:49 PM
That number Mayweather picked isn't random. That's about the number of days WADA says it takes for most designer drugs to cycle. So if Manny was using them and a combined masking agent when they did the blood test immediately after the fight it would theoretically still show up in his blood system. Any longer then that and you take the risk of someone being able to cheat, supposedly.

Home - World Anti-Doping Agency (http://www.wada-ama.org/en/)

so there shouldn't be a problem then as pac agreed to be tested right after the fight.

05-02-2010, 11:42 PM
only good fight of the night

Saul "Canelo" Alvarez vs Jose Miguel Cotto


Saul Alvarez and Daniel Ponce De Leon both collect wins on Floyd Mayweather-Shane Mosley undercard - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/boxing/news/story?id=5155130)

Saul is only 19 with a supposed record of 44-0-1. beast.

05-03-2010, 12:13 AM
saw the fight and it looks more a fixed fight between mosley and mayweather. its like mayweather is trying to jump start or per say save his career with the help of mosley.

since mosley is getting old, he needs that extra cash for his retirement plans.

05-03-2010, 08:33 AM
Pacquiao commented on what Mayweather said, “I will take the drug test ahead of the fight…at least 24hours before the fight I’ll agree. Because if they’ll get blood from me, it will be a big disadvantage for me. Aside from the fact that he is bigger than me”.

Just saw this on a blog in regards to Mayweather's comments after his fight. Not sure if it's true but hopefully. Here's something for the anti-Pacquiao fans. Not rantings but facts. Does everyone know how the drug testing came about for the first fight!? Pacman's camp wanted to add a clause to the fight that if either fighter was overweight they would incur a $1 million fine per pound over. Mayweather's camp saw that is a deliberate attack against them (we all know Mayweather is bigger than Pacquiao and has been known to come in on or over in previous fights). They fought back with the Olympic style testing. All this turns into a mind game. Who can make the other do what they want and neither wanted to give in. Also, as for the lawsuit. I'm not saying it was right but Pacman is running for a government position in the Philipines and when you have an opponent spreading slander about you without any proof. Imagine yourselves in his position. He's looking past being a fighter and those accustations may have killed it. I really do hope that he gives in to Mayweather just so we can see this fight. Win/Lose/Draw it will be one hell of a fight!

PS - I'm not a filipino. :cops:

05-03-2010, 10:17 AM
Worst fight ever! Wtf just happened?

05-03-2010, 11:17 AM
so...i didnt even watch the fight and i made 50.00 dorra...awesome...lol

05-03-2010, 12:47 PM
saw the fight and it looks more a fixed fight between mosley and mayweather. its like mayweather is trying to jump start or per say save his career with the help of mosley.

since mosley is getting old, he needs that extra cash for his retirement plans.

I can guarantee that Mosley can beat 90% of fighters out there currently. He just can't beat Mayweather and people of course are going to blame his age when in fact that isn't the case. Mosley still plans to fight so if he loses his next several matches then fine it's age but this is the man who is ranked 3rd in the world by yahoo sports. Trust me his age wasn't the problem that night he just got out classed.

05-03-2010, 12:54 PM
Pacquiao commented on what Mayweather said, “I will take the drug test ahead of the fight…at least 24hours before the fight I’ll agree. Because if they’ll get blood from me, it will be a big disadvantage for me. Aside from the fact that he is bigger than me”.

Just saw this on a blog in regards to Mayweather's comments after his fight. Not sure if it's true but hopefully. Here's something for the anti-Pacquiao fans. Not rantings but facts. Does everyone know how the drug testing came about for the first fight!? Pacman's camp wanted to add a clause to the fight that if either fighter was overweight they would incur a $1 million fine per pound over. Mayweather's camp saw that is a deliberate attack against them (we all know Mayweather is bigger than Pacquiao and has been known to come in on or over in previous fights). They fought back with the Olympic style testing. All this turns into a mind game. Who can make the other do what they want and neither wanted to give in. Also, as for the lawsuit. I'm not saying it was right but Pacman is running for a government position in the Philipines and when you have an opponent spreading slander about you without any proof. Imagine yourselves in his position. He's looking past being a fighter and those accustations may have killed it. I really do hope that he gives in to Mayweather just so we can see this fight. Win/Lose/Draw it will be one hell of a fight!

PS - I'm not a filipino. :cops:

Do you have a source of from? I've heard conflicting things. The main story that is out there that fits the timeline I"m inclined to believe is Floyd Mayweather Sr., after Manny's fight with Cotto was telling the press he believed Manny was juicing and that explains his jump through 7 weight classes. This was immediately after the fight in MGM. Soon several days after that he was caught saying the same thing then Mayweather Jr., was caught implicitly saying the same thing. Mayweather Jr., then went on PTI or Rome is burning and made the formal announcement that he would like tougher drug testing standards but didn't say what kind.

Edit: Pacquiao's power? All natural (http://espn.go.com/sports/boxing/blog/_/name/rafael_dan/id/4678252/pacquiao-power-all-natural) Found one article from ESPN that fits the story I told. Mayweather Sr., was already on the "Manny is juicing" way before they even sat at the table.

05-03-2010, 01:53 PM
this isn't the manny pacqiao thread, so lets stop talking about what manny did and manny didn't. I don't want to see bitter against the people who like him and stick up for him. He is a talented boxer, and the rumors have been going around forever that he's been juicing, it's not just mayweather being a big pussy. That's what pisses me off is that everyone will make excuses why manny dodged the fight.

Mayweather doesn't want your titles, he doesn't want your fans, he doesn't even care if they meet.

He just wants to make money and he will fight whoever he has to, to continue to do so.

bottom line hook and sinker.

05-03-2010, 01:58 PM
this isn't the manny pacqiao thread, so lets stop talking about what manny did and manny didn't. I don't want to see bitter against the people who like him and stick up for him. He is a talented boxer, and the rumors have been going around forever that he's been juicing, it's not just mayweather being a big pussy. That's what pisses me off is that everyone will make excuses why manny dodged the fight.

Mayweather doesn't want your titles, he doesn't want your fans, he doesn't even care if they meet.

He just wants to make money and he will fight whoever he has to, to continue to do so.

bottom line hook and sinker.

best post in this thread

05-03-2010, 03:02 PM
Nevada state athletic commission is now considering to take blood test like how the USADA does it. They might be able to implement it this fall.


05-03-2010, 03:17 PM
double post

05-03-2010, 04:01 PM
mosley is too slow and doesn't have the cardio to carry his power. pac would have finished him on that 2nd rnd or atleast keep a fast pace with power thru out the 12 rounds.

i know for a fact now pac would destroy mosley.

the only way i can see maywther survive pacs power and angles for 12rnd is his clinch/tie up defence all the time thru out the 12 rnds. lol.

pac is the dangerous fighter period. if they really want to fight the best. take the pacman fight and stop ducking by making demands from the best pfp in the world. pac shouldn't have to dow down to any demands.

so, yeah money keep making money and ducking. remember 2nd place is for first place losers.

botton line double hook takedown, ground and pound.

btw i'm not even a pacman fan.

05-03-2010, 04:05 PM
Nevada state athletic commission is now considering to take blood test like how the USADA does it. They might be able to implement it this fall.

Nevada State Athletic Commission considers blood-testing program - Los Angeles Times (http://articles.latimes.com/2010/apr/29/sports/la-sp-mayweather-mosley-20100430)

thats awsome news.

05-03-2010, 04:18 PM
saw the fight and it looks more a fixed fight between mosley and mayweather. its like mayweather is trying to jump start or per say save his career with the help of mosley.

since mosley is getting old, he needs that extra cash for his retirement plans.

relly someone who is 41-0 dosent need to save his career he made 60 million that fight and mosley has a good 7 or 8 years in him he is only 38 i dont know who will be a better 45 year old benard hopkins or shane mosley

05-03-2010, 04:34 PM
reportedly manny and gloyd are almost ready to come to a deal look at maywesther in the clinch <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/5dPy_C5tXgc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/5dPy_C5tXgc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

05-03-2010, 05:49 PM

try the preview post button in the future.

05-03-2010, 05:52 PM
got my 50...thanks mayweather...

05-03-2010, 05:55 PM
mosley is too slow and doesn't have the cardio to carry his power. pac would have finished him on that 2nd rnd or atleast keep a fast pace with power thru out the 12 rounds.
Have they fought? you think because mosley lost against mayweather he can't beat pac man? you can't assume dumb shit like this. Nobody thought Ali would get beat, nobody thought Iron Mike could lose. Don't be so quick to assume.

i know for a fact now pac would destroy mosley.
post the fight video, we want to know the facts too.

the only way i can see maywther survive pacs power and angles for 12rnd is his clinch/tie up defence all the time thru out the 12 rnds. lol.
The clinch literally was taken away from this fight of mayweathers, hopefully when this fight happens that ref will do the same, get rid of the headbutts, low blows, elbows (and I won't lie, I've seen mayweather throw elbows in the clinch and he never gets points taken for it.) I just want to see some boxing, leave that mma shit to UFC.

pac is the dangerous fighter period. if they really want to fight the best. take the pacman fight and stop ducking by making demands from the best pfp in the world. pac shouldn't have to dow down to any demands.
Barry Bonds is the best motherfucker in baseball and homeruns, he shouldn't have to answer to no stupid ass demands of the hall of fame. You're totally right, go out there and hit that ball playa, even if you got that hgh or don't who knows right???:smash:

so, yeah money keep making money and ducking. remember 2nd place is for first place losers.

botton line double hook takedown, ground and pound.

btw i'm not even a pacman fan.
Yeah, stick to MMA BRO... because you sound like you're driving the bandwagon with the banter you posted.

05-03-2010, 06:20 PM
A summer bout will definitely bring in more cash and endorsements for both fighters if this ever pans out.

05-03-2010, 09:22 PM
mosley is too slow and doesn't have the cardio to carry his power. pac would have finished him on that 2nd rnd or atleast keep a fast pace with power thru out the 12 rounds.

i know for a fact now pac would destroy mosley.

the only way i can see maywther survive pacs power and angles for 12rnd is his clinch/tie up defence all the time thru out the 12 rnds. lol.

pac is the dangerous fighter period. if they really want to fight the best. take the pacman fight and stop ducking by making demands from the best pfp in the world. pac shouldn't have to dow down to any demands.

so, yeah money keep making money and ducking. remember 2nd place is for first place losers.

botton line double hook takedown, ground and pound.

btw i'm not even a pacman fan.

Someone please tiger knee this idiot. Stop posting fiction and start posting facts. All we're reading is your hopes and dreams. Not a fan of pacman? with the above statements, it clearly shows your not...:squint:

05-03-2010, 09:51 PM
who you refering too? pac has already tasted defeat and bounce back even better. can mayweather bounce back? i respect his style but, imo he seems to lack confidence or balls.

bwuhaha BRO...you're comparing baseball? that shit is a team sport. this is boxing.
pac is closer to great legend like leonard or even robinson than mayweather will ever be.

my final post. no point of arguing until it happens or if.

05-03-2010, 09:56 PM
Someone please tiger knee this idiot. Stop posting fiction and start posting facts. All we're reading is your hopes and dreams. Not a fan of pacman? with the above statements, it clearly shows your not...:squint:

hahah why dont you do it?

05-03-2010, 10:17 PM
Really wish Mosley won. I'm not one to root for arrogant unsportsmanlike behavior I don't care how good they are. Mosley was a far more respectable fighter apologizing mid fight for an accidental elbow, always being the first to extend his arm to touch gloves.

Mayweathers a smart guy psychologically speaking and will do anything in his power not to lose, even if it's playing dirty and putting the other guy in an arm-lock when in trouble.

Take round two in the Mosley fight. Nice arm-lock champ. Mosley was struggling to pull his arm out from that one and keep up pressure, but that bought this kid just enough time.

Mayweather was clearly the better boxer between these two as he demonstrated in the remaining 10 rounds. I also feel that he could have knocked out Mosley if he wanted to a few times during the rest of the fight but let him go each time. Maybe out of respect, maybe it was in the contract they negotiated behind closed doors.

As much as I am not a Mayweather fan I knew he would be winning this fight beforehand. Still got a rise out of me and a few friends though when Mosley pulled the rug out from Mayweather second round. Watching the rest of the fight was agonizing and didn't seem like a worthwhile or exciting fight.

I think the odds were like 4-1 in favor of Mayweather for this fight? EVERYONE knew this fight was one sided.

05-03-2010, 11:09 PM
relly someone who is 41-0 dosent need to save his career he made 60 million that fight and mosley has a good 7 or 8 years in him he is only 38 i dont know who will be a better 45 year old benard hopkins or shane mosley

yes 41-0 are perfectly handpicked.

disclaimer. im not a pac-fan. guess all of you talking some stuff about mayweather should disclose that you are not a pac-fan by the way so you can avoid hate-flame from mayweather's crowd.

05-03-2010, 11:31 PM
If you are referring to me as "loverboy" I don't care for mayweather to be honest, I just think he'll end up winning. Not sure how you concocted "loverboy" from one statement, but congrats.

Not directed at you, directed at the guy who has something to say about Pacquiao and his fans in every thread related to boxing. Read the thread about the boxer who died.

Not surprised at the outcome of the fight, though I thought Mayweather could've knocked Mosley out any time probably after the 7th round.

Why hasn't the boxing comission done Olympic style drug testing sooner?

05-05-2010, 06:08 AM
Bottom line Mayweather vs Mosley fight sucked. I just hate watching Mayweather fight, people pay top dollar to see them knock each other out and all you get is 12 rounds of sparing. Mosley was out of gas and he still took Mayweather to 12 round.

NO, IM NOT A big PAC MAN FAN ....but im filipino

But my money on Pac Man vs Mayweather .... 6 round knock out

who ever posted this link: Pacquiao's power? All natural - ESPN (http://espn.go.com/sports/boxing/blog/_/name/rafael_dan/id/4678252/pacquiao-power-all-natural)
you just gave the PAC FAN CLUB some amo, that Mayweathers crew a bunch of liars.

"It's not the first time Mayweather Sr. has done that, even though he offered zero proof. And if you talk to Keith Kizer, the executive director of the Nevada State Athletic Commission, he'll tell you that Pacquiao, who has fought numerous times in Las Vegas, has passed every one of his drug tests. Nevada has one of the strictest testing regimes in the world; results for the fight with Cotto are due Monday or Tuesday, Kizer said."

Look like it's not the first time Mayweather Sr accused some one of using roids with out proof. And yes its possible to gain that much muscle mass, it's called good diet and dedication. Anyways the fight still sucked HBO i want my money back!!!!!!!!:bs:

05-05-2010, 02:15 PM
my dick is big but i didnt use steroids....LOL

05-05-2010, 05:35 PM
Bottom line Mayweather vs Mosley fight sucked. I just hate watching Mayweather fight, people pay top dollar to see them knock each other out and all you get is 12 rounds of sparing. Mosley was out of gas and he still took Mayweather to 12 round.

NO, IM NOT A big PAC MAN FAN ....but im filipino

But my money on Pac Man vs Mayweather .... 6 round knock out

who ever posted this link: Pacquiao's power? All natural - ESPN (http://espn.go.com/sports/boxing/blog/_/name/rafael_dan/id/4678252/pacquiao-power-all-natural)
you just gave the PAC FAN CLUB some amo, that Mayweathers crew a bunch of liars.

"It's not the first time Mayweather Sr. has done that, even though he offered zero proof. And if you talk to Keith Kizer, the executive director of the Nevada State Athletic Commission, he'll tell you that Pacquiao, who has fought numerous times in Las Vegas, has passed every one of his drug tests. Nevada has one of the strictest testing regimes in the world; results for the fight with Cotto are due Monday or Tuesday, Kizer said."

Look like it's not the first time Mayweather Sr accused some one of using roids with out proof. And yes its possible to gain that much muscle mass, it's called good diet and dedication. Anyways the fight still sucked HBO i want my money back!!!!!!!!:bs:

I'm not to sure how you think that article gave any Manny fans ammo? Yes you are correct that isn't the first time Mayweather Sr., has accused Pacquiao of this with zero proof, no one is denying that. He said said it many times especially during the past couple years, it's just now the media finally picked it up because they wanted to add drama to the fight atmosphere.

As for the Kizer comment, that man said the same thing about Mosley, Hollyfiend, Jones Jr., Chavez Jr.,(I can literrally keep going if you want) but they all got caught using PED's or masking agents. The sad thing is most the guys I named were either champions or quickly on the rise in the sport and the Nevada State Commission downplayed the seriousness of their offense in most cases saying,"I don't think he knew he could do that," purely to save the image of the sport.

Now the next argument I can guarantee some Manny fan will say is, "well the Nevada State Commission caught the guys so obviously they are doing something right." True, I'll give them that but after how long were they using the PED's before they finally got caught? In some cases BALCO admitted supplying some sports athletes for years, though those accused denied it(of course right?).

And finally that comment about Nevada State commission being strict is a joke. Other world organizations that test laugh at our individual state commissions rules. USADA, the people who test the olympics, world cups, golf and tennis Opens think the same. There is a large percentage of PED's and masking agents they don't even test for. I don't know where you got that information from but I believe you probably just felt what you were saying is true because it sounds right or feels right. We call that truthiness.
USADA's Travis Tygart: Boxing Commission Testing Is A Joke ... (http://www.mlive.com/mayweather/index.ssf/2010/01/usadas_travis_tygart_current_d.html)

05-05-2010, 05:38 PM
Exceprt from the article I posted before:
USADA's Travis Tygart: Current drug testing done by state boxing commissions 'a joke' | Floyd Mayweather - - MLive.com (http://www.mlive.com/mayweather/index.ssf/2010/01/usadas_travis_tygart_current_d.html)

Q: In fact, some performance-enhancers lean you out, don't they?

A: "The HGH, the ability to put on lean muscle mass, whether you're increasing your weight or decreasing your weight, these categories of drugs that are prohibited in sport in the Olympic world, on a relatively simple program, are extremely potent in order to do that -- to become the strongest, fittest, pound-for-pound best boxer, with the most punch, with very little expense or knowledge behind it."

Q: Shane Mosley obviously slipped through some cracks on urine testing alone in Nevada. ...

A: "Let me correct that premise for you. The current state of drug testing done by these state commissions is a joke. They don't test for EPO. They don't test for designer steroids. They test for a basic, simple menu that anybody with a heartbeat will escape. I just hate to hear that Shane Mosley did something really sophisticated to get around their testing. No, he didn't. He would've been caught dead to rights in our program. But it doesn't take a whole lot to sidestep the simple kind of drug testing that these state commissions are doing.

"Again, I hope it's familiarity, I hope it's knowledge, because part of the growth is for entities, but also athletes, to become knowledgable about these issues. If you're a clean athlete, or you're a sport organizer, promoter, state commission, whatever, if you want to protect clean athletes' rights, you're going to put in a clean program."

Q: And that includes both blood and urine testing?

A: "Blood and urine but it's got to be an effective urine program. Again, just a couple tests here and there that everyone knows about, or 72-hour notice that you're going to be tested, or 48-hour notice -- it has to be true, no-notice testing. And it has to be a broad menu of tests. And they don't test for EPO. What was reported on Mosley is that he was using EPO. And he could use it without regard for being caught because they weren't testing it -- and there is a urine-based test for most EPO. So you've got to start with an effective urine program and an effective blood program. And the reason, to answer your specific question, that you need to do blood is because there are certain, and several, potent performance-enhancers that are not detected in the urine. Of those, human growth hormone being one; HBOC, which is synthetic hemoglobin; certain forms of EPO, like Micera; and then, the transfusions."

Q: If you blood test, is urine testing necessary at all?

A: "Yes, because there are certain things that you're not going to find in the blood, that you can only find in urine, like most forms of EPO, steroids, designer steroids, insulin. You have to have a combination of the two. Look, I'd love to have one strand of hair. From a cost and logistical standpoint, the simpler whatever we collect, the better. Not that collecting blood and urine are difficult, but you have to have the proper procedures in place, and account for the shipping, and the state that you need the samples, once collected, to remain in a preserved state where they can be accurately analyzed. You can build those programs. It doesn't take much. We obviously would prefer the simplest mechanism possible. But just pulling a strand of hair is not effective to protect a clean athlete's rights because there is so much that can't be detected in hair, or saliva, or other things."

05-05-2010, 05:41 PM
I'm not trying to single anyone out but a majority of Pac fans think this was some kind of trick by Mayweather to put off the fight. Sadly, a majority of the fans will post things like the person I responded to without doing the research. When you actually do the research you'll find that the sport is plagued with holes in it that boxers can abuse. And as much as you don't like Mayweather he actually has the moral high ground now and is trying to correct the American drug testing sports system.

05-06-2010, 12:38 AM
I'm not trying to single anyone out but a majority of Pac fans think this was some kind of trick by Mayweather to put off the fight. Sadly, a majority of the fans will post things like the person I responded to without doing the research. When you actually do the research you'll find that the sport is plagued with holes in it that boxers can abuse. And as much as you don't like Mayweather he actually has the moral high ground now and is trying to correct the American drug testing sports system.

bottom line is boxing is corrupted wherever you look at it.