View Full Version : The iPhone Now Runs Android (Video)

04-23-2010, 01:13 AM
The iPhone Now Runs Android (http://www.fevermagazine.com/a/technology/2010/04/21/iphone-now-runs-android.html)

It's still a bit buggy, but this guy's iPhone is running Android. More than that, actually. His phone now gives the choice to load either the iPhone OS or the Android OS.

Currently the hack only works on the original iPhone and it's not flawless, but there's hope that it'll be perfected and implemented on iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS devices in the future.

04-23-2010, 01:35 AM
broken link?

sounds badass though

04-23-2010, 01:48 AM
Sorry about that. Just fixed the link now.

04-23-2010, 01:51 AM
the end is near

04-23-2010, 01:51 AM
That thud you just heard was Steve Jobs fainting =)

04-23-2010, 03:19 AM
i lol'ed when i read "original iphone" damn that thing sucks

drift freaq
04-23-2010, 11:43 AM
That thud you just heard was Steve Jobs fainting =)

Ah why? Android sucks ass. Iphone's work. LOL talk about doing something retarded. Putting Android on a Iphone? :rofl:

Oh and I own and use Android, It sucks.

Seriously if you think Android is a threat to Apple you really need to go smell the coffee and drink it.

04-23-2010, 11:56 AM
Ah why? Android sucks ass. Iphone's work. LOL talk about doing something retarded. Putting Android on a Iphone? :rofl:

Oh and I own and use Android, It sucks.

Seriously if you think Android is a threat to Apple you really need to go smell the coffee and drink it.

Comments like that lead me to believe that your a blind fan of Apple. Google is an obvious threat to Apple to say otherwise is to deceive yourself. Apple sales in respect to the iPhone, have hit a plateau while Google still continues to rise. Apple knows this, Google knows this and anyone who can spend a minute on any search engine will know this too. You've made it obviously clear that you're an Android user and you hate the experience. Fine, I understand that but believe it or not there are users out there that would love to be able to port Android to their iPhone's.

04-23-2010, 11:57 AM
i lol'ed when i read "original iphone" damn that thing sucks

Baby steps my friend, baby steps. =)

04-23-2010, 12:09 PM
Wow this is very interesting

04-23-2010, 12:11 PM
Ah why? Android sucks ass. Iphone's work. LOL talk about doing something retarded. Putting Android on a Iphone? :rofl:

Oh and I own and use Android, It sucks.

Seriously if you think Android is a threat to Apple you really need to go smell the coffee and drink it.

your an idiot that thinks he is smart

04-23-2010, 01:03 PM
i wouldn't say android sucks, since sprint sucks 4x more than android.. but iphone is much better as far as running and interface..

i have a vzw droid and i love it... i dont seem to have many problems with the phones os itself, but some apps like to force close alot

drift freaq
04-23-2010, 01:08 PM
Comments like that lead me to believe that your a blind fan of Apple. Google is an obvious threat to Apple to say otherwise is to deceive yourself. Apple sales in respect to the iPhone, have hit a plateau while Google still continues to rise. Apple knows this, Google knows this and anyone who can spend a minute on any search engine will know this too. You've made it obviously clear that you're an Android user and you hate the experience. Fine, I understand that but believe it or not there are users out there that would love to be able to port Android to their iPhone's.

LOL believe what you will. I am not going to change your mind. I am not a blind fan of anything. I just like stuff that works. Something that you seem not to be concerned with.

Fine go ahead and hack away. I will be doing real work while you hack.

Oh and Apple is a freight train economically and sales wise. Android is not about to derail that train anytime soon.
Perhaps you are an Apple hater because you talk like one? Iphone users that want to port Android to their Iphones. LOL I do not think those numbers are high at all.

I think some hacker got the idea to do it for the sake of saying he can. I think someone like you wants to do it so you can try and look cool. Maybe I am wrong? Your own words lead to that conclusion though.

Oh and as far as busteds13's comments go. LOL have a nice day busted. I hope you are having fun.

04-23-2010, 01:13 PM
i wouldn't say android sucks, since sprint sucks 4x more than android.. but iphone is much better as far as running and interface..

i have a vzw droid and i love it... i dont seem to have many problems with the phones os itself, but some apps like to force close alot

Personally, I love Sprint but then again it just depends on what area you're in. One thing you have to admit though is that Sprint does have cheaper plans then the rest but that's a debate for another thread I guess.

As for your Droid comment. Everyone has some kind of problem with their OS whether it be WebOs, Android, or Apple. The thing is admitting it, excepting it and moving on either literally for figuratively.

04-23-2010, 01:45 PM
LOL believe what you will. I am not going to change your mind. I am not a blind fan of anything. I just like stuff that works. Something that you seem not to be concerned with.

Fine go ahead and hack away. I will be doing real work while you hack.

Oh and Apple is a freight train economically and sales wise. Android is not about to derail that train anytime soon.
Perhaps you are an Apple hater because you talk like one? Iphone users that want to port Android to their Iphones. LOL I do not think those numbers are high at all.

I think some hacker got the idea to do it for the sake of saying he can. I think someone like you wants to do it so you can try and look cool. Maybe I am wrong? Your own words lead to that conclusion though.

Oh and as far as busteds13's comments go. LOL have a nice day busted. I hope you are having fun.

First and foremost I'm not an Apple hater, I'm far from it. I respect what Apple has done to dominate the market in recent years. I'm also a realist and will admit when a hegemon is about to lose its complete dominance and start to start to share it with another power, that other power being Google.

You're probably right about some hacker doing it just so he can do it. But some of the best innovation in the tech scene has come from people like that. Doing things not because there is an immediate need for it but because they can and it would be "cool." I'm trying to figure out how you came to the conclusion though that me liking innovative things leads to me trying to be cool? I'm not sure if you really mean that or taking a preadolescent dig at me?

I'm not talking about revenue. If you're talking about revenue Apple and RIM clearly destroy Android. I'm talking about units sold. Just do a simple search of "Apple vs Android Sales"

Android Sales On Track to Surpass iPhone (http://industry.bnet.com/technology/10005344/android-unit-sales-catching-iphones/)

If the trends continue — and apparently this quarter’s volume is double that of last quarter — it seems reasonable to estimate that Android handset sales could actually overtake the iPhone within 12 months. They might even overtake Blackberry unit sales by RIM (RIMM). That would be impressive.

The main reason is Google’s business model, which leverages multiple handset manufacturers, all of which target RIM and Apple as major competitors. Because Google doesn’t charge for Android, manufacturers have more interest in it than a platform like Microsoft (MSFT) Windows Mobile or the new Windows Phone 7, which aren’t free.

Remember: we’re talking about units shipped here, not about revenue generated. From that perspective, Apple and RIM continue to wipe the financial mat with Android. However, Google’s interest is in mobile advertising, no OS sales. The more Android units people own, the greater a chance that the company will eventually make significant profits from its effort to seed the market today

04-23-2010, 02:56 PM
I'd like android on my iphone. :P

04-23-2010, 05:19 PM
I'm not an Apple hater.

I do know that Apple is deathly afraid of Google right now though.

Thin ice~~~

-Posted from my MacBook

04-23-2010, 07:11 PM
I'm not an Apple hater.

I do know that Apple is deathly afraid of Google right now though.

Thin ice~~~

-Posted from my MacBook

At this point I don't think Apple is "deathly" afraid of Google yet, but I know for sure they are worried though.

Frank(believes Apple hasn't quite hit the panic button yet)

04-23-2010, 09:15 PM
yep iphone linux this has been out for a while now, it looks like android runs even better on the iphone.
i also love how it there are countless amounts of phone running android on the market while apple only has 3 different phones running osx and are still on top.

04-24-2010, 11:09 AM

Real talk.

What makes the iphone better than android and visa-versa?

04-25-2010, 12:51 AM

Real talk.

What makes the iphone better than android and visa-versa?

right now:
-Android can multitask (new iphone OS coming this summer will have multitasking)
-Android is available from carriers that aren't ATT (rumors have been flying for literally years now, who knows when the iPhone will be available (without voiding your warranty) on other carriers)
-Google Nav works on Android, doesn't work on iPhone (again, yet)

things that aren't true, before somebody else posts them:
"iphone can't copy paste"
"android doesn't have multitouch"

other than that, honestly, they're both very slick operating systems. the difference is in the hardware. you'll only have one, maybe two iphones available from Apple at any time. right now there's over a dozen android handsets available in the US, so you have options. if you want a physical keyboard, you can get a phone with a physical keyboard. if you want a massive screen, you can buy the HD2. if you want something cheap, you can get that too.

the Apple app store has tons of apps, but only Apple-approved ones. the Android app store has apps for utorrent extensions (SWIM can scan a barcode on a dvd and the movie will download at home), tethering, installing third party or pirated apps, whatever you want. no worrying about whether any program will cost the carrier more, just innovative ideas getting pushed through without any red tape bullshit.

Android phones are basically jailbroken iphones without the hassle. and some of them have keyboards.

04-25-2010, 02:03 AM
I want android. Can't wait till my contract is up.

04-25-2010, 02:20 AM

Real talk.

What makes the iphone better than android and visa-versa?
To be completly Honest tho. I don't like ether of them and i still run Windows mobile. There is way more things for windows mobile and my phone can do it all.
Android encourages developers to develop new apps. They also help with the cost of an android phone. Google is how apple was a long time ago. Apple became like IBM . Apple hates IBM.

04-25-2010, 02:30 AM
right now:
-Android can multitask (new iphone OS coming this summer will have multitasking)
-Android is available from carriers that aren't ATT (rumors have been flying for literally years now, who knows when the iPhone will be available (without voiding your warranty) on other carriers)
-Google Nav works on Android, doesn't work on iPhone (again, yet)

Android phones are basically jailbroken iphones without the hassle. and some of them have keyboards.
Yeah, that's what I figured. So I don't see why there is such hostility vs the two. It is like comparing two different types of apples. Minor variances, yet almost the same thing. The whole multi-task thing would be nice if the iphone could do it without being jailbroken. But I've gotten use to it. But the phone remembers my texts or what web page I'm on if I happen to switch to another app, so at least that is better than nothing...
To be completly Honest tho. I don't like ether of them and i still run Windows mobile. There is way more things for windows mobile and my phone can do it all.
Android encourages developers to develop new apps. They also help with the cost of an android phone. Google is how apple was a long time ago. Apple became like IBM . Apple hates IBM.

There are what, 50,000 apps for the iphone? Why do I need more than that?!
I had about 10 apps I downloaded. But after I restored my phone, I have downloaded none. So does it really matter to the average consumer if the phone is open GUI so more apps can or can not be made?

I mean from a nerd aspect it was cool to have a jailbroken phone to nerd it up and do whatever I wish, but in reality it was just a luxury and not a necessity.

I enjoy windows mobile as well. Never really had any trouble with it. But the touch screen and accuracy on the phones that run it aren't that great; from what I've experienced at least.

05-07-2010, 11:41 AM
Well some people complained that he did this on the first gen iPhone but after some time it looks he got some help and put on the 3GS now.

iPhone 3G gets an Android port to call its own (video) (http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/07/iphone-3g-gets-an-android-port-to-call-its-own-video/)

05-07-2010, 11:56 AM
10 days till my 2 yr contract is up...and i get a droid for cheap!!!...
seriously though...the hostility between the 2 is pretty pointless unless ur a techy...which 98% of these phone users are not...i would get Iphone, IF it was on verizon, and it had QWERTY...Droid is already on Verizon with a QWERTY optional phone...auto win for me...id probably run 1 app at a time, so the whole multi app thing is pointless to me...though i wish it had the Cheking in option for my Facebook to annoy the shit of everyone who does it to me...lol

05-07-2010, 12:07 PM
The multi-tasking is nice for things like Pandora, which is a free internet radio player. On the droid you can play music in the background, while still texting or web surfing. The iphone has to stay in Pandora for it to continue playing.

As for the qwerty... Im a faster typer with an iphone than any other "real" keyboard.

All of my complaints with the iphone are software related. Ive never used Android, but i wouldnt be opposed to trying it. The actual iphone itself, the phone, the hardware, is completely untouchable by any other phone mftr. After owning a 3gs, everything else just feels like a peice of shit.

05-07-2010, 12:13 PM
10 days till my 2 yr contract is up...and i get a droid for cheap!!!...
seriously though...the hostility between the 2 is pretty pointless unless ur a techy...which 98% of these phone users are not...i would get Iphone, IF it was on verizon, and it had QWERTY...Droid is already on Verizon with a QWERTY optional phone...auto win for me...id probably run 1 app at a time, so the whole multi app thing is pointless to me...though i wish it had the Cheking in option for my Facebook to annoy the shit of everyone who does it to me...lol

Off topic: But if your contract is up why not try waiting for the HTC Evo 4G? It supposedly comes out June 6th. Better to wait then get stuck with the Droid.