View Full Version : Where to get Sponsors?

04-17-2010, 08:20 PM
does anyone knows how to get Sponsors for my ride? ;S, thanks in advance!:naw:

04-17-2010, 08:40 PM
getting sponsors is not easy, and don't think its all free. since you are in d.r. why don't you look for sponsors there? no one is going to sponsor a car out of their own country... there is no point, unless there is a market there for their products.

1. you need to go to shows often, (5-10+ a year or more), if you don't have a list of shows you've attended, you won't get sponsorship. Meets don't count, need to go to shows with trophys.
2. you need to have a nice car BEFORE sponsorship. a stock car does not get sponsored unless its a GTR or something brand new of that sort. even then you need let them borrow your car to let them make prototypes of parts. (*yes you might get free parts, but your car maybe at thier shop for weeks,months, etc)
3. you need to show you know their product and they believe you will represent them in the way they expect you to. (being 18years old does not help, they want experience)
4. most sponsorships are partial sponsorships with discount on parts, 10-20-30% discounts.
5. for the amount of time spent at shows, cleaning your car(and not driving it), and paying for entrance fees, u better be going to shows ALREADY and have a list of shows you have already attended. aka you need a RESUME for you and your car.
6. AND show cars are not daily driven. You a daily driver.

Chances are, if you are looking for sponsors, you won't get them. Sponsors look for cars/people to sponsor, not the other way around. If you are really serious... write a letter to a company with all your info and request sponsorship.

04-17-2010, 08:51 PM
Basically you need to know people, get in with someone cool.. then you can use that as reference, or if your from a company that is auto related, helps alot.. "Hey this is hypertek from blahblah, i got a rx7 with blahblah, whats up with product blahblah?" If helps if your local to those companies, talk to them , let them know you.. be open minded and respectful with confidence, dont be like a little kid "ahhh cool dude hook me up heck yeah!!"

build a portfolio up. attend events/shows etc. Have a goal behind the car.. It has to be tasteful to the recent trends. i.e. no chrome wheels, neon lights or any of that tacky east coast Nopi stuff. A good car should not reflect the owners ethnicity and be universally accepted, because some cars do reflect the owner (like putting clothing decals, flags etc all shouldnt be on a car)

Depending on the company, some will do partial sponsorships like stated above. You could always contact people if they need a test vehicle for parts etc..

04-17-2010, 08:58 PM
haha just saw this on a commercial... >>> CarSponsors.com - Get your car sponsored by Car Sponsorships and build your dream car (http://www.carsponsors.com/)

04-17-2010, 09:08 PM
I think the 2 biggest thing in sponsorship is having a unique car and knowing people in the industry.

That was the only thing i needed to get sponsored by Nitto tires last year for my FD.

But for big sponsorships your going to need to make a proposal for what ever company you want to get sponsored by.

05-11-2010, 10:11 AM
Thank you all ~