View Full Version : sr20 shaking; but runs fine,,??

06-27-2003, 12:52 AM
i have the stock bov removed. i plugged up both the intake hose and stock intercooer pipe. i've adjusted teh screw between cylinder 2-3. not much changed.

it will run fine. right off the light the car is fine. just when let off the gas peddle

any sugestions?


06-27-2003, 01:15 AM
Is it shaking? or bogging? If it only happens when you let off the gas, then most likely it's something with your fuel monitoring system. If you have a bad tps it can **** up the amount of fuel being put in the engine and it makes it really erratic and jolty, like you can feel the engine rocking back and forth from fuel cutting on and off. It also can do quite a number on your motor mounts.

06-27-2003, 11:01 AM
no bogging.it only seems to happen when the engine is warm. i disconnected the maf,tps,the connector near the tps(coolant i think) and 2 connectors at runner 3&4. it basiclly ran the same.

in the morning it starts up and idles just fine.


06-27-2003, 11:30 AM
Ok, you said that you removed the stock BOV, do you have an aftermarket one on there? If not, that's the purpose of the blow off valve,to blow off the excess intake charge when your throttle plate is closed (ie: when you let off the gas). If you haven't got a BOV on there then you're more than likely getting compressor surge against the throttle plate. If you DO have an aftermarket BOV on there, then disregard everything I just typed. :D


06-27-2003, 04:19 PM
no bov. i didn't want to cut any more holes so i just pluged up to hoses. this is happenning while the car is just idling in the garage/street. when the car is cold it it fine. when it warms up it starts the shaking..?? i raised the idle(moved the throttle cable) and it is ok now. but if i lower it, it will start shaking...
