View Full Version : Ca: Wtf?

04-11-2010, 06:53 AM
Does anyone else ever search the "For Sale" section of the marketplace and think "wow, what a deal, I want that...oh, shit...of course it's in Cali" followed by this face :-( ?

Is California like the Wal-Mart for S chassis'?

This thread isn't knocking the "Eureka" state...actually it's more out of jealousy...I'd be broke if I lived there...

Keep it up CA, thanks for keeping the aftermarket going!

04-11-2010, 10:51 AM
Sucks USPS, Fedex, and UPS don't exist anymore.

04-11-2010, 11:01 AM
Sucks USPS, Fedex, and UPS don't exist anymore.

It's the local-only mentality.

I know people near LA that would make every effort to do everything within 20 minutes of their house, just because they didn't want to have to drive a long distance.

I know other people that only want to live in certain areas for the fact that they are centrally located to many businesses they frequent.

When you get to thinking only about the area you're in, the rest of the state (and country) become far less important.

One guy I know lives within 5-10 minutes of 10-20 different tuning shops and parts manufacturers. Unlike many, he'll ship without hesitation, but more because he's more concerned with business than locality. I also know other people who do nothing but sell parts... to other local people.

I agree that CA has a cornucopia of stuff for sale. It's a bummer that some people won't ship (I've been guilty of this more than once), but at the end of the day, it's their prerogative. If they can get the money they want for the part they have by selling locally, why would they spend the effort to ship it (and potentially lose money by taking on that extra cost?)

Anyway, I think more people should at least offer shipping on small stuff. Big stuff can be a big pain in the ass to ship. Small stuff is easy

04-11-2010, 11:18 AM
^ That.

I live in NC, sucks ass.

04-11-2010, 11:28 AM
It's the local-only mentality.

I know people near LA that would make every effort to do everything within 20 minutes of their house, just because they didn't want to have to drive a long distance.

I know other people that only want to live in certain areas for the fact that they are centrally located to many businesses they frequent.

When you get to thinking only about the area you're in, the rest of the state (and country) become far less important.

One guy I know lives within 5-10 minutes of 10-20 different tuning shops and parts manufacturers. Unlike many, he'll ship without hesitation, but more because he's more concerned with business than locality. I also know other people who do nothing but sell parts... to other local people.

I agree that CA has a cornucopia of stuff for sale. It's a bummer that some people won't ship (I've been guilty of this more than once), but at the end of the day, it's their prerogative. If they can get the money they want for the part they have by selling locally, why would they spend the effort to ship it (and potentially lose money by taking on that extra cost?)

Anyway, I think more people should at least offer shipping on small stuff. Big stuff can be a big pain in the ass to ship. Small stuff is easy


not TO MENTION...many and i do mean many never realize how much effort it take to ship huge bulky items...and they still lowball...dont compare private sellers to corporate business that get price cuts on items like that...not to mention material cost to PROPERLY ship something out and not worry about it...

for example i once bought a turbo from a seller here...he shipped it...i recieved...all it had was a thin layer of newspaper, which in turn seemed to have bent one of the elbows, and it looked like the turbo had been dropped (signs of damage not shown in pictures but same tubro) no fragile stamp nothing, lucky i got my money back, but you get were im going with this...if its something you really want, be ready to pay a fair price, realize how broke most people are here anyway...

hell ive shipped out moonroofs with glass and everything because someone was willing to pay for it, and i did my part to get it packaged right (thanks to a buddies help) and it went out and 0 issues...

honestly it depends on the seller if he's got time and willing, and the buyer understanding its a bit more effort than just meeting someone and i dunno maybe kick a few extra bucks for the effort and time spent to do everything...

just my .02

04-11-2010, 12:36 PM
Yep, if it fits in a flat rate box(USPS), I'll ship it at cost, but if I have to package something myself (bumpers, sideskirts, spoilers, hoods, etc), I'm definitely charging more for it.

Like Steve said above, it takes time to package bigger/bulkier items properly.

Hell, I've spent a good 2-3 hours properly packing up bumpers to prevent damage during shipping.

Lots of plastic wrap, bubble wrap, and lots of boxes.

I've always been more than willing to ship out bigger items, but I'll never ship anything like a motor/transmission.

drift freaq
04-11-2010, 12:47 PM
I am one of the few people I know that will ship diffs. Though I do tell people quite often don't expect it quickly. Same goes for shipping 5 speed swaps minus the trans. Its a multitude and size of items. Its actually more economical for the buyer if I break the shipment up into a more than one.

In the end I can agree with Dalaz on the people don't realize the time and effort for shipping plus costs. They will low ball you regardless.

Oh and I ship because local buyers quite often are the worst when it comes to low balling.

Plus I try to be reasonable on pricing for most stuff, unless its barely used.

I will also say in regards to Kevin's statement about area's. I personally would not want to live in much any other area's in Los Angeles than were I live .

Los Feliz is the shit!

04-11-2010, 01:06 PM
worst part about local buyers is the ones that "hey man i spent $20 on gas to get to your place, is it ok i give you less?" lol

I dont really like shipping since i live a few miles away from the post office, and its a hassle for me to find a good sized box, packing bubble wrap, and by the time i do that, id have to charge more for shipping to cover the materials. But ive done that a few times when ive sold on ebay. I dont really like charging people for shipping because I feel it is sometimes the deal breaker for a good deal and hate adding that $20 or so to ship something that isnt too big, but requires a good size box and weight.

04-11-2010, 01:25 PM
worst part about local buyers is the ones that "hey man i spent $20 on gas to get to your place, is it ok i give you less?" lol

then that's when I say no and slam the door in their face.

04-11-2010, 01:31 PM
worst part about local buyers is the ones that "hey man i spent $20 on gas to get to your place, is it ok i give you less?" lol

I had this happened to me more than once. Gas money excuse, show up then lowball me after we had agreed on a price. Every single time I would just tell them that I'll keep my part(s) and walk.

04-11-2010, 01:40 PM
then that's when I say no and slam the door in their face.Number five: never sell no crack where you rest at
I don't care if they want a ounce, tell em bounce

04-11-2010, 03:11 PM
Reason why they won't ship is because it takes up time and most buyers want a solid price with shipping included when locally you can sell it for more.I live in Cali and I avoid shipping most times because of that reason.If anything buyer pays shipping then it's a done deal and also Paypal takes some percentage of money.

drift freaq
04-11-2010, 04:15 PM
Reason why they won't ship is because it takes up time and most buyers want a solid price with shipping included when locally you can sell it for more.I live in Cali and I avoid shipping most times because of that reason.If anything buyer pays shipping then it's a done deal and also Paypal takes some percentage of money.

That's the bay area. LOL In Socal everybody wants to knock you down on your price and wants a discount because they had get gas to come pick it up.

As for paypal you just mark your price up by that percentage, done. I they don't want it? You let them go.

Oh and I do agree with Zar. Never meet them at your place. Sorry but I just don't let people I don't know come to my place.

04-11-2010, 04:47 PM
shit. so cal lowballers should be more happy and grateful for all the access on used parts that norcal barely have.

04-11-2010, 05:54 PM
I never have issues with parts, and I reside in Norcal.

I mean what, I'm missing out on all those sweet ISIS links and zenki lips to go for sale down there?

Nah, I'm cool off that.

04-11-2010, 05:59 PM
Is California like the Wal-Mart for S chassis'?

Yeah, pretty much.

04-11-2010, 06:09 PM
shipping stuff just sucks and dealing with shipping sucks even more. There is nothing worse than paying for an item only to have months go by before you see it or find out it was sent to a wrong address or just getting scammed.

I've never lost money selling or buying parts.

But I am very adamant about buying stuff local. I drove to oxnard the other day to pick up a spare s14 front bumper for 2 6 packs of beer.

Was it worth it, probably not but was it convenient. YES

04-11-2010, 08:26 PM
Sucks USPS, Fedex, and UPS don't exist anymore.

After $400 worth of shipping, those rims, body kit or hood aren't such a good deal anymore. Sorry I didn't specify...thought it was understood I meant "pick-up only" type items....

04-12-2010, 12:51 AM
That's the bay area. LOL In Socal everybody wants to knock you down on your price and wants a discount because they had get gas to come pick it up.

Oh and I do agree with Zar. Never meet them at your place. Sorry but I just don't let people I don't know come to my place.

Wonder why people get jacked?

04-12-2010, 10:25 AM
I like this thread.

Finding parts in UT pretty much SUCKS. But, I guess the rest of this place just sucks on its own anyways.

Luckily I have a lot of family in CA if I need anything.

04-12-2010, 10:36 AM
I second this. I never meet anyone at my place because who knows, they might come back to jack your car or whatever.

Shipping is fine with me with smaller items but for larger items it seems like people think shipping is the same as a flat rate box or something. Its also hard if you dont have a car that can take these items to the local FedEx, etc.

I once shipped a 350z exhaust in 2 boxes since it was so big and UPS lost one of the boxes and it took forever for me to get my insurance money back. Id also much rather the buyer look at the item in person and inspect it so I dont have to worry about the buyer saying something about the item not being in the condition they thought later on.

04-12-2010, 03:53 PM
Shipping is fine but fucking tards won't pay for it. There's some awesome deals out there but the offers are soooooo beyond ridiculous.

Example: $400 for a carbon hood + shipping, then some douche posts $250 shipped!


I'll gladly spend time and put in the effort to ship it out proper if you're willing to pay. Most people aren't.

04-12-2010, 05:27 PM
The biggest thing i've shipped outside of california is a front lip. That was a pain in the ass to package up. I've also shipped out some small stuff to people that live 20 minutes away from me.

When I see people outside of California selling something I need, they always want to deal locally.

04-12-2010, 07:16 PM
I've been lookin for an S13 daily, and every decent on I see is in Cali....just seems like every great deal on the big stuff I want is on the left coast. More than a few times, I've considered flying out with a tool box, buying an S13 coupe and loading it with a set of dirt cheap baller rims and a super discounted Origin kit and heading back east.

If I'd ever find these three things for sale at the same time, I'd probably do it.

drift freaq
04-13-2010, 11:25 AM
Wonder why people get jacked?

Because the current 240 community is full of thieves who came over from the Honda world?

You're new to the cars as well? Otherwise I think you would know this.

04-13-2010, 11:34 AM
Because the current 240 community is full of thieves who came over from the Honda world?

You're new to the cars as well? Otherwise I think you would know this.


04-13-2010, 11:46 AM
Because the current 240 community is full of thieves who came over from the Honda world?

i can never agree with this statement...since there have been thieves since the begining of any style, theres always assholes who steal shit they cant buy/would rather steal than earn it...

no its not becaus ei used to own a honda, but because its a fact...wether ur a ratrod lover, nissan lover, honda lover, etc... theres always a thief there...the only reason its more noticable here is because this is a 240 community and its currently a main stream thing...once this dies, people who own i dunno...older model evos or 350z's are gonna have the same complaints...why because theyll be in the spotlight, and itll only be more apperant when it happens...

thieves will steal anything that is mainstream, doesnt mean they owned a honda or a 240 or any car at all, they see it in the spotlight, and know they can make an easy buck...so they do it...

i know one friend who was a buddy with some jack ass who stole parts and sold em to him, my bud in all HONESTY did not know the parts were stollen...when shit hit the fan with out being reluctant, he gave the parts back to the rightfull owners...he could have easily ignored the trueth and had a pretty sick clean EG6...but he came clean and was honorable about it...

im not tryin to rip on yah Freaq, its just id expect you (who knows better than most here) to not use such a statement...

thieves are thieves and they steal...statements like those is what keeps car communities seperate and doesnt help anyone...

BOT: as stated before, im willing to ship if its reasonable...

Example of whats not reasonable:
600 shipped to NJ for a COMPLETE 5 speed swap...

what i consider reasonable:
set me 630, i box it up and send it to yah via POA(pay on arrival) which means you pay for what ever fee's it cost to get it to you...this way its fair i get what i wanted, i shipped it out well, and you know i didnt cheat you on shipping...

but some people dont get that...

04-13-2010, 11:50 AM
agreed with dave.thankfully i live in an area and a street where its kinda hidden people have trouble finding my street.there are only 2 modified cars by me a guy with a subi wich he is never there he works all the damn time. a guy with a g35 that sits on some expensive stuff. couple weeks ago i saw a pretty clean civic driving really slow up the street then he went around again witch was 1 to many for me jsut seeing him there.. i stared him all the way own the street then he didnt show up again. i mean sure my car isnt very nice but i dont trust um.... SO many 240sx have been getting popped into recently too..

04-13-2010, 11:57 AM
it jsut doesnt help that honda guys do the most of it.
hondas are good cars its jsut the ONES that steal make the others look bad.

drift freaq
04-13-2010, 12:37 PM
i can never agree with this statement...since there have been thieves since the begining of any style, theres always assholes who steal shit they cant buy/would rather steal than earn it...

no its not becaus ei used to own a honda, but because its a fact...wether ur a ratrod lover, nissan lover, honda lover, etc... theres always a thief there...the only reason its more noticable here is because this is a 240 community and its currently a main stream thing...once this dies, people who own i dunno...older model evos or 350z's are gonna have the same complaints...why because theyll be in the spotlight, and itll only be more apperant when it happens...

thieves will steal anything that is mainstream, doesnt mean they owned a honda or a 240 or any car at all, they see it in the spotlight, and know they can make an easy buck...so they do it...

i know one friend who was a buddy with some jack ass who stole parts and sold em to him, my bud in all HONESTY did not know the parts were stollen...when shit hit the fan with out being reluctant, he gave the parts back to the rightfull owners...he could have easily ignored the trueth and had a pretty sick clean EG6...but he came clean and was honorable about it...

im not tryin to rip on yah Freaq, its just id expect you (who knows better than most here) to not use such a statement...

thieves are thieves and they steal...statements like those is what keeps car communities seperate and doesnt help anyone...


It was a little on the flip sardonic, comical response side Dalaz. Yes they are always a few thieves. It just seems it got a lot worse after the Honda crowd started getting into our cars.

Of course it was more just because of the overall general rise in popularity.

Though it seemed it brought a lot of the seamier side of the Honda world into ours. That is all.

So my statement may hold a bias, I do not deny that, and its probably not completely true. It just can appear that way. LOL

04-13-2010, 12:45 PM
It was a little on the flip sardonic, comical response side Dalaz. Yes they are always a few thieves. It just seems it got a lot worse after the Honda crowd started getting into our cars.

Of course it was more just because of the overall general rise in popularity.

Though it seemed it brought a lot of the seamier side of the Honda world into ours. That is all.

So my statement may hold a bias, I do not deny that, and its probably not completely true. It just can appear that way. LOL

you need to remember the "/sarcasm" next time...lol

but likei stated earlier...were only more aware of it when WE participate in the mainstream of things...othwerwise, it wouldnt be as big as we would have thought...

im pretty sure my pogs wouldnt have gotten stollen if it wasnt a main stream thing when i was growing up...lol

04-13-2010, 01:23 PM
im pretty sure my pogs wouldnt have gotten stollen if it wasnt a main stream thing when i was growing up...lol

Yo I just stole some Pogs last week. Them bitches paid for my Koyo.:rofl:

I love getting a good deal as much as the next person, but I usually figure on a 15% negotiation window. If someone wants $100 plus shipping for a blow off valve, Ill offer $100 shipped just for convenience. Nobody is really losing out there.. it costs $5 to ship a bov. If it were a bumper, itd be different.

But it does suck having Cali being the MECCA of the s-chassis. My biggest pet peeve is the fuckers that wont ship EVEN WHEN IM WILLING TO PAY FOR IT. Theyre just too fuckin lazy to box something up and drive it to UPS. Ive offered to pay the asking price, PLUS paypal, PLUS shipping, and still been turned down. For some huge ass items i can understand, but this was for a set of q45 calipers. Really? theyre that hard to ship?

drift freaq
04-13-2010, 01:40 PM
Yo I just stole some Pogs last week. Them bitches paid for my Koyo.:rofl:

I love getting a good deal as much as the next person, but I usually figure on a 15% negotiation window. If someone wants $100 plus shipping for a blow off valve, Ill offer $100 shipped just for convenience. Nobody is really losing out there.. it costs $5 to ship a bov. If it were a bumper, itd be different.

But it does suck having Cali being the MECCA of the s-chassis. My biggest pet peeve is the fuckers that wont ship EVEN WHEN IM WILLING TO PAY FOR IT. Theyre just too fuckin lazy to box something up and drive it to UPS. Ive offered to pay the asking price, PLUS paypal, PLUS shipping, and still been turned down. For some huge ass items i can understand, but this was for a set of q45 calipers. Really? theyre that hard to ship?

You assume there is a negotiation window right off the bat?

See that is part of the problem. Unless a person states open to offers or OBO their price should be considered firm. Unless otherwise stated.

If you come in thinking that way and do that then they might just decided not to sell to you just based off how you came at them. Even if you do wind offering them the right amount.

That is just an observation of your stated way of doing things.

You deciding if someone is losing out or not is again an assumption on your part.

You do not know the history behind what they are selling. Maybe they are already losing their ass on it? LOL

As far as the Q45 calipers goes. Perhaps the person is lazy perhaps they feel its a hot enough item they can sell it quickly here and there is no reason for shipping.

I will say local sales will win out over shipping because its easier.

Though I will ship if a non local person speaks up first. Its just usually the non locals do take a little longer to act and close.

Though local people who are hot on items are sometimes like Piranha.
they jump and quick.

In the end a possible change in your attitude towards the seller might increase the people willing to ship to you? Maybe?

Just a thought.

04-13-2010, 05:20 PM
Because the current 240 community is full of thieves who came over from the Honda world?

You're new to the cars as well? Otherwise I think you would know this.

No lol I was saying "wonder why people get jacked" to the guy who said they agree with the guy who said to never meet people at your house.LOL

04-13-2010, 11:30 PM



04-14-2010, 12:13 AM
I dare someone to come and jack me! I got a magnum waiting for that ass.

04-14-2010, 05:28 AM
You assume there is a negotiation window right off the bat?

See that is part of the problem. Unless a person states open to offers or OBO their price should be considered firm. Unless otherwise stated.

If you come in thinking that way and do that then they might just decided not to sell to you just based off how you came at them. Even if you do wind offering them the right amount.

That is just an observation of your stated way of doing things.

I view it oppositely, not saying your wrong, but on a forum I always assume things are negotiable (unless the seller says "firm" or I'm dealing with a vendor or group buy). This is mostly because of how I sell. I decide how much I'd "like" to get, and 3% for PayPal, figure out shipping and round it up to the nearest $5 for my time/materials. Then I take offers, if it's not enough and I think I can move it later...I don't sell it. I look at forums as a swap meet of sorts. If you need the money bad enough or you really want the part gone, you'll budge on the price.

You deciding if someone is losing out or not is again an assumption on your part.

You do not know the history behind what they are selling. Maybe they are already losing their ass on it? LOL

I agree with the first part, but over-payment by the seller does not justify me paying more. I've been on both sides of this one.

This is America, you can charge what you like...people also have the right to laugh at your prices.

Once again, not bashing your opinions, they're equally as valid as mine...it's just how I look at things.

drift freaq
04-14-2010, 01:25 PM
I view it oppositely, not saying your wrong, but on a forum I always assume things are negotiable (unless the seller says "firm" or I'm dealing with a vendor or group buy). This is mostly because of how I sell. I decide how much I'd "like" to get, and 3% for PayPal, figure out shipping and round it up to the nearest $5 for my time/materials. Then I take offers, if it's not enough and I think I can move it later...I don't sell it. I look at forums as a swap meet of sorts. If you need the money bad enough or you really want the part gone, you'll budge on the price.

I agree with the first part, but over-payment by the seller does not justify me paying more. I've been on both sides of this one.

This is America, you can charge what you like...people also have the right to laugh at your prices.

Once again, not bashing your opinions, they're equally as valid as mine...it's just how I look at things.

You are entitled to your opinions. I just feel that unless otherwise stated a stated price is a stated price.

You assume that since you do it differently its justified. Now I am not calling you wrong on it, though I am pointing out that not everyone thinks like you do or your way.

So in that sense you are taking on a big assumption about people you know nothing about. Most people do not all think like you do.

I do not know you, but I do know a lot of people who think and feel as I do. They put up a asking price and that is what they want.

They don't want people offering them 1/3rd to half less than what they are asking, which goes on here all the time.

By your logic? I would have to overprice my item by at least 30% to 50% to get what I want. At which point someone will give you crap for being overpriced. LOL

See it differs a lot when you are buying something from someone over the net vs in person. In person you can look at a person and gauge and judge if they are flexible on pricing.

On the net you do not know this. Therefor if the price is stated without an offer statement. You can ask them in p.m. but you cannot automatically assume they are going to sell it for less.

Especially if the item is already priced reasonable. I see people lowballing or making offers on stuff that is already priced quite good.

Its like the kid that offered my friend $50 shipped for a perfectly mint condition Black S13 dash listed for $100. The $100 is a fair price if not a good deal for such a clean dash.

Yet by your thinking he must sell it for less because that is what you would do.

Why? Its a good deal already.

That's all, just giving you the opposite side of thinking.

04-14-2010, 04:18 PM
You are entitled to your opinions. I just feel that unless otherwise stated a stated price is a stated price.

You assume that since you do it differently its justified. Now I am not calling you wrong on it, though I am pointing out that not everyone thinks like you do or your way.

So in that sense you are taking on a big assumption about people you know nothing about. Most people do not all think like you do.

I do not know you, but I do know a lot of people who think and feel as I do. They put up a asking price and that is what they want.

They don't want people offering them 1/3rd to half less than what they are asking, which goes on here all the time.

By your logic? I would have to overprice my item by at least 30% to 50% to get what I want. At which point someone will give you crap for being overpriced. LOL

See it differs a lot when you are buying something from someone over the net vs in person. In person you can look at a person and gauge and judge if they are flexible on pricing.

On the net you do not know this. Therefor if the price is stated without an offer statement. You can ask them in p.m. but you cannot automatically assume they are going to sell it for less.

Especially if the item is already priced reasonable. I see people lowballing or making offers on stuff that is already priced quite good.

Its like the kid that offered my friend $50 shipped for a perfectly mint condition Black S13 dash listed for $100. The $100 is a fair price if not a good deal for such a clean dash.

Yet by your thinking he must sell it for less because that is what you would do.

Why? Its a good deal already.

That's all, just giving you the opposite side of thinking.

It's the seller's right not to sell...it's the buyer's right to low-ball, hopefully they can meet in the middle. If you price is firm, say it. I rarely pay asking price for anything I buy, so there is more O.B.O. out there than you think.

FWIW - I don't lowball, but I'm also not paying retail price from somebody I don't know. If your price is too close to what I can get it from a vendor for, why wouldn't I buy from them?

Like my dad used to say "When you're starving, 1/2 a loaf of bread is better than no loaf."

If you're not starving, pass by my bakery and look for a full loaf.

04-14-2010, 04:37 PM



I dont know what all the chats about.

But I can get behind this.

04-15-2010, 12:10 AM
i dont live that far from cali.. but i can think of numerous occasions where i was interested in an item but wasnt willing to ship due to the fact that it was a large item.. not anybodys fault.. but it just kinda suks sometimes.. as you were haha

04-16-2010, 07:30 AM
i dont live that far from cali.. but i can think of numerous occasions where i was interested in an item but wasnt willing to ship due to the fact that it was a large item.. not anybodys fault.. but it just kinda suks sometimes.. as you were haha

Exactly my point...a full Origin kit...dirt cheap, no shipping. SSR Prof's, super low offset with tires...no shipping....

All from Cali...can't hate them for not shipping, just wish I lived closer...left coast has all the cool car parts, right coast gets the cool accent...not a fair trade...LOL...flame away!

04-16-2010, 07:49 AM
It's the seller's right not to sell...it's the buyer's right to low-ball, hopefully they can meet in the middle. If you price is firm, say it. I rarely pay asking price for anything I buy, so there is more O.B.O. out there than you think.

FWIW - I don't lowball, but I'm also not paying retail price from somebody I don't know. If your price is too close to what I can get it from a vendor for, why wouldn't I buy from them?

Like my dad used to say "When you're starving, 1/2 a loaf of bread is better than no loaf."

If you're not starving, pass by my bakery and look for a full loaf.

Couldnt agree more. Im not gonna lowball someone simply because I dont want to offend them, but everything is negotiable. If youre selling your used Mishimoto radiator on here for $200, when I could get a new one for $225, im gonna offer you $180 shipped. Thats just how things work- im not paying full price, or close to full price for a used part. Theres a certain amount of risk involved with buying anything second hand- even if its still in "like new" condition. You spend $225 from a vendor and get a shit part, theyll refund or replace. Buy from someone off zilvia, and youre shit outta luck. For that reason, I pay what I wanna pay, and nothing more. If the seller doesnt like it, then ill find someone who's prices are still on planet earth. Theres a million people selling the same parts- its not like parts are hard to come by. If you wont work with me on coming up with a price that we both agree is fair, i have no problem taking my business elsewhere. When it comes down to it, are you really gonna let $180 walk out the door because you wanted $200? If you are, then you dont need the money that bad, and can afford to sit on your part until it sells for your asking price. Like I said, everything is negotiable. If the buyer lists "firm," and his price is pretty good, I wont fuck with him. If hes asking 230 firm for a used radiator, ill politely tell him his price is wack, and offer him a realistic price. Im not gonna be intimidated by a seller putting "firm" on his prices. 90% of the time someone says "firm" its because their price is already pretty damn good, and theyre not willing to go lower. In such a situation, i see no need to try to talk them lower. When Im buying a part, I know what its worth and what i want to spend. If their firm price is too high, i either wont bother, or ill offer them a realistic price- NOT a lowball. I consider a lowball to be anything less than 2/3 of the asking price. $200 offer for a $300 part is a lowball. $250 is a reasonable offer.

If prices were always set in stone, i wouldnt waste my time on zilvia. Id be buying new parts from vendors that support our sport.

04-16-2010, 08:29 AM
ive shipped an engine via roadway cost like 300 bucks but thats discounted through my workplace. banded the ka to a pallet and shrink wrapped the fuck outta it and awa it went. i guess is mainly the resources u have avail to you. ive shipped bumpers via fedex again through my job because shipping discounted. i think if i didnt work where i was at then it would be a diff story.

some ppl i guess, just dont want to bother shipping larger items but thats understandable.

that flat rate box does come in handy for sure though!

04-16-2010, 08:30 AM
[quote=sirfallsalot243;3395039]Couldnt agree more. Im not gonna lowball someone simply because I dont want to offend them, but everything is negotiable. If youre selling your used Mishimoto radiator on here for $200, when I could get a new one for $225, im gonna offer you $180 shipped. Thats just how things work- im not paying full price, or close to full price for a used part. Theres a certain amount of risk involved with buying anything second hand- even if its still in "like new" condition. You spend $225 from a vendor and get a shit part, theyll refund or replace. Buy from someone off zilvia, and youre shit outta luck. For that reason, I pay what I wanna pay, and nothing more. If the seller doesnt like it, then ill find someone who's prices are still on planet earth. Theres a million people selling the same parts- its not like parts are hard to come by. If you wont work with me on coming up with a price that we both agree is fair, i have no problem taking my business elsewhere. When it comes down to it, are you really gonna let $180 walk out the door because you wanted $200? If you are, then you dont need the money that bad, and can afford to sit on your part until it sells for your asking price. Like I said, everything is negotiable. If the buyer lists "firm," and his price is pretty good, I wont fuck with him. If hes asking 230 firm for a used radiator, ill politely tell him his price is wack, and offer him a realistic price. Im not gonna be intimidated by a seller putting "firm" on his prices. 90% of the time someone says "firm" its because their price is already pretty damn good, and theyre not willing to go lower. In such a situation, i see no need to try to talk them lower. When Im buying a part, I know what its worth and what i want to spend. If their firm price is too high, i either wont bother, or ill offer them a realistic price- NOT a lowball. I consider a lowball to be anything less than 2/3 of the asking price. $200 offer for a $300 part is a lowball. $250 is a reasonable offer.

If prices were always set in stone, i wouldnt waste my time on zilvia. Id be buying new parts from vendors that support our sport.[/quote

werd...I don't make offers to offend, when I make an offer, it's based on retail prices, ebay prices, prices of similar items sold on Zilvia and other forums...if they don't like it, they can keep it.

04-16-2010, 06:31 PM
im so used to people lowballing, i just overprice it to begin with

the Farmas dish i just sold i really only wanted 1k shipped for em. So i listed them for 1200 shipped.

First pm i got? "Hey man, will take 1k shipped, its all i got". over the years you learn to deal with it. everyone wants a deal. make them think they are getting one and they are happy.

04-16-2010, 08:11 PM
im so used to people lowballing, i just overprice it to begin with

the Farmas dish i just sold i really only wanted 1k shipped for em. So i listed them for 1200 shipped.

First pm i got? "Hey man, will take 1k shipped, its all i got". over the years you learn to deal with it. everyone wants a deal. make them think they are getting one and they are happy.

that only works for parts people can't get their hands on or compare prices to retail.

people can't compare prices to ebay, as it is mainly an auction place and if its not an auction item its a BIN or OBO and if it is, parts are usually 10-20- off retail.

Buying used parts is always taking a risk especially if its dealing with engine/drivetrain/suspension, so don't do buy it unless its absolutely a f* deal. Man up and get a job and buy it new, so that you get your warranty and crap.

All these crying about prices ..when this thread is about Ca with deals..

04-16-2010, 09:33 PM
Oh and I do agree with Zar. Never meet them at your place. Sorry but I just don't let people I don't know come to my place.

damn i should stop telling people to come to my house then.. everyone i meet up they come to my house, im even nice enough to let people come in and wash their hands if they took off the part and have dirty hands