View Full Version : This is war, It's not pretty or sane, and innocents die

04-06-2010, 07:08 PM
And this leftist propaganda crap pisses me off. Im sure many of you have seen the video "Collateral Murder". A video that shows Apaches, an aircraft which is my duty to maintain armament and electronically, blasting people from which by all means can only be determined as insurgents. Yes, innoccent people died. 2 journalist in a hot combat zone, and two children brought into the battlefield via van after the fight has allready commenced indistinguishable from anyone else especialy being hidden in the van. this video tries to make it apear that the pilots are sadistic bastards who knew children were there, and and shot unintended targets on purpose as if a 30mm cannon is an accurate sniper rifle. 30mm and all weaopons on the apache are Area Weapons System in short meaning not very accurate. Im sorry, this myth that the army can hit a fly across the atlantic ocean is a myth. We can aim at it and send somthing that blows up getting it in the explosion......hopefully.

War has a lot of collateral dammage, you either except this or stop fighting and let our children die instead.

this is the video.


as for the major not "knowing what happened" believe me, as someone who's job it is also to deal with the video, they do not review all of the hundreds of hours and it would be very impractical nor without hours pouring over every detail of this 10 minute footage and having other important details would one be able to tell who's who.

After looking at the footage I have personaly determined all actions of these pilots were correct and can asses nothing else. Even after having details of this video pointed out i can still not determine for sure who's a child and who's a journalist. there simply is no way of telling other than forehand knowledge and that line is very blurry. Sorry, Hindsight is 20/20 and in the moment situations for example, combat, is blurry.

Cliffnotes: Get over it, war is ugly and brutal and innocents die, except it or roll over and die. This video is leftist propaganda (not democratic party but stupid hippie librals that think being a pussie can solve all the worlds problems and realize the truth only after their wife has been raped and their children killed)

Im proud of my army, my country, and especially my brothers and sisters and arms who risk their lives for the People of the United States of America.

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------

oh yeah, and I'm a Buddhist.

04-06-2010, 08:09 PM

Loud noises is a better place for this (and there's already a thread there)

04-06-2010, 08:25 PM
oh yeah, and I'm a Buddhist.

I'm a Christian, and I completely agree with everything you just said. Thank you for being one of the few(people in general) that think clearly.

04-06-2010, 11:08 PM
Cliff notes?

04-06-2010, 11:21 PM
this is better-off in Loud Noises...