View Full Version : Beezid.com STRATEGY OR SCAM?

04-05-2010, 11:39 AM
Okay, I've heard enough about it, let's get some input from some actually users on here. I understand that they actually make a retarded amount of money on one item, but I've heard of some people using their "strategy" to make out like a bandit, buying and selling items and making a large profit.

So let's hear it guys, opinions, arguments, retarded rants, people chiming in that know nothing of how it works, etc.


04-05-2010, 11:48 AM
get a job


04-05-2010, 11:57 AM
Soap, I gotta job homie, I'm just curious.

04-05-2010, 11:57 AM
;) :) :o jk

04-05-2010, 12:05 PM
I'm so tempted to do this and bid on shit people don't like or want and get it for cheap(like games and movies and shit) and resell it on ebay and make some money.

04-05-2010, 01:42 PM
Look like more of a scam then anything else. Even though you would probably get your merchantdise at a discount. Looks like you have to buy "bids" you can buy "bid packages". So even though the final price of the product may only go up in small increments you have to keep bidding on it to win.

So whose to say you won't spend 1000$ worth of bids to buy a TV at the final price of 5$?. Get it? So all in all you would be spending 1005$ Maybe still a deal, but misleading advertising. Very scetchy. Whats even better is that you can bid on "bid packages". But maybe it's legit you just have to realize oppritunity cost.

They have a bid package of 200 "bids" for 120$. Just becuase you bid doesn't mean you are going to win, all it does is reset the timer. And buy the looks of it you can run through 200 bids in a matter of minutes. So you might have to bid on a product 1000 times just to win it. So the auctioned product final price may be 50$ but you already spent 600$ on "bids".

I keep having to edit. It would be interesting of yopu could see the amount of "bids" that a product has already generated. They have a Mustang GT up for sale in a little while. i wonder how many bids the car is going to bring form people who might just bid 10 or 20 times and then let it slip. So these people pay for these bids and get absoutley nothing in return. Thats free money for beezid.

I would say, don't bid on anything you are not willing to go the whole way with. Otherwise it's just a waste of cash.

04-05-2010, 01:49 PM
yeah, I guess how people do it is buy a lower priced bid package and then use that to bid on other bid packages for cheap. then once they get a good bit of bids throw in the autobid and sniper shit and snatch a TV or something for a total investment cost of around 300 dollars and still have a good bit of bids left over. IDK though. If I win a scratch off soon ill try it. lol

04-05-2010, 02:09 PM
the amount of bids required for something is ridiculous... "you have to buy bids" and each bid can only go up $.01. As an item ends. It has a 20 second going going gone type thing attached. If someone bids during that time, then the auction timer resets for another 20 seconds. Each time you bid. It costs you money. Approximately .60 to .90 cents a bid. IE. IF you buy $50 in bids then you're in the 75 cents range. If you buy $200 in bids then you get them in the .60 cent range.

Case in point. When I looked at this site. This item was going off.
The Pentax SLR K-X 12.4MP DSLR kit in white. This camera ran out of time about 50 minutes ago. It's still in the going going gone stage. When the "auction ended". It was at $35. It's now at 37.50 and still climing with about 4-5 people bidding on it. That means well. It got to $35 via 3500 bids at .60-.90 cents each. It's now moved into 250 bids in just the closing hours. So. Did someone really spend $.60*3750= $2250 in bids for the option to buy a $599 retail dslr for $37??? Nope. SO here's where the scam sets in.

It's your standard make all your friends hate you scam. "Yo I just bought a $600 digital camera for $38. Here's how you can too!!". If you spend $200 trying to get the option to buy a digital camera and loose out to someone who spent $250 trying to get the option to buy a digital camera and you all lost out to the person who spent $300 trying to buy it who lost out to the guy who invited... er spammed 5000000000 of friends/associates/email list friends/ zombies/ etc and he got 500 bids in return and when those friends spammed/mailbombed/posted it on zilvia etc. He got another 500 bids... and then it continued and continued. All this spam so someone can get the option to buy a digital camera. The whole bid process is designed that if you are not a spammer and you can't get the free bids, then you can't win. Er would be better off to just goto the store and buy it.

The hate part is when you bought the $50 pack of bids. Set out to buy this one item. Like this camera. You're in it to say like $38. And 50 of your bids. So your "autobidder" bids 37.01. and somone elses auto bidder bids 37.02. each bid only adds .01 to the price. So now it costs you .75 cents to move the price upto 37.03. This continues. Eventually you'll run out of bids. Now you've spent $50 chasing this "awesome deal". Oh noes. You're going to loose out. Better buy more bids. I mean cmon. You're going to get a $600 camera for $37 now instead of $35. and So what if you spent $60 in bids to win it. That's still a deal $90 for a $600 camera. Just buy a couple more bids and you're sure to win it.

Continue. for another 30 mins. Surprise you're out of bids again! Damn. This is harder than I thought. And wow I've spent $100 and if I walk away now I'll be $100 in the hole with no camera. Certainly starting to feel like a scam but if I just hit my visa card up one more time I'll be getting a helluva deal. I mean my friends will all think I got it for $38 and so what if it costs me $150. I'll be cool and have a sweet deal.

Right now on the item I'm watching "Plow jockey" has atleast bid 250 times but that's ok because "ohtobethin" has been on it since $30. It's now $39.43 He's about every other bid. I'm calling atleast 400. *taking a shit bb 20 mins*

20 mins later. Neither of those two are on it any more. Some other two people have taken up the torch. $40.57 with the last one selling for $46.09 Keep in mind there's no feedback or anything here. For all we know you're bidding against the house. So use your "strategies" to win. I'll tell you what. 10 people pay me $100 for the chance to buy a SR20det for $39. Think of what a deal it could be for you!

Cliff notes:
Each chance is a bid. You have to buy your bids. Biding does not mean actually winning. The winner will be random but it will most certainly be NOT you! Your item may be substituted and will arrive in 3-4 weeks.

Item at $48 still climbing. 4800 bids. Who could go wrong.

04-05-2010, 03:43 PM
I understand that. However, my neighbor just got a PS3 off of there about a month or so ago. He bought the 30 bid package, then bid on a 200 bid package for like 10 bucks. Spent 138 of his bids on the PS3, musta just been at the right time. He came out spending a total of just over 130 bucks getting a PS3 shipped to his door. He had some problems with shipping, but hey. It whatever

My Opinion: Whoever owns this site is making fucking bank right now. Amazing Idea to make money. It probably wont last long because of how it actually works, but holy shit.

He. Is. Making. Bank.

04-05-2010, 04:27 PM
Mad bank.....

04-05-2010, 04:32 PM
is this like that pennycave or pennycove or whatever...?


PennyCave.com (http://www.pennycave.com/)

*Answers own question*

I wouldn't try it, but it looks like a good deal

04-05-2010, 06:54 PM
Mad bank.....

Greg, your my new best friend.

04-05-2010, 07:41 PM
Beezid.com Reviews by Consumers - SiteJabber (http://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.beezid.com)

I second the shut down part.

04-06-2010, 02:44 AM
there no scam about it...its just a strategy of how you want to bid...its pretty much betting..you buy bids to bid...i won one item at a very low price..no complaints here

04-06-2010, 02:50 AM
it's just as big of a scam as roulette or poker. but those are pretty fun. and mixed drinks are super cheap.

04-08-2010, 01:17 PM
it's just as big of a scam as roulette or poker. but those are pretty fun. and mixed drinks are super cheap.

Or in most cases free lol