View Full Version : Happy Meals Are Illegal in Santa Clara CA.

04-28-2010, 03:22 PM
Sorry video only.

Where Happy Meals Are Illegal (http://news.yahoo.com/video/business-15749628/where-happy-meals-are-illegal-19362009)

About time I say,

Someone is going to be not so happy.


04-28-2010, 03:27 PM
just don't bring your kids there

04-28-2010, 03:50 PM
lol look at that kid. Size LARGE drink? WTF??? Large fries?

04-28-2010, 03:52 PM
lol i cant stop laughing at the kids in the picture. But come on give me a break just take your kid there everyday and stop buying your 4 year old video games. how about you get the little fat ass a bike.

04-28-2010, 03:55 PM
Telling people how to eat. SWEET.

04-28-2010, 04:22 PM
thats come crazy shit.... and that looks like me 13 years ago lol

04-28-2010, 04:29 PM
Telling people how to eat. SWEET.

yea seriously. can't agree with that at all. it's not the county's responsibility or place to say what you can't and can't feed your kid and what the companies can and can't sell.

04-28-2010, 04:38 PM
If the people can't control their diets, who will?

04-28-2010, 04:40 PM
If the people can't control their diets, who will?

The Government or the Grim Reaper.

04-28-2010, 04:42 PM
The Government or the Grim Reaper.


yes, im a fatty, i still agree...:wavey:

04-28-2010, 04:56 PM
"87% of residents oppose the bill" wow

04-28-2010, 05:06 PM
No government has the right to rule your personal life.

04-28-2010, 05:18 PM
No government has the right to rule your personal life.

You should look into that kind of big thing that's been happening..... something about healthcare.... something or other.


The "rules" just went right out the window. They don't even matter anymore.

04-28-2010, 05:19 PM
You gonna finish that?


04-28-2010, 05:33 PM
Fatties are always ruining delicious food for everyone else.

It is impossible to find yogurt that is not fat free/low-fat. :(

04-28-2010, 05:55 PM
how many times have we gone over this?


04-28-2010, 06:00 PM
So, is the Kid's Meal banned or is the toy along with a Kid's meal banned?

04-28-2010, 06:21 PM
^^^the meal itself! im for it, my kids only want the happy meal for the damn toys!!

04-28-2010, 07:06 PM
You should look into that kind of big thing that's been happening..... something about healthcare.... something or other.


The "rules" just went right out the window. They don't even matter anymore.

I really don't understand why people think government is supposed to safe guard our rights. The is our job as citizens.

04-28-2010, 07:11 PM
wow really? haha thats hilarious.

i guess im a lucky person. i can eat two large #1 meals (big mac) in one sitting without even being full.

im 6'1 and i weigh like 157lbs and i eat like tht all the time lol

high metabolism i guess?

04-28-2010, 07:12 PM
I really don't understand why people think government is supposed to safe guard our rights. The is our job as citizens.
Because most people are stupid and have no common sense or ambition.

04-28-2010, 07:23 PM
Now they can get BigMacs!!!!

Soup Nazi
04-28-2010, 07:28 PM
Because most people are stupid and have no common sense or ambition.

So true............

04-28-2010, 07:35 PM
I really don't understand why people think government is supposed to safe guard our rights. The is our job as citizens.

Fat people like smokers are more expensive to the world in general.

Some people can't control themselves so the government tries to do stuff to equalize it.

This is nothing new but yes if certain people weren't so extreme in certain areas there would be no need.

04-28-2010, 07:40 PM
Let those certain people weed themselves out, their kids included.

04-28-2010, 07:41 PM
the toy kind of is a good seller.. i remember back in the day when ever i got to have mc d's i would make sure to tell my mom witch toy i wanted. but fortunatly she never let me eat it everyday like those fattys

04-28-2010, 07:45 PM
see the government makes these regulations to benefit not just our future but the rest of the country..thats their job, regulate the people..studies have shown that at the rate obesity is going, in 30yrs nearly 100% of the population will be overweight, think they'll allow that? our generation is the first in history that will be out lived by our parents, think they're fond of that? CVD is the #1 killer for Americans of both genders, which 87% of that is from lifestyle habits...

so this goes both ways..its to benefit us and our future (well our children)...but thten i do agree with our right to choose what we eat

04-28-2010, 07:55 PM
oh no!!! we will be eating this soon


what do you think Obamacare is about.

04-28-2010, 07:55 PM
wow really? haha thats hilarious.

i guess im a lucky person. i can eat two large #1 meals (big mac) in one sitting without even being full.

im 6'1 and i weigh like 157lbs and i eat like tht all the time lol

high metabolism i guess?

you are 17.
I was 6' @ 150 at your age.
Try that when you're in your thirties.
well, then again maybe that's an accomplishment today.

two large bic mac meals ain't shit, lol.
I could finish a 4 lb porterhouse when I was a teen.

04-28-2010, 07:57 PM
shit without sports i really need to watch what i eat, reason why i quit fastfood and soda..

04-28-2010, 08:05 PM
you are 17.
I was 6' @ 150 at your age.
Try that when you're in your thirties.
well, then again maybe that's an accomplishment today.

two large bic mac meals ain't shit, lol.
I could finish a 4 lb porterhouse when I was a teen.

I have a friend that eats like an absolute pig. Twice as much as me. Chinese takeaways every day, masses of chocolate, etc etc. He doesn't have an ounce of fat on him. Now he trains he's actually quite stacked. Bastard. (He's 23).

I just have to look at a McDonalds and I've put on a pound or two.

I say if people are going to eat themselves to death, let them. Remove them from the gene pool. It is unfair to be born into that environment though. There's no excuse for drastically overweight children :(

oh no!!! we will be eating this soon



04-28-2010, 08:13 PM

obscure reference is obscure

04-28-2010, 08:56 PM
When did the Michellin man become the new McSponsor?

04-28-2010, 09:44 PM
Anyone who supports socialized medicine (most californians) SHOULD have the government ensure that they eat healthy... for the public good. If it is the public's responsibility to pay for healthcare, then the public also has a responsibility to minimize costs through preventive measures. AND! If the government can force you to buy health insurance under threat of fines, then they can force you to eat a specific regimen of fruits, vegetables and grains under threat of fines.

04-28-2010, 10:33 PM
wow really? haha thats hilarious.

i guess im a lucky person. i can eat two large #1 meals (big mac) in one sitting without even being full.

im 6'1 and i weigh like 157lbs and i eat like tht all the time lol

high metabolism i guess?
No it's probably cause you get pounded by tarelle all day... haha :spank:

04-28-2010, 10:40 PM
they have super sized happy meals? where are the parents, such lack of responsibility raising a child to become fat like this. something has to be wrong with the parents. maybe they to are fat. you gotta think about the average income of a fat kid's parent, all that food ain't cheap

Sorry video only.

Where Happy Meals Are Illegal (http://news.yahoo.com/video/business-15749628/where-happy-meals-are-illegal-19362009)

About time I say,

Someone is going to be not so happy.


04-28-2010, 10:42 PM
No it's probably cause you get pounded by tarelle all day... haha :spank:

that was not funny BROG.

これはたくさん笑って自由に感じるためにいかにおかしい方法のM C D O N A L D Sをよいいかにであるか日本がするかである 日本は葉が叙事詩を最高で驚かせた狂気の国である。NND


04-28-2010, 11:23 PM
^i feel as if I just stared into the eyes of satan

04-28-2010, 11:36 PM
wow this is fucking ridiculous. sorry but government cant tell you what to eat or what to buy or really force anything on you. period. happy meals have been around FOREVER. parents are getting shittier and shittier. when iw as a kid it was mcdonalds day like maybe once a week and it was RAD. id get happy meal and fuck with the toy and be happy. i was never fat. same with taco bell, it was like a treat, now parents are lazy as hell and just spend 3 bucks and throw some food at the kid to shut them up so they can get back to whatever TV show theyre watching.

seriously people, government should be working on educating the community and let them make the choice, not forcing laws on them.

EDIT: and please dont tell me that was a real commercial. holy shit

04-28-2010, 11:48 PM
How much you weigh has nothing to do with how healthy you are.

It is possible to be under weight and obese FYI.

Also, people who weigh more have faster metabolisms than people who weigh less.

04-28-2010, 11:54 PM
Damn i use to love mcdeez when they had bucket of fries and supersize but all thats gone now.. :-/

04-29-2010, 12:20 AM
How much you weigh has nothing to do with how healthy you are.

It is possible to be under weight and obese FYI.

Also, people who weigh more have faster metabolisms than people who weigh less.

according to the body mass index its not..please explain

04-29-2010, 12:35 AM
Body mass index is bull. It doesn't account for body type, % of body fat, or age.

Based on bmi my entire family is obese but we are all in good shape. We just happen to all be rather bulky with large legs, broad shoulder, and barrel chests.

Also muscle burns calories even in a relaxed state. That means for two people that are the same weight but one has more muscle mass,the one with the muscles needs more calories to maintain his weight and energy level. Hence higher metabolism.

04-29-2010, 02:04 AM
More signs that Parents have no fucking control over their kids...shitty how government has to step in to make the decisions for their own damn kids.

04-29-2010, 02:22 AM
Everyone should be required to submit an official form from a doctor during tax time, and anyone deemed more than 30lbs. overweight would pay a fat tax.

Or maybe healthy weight people should get incentives. :) (McDonald's coupons)

04-29-2010, 11:55 AM
Im all for incentives
I wouldnt mind to pay a little less in taxes.

04-29-2010, 11:57 AM
haha, I never realized this, but is your screenname kind of like Ronald McDonald?

04-29-2010, 12:10 PM
Lol, yes it is.
I tried to register zilvia under ronaldmcdonald,
but unfortuntely i recall the name was unavail at the time.

04-29-2010, 12:36 PM


04-29-2010, 02:05 PM
Thats kid is whereing a bitchin' hat haha

04-29-2010, 05:05 PM
Obesity is based on Bf% of over 30%. And no, people who are fat do not have faster metabolisms than those who are healthy. But if you mean over weight vs underweight starving people, then yes. When you are starving your body goes into a fight or flight and basicly shuts down organs and other sensory items to burn less calories to survive. But fat/obese people (not born obese which only accounts for less than 5% of all over weight americans) have absolutely awful metabolisms and insulin control. Thus why a large majority of over weight people become diabetics. The bottom line is if you are over 20-25% body fat as an adult male, YES YOU ARE FAT! Your abs dont even show till under 13%.

Remember once you give the goverment control on health insurance, you gave them control on your diets. Shoulda thought of that before you voted for the Obamanomics principle of 2010. Socialistic living is awful and does no good for society! There going to fine the businesses and the people for not having insurance starting in 2013. Thus forcing the poor to pay for Gvmnt Insurance Policies, giving them even more control. So funny how the democrats still mentally trick the poor and uneducated into voting for them. Remember it was the republicans who free'd the slaves.

Sorry - end rant!

04-29-2010, 06:07 PM
What does obama have to do with a local government's over stepping of authority? Don't give me some philosophical crap either.

04-29-2010, 08:56 PM
What does obama have to do with a local government's over stepping of authority? Don't give me some philosophical crap either.

i thought you knew.
everything that goes wrong, is obamas fault.

iphone 4gs
the big earthquakes
the floods
raising prices in s-chassis.

all his fault.

04-29-2010, 09:09 PM

04-29-2010, 09:15 PM

04-29-2010, 09:37 PM
dont forget about volcanoes too. if One Big Ass Mistake America (saw that on a bumper the other day)

yota man
04-29-2010, 10:03 PM

I bet that tea wasn't even grown in america :naw:

04-29-2010, 10:17 PM
I'm 100% for shutting down McDonalds altogether.

04-29-2010, 10:33 PM
idk they do employ 1000s of people, and bring in alot of tax chedar

04-29-2010, 10:55 PM
damn now im craving chicken nuggets!

04-30-2010, 01:10 AM
How much you weigh has nothing to do with how healthy you are.

It is possible to be under weight and obese FYI.

Also, people who weigh more have faster metabolisms than people who weigh less.

Have you ever met a human before?

04-30-2010, 01:57 AM
I think it's completely ridiculous for the government to tell us how to eat, but on the other hand we are eating ourselves to DEATH so it may be in fact "necessary and proper" for the government to step in and save some of these fast food addicts

04-30-2010, 10:10 AM

If that is how they choose to exercise their right to the pursuit of happiness then we must give them liberty to run their lives how they wish.

Shit will make us all better of in the long run any way.

04-30-2010, 10:45 AM
That kid has nothing on this baby:

04-30-2010, 11:43 AM
dont forget about volcanoes too. if One Big Ass Mistake America (saw that on a bumper the other day)
That's a sure fire way to end up with ones car being keyed.
Have you ever met a human before?
Have you picked picked up a book before? It is called normal weight obesity.
The Scales Can Lie: Hidden Fat - WSJ.com (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704762904575025313433081780.html)

And as for fat people burning a lot of calories, think about how much work it is for the body to carry an excessive amount of weight. Think about how much energy needs to be burned to support a bigger system.

Just think about that. ;)

04-30-2010, 11:52 AM
That's a sure fire way to end up with ones car being keyed.

Lol, what does that say about his supporters?


04-30-2010, 12:06 PM
There are dicks everywhere. Having strong political and/or moral views on oes self or property is asking for attention. Some of which will be negative attention that someone feels strongly about.

04-30-2010, 12:07 PM
raise taxation on fast food = free healthcare...

most of these sorry fucks who feed this shit to there families on a daily is there excuse of "its cheap and affordable", fuck that...raise taxes on that shit, how quickly people would rather cook a decent meal at home then feed this garbage to there children, and those still willing to buy, well, free health care for all from all that taxing will make up for it...

just sayin...

waht is it, europe, that taxes the hellout of alcohol and cigs, an dgives there people free healthcare, in other words, you wanna try to kill urself with this shit, ima tax yah, so when we have to try and save ur life, no other tax payer is stuck wiht the bill...

04-30-2010, 12:09 PM
Speaking of tax, there is talks about a potential idea of switching to VAT.

04-30-2010, 12:34 PM
Fair Tax.

Look it up.

No really. Do it.

04-30-2010, 01:11 PM
Happy Meals are $1.99 on Wednesdays.

04-30-2010, 07:13 PM
Have you picked picked up a book before? It is called normal weight obesity.
The Scales Can Lie: Hidden Fat - WSJ.com (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704762904575025313433081780.html)

And as for fat people burning a lot of calories, think about how much work it is for the body to carry an excessive amount of weight. Think about how much energy needs to be burned to support a bigger system.

Just think about that. ;)

those with a high percentage of body fat were at significantly greater risk of future heart problems than those with low amounts of fat.

That's from your article, you remember when I questioned fat people being less healthy?

Well fuck, looks like I was right.

A bigger system would only burn more calories if it was made up mostly of muscle.

Did you know muscle burns calories all the time?

It does, it's fucking incredible.

I'm 6 foot, 170lbs, 6% body fat, bench well over my body weight for reps, and eat every fucking thing I want.

I love this stuff.

04-30-2010, 07:33 PM
Yep, do some proper excercise & build some decent muscle
(to hell with just doing cardo).
Eat and drink whatever you want.
Works out ok for me as well.

(seems like everyone on zilvia is 6' tall)

05-01-2010, 04:11 PM
(seems like everyone on zilvia is 6' tall)

I'm 5'9". Just sayin'. I wish I was in the Zilvia 6' club. :-/

05-02-2010, 12:19 AM
6' something.

145 pounds

24 years old.

I ride my bike atleast twice a week, work a physical job and my diet consists of whatever the fuck i can put in the microwave/oven the fastest. If i have money to burn (which isn't often. I have an rx7 to raise) i eat fast food that tastes great but makes me want to puke about an hour or so after consumption. I could save that money for a hot date or just buy drinks and eat at huddle house all smashed up.

Mmmmm. Chicken and bacon.

I'm going the fuck to bed.

Fuck you america.

05-02-2010, 12:36 PM
Yep, do some proper excercise & build some decent muscle
(to hell with just doing cardo).
Eat and drink whatever you want.
Works out ok for me as well.

(seems like everyone on zilvia is 6' tall)
You said "build decent muscle" and then you say don't do cardio? Your heart is a muscle doooooooooood. cardio's important.

those with a high percentage of body fat were at significantly greater risk of future heart problems than those with low amounts of fat.
It does, it's fucking incredible.

I'm 6 foot, 170lbs, 6% body fat, bench well over my body weight for reps, and eat every fucking thing I want.

I love this stuff.

damn I'm at like 185 and i can't do my own body weight.... I've been goign to the gym a lot too, I only rep 145 :(.

05-02-2010, 02:02 PM
He said "to hell with JUST doing cardo".