View Full Version : So you want to be a fighter?

04-24-2010, 04:46 PM
I know there is already a "MMA" thread, but this thread is a bit more different. I hope!

Who here trains MMA? If you just do BJJ or Muay Thai, or Boxing, that is cool as well.

Where do you train?

Are you fighting/competing any time soon?

Personally, I train out of a small gym here in DE (Dragon Dojo). I am an all around kinda fighter. I wrestled so I am comfortable on the ground, and I have a few screws loose so keeping the fight standing is where I have the most fun. Definitely more of the grappler then a true BJJ guy. I do not train gui jiujitsu... its a waste of time to me because in the cage no one is wearing one. It just teaches you how to cheat and grab peoples clothes! (j\k)

With school (refer to the law school thread) I have not been able to take any fights which really bothers me! Hopefully I can get something going this summer though! I need money for books! I fight at the little girl and big girls weight classes (135lbs - 145lbs) but my first two fights were at the 160 and 155. I have done grapplers quest and all that jazz, its fun but sport jiujitsu is not my game. I like to take peoples arms home with me (points are for the lame).

I am looking for another gym to hit up though. Variety in training is always a huge help for me. Plus, my little gym I am at now is only open limited hours which makes training legit tough.

PS. for any of the Philly guys, if you ever want to arrange a meet to hit up one of the local fight shows I am down... maybe one of us suckers will be in the cage!

04-24-2010, 05:04 PM
Train at Elite MMA in CA, muay thia and boxing

04-24-2010, 08:10 PM
Jeff Gordon Jui Jitsu under Pedro Sauer

04-25-2010, 12:11 AM
So guys what are your training regimens?

Anyone getting ready for a fight?

04-25-2010, 11:53 AM
im training both gi and no gi jiu jitsu and mma as well. i train here in salinas at Kugtar. im 23 and im going to train for a few year to see where it takes me.

04-25-2010, 01:38 PM
muay thai & boxing @ UND1SPUTED in san diego. je aime muay thai

04-25-2010, 03:17 PM
Cool thread.

I am 34 and been fighting and training in Muay Thai for about 16 years. I love everything about the no nonsense "belt is in the ring" sport. I am currently training at sityodtong (two mile from my house!!). My fight weight is from 145-155. Right now I am training on the lighter side since I have two cracked ribs.

If you are at all into muay thai, I strongly suggest you take a month off and train in Thailand. So much good cheap training. Most camps can also get you a fight once a week if you wish to fight.

So guys what are your training regimens?

Anyone getting ready for a fight?

Sityodtong, you run into the florians at all?

I really wish I could go back to Thailand, I was there a few years ago (not to train) but would love to go back and kick trees all day! Those guys there are nuts!

Right now my training is terrible. I am stuck in a library most hours of the day, but when school was not in session. I train grappling/striking - M/W/Sa, MMA - T/Tr, and tried getting sparring sessions in whenever possible. Fridays and Sundays were days "off" which means light pad work and cardio work (or for me soccer games haha!) Not to mention trying to get weight training and cardio in. Training for fights is a full time job if you want to win!

I might fight over the summer, sometime in August. I am always close to weight so really if anything pops up and I have at least a month to train, id probably risk being under prepared to be able to throwdown some.

04-25-2010, 03:20 PM
im training both gi and no gi jiu jitsu and mma as well. i train here in salinas at Kugtar. im 23 and im going to train for a few year to see where it takes me.

I did my first BJJ competition about 2 months into training. I took my first fight maybe 5 months into training (not the best idea!). I would say if you train hard for a year, you should be ready to step into an amateur fight at least. Just make sure you get some heavy sparring sessions in and train those shins to check kicks!!!!! Other then that, there is no real way to prepare yourself for the cage other then just doing it.

04-26-2010, 12:47 AM
Sityodtong, you run into the florians at all?

I really wish I could go back to Thailand, I was there a few years ago (not to train) but would love to go back and kick trees all day! Those guys there are nuts!

Right now my training is terrible. I am stuck in a library most hours of the day, but when school was not in session. I train grappling/striking - M/W/Sa, MMA - T/Tr, and tried getting sparring sessions in whenever possible. Fridays and Sundays were days "off" which means light pad work and cardio work (or for me soccer games haha!) Not to mention trying to get weight training and cardio in. Training for fights is a full time job if you want to win!

I might fight over the summer, sometime in August. I am always close to weight so really if anything pops up and I have at least a month to train, id probably risk being under prepared to be able to throwdown some.

Yup Keith and Kenny are both really cool down to earth guys. They have their own place. Florian Martial Arts Center (http://www.florianmartialartscenter.com/default.html) I have trained with actually quite a few well know MMA guys in my day, but my heart is with muay thai, and getting to train with some big time thai guys at their camps is very cool. Most are really humble, but could take your head off in a heart beat.

Unless you decide to become a full time fighter (aka no job or part time job) and just train, you will always have a hard time getting training time in. It doesn't get any easier as you get older, you just have to make it happen some how. With a wife, full time job, plus my other hobbies, and a 1 and 3 year old it's really tough but I make it happen. Having a full gym in my house and the fight gym right down the street definitely helps though.

My training schedule:

I don't always keep this, when I start getting stagnant or bored I change it. I also sometimes run instead of row.

AM: Medium Row & core exercise (abs, lower back, obliques)
PM: 2 hrs at Sityodtong

AM: Sprint Row & 5x5 Strength training
PM: 2 hrs at Sityodtong

AM: Plyometrics
PM: Grip and Neck strength

AM: Sprint Row & 5x5 Strength training
PM: 2hrs at Sityodtong

AM: Medium Row & core
PM: 2hrs at Sityodtong

AM: Sprint Row & 5x5 Strength training
PM: rest or 2hrs at Sityodtong (sometimes)


Yeah I am like you, I am ready for a fight anytime one pops up, and kinda train like that. Right now with the broken ribs that ain't happening. It's weird though, I can still pound out 100 pushups with not too much pain, but sneezing, certain core exercise, and throwing a left hook feels like a million daggers in my side.

For the guys new to this be prepared for injuries. It comes with the sport. Even sparring with pads you can get fucked up. But that is what makes it so appealing. Broken Glass : My Muay Thai (http://www.mymuaythai.com/archives/broken-glass/)

Safest to most dangers IMO as a sport.

BJJ - MMA - Muay Thai - Boxing

Boxing I consider the most dangerous due to it mainly being a head hunt. Long term effects are not good. A close second is Muay Thai. If we were just talking short term injuries I would say MT is the most dangerous. Not as much head hunting due to kicks and knees to the body, but lots of broken shit happens. Elbow Strike!! MMA is dangerous don't get me wrong, especially with the low oz gloves, but with the tap and most fights going to the ground it is definitely safer.

04-26-2010, 02:07 AM
i train at the mcdojo youtube in my living room. i'm training to kill not the sport mma.

i also get personal lessons with bj at bjpenn.com.

04-26-2010, 02:22 AM
Brazilian top team.

04-26-2010, 06:36 AM
Not sure if you're looking for a gym or just asking where people train, but if you live in north central MD, check out Hilly's in Hanover Pa. I've heard good things, been awhile since I wrestled, but I've been thinking of getting back into some type of martial arts and Hilly's gets a lot of good press...

04-26-2010, 08:39 AM
i train at the mcdojo youtube in my living room. i'm training to kill not the sport mma.

i also get personal lessons with bj at bjpenn.com.

fuck yeah!

04-26-2010, 03:23 PM
Hammer House here.

05-05-2010, 07:09 PM
Some good training from Saengmorakot Gym. This is how you train clinch and knee strike!!


05-07-2010, 05:37 AM
finals are done, time to start punishing people! If anyone is in philly and goes to fight factory (where Eddie Alvarez trains) let me know what you think of the place, that is at the top of my list right now!

05-07-2010, 04:50 PM
why 'trane ufc' when you can get PrideFC dvds on amazon for $10-$15. lmao

05-07-2010, 10:18 PM
why 'trane ufc' when you can get PrideFC dvds on amazon for $10-$15. lmao

I have the UFC 2010 demo for xbox, now my skillz are legit:fruit:

chucky norris
05-07-2010, 10:27 PM
All right people I just wanted to know where is the best place to start training if you are a beginner around the oc area?

i just want to learn a few moves lol

05-07-2010, 10:33 PM
i started training BJJ with my buddy a few days ago...he gets me in for free( owned by his pops) i get him in for free at the gym (have guess pass)

its pretty cool

chucky norris
05-07-2010, 11:50 PM
for free, sounds good. yeah i have been playing water polo lol for about 7 years now. i would constantly get punched in the face, kicked, elbowed, scratched . . . . so i am in the process of trying something new

05-07-2010, 11:52 PM
hahaha sounds fun...i played football in highschool and college, wrestling and baseball in highschool, wrestling really helps me...though i havent done any ground fighting, just basics so far

05-10-2010, 06:54 AM
All right people I just wanted to know where is the best place to start training if you are a beginner around the oc area?

i just want to learn a few moves lol

There is a lot of good schools/camps in that area. If your near Thousand Oaks, which I think you are?, Elite MMA is great (Bas Rutten's school), I think Team Quest is up there too... I could be wrong though. I guess it really depends on what you want out of it. If you want to eventually fight, go somewhere that is more then just a BJJ school, and actually has fighters training. Do not worry about not knowing much, as long as you tough out the first few weeks you will be fine.

05-10-2010, 03:38 PM
All right people I just wanted to know where is the best place to start training if you are a beginner around the oc area?

i just want to learn a few moves lol

i'd hit up Kings MMA in Huntington Beach. it's Rafeal Cordeiro's school...

Kings MMA (http://www.kingsmma.com)

06-08-2010, 08:33 AM
So this thread disappeared! Anyone doing grapplers quest in jersey this weekend? (or is it next?) A couple of the youngins I have trained are headed there to dominate!