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04-20-2010, 02:54 PM
This Is Apple's Next iPhone - Iphone 4 - Gizmodo (http://gizmodo.com/5520164/this-is-apples-next-iphone)

scope this out before it gets taken down possibly.

story was on yahoo.

Apple to Gizmodo: Yep, that's our phone, and we want it back - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ytech_gadg/ytech_gadg_tc1694)

i think its a prototype but it looks legit!


04-20-2010, 03:15 PM
No shit, great read, and it certainly looks legit.

04-20-2010, 03:23 PM
Great read

04-20-2010, 05:33 PM
how is this related to politic?

yahoo had an article about Apple is asking for the phone back
Apple to Gizmodo: Yep, that's our phone, and we want it back - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ytech_gadg/ytech_gadg_tc1694)

04-20-2010, 05:38 PM
wrong section sorry!

04-20-2010, 07:28 PM
Wow what a fucking crazy story. So the person who found it work's for Gizmodo??

04-20-2010, 08:06 PM
Was talking this over with my trainer, It's possible that it could have been a prototype but we're pretty sure that is not the final design. They've been making unibody phones for awhile now why would they switch to this design. Plus Apple is not a fan of having a removable battery, and this thing has one.

04-20-2010, 08:19 PM
finally they make an iphone that doesnt look like shit.

i actually like how this thing looks

04-20-2010, 08:22 PM
That dude who lost it is so getting fired.

04-20-2010, 08:25 PM
looks alot like the prada phone i had.... ALOT! , but i like it =]

04-20-2010, 08:42 PM
That dude who lost it is so getting fired.

me and my coworker think it was planned...it a little to perfect...

04-20-2010, 09:08 PM
me and my coworker think it was planned...it a little to perfect...

My roommate and I were talking about that. It could be a bit of guerrilla marketing. I wouldn't put it past apple. Though usually they wait till there conferences to unveil products.

04-20-2010, 10:09 PM
was it worth $5000 to gizmodo to disassemble it and show it to the world

04-21-2010, 12:52 AM
Seems like they're addressing the shitty battery issues.
Too bad they made the screen smaller though.
Otherwise, I'm pretty indifferent to the changes.

Just hope my POS iphone 3G lasts till Jun/Jul so I can get this.
(not really a fan of the iphone, I just don't think there's anything better for now)

04-21-2010, 03:12 AM
I may know one thing though, iphones they come they go
saturday through sunday monday
monday through sunday yo
maybe i'll get one someday
only jesus can know
till then just sit your drunk ass on the ipad ho

04-21-2010, 02:23 PM
My roommate and I were talking about that. It could be a bit of guerrilla marketing. I wouldn't put it past apple. Though usually they wait till there conferences to unveil products.
think about it, they need a ploy to bump the moral for iphone users wanting more...ohh no we slipped up and someone found it...oops...
the fact that it got to gizmodo so fast...cmon...

was it worth $5000 to gizmodo to disassemble it and show it to the world

if the guy was alreayd employed uncover by gizmodo, tell me u wouldnt be down to act like james bond and find out what the russians were really up to and tell the world

it could also be a situation in which the field tester was followed and it was understood that he had it...maybe he got a little to drunk on perpuse by someone who was tailing him...

i dunno...so many scenarios...its just to perfect...or its proof of karma does work...especially after the whole ipad situation with both...

I may know one thing though, iphones they come they go
saturday through sunday monday
monday through sunday yo
maybe i'll get one someday
only jesus can know
till then just sit your drunk ass on the ipad ho

weak...gtfo of here with that shit...

04-21-2010, 02:52 PM
you dam apple fan boys are all over this hu... they just release the same shit over and over again and people go ape shit like its some revolutionary shit, fail

04-22-2010, 04:09 PM
Wow what a fucking crazy story. So the person who found it work's for Gizmodo??
no gizmodo bought it off the person who found it for $5000, if that was me i would have kept the damn phone it looks insane!

04-26-2010, 05:22 PM
Did anyone see the new story about it?

Police Seize Gear From Gizmodo iPhone Blogger - ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=10480702)

What are your guys thoughts on this? They're saying that the author of the blog may face criminal charges.

I think it's BS. Sure, buying stolen property is wrong. But he did return the phone to Apple. I don't know about anyone else, but I've never had something stolen, sold, and the buyer then give my property back to me.

So what if this blows Apple's cover? They should do a better job at keeping track of prototypes if they don't want this to happen.

(as another member would say) Discuss.

04-26-2010, 05:46 PM
That's bullshit IMO. If apple didn't press charges then why do the police care?

04-26-2010, 06:21 PM
That's bullshit IMO. If apple didn't press charges then why do the police care?
Probably filled a criminal complaint.

The guy that lost it probably told Apple he didn't loose it at the bar it was stolen.

The guy that found it is going to say he tried to return it to no luck. So, he contacted media to help him. Gizmodo offered a finders fee and who wouldn't take 5k.

Apple is going to say it is stolen and they lost business to this and are going to sue Gizmodo. Probably charge the guy with finding it with theft and Giz with dealing in stolen property.

They will get the Engineer on the stand and he'll admit to being drunk at the bar. His story won't hold up and it will be over.

Apple is really doing this to fuck Giz out of some lawyers fees. Apple has a whole legal dept on staff. They aren't going to lose much money by suing and filling charges. Giz will now have to higher lawyers and blow thousands of dollars defending themselves.

Police Seize Gizmodo Editor's Computers and Other Property Related to Lost Next-Generation iPhone - Mac Rumors (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/04/26/police-seize-gizmodo-editors-computers-and-other-property-related-to-lost-next-generation-iphone/)
Apple and Santa Clara D.A. may file charges for found/purchased iPhone prototype « Boy Genius Report (http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2010/04/23/apple-and-santa-clara-d-a-may-file-charges-for-foundpurchased-iphone-prototype/)

04-26-2010, 07:40 PM
Did anyone see the new story about it?

Police Seize Gear From Gizmodo iPhone Blogger - ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=10480702)

What are your guys thoughts on this? They're saying that the author of the blog may face criminal charges.

I think it's BS. Sure, buying stolen property is wrong. But he did return the phone to Apple. I don't know about anyone else, but I've never had something stolen, sold, and the buyer then give my property back to me.

So what if this blows Apple's cover? They should do a better job at keeping track of prototypes if they don't want this to happen.

(as another member would say) Discuss.

I kinda agree.

It's the employee who lost it & the main responsibility should fall on him/her.
The fact that it got 'discovered' at a bar doesn't look good either.
Stupid-ass probably was dancing & dropped the device.
If anything, they ought to fire that dumbass & move on.

Probably also a poor judgement call on behalf of the Apple dept that coordinated the phone testing procedure.
If it was so important, keep the damn phone at the office.

I don't think Apple is necessarily doing the right think by suing Gizmondo.
But, this is Apple & this is no surprise.
They're trying to protect their interests by making an example out of someone.

At the same time, it's hard to prove it wasn't stolen.
If you can get some $5k reward for something like this, it's tempting.
Get an asshole co-worker fired, plus $$$ reward.
Not a bad deal.

04-27-2010, 06:10 AM
Probably filled a criminal complaint.

The guy that lost it probably told Apple he didn't loose it at the bar it was stolen.

The guy that found it is going to say he tried to return it to no luck. So, he contacted media to help him. Gizmodo offered a finders fee and who wouldn't take 5k.

Apple is going to say it is stolen and they lost business to this and are going to sue Gizmodo. Probably charge the guy with finding it with theft and Giz with dealing in stolen property.

They will get the Engineer on the stand and he'll admit to being drunk at the bar. His story won't hold up and it will be over.

Apple is really doing this to fuck Giz out of some lawyers fees. Apple has a whole legal dept on staff. They aren't going to lose much money by suing and filling charges. Giz will now have to higher lawyers and blow thousands of dollars defending themselves.

That is rather messed up. I would expect more from a company like Apple. This seems petty. I would hope public opinion would make Apple drop the charges.

04-27-2010, 10:10 AM
Such is business. This would've have gone down if Gizmodo didn't publish and leak out all of their info.

Dude was at a bar, you all are acting like he was at a club drunk. I find it hard for someone to leave a phone just sitting on a bar stool; sober or piss drunk.

04-27-2010, 12:04 PM
Lol, ive forgot my phone at my local bar more than once.
I sure as hell wont bring important work related documents there.
Not that hard to leave stuff in your car.
Could be the dude was showing off to his drinking buddies.

04-27-2010, 12:17 PM
3gs looks nicer

04-27-2010, 12:17 PM
Looks like the Apple Gestapo is in full force!!

What is Apple Inc.'s role in task force investigating iPhone case?

The California criminal investigation into the case of the errant Apple G4 iPhone that Gizmodo.com unveiled before legions of curious Internet readers last week is noteworthy in its potential to make new media law. But it's also striking for another reason: The raid that San Mateo area cops conducted last week on the house of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen came at the behest of a special multi-agency task force that was commissioned to work with the computer industry to tackle high-tech crimes. And Apple Inc. sits on the task force's steering committee.

On Friday, members of the Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team (REACT) Task Force entered Chen's home and seized four computers and two servers as evidence in a felony investigation. REACT is a partnership of 17 local, state, and federal law-enforcement agencies headquartered in Santa Clara County, founded in 1997 to address "new types of crime directly tied to [California's] increasingly computer-oriented economy and widespread use of the Internet," according to the task force's website.

The idea was to bring a variety of business interests and police agencies together to help combat identity theft, computer fraud, and the like. The team's website explains that "high tech companies ... provide specialized training, liaison personnel and internal support for task force investigations."

What's curious is that one of those high-tech companies providing training, personnel, and support to the task force is Apple Inc., the alleged victim in the Gizmodo case. According to this May 2009 story from the San Jose Business Journal, Apple is one of the 25 companies that sit on REACT's "steering committee." Which raises the question as to whether Apple, which was outraged enough about Gizmodo's $5,000 purchase of the lost iPhone for CEO Steve Jobs to reportedly call Gawker Media owner Nick Denton to demand its return, sicked its high-tech cops on Chen.

Gizmodo says it paid $5,00 for the prototype 4G iPhone from someone who found it sitting untended on a bar stool in a Silicon Valley beer garden. Stephen Wagstaffe, the chief deputy district attorney in the San Mateo District Attorney's office, told Yahoo! News that the search warrant on Chen's home was executed by members of the REACT Task Force in the course of investigating a "possible theft," but he didn't say whether the target was Gizmodo or the anonymous tipster who found the phone. In either case, it's hard to imagine — even if you grant that a theft may have occurred under California law, which requires people who come across lost items to make a good-faith effort to return them to their owner — how the loss of a single phone in a bar merits the involvement of an elite task force of local, state, and federal authorities devoted to "reducing the incidence of high technology crime through the apprehension of the professional organizers of large-scale criminal activities," as the REACT website motto characterizes its mission.

"It depends," Wagstaffe says. "If there's something unusual about the phone, then yes, REACT would get involved. It deals with anything that's high-tech. So if it's hard to put a value on it — for instance, if it's not just any cell phone — then a local police force might have trouble assessing its value, and the task force would have the expertise to do that." By calling its steering committee member Apple, perhaps?

"That's a good question," Wagstaffe says. "I don't know if Apple is on the steering committee."

He referred us to another REACT spokeswoman. We asked her to confirm Apple's presence on the committee and to explain what, precisely, the committee does and how it relates to the task force's law enforcement efforts. She hasn't gotten back to us.

According to the San Jose Business Journal, other steering committee members include Cisco Systems, Microsoft, and Adobe. This isn't the first criminal investigation REACT has conducted in which a steering-committee member was a victim: In 2006, REACT broke up a counterfeiting ring that was selling pirated copies of Norton Antivirus, which is produced by steering-committee member Symantec. REACT has also launched piracy investigations in response to requests from Microsoft and Adobe.

Apple did not return phone calls seeking comment.

— John Cook is a senior national reporter/blogger for Yahoo! News

T chop
04-27-2010, 12:21 PM
Don't want this to come out anytime soon, I just got my 3GS a few months ago.

04-27-2010, 04:39 PM
Don't want this to come out anytime soon, I just got my 3GS a few months ago.

They always drop the new heat every year in June, sorry Charlie.

04-27-2010, 05:08 PM
Don't want this to come out anytime soon, I just got my 3GS a few months ago.

3GS is still fully supported in OS4. It's the 3G owners that are getting OS4 Lite.

04-27-2010, 05:23 PM
yeah so basically the cops busted dudes house because he purchased stolen property and on top of things gizmodo has made over 200k in revenue thanks to this iphone 4g hype posted on their website. So of course apple is going to get it's revenge and PAID.

04-27-2010, 05:43 PM
yeah so basically the cops busted dudes house because he purchased stolen property and on top of things gizmodo has made over 200k in revenue thanks to this iphone 4g hype posted on their website. So of course apple is going to get it's revenge and PAID.

Did he buy it or did Gizmodo? I think the reason they took his financial info is to find out who cut the check to the guy.

Giz is going to say they paid him for the story of how he got the phone and he gave them the phone to give back to Apple because he had been unsuccessful.

Sure it's semantics but, you have to prove without reasonable doubt in this country.

04-27-2010, 06:12 PM
yeah so basically the cops busted dudes house because he purchased stolen property and on top of things gizmodo has made over 200k in revenue thanks to this iphone 4g hype posted on their website. So of course apple is going to get it's revenge and PAID.

The property wasn't stolen but lost. Even Apple will acknowledge that. People believe Apple is doing this because Gizmodo wouldn't reveal who the guy was that they purchased the phone off of because of an extension of freedom of the press giving journalists(Gizmodo) a legal protection to keep the identity of a source private. Also, the Privacy Protection Act protects journalists from exactly this. Journalists can purchased illegal goods if it pertains to some kind of journlastic interest as long as it doesn't involve child pornography and or national security. This warrant and raid should not have even been approved let alone reach the judges desk.

Frank(this raid makes me wonder how strong of an influence Apple really does have within REACT)

04-27-2010, 06:24 PM
The property wasn't stolen but lost. Even Apple will acknowledge that.
Sorry if I missed it, but sources?

04-27-2010, 06:31 PM
I stand corrected. Apple itself hasn't' admitted that it was lost but the instead the actual engineer who lost did instead. I think that's just as good as Apple saying it themselves.

Will Apple iPhone Loser Lose His Job? (http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/04/21/apple-iphone-gray-powell/)

Will Apple iPhone Loser Lose His Job?
NewsCorp Australian Papers
Will Gray Powell -- the man who lost a prototype Apple iPhone and broke the code of silence surrounding the company's unreleased products -- lose his job? And if he does, who's responsible?


Gray Powell's portrait from his Flickr feed.

Will Gray Powell -- the man who lost a prototype Apple iPhone and broke the code of silence surrounding the company's unreleased products -- lose his job? And if he does, who's responsible?

That's the question on the lips of anyone watching the drama unfold around the device found in a bar in California that turned out to be the new iPhone 4G. Gray Powell is the Apple employee who lost it -- and there was no hiding for him after technology blog Gizmodo printed his name and photo after an interview with him in which they said he "sounded tired and broken."

An engineer who helps build the software that enables the iPhone to make calls, Powell is now the pin-up boy of several "Save Gray Powell" fan clubs on social networking sites. And Gizmodo is under increasing pressure to justify two things: a) Whether it should have paid for, kept and dismantled a product under development and b) whether it was right to publish the name and photo of the person responsible for losing it.

Gizmodo contributing editor John Hermann -- who interviewed Mr Powell and Wednesday revealed details on Apple's failure to get its phone back -- says he doesn't know Mr Powell's fate, other than "this has to be rough on him."

He said Gizmodo wouldn't be doing its job if it didn't break the story properly.

After it was discovered on the dirty floor of a Redwood City, Calif. bar, tech-enthusiast website Gizmodo carefully studied what it believes is the latest iPhone incarnation.

"People read us because they're obsessed with tech, either as a hobby, or as part of a recognition that it's becoming drastically more important in their daily lives," he said. "As tech writers, if we knew about something like this and didn't look into it, didn't report it, we wouldn't be doing our jobs."

Hermann said Gizmodo took a chance by spending $5,000 to acquire the phone and didn't even realize what they had until they published the story.

Apple's rapid reply confirmed their suspicions.

"We spent around a week vetting it, decided it was legit, and published our story," Hermann said. "When Apple asked for it back, on record, we gave it back."

The letter of reply from Gizmodo read: "P.S. I hope you take it easy on the kid who lost it. I don't think he loves anything more than Apple."

In an apology of sorts to Powell, a story today by Gizmodo editorial director Brian Lam told Mr Powell they "couldn't resist a good story" and to "keep your head up."

"After all, it's just a f**king iPhone and mistakes happen to everyone," it read.

But Gizmodo's readers weren't so keen to brush the news -- and the method of getting it -- under the mat.

"Printing the name and photograph of the engineer who lost it was unnecessary and tasteless," one wrote. "If you needed a photo for the story, you had lots of options," the reader continued.

"If you had printed all of those details (the bar, finding the Facebook page, etc), but withheld the name, it's still the same story."

Mr Powell wasn't the one who handed the phone over to Gizmodo. Someone sitting near him was given the phone after he left and held onto it for three weeks. "I thought it was just an iPhone 3GS," he told Gizmodo. "It just looked like one. I tried the camera, but it crashed three times."

The finder had time to access Powell's Facebook account and record his last status update: "I underestimated how good German beer is."

His Twitter account also showed Mr Powell was celebrating his birthday on the night in question.

Gizmodo paid the finder $5,000 for the phone, after he claimed he'd tried to give it back, but the only people he could speak to at Apple didn't want to know about it.

One Apple employee told Gizmodo he remembered the call coming in to a colleague next to him.

"We haven't gotten any notices or anything about a lost phone, much less anything stating we are making a new one," he said. "We wouldn't have any idea what to do with it and that's what sucks about working for Apple.

"We're given just enough info to try and help people but not enough info to do anything if someone calls like this."

04-27-2010, 06:40 PM
I don't quite see a statement from Mr. Powell. Just ones of Gizmodo and their editor.

Not arguing to be a dick, just to state that Apple does seem to have legal ground.

04-27-2010, 06:46 PM
^Completely understand. I just don't believe that Gizmodo would randomly pick out some engineer, say the talked about him losing the iPhone and then publish his name and stuff without him sueing them or taking some kind of action if what happened wasn't the case.

Secondly, there are actually a couple laws that are supposed to prevent what just happened to this editor. I don't think Apple has any legal ground to stand on this time. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

04-27-2010, 08:46 PM
I don't quite see a statement from Mr. Powell. Just ones of Gizmodo and their editor.

Not arguing to be a dick, just to state that Apple does seem to have legal ground.

I agree. I'm sure apple has told Powell to stfu. Apple may have legal ground but this still seems pettty. The phone has been released they should just get over it instead of wasting legal time and tax payer money.

04-27-2010, 09:18 PM
^I think at this point Apple is trying to set an example of Gizmodo for others just in case something like this happens in the future, nothing more.

04-27-2010, 09:57 PM
hmm, besides all the legal matter that is going on.

will this phone get Flash?

04-27-2010, 10:07 PM
That is a big NO. Apple has updated its iPhone Developer Program License Agreement in the iPhone 4.0 SDK to specifically prohibit the development of apps using "an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool," which would include Adobe's Flash, Sun's Java, or Microsoft's Silverlight/Mono.

Apple is betting on HTML 5 to hopefully undo Adobe but until then I don't know what they are going to do with all the Android phones getting Flash(Froyo) on there and their phone still not being able to view some types of web pages and media.

04-27-2010, 10:26 PM
lots of misinformation going on in this thread


04-27-2010, 10:34 PM
lots of misinformation going on in this thread


Exactly what misinformation? Would be nice for you to enlighten us.

04-28-2010, 02:03 AM
That is a big NO. Apple has updated its iPhone Developer Program License Agreement in the iPhone 4.0 SDK to specifically prohibit the development of apps using "an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool," which would include Adobe's Flash, Sun's Java, or Microsoft's Silverlight/Mono.

Apple is betting on HTML 5 to hopefully undo Adobe but until then I don't know what they are going to do with all the Android phones getting Flash(Froyo) on there and their phone still not being able to view some types of web pages and media.

i did read somewhere that apple is still debating about flash, or maybe i think it was more like "no we wont give into adobe flash" such and such.

04-28-2010, 02:11 AM
you dam apple fan boys are all over this hu... They just release the same shit over and over again and people go ape shit like its some revolutionary shit, fail


04-28-2010, 02:55 AM
i did read somewhere that apple is still debating about flash, or maybe i think it was more like "no we wont give into adobe flash" such and such.

I highly doubt that. Steve Jobs himself has said that they don't want flash because it will "undermine" the iPhone application process and progress of the iPhone itself(whatever that means?). Anyways, just type in 'Android Adobe' in Google and you'll pretty much catch up.

04-28-2010, 03:34 AM
What if Mr. Bro was instructed to conveniently 'lose' the phone in order for 'someone' to conveniently 'find' it and make sure it gets to Gizmodo or other such publication so it may spread all over the internet, and all this controversy is just technology front page Apple publicity.

I wonder what percentage of bar patrons would actually realize that the phone they found is a highly controversial prototype. Since the finder did discover that, and actually made the effort to profit off of it, I am surprised he/she did not sell it to Apple for maximum gains. They would most likely be willing to cut some 'under the table' deal of more than 5000$ for the phone's safe return and for the finder to swear to secrecy, and this would never be news, if in fact the prototype was not supposed to go public.

And that is the script for my movie.

04-28-2010, 04:18 AM
Throw a renegade undercover cop, a few 10 second cars and a motec system exhaust into the mix and it sounds like your movie will pull a premium a week before race wars.

ill see you in the DESERT.

04-28-2010, 11:29 AM
Throw a renegade undercover cop, a few 10 second cars and a motec system exhaust into the mix and it sounds like your movie will pull a premium a week before race wars.

ill see you in the DESERT.

rofl. :fruit:

05-14-2010, 08:02 PM
So word on the street is Gizmodo dude is going to jail or paying fines for killing Apples sales in the future.

05-14-2010, 08:10 PM
So word on the street is Gizmodo dude is going to jail or paying fines for killing Apples sales in the future.

You, me, and god know that's not gonna happen.

05-14-2010, 08:13 PM
You, me, and god know that's not gonna happen.

it could. Apple is turning into quite the monster lately.

05-14-2010, 09:33 PM
The best part of having legal protection for the freedom of press is having those protections dateraped by corporations sitting in committees of FUCK-YOU!

05-15-2010, 02:58 AM
what about another prototype found in Vietnam? what can apple do to them?
VietNamNet (http://english.vietnamnet.vn/tech/201005/iPhone-4G-model-appears-in-Vietnam-910041/)
iPhone Vietnam vs. Gizmodo 4G Prototype : Product Reviews Net (http://www.product-reviews.net/2010/05/13/iphone-vietnam-vs-gizmodo-4g-prototype/)

06-07-2010, 09:10 PM
Some updates.

apparently next iphone will be avail Jun 24th, w/ preorders avail next week.
AT&T seems desparate to retain existing customers.
If you can get a phone discount by anytime 2010, you are eligible right away.

16 gig phone $199 w/ contract
32 gig phone $299 w/ contract

8gig old 3g s, $99 w/ contract

No news (that I'm aware of) as to whether or not the Iphone is confirmed to extend to other carriers.
Personally Id opt to switch to T-mobile instead.

Heres a link to the Steve Jobs festivale or whatever its called.
Steve Jobs live from WWDC 2010 -- Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/07/steve-jobs-live-from-wwdc-2010/)

revised pricing info

06-07-2010, 09:12 PM
Some updates.

apparently next iphone will be avail Jun 21st, w/ preorders avail next week.
AT&T seems desparate to retain existing customers.
If you can get a phone discount by anytime 2010, you are eligible right away.

No news (that I'm aware of) as to whether or not the Iphone is confirmed to extend to other carriers.
Personally Id opt to switch to T-mobile instead.

Heres a link to the Steve Jobs festivale or whatever its called.
Steve Jobs live from WWDC 2010 -- Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/07/steve-jobs-live-from-wwdc-2010/)

AT&T didn't expect the Evo4G to pull away as many customers as it did.

In my opinion Evo > iPhone 4

06-07-2010, 09:14 PM
I believe it's the 24th and your prices are wrong. It's $199 for 16 GB and $299 for 32 GB .

Available in white or black. I will be picking up a white one.


06-07-2010, 09:14 PM
^^^Soap is right. (Welcome back from Pink btw) Looking at Apple site now.

Bah I don't get a discount till 2011. Seems like an awesome phone than the 3G series. I am waiting on the Cydia community to get a hold of the 4.0 update.

06-07-2010, 09:25 PM
Hmmm... that looks good, but I'll be waiting for what BlackBerry has to offer. Especially regarding this phone:

The BB "Slider"


I might be one of the BB --> iPhone converts... but it'll take a lot for me to switch.

06-07-2010, 09:29 PM
^^^Soap is right. (Welcome back from Pink btw) Looking at Apple site now.

Bah I don't get a discount till 2011. Seems like an awesome phone than the 3G series. I am waiting on the Cydia community to get a hold of the 4.0 update.

Yeah I had the first iPhone 3G for a while and jailbroke and unlocked it but it still wasn't suiting my fancy. Been using a Nokia e71x ever since because its so thin and made of steel. New iPhone is actually a little thinner and stronger. Time to switch... plus they're are so many more apps now.

Great thing about jailbroken iPhone was downloading app store apps for free :coold:. Hella illegal hella sick.

Seems the dev team has been having troubles jailbreaking the latest version of iOS so we'll see how long it takes them to do it with 4.0.

06-07-2010, 09:51 PM
I believe it's the 24th and your prices are wrong. It's $199 for 16 GB and $299 for 32 GB .

Available in white or black. I will be picking up a white one.


that is correct, apologies for the faulty pricing & release date info.
(need to quit posting when drunk)

06-07-2010, 11:50 PM
Sweet my plan with Verizon expires in April 2011, just in time to switch carriers and get the iphone. Honestly, the only thing I like about Verizon, is the fact I have signal litterally everywhere, and it's always crystal clear clarity. Never any static, or "I can't here you".

How much is a normal monthly bill with unlimited texting for the iphone? Thats all I want with whatever least amount of minutes and free weekends and nights.

06-08-2010, 12:07 AM
Phones are getting 2 crazy...

06-08-2010, 01:17 AM
i cant wait to get this.

06-08-2010, 01:24 AM
yay! i'm eligible for an upgrade on november 15th. i hope they don't pull some douche move and decide to not honor the upgrade shit now for some reason. knowing apple they probably will...

06-08-2010, 01:37 AM
I'm eligible for an upgrade this month... I'm guessing you preorder at an AT&T store?

06-08-2010, 02:05 AM
4g is coming out soon

06-08-2010, 02:20 AM
I believe it's the 24th and your prices are wrong. It's $199 for 16 GB and $299 for 32 GB .

Available in white or black. I will be picking up a white one.



I'm sold. Time to spend $299 + $70 (tax on $700, which is the retail price for the 3GS I feel like I juuuust bought) + $60 on the Applecare shit cause I break screens like nobody's business + $20 on a dope case.

Soap, you just cost me like $450. I was totally happy with my 3GS and had NOT seen that video.

06-08-2010, 02:32 AM
u can replace the screens from ebay for like 15 bucks by yourself. so easy lol.

the stolen iPhone[s] from before looked the same as the one in the video. i guess they didnt change it a bit ahaha.

06-08-2010, 06:55 AM
Yeah I had the first iPhone 3G for a while and jailbroke and unlocked it but it still wasn't suiting my fancy. Been using a Nokia e71x ever since because its so thin and made of steel. New iPhone is actually a little thinner and stronger. Time to switch... plus they're are so many more apps now.

Great thing about jailbroken iPhone was downloading app store apps for free :coold:. Hella illegal hella sick.

Seems the dev team has been having troubles jailbreaking the latest version of iOS so we'll see how long it takes them to do it with 4.0.

Hopefully not too long. Living without SB settings is something I don't want. My favorite thing is the custimization ability you have with cydia.

I'm eligible for an upgrade this month... I'm guessing you preorder at an AT&T store?

You can do At&t store website or Apple's site.

06-08-2010, 07:19 AM
yay! i'm eligible for an upgrade on november 15th. i hope they don't pull some douche move and decide to not honor the upgrade shit now for some reason. knowing apple they probably will...

AT&T has stated anyone eligible for an upgrade in 2010 has been bumped up to upgrade IMMEDIATELY. This was another highlight at WWDC.

06-08-2010, 07:48 AM
Since I'll get it for free from work, I'm all about this. Hopefully I won't have too much trouble getting one close to release day.

Honestly, FaceTime seems like a neat concept but I can't imagine using it much. Only works with other iPhone users and then only if they're on WiFi? The only possible use I can think of for this is something like ChatRoulette. I don't know many people with iPhones, fewer who will buy the 4, and then WiFi only? It'll be cool in a few years.

I'm looking forward to the 3DS more than this thing though.

The unlimited plan question is a good one, although since it's a work plan, I don't really care.

06-08-2010, 07:51 AM
Duplicate post, I failed. Delete.

06-08-2010, 07:55 AM
Is AT&T going to start fucking people on the unlimited internet plan if you upgrade? I know they are going to start doing that with the iPad.

06-08-2010, 08:24 AM
Is AT&T going to start fucking people on the unlimited internet plan if you upgrade? I know they are going to start doing that with the iPad.

Jump pretty much there gonna put you on a 2gig cap because there taking away all unlimited data plan for all there phones and if you surpass the 2 gigs there going to charge you twice Ill see if I can locate the article...But they say that the people who are already on a plan wont be effected by the changes but IDK if this changes once you upgrade

06-08-2010, 08:28 AM
^damn and i was planning to ask for the new iphone for a father's day gift.

06-08-2010, 09:10 AM
Jump pretty much there gonna put you on a 2gig cap because there taking away all unlimited data plan for all there phones and if you surpass the 2 gigs there going to charge you twice Ill see if I can locate the article...But they say that the people who are already on a plan wont be effected by the changes but IDK if this changes once you upgrade

last i heard it will affect...but i havent heard confirmation from my buddy over at AT&T...if it does, it kills any good flavor in my mouth that i had for this phone/service provider...

06-08-2010, 09:16 AM
Yup pretty much at&t isn't stupid they know the new Iphone is gonna sell so there changing there plans hard this might be a reason the phone is selling so cheap

06-08-2010, 09:21 AM
Hahaha this is too funny


Listen to what they recommend as a solution its about 1:16 into it lol

06-08-2010, 09:23 AM
That will stop a lot of people from getting this new one. Not having an unlimited data plan would rape heavy users.

06-08-2010, 09:28 AM
Here we go enjoi the read

AT&T phases out unlimited data plans - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ytech_gadg/20100602/tc_ytech_gadg/ytech_gadg_tc2354)



06-08-2010, 09:43 AM
I think I'll pass. My first iPhone broke when I dropped it. Current mobile bill is $15/mo... no way I'd jump back to $100/mo. That is a new set of deep dish JDM rims every year!!!

06-08-2010, 10:38 AM
That will stop a lot of people from getting this new one. Not having an unlimited data plan would rape heavy users.

The average user isn't using 2gb of data a month.

And if you are one of the few that do, they won't charge you by byte like they have in the past. They will just bump you up to the next charge for a gb which is $10 iirc.

So even if you go over your gb limit, they will just bump it up another gig. So instead of paying some exorbitant fee, your overage won't be as high.

Most of this is coming from people who will being going online with the ipad, as well as people who will and are currently trying to get around the charges by tethering to their iphone by ways of a jailbreak app.

All current unlimited data plan clients will not have to worry about the gigabyte restriction.

I will be the first to admit that I am getting an iphone, but I do find it funny that apple hasn't really don't anything revolutionary.

Their only claim to fame for me is making a good touchscreen.

The rest is shit that has been out forever.

Front facing video camera phone. ZOMG. Those have been out for over a decade, and you were able to pick them up from Asian cell phone stores; though you couldn't use it.

But whatever, I'm happy that we have a working one now.

06-08-2010, 11:11 AM
I'm just waiting to see all the news reports of people having naked web cam chats with the new web cam crap lol

06-08-2010, 11:15 AM
Listen to what they recommend as a solution its about 1:16 into it lol

oMG.. "VERIZON!" :rofl:

06-08-2010, 11:44 AM
I'm getting this as soon as it comes out. Everything else blows. Its like the google chrome thing, it was good for a month and then safari 5.0 update came out yesterday. Apple is a one-upper. Someone comes out with something decent and then apple tops them. :)

06-08-2010, 11:45 AM
The average user isn't using 2gb of data a month.

And if you are one of the few that do, they won't charge you by byte like they have in the past. They will just bump you up to the next charge for a gb which is $10 iirc.

So even if you go over your gb limit, they will just bump it up another gig. So instead of paying some exorbitant fee, your overage won't be as high.

Most of this is coming from people who will being going online with the ipad, as well as people who will and are currently trying to get around the charges by tethering to their iphone by ways of a jailbreak app.

All current unlimited data plan clients will not have to worry about the gigabyte restriction.

I will be the first to admit that I am getting an iphone, but I do find it funny that apple hasn't really don't anything revolutionary.

Their only claim to fame for me is making a good touchscreen.

The rest is shit that has been out forever.

Front facing video camera phone. ZOMG. Those have been out for over a decade, and you were able to pick
them up from Asian cell phone stores; though you couldn't use it.

But whatever, I'm happy that we have a working one now.

Thanks for the info. That settles it for me will be getting one....in 2011. Still got a year before I can upgrade.

06-08-2010, 12:04 PM
IMO like zar said, it shouldnt b a problem.

AT&T Eliminates the Unlimited Data Plan - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com (http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/att-eliminates-unlimited-smartphone-and-ipad-data-plan/)

DataPro, the next step up, provides 2 gigabytes of data a month to a single phone for $25 a month. AT&T says, on average, 98 percent of its current mobile customers use less than 2 gigabytes of data each month.

The DataPro option will allow mobile phone customers to send and receive 10,000 e-mails without attachments and 1,500 e-mails with attachments.
In addition, users will be able to view 4,000 Web sites and post up to 500 photos online through their phone. They will also be able to watch three hours of streaming video.
If a DataPro subscriber goes over the 2 gigabytes, they will be able to purchase an additional gigabyte for $10.

06-08-2010, 12:37 PM
You can look at your iphone under the usage settings, and it will tell you how much up/down you have in terms of data.

Matter of fact, after figuring this out more, I might change my unlimited plan to their new one. Saves money.

Because even 3g on the ipad won't be blazing fast, so it isn't like I will be all over the internet increasing my data usage.

06-08-2010, 01:01 PM
mines 331mb sent

5.2gb recieved

lolol. i just confused myself by checking :duh:

the 2g is towards being sent or recieved or both?

06-08-2010, 01:11 PM
Should be up/down.

Keep in mind, that is your data usage since you reset the statistics. (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

06-09-2010, 07:18 AM
mines 331mb sent

5.2gb recieved

lolol. i just confused myself by checking :duh:

the 2g is towards being sent or recieved or both?

I think its on receiving because in order to surf the web and use some apps you need to receive the information

06-09-2010, 07:58 AM
Guys, you are paying to "send and receive data"...

Here is a handy calculator to figure out which plan is for you (AKA - hand over your wallet!!!): Data Calculator (http://www.att.com/standalone/data-calculator/index.html)

06-09-2010, 08:17 AM
you got me on it, im sold. going to go preorder one now

06-09-2010, 08:57 AM
There has to be a business plan for unlimited usage again eventually, this will be nuts.

I'm at 360mb sent, 7.4GB received so far this month.

06-09-2010, 09:13 AM
4g is coming out soon

Not soon, unless next Fall is soon to you (that's if there is no delay's).

Since I'll get it for free from work, I'm all about this. Hopefully I won't have too much trouble getting one close to release day.

Honestly, FaceTime seems like a neat concept but I can't imagine using it much. Only works with other iPhone users and then only if they're on WiFi? The only possible use I can think of for this is something like ChatRoulette. I don't know many people with iPhones, fewer who will buy the 4, and then WiFi only? It'll be cool in a few years.

I'm looking forward to the 3DS more than this thing though.

The unlimited plan question is a good one, although since it's a work plan, I don't really care.

Big downside to me. It only works with other iPhone 4 users and only works on WiFi. Yikes! What are the chances of calling someone and them having an iPhone 4 and both of you guys being in a WiFi area?

The average user isn't using 2gb of data a month.

And if you are one of the few that do, they won't charge you by byte like they have in the past. They will just bump you up to the next charge for a gb which is $10 iirc.

So even if you go over your gb limit, they will just bump it up another gig. So instead of paying some exorbitant fee, your overage won't be as high.

Most of this is coming from people who will being going online with the ipad, as well as people who will and are currently trying to get around the charges by tethering to their iphone by ways of a jailbreak app.

All current unlimited data plan clients will not have to worry about the gigabyte restriction.

I will be the first to admit that I am getting an iphone, but I do find it funny that apple hasn't really don't anything revolutionary.

Their only claim to fame for me is making a good touchscreen.

The rest is shit that has been out forever.

Front facing video camera phone. ZOMG. Those have been out for over a decade, and you were able to pick them up from Asian cell phone stores; though you couldn't use it.

But whatever, I'm happy that we have a working one now.

I have to disagree with you on the 2gb cap. I'm sure a lot of people don't go over it now but with the new iPhone 4 I'm sure people will hit that limit occasionally. The new iPhone is a data hog now with Netflix coming, and ability to watch HD video's on youtube.

06-09-2010, 09:28 AM
Face it AT&T is gonna bomb with this new data crap but at the same time there out for money so they knew that a lot of people will want the new iphone and so thats why they came up with this data plan crap

06-09-2010, 09:36 AM
Face it AT&T is gonna bomb with this new data crap but at the same time there out for money so they knew that a lot of people will want the new iphone and so thats why they came up with this data plan crap

Nope they did it for two reasons. Mainly to reduce the stress on their network and second to make some extra cash.

I knew my Sprint Everything Plan with the Evo looked great but now it's looking fantastic.

06-09-2010, 11:08 AM
I'm going to wait a few months more before getting another iphone through at&t.
Optimally, I'd go with a T-mobile contract w/out resorting to jailbreak.

I like Apple, not too crazy about at&t

06-09-2010, 11:53 AM
I'm going to wait a few months more before getting another iphone through at&t.
Optimally, I'd go with a T-mobile contract w/out resorting to jailbreak.

I like Apple, not too crazy about at&t
T Mobile must be good in your area... It's fucking garbage up here.

I don't totally hate AT&T... Sometimes their "3G" is slow as fuck.

drift freaq
06-09-2010, 12:08 PM
T Mobile must be good in your area... It's fucking garbage up here.

I don't totally hate AT&T... Sometimes their "3G" is slow as fuck.

T-Mobile works well in California it also works well for me in the greater Chicago area. If its not good in your area call them up and let them know. They are pretty pro active at building towers.

I hate ATT, their customer service is the worst. Their network is data clogged. Plus they are expensive for what you get.
I had them back when they were Cingular . Left for T-Mobile and never looked back. T-Mobile works fine for me and their pricing is great. I have unlimited minutes and unlimited data $75 a month. Only company cheaper that might be worth a damn is Sprint and around here Sprint has issues.

LOL in fact all Mobile carriers in the U.S. have issues somewhere. Even Verizon, though I will admit there network is probably the largest with the most coverage of all. Though you pay for it as well.

In the end love the Iphone , will get one. Not on ATT though. LOL

Oh and ATT officially loses exclusivity on the IPhone sometime this month. Expect to see it on other carriers in the U.S. soon.

06-09-2010, 12:35 PM
Yeah at&t coverage is pretty dismal for my area
(in the hills close to Van Nuys).
Inconsistent overall in Los Angeles.

About Verizon, tbh i wasnt impressed either.
Super expensive too.
My bill w At&t works out to be approx 100/month w unlimted texting & 450 mins talk.
(half the time the signal is so poor i cant even talk on the phone)
w Verizon, same plan was around 150/month.

I do look forward to switching to tmobile.
The only thing holding me back would be if they dont offer unlimited data.
Imo, its bullshit that at&t is bieng so miserly w their data plan.
that will be their own undoing imo.

06-09-2010, 01:06 PM
AT&T covers me a lot better in DC than T-Mobile did.

06-09-2010, 01:09 PM
i have 3g almost everywhere i go, i live in venutra lol

sucks how ill b moving to arizona soon, no 3g there... sadface.

i think i might still get the iphone 4 so i can just connect on wi-fi. ill b at school n home most of the time anyways.

06-09-2010, 01:19 PM
Damn all your guys bills are so high I have verizon and I pay 55 a month for like 800 shared min but I dont even talk all I did was get the BlackBerry plan which is 30 bucks then the insurance and my plan so thats another 20

drift freaq
06-09-2010, 06:42 PM
Damn all your guys bills are so high I have verizon and I pay 55 a month for like 800 shared min but I dont even talk all I did was get the BlackBerry plan which is 30 bucks then the insurance and my plan so thats another 20

My bill is not high $50 a month unlimited minutes. and $25 for the unlimited date plan. Actually your bill is not that good. You have 800 shared mins. Which means you really only have around 400 minutes for yourself.

Plus $20 for insurance is outragous. If I wanted insurance it would be $6 a month more.

06-10-2010, 06:50 AM
My bill is not high $50 a month unlimited minutes. and $25 for the unlimited date plan. Actually your bill is not that good. You have 800 shared mins. Which means you really only have around 400 minutes for yourself.

Plus $20 for insurance is outragous. If I wanted insurance it would be $6 a month more.

No really I dont talk at all back when I was with AT&T I had like 6k rollover min on a 500min plan I just txt A LOT and my insurance is 6 bucks my plan is 10 and my bb unlimited data plan is 30 so I rounded it up to 50 bucks

drift freaq
06-10-2010, 01:09 PM
No really I dont talk at all back when I was with AT&T I had like 6k rollover min on a 500min plan I just txt A LOT and my insurance is 6 bucks my plan is 10 and my bb unlimited data plan is 30 so I rounded it up to 50 bucks

I HATE texting. Its got to be the most obnoxious impersonal form of communication on the fucking planet. LOL there I said it.

Seriously though texting to me is a larger waste of time than talking. You can complete a deal in a 5 minute convo, that will and does take 15-20 minutes of back and forth when texting.

Texting is great for telling people you are on your way. Short little messages.

Not trying to do business deals or have a real convo.

Sorry its just texting sucks period. If a person has a problem with actually talking to people they have serious social skill and or psychological issues. IMO

06-10-2010, 03:14 PM
Yeah at&t coverage is pretty dismal for my area
(in the hills close to Van Nuys).
Inconsistent overall in Los Angeles.

About Verizon, tbh i wasnt impressed either.
Super expensive too.
My bill w At&t works out to be approx 100/month w unlimted texting & 450 mins talk.
(half the time the signal is so poor i cant even talk on the phone)
w Verizon, same plan was around 150/month.

ohh rly... i have unlimited data, and the lowest minutes (i think is either 450 or 350) plus insurance for 87 a month...and im with VERIZON...:wavey:

I HATE texting. Its got to be the most obnoxious impersonal form of communication on the fucking planet. LOL there I said it.

Seriously though texting to me is a larger waste of time than talking. You can complete a deal in a 5 minute convo, that will and does take 15-20 minutes of back and forth when texting.

Texting is great for telling people you are on your way. Short little messages.

Not trying to do business deals or have a real convo.

Sorry its just texting sucks period. If a person has a problem with actually talking to people they have serious social skill and or psychological issues. IMO

i love txting...unlike talking on the phone, or face to face conversations...if i get tired of the person txting me, i can just ignore the txt...cant neccessaraly just walk away or hang up without seeming rude...lol

06-10-2010, 03:52 PM
geez, my phone bill w/ Verizon (at least the first 2 after I cancelled) worked out to 150/month.
Didn't even pay for insurance.
Was also using the data plan w/ the purchase of a Droid.

Switched back to At&t within 2 months.

I don't mind texting either unless there's a lot to go back & forth with.
Phone calls are about the most annoying, intrusive thing ever.
I'd rather deal with email & texting and respond at my leisure.
Doesn't hurt to have everything in writing either.

06-10-2010, 04:13 PM
I don't mind texting either unless there's a lot to go back & forth with.
Phone calls are about the most annoying, intrusive thing ever.
I'd rather deal with email & texting and respond at my leisure.
Doesn't hurt to have everything in writing either.

only reason i still have a minutes plan is cuz some of my relatives are against conforming to the modern world and getting something that int a land line...lol

yes you can get phones with only txt and data...:wiggle:

ill never complain abotu my verizon bill again...

drift freaq
06-10-2010, 08:05 PM
ohh rly... i have unlimited data, and the lowest minutes (i think is either 450 or 350) plus insurance for 87 a month...and im with VERIZON...:wavey:

i love txting...unlike talking on the phone, or face to face conversations...if i get tired of the person txting me, i can just ignore the txt...cant neccessaraly just walk away or hang up without seeming rude...lol

Seriously you can Steve. Its just normal social interaction. You just walk away at the end of the sentence. LOL

When I am at the meet and someone finish's saying something I walk off to check out other stuff. No rudeness its what people do.

If you don't have time you just tell the person, I would love to go on but I don't have time or I have to go know. Or can we talk about this later? Or if its late night you just say you are going to go to sleep.

Its not rude at all its what most people do. It sounds like you're a little over conscious about being polite.

When you are already a perfectly polite person, in person.

texting is more impersonal and much closer to rudeness . LOL people text you asking about the price on something? Usually they do not even say who they are. Or they say yo or dude. LOL

Its about as bad as aim. Which is slightly better except you get the same kind of rudeness.

I should add we have voices for a reason. LOL If we did not need to use our voices then we would not have one. Its the normal form of human communication, being able to talk to each other. LOL

06-11-2010, 05:22 PM
You're silly. Obviously texting can never replace a good vocal conversation but texting comes in handy when you can't have a phone call.

Most of the time you don't need to have a full on conversation to get your point across and text messaging works just fine especially when you don't have to be babysitting your phone for it to ring all the time.

I agree that some people take advantage of it but that happens with everything. That's where I disagree, comparing phone calls and texting is like apples to oranges. They both have their own special purpose and use in different circumstances.

06-11-2010, 05:26 PM
Oh and this.


06-11-2010, 11:59 PM

drift freaq
06-12-2010, 12:05 AM
Oh and this.

Soap I suggest you back off and not start that shit again. You know were it will take you.

06-12-2010, 12:08 AM

What? Am I missing something? lol

drift freaq
06-12-2010, 12:10 AM
What? Am I missing something? lol

Ya Wish One lowering himself to Soaps level.

06-12-2010, 12:12 AM
oh please dont even start with me Dave... you know that was funny.

drift freaq
06-12-2010, 12:16 AM
oh please dont even start with me Dave... you know that was funny.

slightly funny maybe? Though honestly my post was not the least bit silly it was true.I even mentioned in my post that short texting was ok and there was a place for it.

Soap is just trolling for fight. Which is why I told him not to start.

Funny is how Soap completely missed that and tried to call me out on my post and say I was silly.

It usually winds up with him in the doghouse, if its not I, he will get into it with someone else, he has already proven that.. One would think he had figured it out by now. I guess not.

06-12-2010, 09:47 AM
Soap I suggest you back off and not start that shit again. You know were it will take you.

LMAO! This is why you're silly.

Also I didn't read your post before that... just the one that was above mine.


06-15-2010, 06:23 AM
no white available for pre-order or june 24th pick up


06-15-2010, 08:57 AM
I know this isn't going to happen but I would like to see more colors. I want a dark green phone. I'm tired of black and white.

06-15-2010, 11:24 AM
Eh just get a diff phone cover with whatever color you fancy.
The blk finish would seem to hide scratches ok as long as it's not too glossy.

Was a bit disappointing the largest flash drive they offered was a 32gig.

Very tempted to pre-order today.

06-15-2010, 12:23 PM
ill b waiting for the white ones lol.

ive always had blk. time to switch it up.

06-15-2010, 01:30 PM
Daves PO about socializing...

cool story, but what ive been doing and how ive been doing it has been working for as long as i remember, my friends are cool with it, so cant fix whats not broken...

plus this thread is about the iphone, not about my social skillz...so lets stay on topic... :goyou:

You're silly. Obviously texting can never replace a good vocal conversation but texting comes in handy when you can't have a phone call.

Most of the time you don't need to have a full on conversation to get your point across and text messaging works just fine especially when you don't have to be babysitting your phone for it to ring all the time.

agreed...i can be in a meeting with laptop with AIM and phone on silent for txting...cant be on 2 phones and listening to a speech...

at the same time im busy with work, and social calls are frown upon unless its an emergency...

ill always prefer txting over phone calls...unless its someone i enjoy really talking to...

06-15-2010, 01:36 PM
I'm soooooo glad i can get my black iPhone 4 :)

I already have a buyer for my unlocked and jailbroken 3GS.

A friend and i are gonna camp out at apple store to get the new one haha should be fun.

06-15-2010, 01:42 PM
imcurrently out of contract...so leaving current provider has no fault to me...so i dunno...im wondering....but doubt it be worth it...specially with that 2 gig 10 every other gig BS...

06-15-2010, 01:44 PM
Have you ever had an iPhone?

06-15-2010, 09:51 PM


i cant pick which one i want =[

but i like the white one lol.

06-15-2010, 11:24 PM
just ordered a 32gig blk.
Orders must be backed up!
Mine doesn't ship until Jul 2nd.

06-16-2010, 09:36 AM
i cant believe im the only one who noticed this, quoted from the original article:

"How it feels

Freaking amazing. As a person who never really liked the round mound of a back in the 3GS, the sleeker, flatter, squarer design is super welcome. It feels sturdier than the 3GS, and much less plasticky. The metal buttons give it a heftier feel—less of a toy—than all previous generations. The closest analog to it would be the original iPhone, which is more square and heavy than its newer brothers.

It feels completely natural up to your face, and the fact that both the front and the back are glossy makes no difference on how well you can hold it without the phone slipping. And because it's thinner, it feels even nicer in your pants."


What_a_FUCKING_nerd. The guy who wrote this article must love cack.

06-16-2010, 09:47 AM
Have you ever had an iPhone?

3g for work, some time ago...same shit different day...the keyboard sensitivity annoyed me...

i cant believe im the only one who noticed this, quoted from the original article:

"How it feels

Freaking amazing. As a person who never really liked the round mound of a back in the 3GS, the sleeker, flatter, squarer design is super welcome. It feels sturdier than the 3GS, and much less plasticky. The metal buttons give it a heftier feel—less of a toy—than all previous generations. The closest analog to it would be the original iPhone, which is more square and heavy than its newer brothers.

It feels completely natural up to your face, and the fact that both the front and the back are glossy makes no difference on how well you can hold it without the phone slipping. And because it's thinner, it feels even nicer in your pants."


What_a_FUCKING_nerd. The guy who wrote this article must love cack.

LOL...for a second i thought all the bolds made one hilarious sentence...i was fooleded...

06-16-2010, 12:50 PM
its funny to see how different zilvia is to nasioc (subaru forum)

all the guys over there were freaking out on why they couldn't get through the apple/at&t site while half the guys over here on zilvia could give a shit about the new iPhone :rofl:

also what pissed me off after the people who didn't get through to reserve it yesterday were like "white is better anyway i'm waiting til the hype does down blah blah blah" :ghey:

when pretty much it comes down to what he said
Eh just get a diff phone cover with whatever color you fancy.

I personally love my iphone 3g my contract is almost up in july so i decided to keep on with at&t and the iPhone so i'm pretty stoked on the release i'll be there on the 24th at the pasadena store :bigok:

btw the easiest way to reserve instore was to ditch both sites and download the applestore app on your iPhone and do it there it took about 2mins and i got an e-mail conformation about the reservation compared to the 3-4hrs people spent clicking around the other sites

people bitching and moaning that apple/at&t didn't do their job handling it well with the reservations is true to an extent but they don't deserve the phone on the release date if they weren't willing to do their research and find a way around it..

06-16-2010, 01:36 PM
when pretty much it comes down to what he said

its true though, i mean, why would you buy a XXX piece of equipment, and not want to protect it...

06-16-2010, 03:14 PM
yeah man i have tons of cases for my 3GS, I dont like the ones that are available for the 4 but i know incase and other companies will come out with better ones soon after the release of the phone. I want it to be Wed. night already!!!!!

06-16-2010, 04:15 PM
Incase is pretty well made.
Got two of them myself.
Just dont care for the smaller opening via the aux outlet.
Lot of the aux cables i had wouldnt fit w/out removing the case.

Im sure there'll be plenty of options in time.
Dont mind settling for a crappy one initially if does its job

06-16-2010, 06:00 PM
Otterbox, shits almost bullet proof.

06-16-2010, 06:27 PM
Apple's businesscare dept sucks.

They have incredibly terrible reps working in enterprise sales and business relations. Ugh.

06-16-2010, 08:52 PM
Apple's businesscare dept sucks.

They have incredibly terrible reps working in enterprise sales and business relations. Ugh.

they do suck.

06-17-2010, 02:13 AM
NOOOOOO! its barely the 3rd day accepting pre-orders and they already bought out the first and second shipment, the expected date for the third is july 14. I went to the apple store in brea they said that you can still get it without pre ordering you just have to be there at 7am. more of a reason to wait for the white one i guess

06-17-2010, 09:51 AM
NOOOOOO! its barely the 3rd day accepting pre-orders and they already bought out the first and second shipment, the expected date for the third is july 14. I went to the apple store in brea they said that you can still get it without pre ordering you just have to be there at 7am. more of a reason to wait for the white one i guess

Exactly. I'm a long time business customer who now has to wait in line at 7am.

Absolutely terrible. They really really dropped the ball on my preorder. Fucking bastards.

06-17-2010, 09:54 AM
Exactly. I'm a long time business customer who now has to wait in line at 7am.

Absolutely terrible. They really really dropped the ball on my preorder. Fucking bastards.

They saw the G-word and buried your order :ddog:

06-17-2010, 10:29 AM
They saw the G-word and buried your order :ddog:

Yeah, they haven't been playing nice with us lately. Talk about passive aggressive!

I mean, if you're going to break up with someone, just fucking do it already. I hate this wishy washy bullshit haha. :love:

06-17-2010, 12:24 PM
so correct me if im wrong. You're mad cuz they sold out preorders? and thats who's fault? because you didnt get one?

06-17-2010, 01:23 PM
so correct me if im wrong. You're mad cuz they sold out preorders? and thats who's fault? because you didnt get one?

No I'm upset because my business rep didn't find a way to get my preorder in. He dicked around and now I have to wait in line.

FYI: Business accounts are not eligible to submit their preorders online through apple.com/iphone. Your account rep has to do it for you.

06-17-2010, 02:23 PM
I see, so the rep sucks.

06-17-2010, 02:33 PM
I see, so the rep sucks.

Wasn't that what I said originally?

06-17-2010, 03:02 PM
Ppl who don't work in a corporate enviro or know what you work @ Google might find it confusing.
Even retail sales are getting backed up though.
Think apple just failed to anticipate & underestimated sales.
I doubt it's personal (towards Google employees)

06-17-2010, 03:44 PM
Ppl who don't work in a corporate enviro or know what you work @ Google might find it confusing.
Even retail sales are getting backed up though.
Think apple just failed to anticipate & underestimated sales.
I doubt it's personal (towards Google employees)

Agreed on all accounts. The bad blood between Google and Apple is purely a media creation.

The competition is real though.

I know it's not personal, I was just joking around. :P

06-17-2010, 03:48 PM
Well all you said that you were a long time business customer, i simply thought business as in you've been a customer with them for a whiel. Not that you have a business account.

06-17-2010, 04:05 PM
I said enterprise reps and business care, not consumer/retail rep. Big difference.

06-21-2010, 01:28 PM
today is the 21st, and i am currently updating to OS4. there was a long list of things included in this update. just a friendly reminder. :D

06-21-2010, 05:15 PM
I cant wait until thursday!

06-21-2010, 05:31 PM
I can't wait till the cydia community gets ahold of OS4.

06-21-2010, 10:33 PM
They already have, the beta was released a while ago.

06-22-2010, 05:24 AM
If I am not mistaken the JB is just for the beta. I am waiting on an official JB blackrain style for the os.

06-22-2010, 01:49 PM

"banned iphone 4 promo". lawl.

06-23-2010, 01:33 AM
iPhone 4 review:

Review: Apple iPhone 4 | Walt Mossberg | Personal Technology | AllThingsD (http://ptech.allthingsd.com/20100622/apple-iphone4-review/)

06-23-2010, 01:40 AM
OS4 software downloaded!

06-23-2010, 07:52 AM
The JB is a bit sketchy it seems I will stay on 3.1.2 until it becomes a bit more streamlined and less problems.

Edit: After reading that review, I'm glad I live in an area where AT&T service is good. Instead of getting a 4(considering my upgrade isn't till 2011) I think I will hang on to my 3GS until next summer.

06-23-2010, 02:22 PM
white iphones comes out mid july i guess

06-24-2010, 06:39 AM
For some of the units out there, the iPhone 4 apparently loses signal when held in the left hand. LOL

I didn't want to believe, but watching the two vids shocked me:

Some iPhone 4 models dropping calls when held left-handed, including ours (video) -- Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/24/some-iphone-4-models-see-signals-drop-to-0-when-held-left-handed/)

06-24-2010, 09:04 AM
Got in line at 5AM this morning.


06-24-2010, 09:39 AM

time to make $$$ off ebay, lol.

06-24-2010, 10:34 AM
I guess there's no limit to how many you can buy?

06-24-2010, 10:59 AM
I guess there's no limit to how many you can buy?

2 per person. I'm just morbidly obese.

06-24-2010, 11:09 AM
I think i am going to wait for the lost signal problem fix. i saw the video, that is pretty bad...it can go from full strength of signal to nothing...that would means more drop calls

06-24-2010, 11:30 AM
sounds more like the provider than the software...lol

my sis got hers last night...already videochatting and shit...

06-24-2010, 01:05 PM
I think i am going to wait for the lost signal problem fix. i saw the video, that is pretty bad...it can go from full strength of signal to nothing...that would means more drop calls

that doesn't bother me none.
iphone was always crap as far as making calls went & i RARELY make calls with it.
thank goodness for texting & emails.

hoping to get mine around early Jul.

06-24-2010, 01:24 PM
got mine today. amazing. dropped calls shit is crap. i was already testing that and mine is 100% fine.

06-24-2010, 01:32 PM
what if u put a case one? u wont b touching it lol.

06-24-2010, 01:34 PM
Got in line at 5AM this morning.


So how much shipped to 92618 lol?

06-24-2010, 01:39 PM
How the hell would that be a provider issue?

Hopefully it's just a couple bad units, otherwise--LOL @ a phone that can do everything but make a decent fucking phone call.

06-24-2010, 02:02 PM
how the fuck did you get so many? don't u need contract or internet with all those phones? or did you buy it straight? if so how much?

06-24-2010, 02:10 PM
Straight up. $699 each.

Like I said, I'm morbidly obese. My body mass counts for 3 people.

06-24-2010, 03:18 PM
waited in line @ apple pasadena got there at seven and got the phone around noon i haven't really messed with it i'm at work at the moment

pretty stoked on having it tho :bigok:

06-24-2010, 03:29 PM
waited in line @ apple pasadena got there at seven and got the phone around noon i haven't really messed with it i'm at work at the moment

pretty stoked on having it tho :bigok:

You waited in line for 5 hours? Did you get a preorder or was it just a walk in?

06-24-2010, 03:33 PM
Holy eBay listings batman. $1k+

06-24-2010, 03:49 PM
if u can buy for 699 straight up how are people selling it on ebay for 1k? demand and low supply?

i heard that you have to buy one through contract first tho

06-24-2010, 04:18 PM
You waited in line for 5 hours? Did you get a preorder or was it just a walk in?

i got mine pre order i met a dude at the door who was non preorder and we went inside the store at the same time but he had been waiting in line since 6pm yesterday

so i'm glad i got it the way i did :cool:

06-24-2010, 04:27 PM
So whats so special about buying the iphone4 w/o a contract? Don't you still need to sign up for a contract anyways?

Is it possible to use the iphone4 outside of the US? even though its ATT proprietary? How does that work?

I really wish I got in on the preorder, wasn't hesitant though because figured its just another hype.

06-24-2010, 04:36 PM
So whats so special about buying the iphone4 w/o a contract? Don't you still need to sign up for a contract anyways?

Is it possible to use the iphone4 outside of the US? even though its ATT proprietary? How does that work?

I really wish I got in on the preorder, wasn't hesitant though because figured its just another hype.

People who want to use it on another provider can do so. Also people who are not eligible for up grade have to buy it at the no contract price. Yes the iPhone can be used outside of the US. It is a GSM (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSM) device.

chucky norris
06-24-2010, 08:38 PM
i just have to say its pretty cool
my brother got his yesterday and the graphics are excellent HD BAYBAH!

06-25-2010, 06:15 AM


06-25-2010, 01:58 PM

i say, just put a case on n call it a day. my friends all have cases n have no problem.

06-25-2010, 02:18 PM
Prob a good idea to put a case on your expensive investment any way.

06-25-2010, 03:48 PM

06-25-2010, 03:52 PM

so like after 1 drop its already worry city...jeenkies...

06-25-2010, 03:56 PM
screen is still crackable. if thats a word ahaha. kinda scary. suppose to b stronger eh?

06-25-2010, 10:25 PM
I think it just all depends on how you drop it. Ive dropped my 3g soo many times and i thought it was done for and it never even shut off on impact, no cracks nothing wrong.
My buddy dropped his 3gs once and the whole thing shattered.
One's own luck i guess lol.

06-26-2010, 06:53 AM
^ Yea I drop my 3GS daily. It have never cracked. It just has a few not noticeable scratches on the side.

06-26-2010, 01:21 PM

06-26-2010, 04:51 PM
Thought this was funny:

iPhone4 vs HTC Evo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg&feature=player_embedded)


06-27-2010, 06:49 PM
lol best thing to do with anything apple

YouTube - iPhone 4 - PRANK!!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FF4EEt6W9s8&feature=popt00us12)

06-27-2010, 07:26 PM
That's such a stupid ass prank. Shoot it with a gun and expect your money back? fucking idiots.

Anyone notice that after the iPhone 4 was released all you see is dumb ass videos of people breaking them? WTF is the point?

It's a great phone. If you want a fucking HTC then go buy one. I'm not gonna go on some thread about that phone and talk shit. I really dont understand the hate for Apple. I dont judge a brand like apple based on SOME of its followers...

On topic though...i love my iPhone 4. Its great, its fast and the screen looks awesome, and has everything that i want out of a smart phone. Apple makes the best touch screen out on the market IMO. I like the weight of the new one, it feels solid. I even like the buttons on it, i find them easier to press and feel better when i do. I love the multitasking that they finally got on OS4 it allows me to use pandora and still reply to a text message or whatever i want to do. Face time convos are awesome with it too. I think the WIFI thing is not holding it back cuz i'm not gonna be face chatting with people while i'm in the car or something. Bottom line for me is its very well done and very happy with mine.

06-27-2010, 07:36 PM
That's such a stupid ass prank. Shoot it with a gun and expect your money back? fucking idiots.

Anyone notice that after the iPhone 4 was released all you see is dumb ass videos of people breaking them? WTF is the point?

It's a great phone. If you want a fucking HTC then go buy one. I'm not gonna go on some thread about that phone and talk shit. I really dont understand the hate for Apple. I dont judge a brand like apple based on SOME of its followers...

On topic though...i love my iPhone 4. Its great, its fast and the screen looks awesome, and has everything that i want out of a smart phone. Apple makes the best touch screen out on the market IMO. I like the weight of the new one, it feels solid. I even like the buttons on it, i find them easier to press and feel better when i do. I love the multitasking that they finally got on OS4 it allows me to use pandora and still reply to a text message or whatever i want to do. Face time convos are awesome with it too. I think the WIFI thing is not holding it back cuz i'm not gonna be face chatting with people while i'm in the car or something. Bottom line for me is its very well done and very happy with mine.

I do have a HTC get over yourself


06-27-2010, 07:45 PM
Good for you jack ass. WTF was the point of your post? Get over myself? I didnt say anything negative about that phone. I'm for sure not mad at anything, you cleary are though.

06-27-2010, 08:27 PM
lol im soooooo MAD lol

that pic makes me smile because her face is so fucked up

but hay what do i know im not a Iphone FAN BOY

06-27-2010, 09:01 PM

Lol that is such a pathetic insult. People who say that are usually fanboys themselves and try to put down people who don't like whatever it is they like.

Apple builds a solid product. End of story.

06-27-2010, 09:05 PM
Thank you s0apgun, i 100% agree with everything you just said.

06-27-2010, 10:29 PM
Thank you s0apgun, i 100% agree with everything you just said.

Lol that is such a pathetic insult. People who say that are usually fanboys themselves and try to put down people who don't like whatever it is they like.

Apple builds a solid product. End of story.

I had a Mac Book Pro and it was a pile of shit It never worked rite. I sold it off to get a HP and to this day I haven’t had a issue with it.


The iphone is like the hella flush shit going on. People buy and do shit because its the in thing to do. The iphone is crap and will be for a while the only way i see the iphone going anywhere is if it gets off AT&T. People love the iphone because of what it is a Ipod with apps that makes calls. Apple hold's that phone back so much. I had a chance to use the Iphone 4 today and after i saw what it was and fucked with it for a while i personally don’t like it and think that HTC makes a way better phone.

Look back when they announced the Ipad and there stocks dropped. Apple holds there products back. They won’t give the people what they want.

People are trashing there stuff because its trash.

06-27-2010, 10:36 PM

06-27-2010, 11:11 PM

06-27-2010, 11:30 PM
If you guys want real talk, the iPhone is a great solid product. As far as user experience goes, there's no other product as polished or well thought out. For the casual user, this phone is perfect. Guess what category most smart phone/gadget consumers fall into? That's right, casual.

Apple set out to make money with a well thought out product, and that's exactly what happened.

What specifically about the new iPhone is crap s13bdafocker?

I see pros and cons on both sides of the fence. I personally carry an HTC EVO because I'm not just a casual user and I need the additional control and customization that Android affords me. Even with the SenseUI Android needs significantly more polish for it to even come close to the user experience being offered on the iPhone.

06-27-2010, 11:44 PM
HTC Evo is a great phone no doubt. But like Daniel. said it's the polishing that does it for me. 90% of my time using it suits my needs which is still more than the average user.

Comparison battles really make no difference in most categories. The fluidness of the iPhone4 is what attracts me most. That's why I like apples products. Everything is made to work together under their nose and balance is key.

06-27-2010, 11:51 PM
That's the best thing about the iPhone. Everything just works the way you expect it to. The home key is where you expect it to be, there's only 1 hardware key and it takes you right back home.

Everything is simple, quick, efficient and works as intended.

Can't the say the same about my Evo right now.

drift freaq
06-28-2010, 12:20 AM
That's the best thing about the iPhone. Everything just works the way you expect it to. The home key is where you expect it to be, there's only 1 hardware key and it takes you right back home.

Everything is simple, quick, efficient and works as intended.

Can't the say the same about my Evo right now.

I have said the above before and Daniel you said it again. I agree. Fact is Apple gives you a product that works the way its supposed to work.

I use Macs in music production because they do what they are supposed to do. I like OSX so I use a MAC. I have for years, solid and worked great.

Just like any other computer follow a few simple rules. Plenty of fast ram. Nice fast hard drives.

I have used PC's. I don't run around hating on PC's. I do see a lot of PC people hating on Apple though.

Same goes for Iphone's and Android. I have an Android phoneI have used Android phones for 2 years. Like Daniel said and from my own personal experience, the Iphone wins in the turn it on and have work right seamlessly catagory.

Android needs tweaking, It has some features I love, but it can be a headache none the less .

The funniest thing of all though, is to watch how people try to call Steve Jobs and Apple the Evil Empire! When that was what everyone used to call Bill Gates and Microsoft. LOL

Oh and while we are on the subject of possible Evil Empires( Daniel don't take this personally I know you work for them) Google collects data on everything and everyone, all of you! Oh and they store it!

HMMMMMM now that is kinda scary in its own right :rofl:

06-28-2010, 12:27 AM
I don't take it personally at all. I'm just a worker bee amongst thousands. I find a lot of the things going on at Google hilarious.

Everyone just kinda lives in their own world at my office, totally oblivious.

06-29-2010, 04:43 PM
I have said the above before and Daniel you said it again. I agree. Fact is Apple gives you a product that works the way its supposed to work.

I use Macs in music production because they do what they are supposed to do. I like OSX so I use a MAC. I have for years, solid and worked great.

Just like any other computer follow a few simple rules. Plenty of fast ram. Nice fast hard drives.

I have used PC's. I don't run around hating on PC's. I do see a lot of PC people hating on Apple though.

Same goes for Iphone's and Android. I have an Android phoneI have used Android phones for 2 years. Like Daniel said and from my own personal experience, the Iphone wins in the turn it on and have work right seamlessly catagory.

Android needs tweaking, It has some features I love, but it can be a headache none the less .

The funniest thing of all though, is to watch how people try to call Steve Jobs and Apple the Evil Empire! When that was what everyone used to call Bill Gates and Microsoft. LOL

Oh and while we are on the subject of possible Evil Empires( Daniel don't take this personally I know you work for them) Google collects data on everything and everyone, all of you! Oh and they store it!

HMMMMMM now that is kinda scary in its own right :rofl:

Kind of like how every text you send is stored on the networks servers...

06-29-2010, 05:11 PM
Kind of like how every text you send is stored on the networks servers...

Very true. This is a talking point people use to bash Google and Android but they don't realize that most companies including Apple collect so much information about their customers it's sometimes scary. The fact is that point is kind of moot.

06-29-2010, 07:04 PM

lol, this shit is funny.

06-29-2010, 07:11 PM

06-29-2010, 08:10 PM
Evo has plenty of flaws. It may win in some specs but go watch a bunch of comparison videos. They're really on the same level its just personal preference to certain features.

06-29-2010, 08:26 PM
That video explains my job almost exactly. lol

06-29-2010, 09:28 PM
:) Sorry I had too.

06-30-2010, 01:48 PM
YouTube - HTC EVO vs iPhone4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAOtC9QfXac)

06-30-2010, 01:51 PM
bad url.

anyways.. i cant get a hold on the iphone ahaha... =[

i just came back from az.

07-01-2010, 05:58 AM
So what do you guys think about the reoccurring rumor of the iPhone coming to VZW?

This is just a rumor, but I spoke to a guy that works for VZB and he told me he knows some field engineers testing out a CDMA iPhone. He just doesn't know if its been on-going with older versions of the phone or if its the new iPhone 4.

07-01-2010, 08:52 AM
So what do you guys think about the reoccurring rumor of the iPhone coming to VZW?

This is just a rumor, but I spoke to a guy that works for VZB and he told me he knows some field engineers testing out a CDMA iPhone. He just doesn't know if its been on-going with older versions of the phone or if its the new iPhone 4.

Latest rumor is January. Still wouldn't hold your breath. CDMA is a dead technology. Doubt they will make one. Just unlock the GSM phone to other providers.

But even that is sketchy. About 70% of iPhone 4 sales were upgrades. I don't know if they will want to go away from that cash cow. There upgrade payments won't be as good without the exclusivity agreement.

Mita Orange
07-01-2010, 11:25 AM
Here is an article on the January Verizon rumor: Verizon Wireless Said to Start Offering IPhone in January - Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-06-29/verizon-wireless-said-to-start-offering-iphone-ending-at-t-s-exclusivity.html)

I'll only believe it once its official.

07-01-2010, 05:23 PM
Dont think it's a bad idea for Apple to expand their phone to any telco.
doing so, they'd just expand their customer base further.
would imagine its in their best interests to work with as many providers as possible.

Personally I've never been a fan of Verizon, used them twice before.
I wouldn't switch from AT&T to Verizon, all things equal.
(well it's unlikely pricing would be equal)

07-01-2010, 08:10 PM
I had a Mac Book Pro and it was a pile of shit It never worked rite. I sold it off to get a HP and to this day I haven’t had a issue with it.

hmm seems like the user was the problem ahaha

finally got my IPHONE 4!!!! on tuesday.
im honestly really impressed by this thing, and happy that i dont have that signal issue.
sadly i do have 2 dead pixels that are barely noticable but im going to go back in a few weeks and get a new one. the retina display is ridiculous i hate staring at regular displays now ahah. also speed wise the phone is pretty insane, mind you im upgrading from the 2g which is why im tripping so much on this. havent had a chance to facetime yet most of my friends are still waiting for their preorders.

07-01-2010, 08:14 PM
Latest rumor is January. Still wouldn't hold your breath. CDMA is a dead technology. Doubt they will make one. Just unlock the GSM phone to other providers.

But even that is sketchy. About 70% of iPhone 4 sales were upgrades. I don't know if they will want to go away from that cash cow. There upgrade payments won't be as good without the exclusivity agreement.

+1 on this. CDMA isnt the best for data technology. AT&T has simultaneous talk and data which makes a lot of things convenient. Most cell phone users really dont use the phone part as much as they used to. All of my customers are all about data and texting. believe it or not, people go unl text and web, then drop their minute usages.

07-01-2010, 08:29 PM
This should be very interesting...

First iPhone 4 Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple and AT&T

The first iPhone 4 class action suit against Apple and AT&T has been filed today in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. The lawsuit focus on the antenna design problems, making several claims:

• General Negligence (APPLE and AT&T)
• Defect in Design, Manufacture, and Assembly (APPLE)
• Breach of Express Warranty (APPLE)
• Breach of Implied Warranty for Merchantability (APPLE and AT&T)
• Breach of Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose (APPLE and AT&T)
• Deceptive Trade Practices (APPLE and AT&T)
• Intentional Misrepresentation (APPLE and AT&T)
• Negligent Misrepresentation (APPLE and AT&T)
• Fraud by Concealment (APPLE and AT&T)

Apple has been criticized by iPhone 4 users and media for the reception problems that seem to result from its faulty antenna design. While all cellphones experience a decrease in signal quality when you touch their antenna, the iPhone 4 design puts the antenna all around it, making difficult to avoid under natural handling of the phone. Cases started to appear in MacRumors.com and Gizmodo.com on June 23, one day before the official launch of the iPhone 4, from users who received their units earlier.

After those initial reports, thousands of users started to report reception and transmission problems in different countries around the world, which resulted in loss of internet connections and voice call drops and voice quality degradation. Other tests have demonstrated the antenna problems since then.

The lawsuit was filed by Ward & Ward, PLLC and Charles A. Gilman, LLC. on behalf of Kevin McCaffrey, Linda Wrinn and a number of other iPhone 4 users. It is not the same iPhone 4 class action lawsuit currently said to be in the works by the California law firm that sued Facebook and Zynga.

First iPhone 4 Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple and AT&T (Updated) (http://gizmodo.com/5577010/first-iph...-apple-and-att)

07-01-2010, 09:03 PM
LOL omfg lol...

07-01-2010, 09:51 PM
I think the ongoing rumor is to just keep people from buying the Iphone on At&t in hopes that a version will come out on VZW. But who knows? Maybe they will make one. Like others, I will believe it when I see it.

drift freaq
07-01-2010, 10:18 PM
This should be very interesting...

First iPhone 4 Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple and AT&T


First iPhone 4 Class Action Suit Filed Against Apple and AT&T (Updated) (http://gizmodo.com/5577010/first-iph...-apple-and-att)

LOL that shit is going to get laughed right out of court. Seriously people this is why shit is starting to cost so much in this country. Stupid ass frivolous lawsuits like above.

If you really believe the above lawsuit has validity? Well then you are one dumb mother fucker.

Oh and strider don't take this personally I realize you are only the messenger. I am not saying you are dumb.

07-02-2010, 01:55 AM
LOL that shit is going to get laughed right out of court. Seriously people this is why shit is starting to cost so much in this country. Stupid ass frivolous lawsuits like above.

If you really believe the above lawsuit has validity? Well then you are one dumb mother fucker.

Oh and strider don't take this personally I realize you are only the messenger. I am not saying you are dumb.

No hurt feelings. =)

I actually don't understand the lawsuit myself. Okay, the acknowledged that they have an antennae issue. Well as consumers you have two options, take it back or don't buy it! Simple as that. I really don't understand what the point of this lawsuit is. So, they're suing a company because they made a shotty product that they knew was shotty yet they still bought it and now suing, WTF. ugh! For some reason I'm actually really upset about this and I don't even like Apple.

07-02-2010, 06:20 AM
Why do you not like Apple?

07-02-2010, 11:32 AM
People looking for easy money, thats what that lawsuit is all about.

And yeah tell us exactly why you dont like Apple? And dont say its cuz the people that own macs and cuz its trendy or hellafush thing to do.

07-02-2010, 11:51 AM
signal problem gunna b fixed hopefully.

Apple `stunned' to find iPhones show too many bars - Yahoo! Finance (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Apple-stunned-to-find-iPhones-apf-1175483258.html?x=0)

07-02-2010, 09:47 PM
eh, just ordered mine today. woulda waited for a while but i dropped my 3g for like the 8th time yesterday and the screen finally shattered/spider webbed. played with a friends the other day it seems cool. not much better, but i guess OS updates will take care of that later. kinda uncomfortable to hold since its squared off but w/e. guess i'll end up getting a case for this one.

07-02-2010, 11:29 PM
i just ordered mines today to lol. 7-10 business days.

07-03-2010, 11:38 PM
signal problem gunna b fixed hopefully.

Apple `stunned' to find iPhones show too many bars - Yahoo! Finance (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Apple-stunned-to-find-iPhones-apf-1175483258.html?x=0)

LOL...omfg I can't believe Apple is trying to pull this off. Do you really think it's a software issue?

07-04-2010, 12:16 AM
If the signal display is truly calculated in a logarithmic fashion, then a software update could help to show the actual signal strength and not an inflated one.

07-04-2010, 12:22 AM
LOL...omfg I can't believe Apple is trying to pull this off. Do you really think it's a software issue?

+1 not to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but come on.

07-04-2010, 12:30 AM
+1 not to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but come on.

Why don't you think a software update will help?

07-04-2010, 07:13 AM
Why don't you think a software update will help?

People will still lose signal when holding the phone a certain way. Now they are just making the signal look weaker than previously displayed. Apple must think its a perception issue and not a hardware issue. :duh: I wonder why they posted the job ad for antenna engineers.....

07-04-2010, 07:43 AM
i just ordered mines today to lol. 7-10 business days.

How? It says ships in 3 weeks on the website?

07-04-2010, 10:03 AM
idk, i went to the store and ordered mine and the dude said i'll have it in 7-14 business days.

07-06-2010, 12:55 AM
im amazed at the quality of the camera on this thing, no more need for a digital camera.
check out my video on youtube i didnt embed it so you can watch it in HD =P
YouTube - Celebrating 4th of July 2010 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxA4PVFYpb8&fmt=22)

07-06-2010, 01:41 AM
idk, i went to the store and ordered mine and the dude said i'll have it in 7-14 business days.

they told me 7-10 day. but it could b 7-14 days.

i went to the at&t store, so i dont know soap lol. thats what they told me.

07-06-2010, 03:21 AM
lol theres a greddy app.

07-06-2010, 10:40 AM
People will still lose signal when holding the phone a certain way. Now they are just making the signal look weaker than previously displayed. Apple must think its a perception issue and not a hardware issue. :duh: I wonder why they posted the job ad for antenna engineers.....

i don't think they're just making it weaker than prior.
they're making the bars more accurately indicative of signal strength.
feedback is never bad.

there's definitely a poor design issue w/ the regards to the death grip design.
however, all things equal there's also a software issue if the bars don't give an accurate reading.

How? It says ships in 3 weeks on the website?

Mine 'shipped' from China on Jul 2nd & arrives Jul 8th.
Expect approx another week for actual delivery date.

07-06-2010, 02:03 PM
Mine shipped same time as yours, and expected delivery was the 8th, but it's on its way to my house right now. I won't complain with an early delivery!

07-06-2010, 02:08 PM
iPhone 4 reception issues? A network reset might help (http://www.tuaw.com/2010/07/06/iphone-4-reception-issues-a-network-reset-might-help/)

07-06-2010, 02:12 PM
iPhone 4 reception issues? A network reset might help (http://www.tuaw.com/2010/07/06/iphone-4-reception-issues-a-network-reset-might-help/)

have you tried it?

07-06-2010, 05:30 PM
iPhone 4 reception issues? A network reset might help (http://www.tuaw.com/2010/07/06/iphone-4-reception-issues-a-network-reset-might-help/)

Let me be very clear. There is nothing that can be done to fix this problem but get a bumper or hold it differently.

AppleCare: The iPhone 4 Update Won't Solve the Antenna Problem

By Jesus Diaz, Jul 6, 2010 01:45 PM
AppleCare has confirmed what we already knew: The incoming software update won't fix the iPhone 4's transmission and reception problems. They acknowledged the antenna problem exists, offering the same solution as before: Buy a case or hold the iPhone differently.

I was secretly hoping that the software update would magically fix the iPhone 4's antenna design problem, because I really wanted to buy what otherwise is an great gadget. Unfortunately, the cosmetic change to the bar display—which promises to show the actual signal strength—will not fix the transmission/reception problem that countless iPhone 4 users are experiencing.

AppleCare's response

We called AppleCare three times today to confirm it. We told them that we were experiencing voice quality problems and call drops, as well as problems with internet access. Their response was immediate and unequivocal, the same in the three cases:

• There is an antenna interference problem when you hold the iPhone 4 in a certain way (the tests by Anandtech and many demonstration videos in the internet show that the signal drop will happen every time when you touch the phone's dead spot, on the left bottom corner).

• One solution is to hold the phone differently, avoiding to touch the left bottom corner of the phone (coincidentally, this is how models hold the iPhone 4 in most of Apple's promotional material).

• The other other solution is to buy a case or one of Apple's $30 bumpers (we are hosting a petition to ask Apple for free cases. You can sign it here).

• The incoming software update will not fix this antenna problem, only change the way the phone displays the available signal, make it more accurate.

While we already knew about it, the official AppleCare response is sad news. Like Gizmodo reader and former RF engineer for HP Medical products Gordon Cook said in a recent email: "Wrapping a metal antenna around a phone is simply asking for trouble, and Apple may in fact have realized too late that they had a real can of worms, so chose to release what they had instead of enduring a lengthy shipping delay. Now, after millions of phones shipped, and given the alternatives, screwing with the software is the only realistic way of fixing this, even if it's mostly cosmetic."

But cosmetic fixes will not stop the problem from happening. Apple should provide with a real fix to a design problem that ruins what could have been the best smartphone experience out there, bar none. And if they can't fix the units currently in the market, they should fix their manufacturing so this doesn't happen and at least provide with a free solution, like free bumpers or cases.

07-06-2010, 08:52 PM

iPhone4 + DSLR lenses (http://9gag.com/gag/28525/)