View Full Version : Why we shouldnt buy knockoffs.

03-23-2010, 08:02 PM
Id like all of you to watch this video from 0:45

tell me your thoughts on knockoffs after viewing

if youre impatient, watch from 6:30.


if you'd like to view the rest of the video


03-23-2010, 08:14 PM
Granted I don't feel as strong as you do on the subject, I agree that copied products sold under a different name are wrong.

I don't have knock-off parts. I don't buy or plan to buy "budget" parts. I buy real parts, but I still want to get a good deal on them.

Some people don't care what brand or quality parts they're buying, as long as its cheap. There isn't much you can do about it. Some people will never have enough money, or it will never be practical for someone to spend money on authentic parts.

The people buying copied parts are a small part of the problem. The heart of the problem is at the people making the copies and the laws not prohibiting this action.

It's you and others sharing your disappointment versus thousands who just don't care what you think. (Don't forget, I agree with you.) The only people that can take action against copied parts are the victims themselves.

03-23-2010, 08:20 PM
stealing peoples ideas and creations is bad, but its a business and that happens everywhere...as a company you gotta prove why your shit is still better

03-23-2010, 08:45 PM
Isn't the guy in the Passenger seat VP for APEXi USA?

03-23-2010, 08:58 PM
stealing peoples ideas and creations is bad, but its a business and that happens everywhere...as a company you gotta prove why your shit is still better

The thing is that yeah it happens but people shouldn't be supporting the bootleg shit products out in the market place...Companies shouldn't have to prove that their products are better then the knock off stuff, it's rather logical thinking...

03-23-2010, 09:00 PM
as long as there is a market, knock offs will be made. but that's not to say that equates to low quality. even the guy in the first video said that. copyright infringement is one thing, offering affordable alternatives is another. do i feel bad that i bought rims that resemble the "real" rims made by work? no. because i can't justify paying 200 to 300 (or more) bucks per rim. i've got a mortgage to pay, and a family to support. you can flame me all you want but not everyone on this site uses all their disposable income on their cars. if i want to lower my car, and have it look good according to what my tastes are, why should i have to pay a premium if a cheaper alternative exists?

it's the same principle with generic drugs.

you like burgers? do you think only one company should be able to make/sell them because they came up with the idea first? or do you want choices?

how about beer? soda? what kind of bottled water you drink? do you only want to have the option of buying one brand because of the name? or would you buy the store brand, because it's a little bit cheaper and in reality pretty much the same thing?

03-23-2010, 09:02 PM
This topic has gone around about as many times as it can. It's one thing when the owner (or in the video's sake, spokesperson) of a business asks the community not to buy into replica products. There's a sense or respect there that induces thought in the masses (i.e. "hey, why DO I use replica parts?"). What rubs me the wrong way is when indistinguishable members of the community take up the subject with a condescending tone.

Sigh @ thread.

03-23-2010, 09:04 PM
why should i have to pay a premium if a cheaper alternative exists?

And this is what's wrong with cars this day and age...You got to pay to play...:cops:

03-23-2010, 09:06 PM
id fake the funk when it comes to aero. everything else is usually top notch.

03-23-2010, 09:10 PM
it's all about quality in my opinion. Not just being a brand name whore, but buy quality products. If a cheaper alternative exists that is of just as good quality, there ya go

03-23-2010, 09:19 PM
buy what you want, spend money how you want to, who cares. not everyone needs race proven parts to daily drive.

03-23-2010, 09:28 PM
And this is what's wrong with cars this day and age...You got to pay to play...:cops:

so you think just because i want to personalize my car, i absolutely HAVE to pay for the top shelf shit? LOL @ your elitist attitude.

03-23-2010, 09:45 PM
It makes me feel better buying quality parts and supporting the companies that put in good effort in R&D. I would compare it to the music business like buying CD's instead of illegally downloading but I use Limewire like it's a drug. Once in a while, though, the "knockoff" part is better than the original. Case in point, authentic SexyStyle aero vs. Shine Auto "SS" aero.

03-23-2010, 10:03 PM
it's all about quality in my opinion. Not just being a brand name whore, but buy quality products. If a cheaper alternative exists that is of just as good quality, there ya go

i agree, the quality of the parts is what concerns me the most when i am looking to buy something. If i can find two parts that are of equal quality then of course im going to buy the cheaper one. More often than not, i end up buying the brand name part because it's a trusted name and i know that i wont have any issues with their products.

The thing that pisses me off about knock-offs is that a lot of people buy the parts knowing that they are cheap, in both price and quality, and then they have the audacity to bitch or complain about the product failing. :nono: I dont care if you choose to buy knock-offs but keep your fucking mouth shut when something goes wrong.

03-23-2010, 10:14 PM
Yes..fuck the replica shit but wait...

Whoever is buying replica stuff obviously can't afford the real deal, so they are not even the potential buyer. So at the end who gives a shit. I have people calling my SP1 and TE37 rotas...I don't give a rat shit.

03-23-2010, 10:22 PM
Bullshit bullshit bullshit

You haven't been around long enough to act like an elitist douchenozzle.

03-23-2010, 10:36 PM
i've bought knock off, and cheap shit before. I usually end up with the real thing in the end anyways... so why delay the inevitable? But just for good measure... i have an isis intake manifold. its a facking hunk of metal that bolts to the side of the motor so dont try to bash on me. Half of the "authentic" parts are actually outsourced to other countries to be produced cheaper. A friend of mine works in a ups brokerage and see shipments of all sorts and where they come from etc.

03-23-2010, 10:44 PM
so you think just because i want to personalize my car, i absolutely HAVE to pay for the top shelf shit? LOL @ your elitist attitude.

Hay man, whatever floats your boat...For me, I'd rather buy the product with the R&D behind it rather then the company who takes the product with the time and money behind it and knocks it off. If a purchase is a few hundred more, then I'd put it off and save up in order to get it.

03-23-2010, 10:49 PM
Didn't those JDM Insider guys go to jail for fraudulent activities?

03-23-2010, 10:49 PM

You haven't been around long enough to act like an elitist douchenozzle.

my boy udon is is salty as they come dawg.

03-23-2010, 10:50 PM
Hay man, whatever floats your boat...For me, I'd rather buy the product with the R&D behind it rather then the company who takes the product with the time and money behind it and knocks it off. If a purchase is a few hundred more, then I'd put it off and save up in order to get it.

Technically if a part is a EXACT copy, it will still have the R&D as the real deal.

As much as I would love to support Vertex, I simply can not afford it. Thats why I am still on OEM aero. If I had a budget to be buying $1500+ body kits I wouldn't be driving a 240.

03-23-2010, 10:51 PM
what if it was of equal value and same materials would u still buy the company who did all the r&d? Or buy the alternative

03-23-2010, 10:52 PM
You guys should purchase this video, not watch it on YouTube.

03-23-2010, 10:55 PM
^ oh the irony lol

03-23-2010, 11:00 PM
There's nothing elitist about buying suspension arms that won't rust up and fail on you.

There's nothing elisist about spending a little more on a suspension arm, to save spending a lot more later on a tow truck, lost time, and a realignment.

There's nothing elitist about buying coilovers that weren't made universally valved for pretty much any car with tack welded brackets on them *COUGHCOUGHGODSPEED*

You'll all learn eventually, the cheapest people pay twice.

03-23-2010, 11:01 PM
If I had a budget to be buying $1500+ body kits I wouldn't be driving a 240.

well put. we're driving cars made from the 90's for god's sake!

03-23-2010, 11:07 PM
You guys should purchase this video, not watch it on YouTube.

I lol'ed at this. Excellent point made here.

I don't want to join the argument, but it should be known already that knockoff is lame and not supporting the industry. I hate the knockoff companies. I can't afford anything, but I still will only run quality stuff on my car or OEM.

It's like every man for themself. If a reputable company can't make the price of an item cheap enough to afford, then they just have to accept that they won't get as much buisness because of all these knockoff companies. The thing is, some of them, if they go any cheaper they would have to outsource there work to China and that would crush their reputation/quality of the product and make them a knockoff company lol

I have no idea where I'm going with this...I vote to close thread.

03-23-2010, 11:14 PM
to each his own, if someone can't afford a part they buy the replica. i'm sick of people coming off like douche bags about it. some people buy legit, other less fortunate buy replica. would u rather have an overall dope car but with rotas OR your run of the mill slammed on works shit exterior/interior rust box 240 you see????????????????? again, to each his own.

ps. dmax tail lights are like 300+ i bought mine on ebay...proven them to be made at the same plant by the same manufacture (junyan) and i paid 100 shipped. so am i part of the problem? or is it the companies over charging the shit out of the consumer? why would i pay 200 bucks more for the SAME THING!!!!????

03-23-2010, 11:17 PM
Didn't those JDM Insider guys go to jail for fraudulent activities?

The fat guy did (The whole Skyline importation fiasco)...

03-23-2010, 11:28 PM
good thing my car has legit shit, i dont belive in knockoffs

any knockoff was already included with my car, but one day will be upgrading.

03-23-2010, 11:43 PM
Daaaaaaaaaamn that insider issue is sooooooooooo old. lol

03-23-2010, 11:44 PM
as stated before, what a lot of people dont know is that, some of these "authentic" parts with the name brand...are actually sometimes produced by the same company that sells the "knockoff" parts

its all about cheaper production cost, now thats not ALWAYS the case...but you'd be surprised how often it is

SHEEP is what you are...SHEEP

03-24-2010, 01:03 AM
^amen!!! a classic example with light weight battered people buy for 150 u can get them direct from manufacture for 60 buck lol, they just re badge them

03-24-2010, 09:37 AM

I have my eye on you.

03-24-2010, 09:48 AM
Its been said before, this kid is trying WAY TOO HARD.

03-24-2010, 09:54 AM
i want to own an old ass gt40 someday. i will never in my life be able to afford the original, but theres a very good chance that i will be able to buy a replica. are you going to come up to me when i park and call me a stupid fuck because im driving a knock off instead of buying an original from ford? no, your not.

knock offs drive the industry. if manufactures had their way, everything would be 10 times the price because there wouldnt be any competition. but there is, so they have to price themselves more realistically or face bankruptcy.

Soup Nazi
03-24-2010, 10:18 AM
i want to own an old ass gt40 someday. i will never in my life be able to afford the original, but theres a very good chance that i will be able to buy a replica. are you going to come up to me when i park and call me a stupid fuck because im driving a knock off instead of buying an original from ford? no, your not.

I see what you're trying to say, however I'm not sure that was the Best analogy.

If you did that, I'm sure a lot of people would call you a stupid fuck.

03-24-2010, 11:40 AM
i want to own an old ass gt40 someday. i will never in my life be able to afford the original, but theres a very good chance that i will be able to buy a replica. are you going to come up to me when i park and call me a stupid fuck because im driving a knock off instead of buying an original from ford? no, your not.

knock offs drive the industry. if manufactures had their way, everything would be 10 times the price because there wouldnt be any competition. but there is, so they have to price themselves more realistically or face bankruptcy.

those kit cars perform better than the original in many aspects.

03-24-2010, 11:41 AM
I do agree, generally, that people who are in the market for the legit parts probably aren't cross-shopping with cheap knock-offs.

I highly doubt anyone is seriously cross-shopping real RS Watanabes with Konig Rewinds or something. Most Rewind buyers wouldn't ever be potential Wat buyers anyway, so it doesn't hurt Watanabe.

I'm sure that in some cases, there is some crossover, and it SHOULD be easier for the parts manufacturers to sue the copiers. Obviously, if someone is copying Vertex Aero and marking it like it's legit they're doing something illegal. In the case of, say, Rotas, I don't see the harm. I really think it's the buyers of the real wheels who are getting their panties in a wad over other people coming sorta close to the same look for way less money, I seriously doubt that Ray's gives a shit about someone making bad cast copies of their wheels for 1/4 the price. Totally different customers.

I don't tend to own much knock-off stuff just because any part popular enough to be copied is probably too ubiquitous for me to want to own it, either the original or the copy, at least in most cases. I just like obscure shit, regardless of whether it's Japanese or American, cheap or expensive, or whatever.

03-24-2010, 12:18 PM
I love my rota's!!! i love my Version Select kouki aero, i love my prosport gauges! but you know what i got 10,000 dollars in a motor that matters more to me than some street cred on some wheels. so dont tell me i cant afford shit. :rolleyes:

03-24-2010, 12:24 PM
There's nothing elitist about buying suspension arms that won't rust up and fail on you.

There's nothing elisist about spending a little more on a suspension arm, to save spending a lot more later on a tow truck, lost time, and a realignment.

There's nothing elitist about buying coilovers that weren't made universally valved for pretty much any car with tack welded brackets on them

You'll all learn eventually, the cheapest people pay twice.
Yeah, but what about me, wanting a car to driftin once a month on the weekends.
Can I buy my entire Godspeed suspension for $800?
Or do I have to pay $3500 for the "best parts"?
I just want to have fun as a weekend warrior, and let some steam off.
Is that ok?????

as stated before, what a lot of people dont know is that, some of these "authentic" parts with the name brand...are actually sometimes produced by the same company that sells the "knockoff" parts
SHEEP is what you are...SHEEP


Its been said before, this kid is trying WAY TOO HARD.

IF ANY of these companies were smart, they would also make parts to compete with "knock offs".
You realize that Banana Republic is also the same as the GAP and the same as OLD NAVY.
All the product waters down from the top, and things are made cheaper and not as fitted as they move down to old navy.
Banana Republic was smart enough to realize that if they put their foot into every economic market, they could make some money.

Why doesnt the non "Knock offs" do that???

Heres a question.
What are you wearing??

If you didnt pay $500 for your jeans, THEY ARE KNOCK OFFS !!!
I dont think GAP, Target, Volcom or whatever, had a model walking during fashion week, paying designers to find new trends and doing all the R&D.

But I allow you to wear pants without belittling you.

If you wanna spend the big money on parts and try and supports companies inability to modernize to the world of internet,online shopping, auction houses and peoples ability to search for the best deal for their needs,
do it.

Its your money.
Im sure you will be such a better person 15 years from now.
Im sure everyone wants to hear stories about how you saved for months for a brand name part instead of tracking your ride.
Im sure when your dying, spending 4 years building a car will make you happy, and memories of racing at the track with other car enthusiest wont...............

save up.

and Udon, lets see your car and parts list?
Do you track your car?
are you building the next HIN car?
How long have you owned it?
Do you live at home?

I find most people that are all "no knock offs" live with mommy, or have been building a car for YEARS!!

I actually support motorsports and drive mine. :)

03-24-2010, 12:25 PM
zenkicam: who was implying what you can and can't afford?

03-24-2010, 12:28 PM
a few posted people who buy rotas and knockoffs simply cant afford the real deal.

03-24-2010, 12:41 PM
I cant afford the real deal.

Or choose not to.
My relationship with my GF is more important than not buying knock offs.
I would rather be able to take my Girlfreind out and treat her like a queen, then save for a couple extra weeks to impress some guys on a forum.

My GodSpeed works fine for me.
Im not drifting over 55mph on entry and my tires are no wider then 9".

03-24-2010, 12:42 PM
Everyone has their choice, I don't care what you buy. What kills me are the people who think knock-off's kills the company. They seriously think the person would save for the real deal if their wasn't a copy available. Probably not. The people who really want Rays, Vertex, Bride etc are going to buy the real deal, the day dreamers won't, no money is lost period.

03-24-2010, 12:56 PM

03-24-2010, 01:15 PM

03-24-2010, 02:19 PM
I cant afford the real deal.

Or choose not to.
My relationship with my GF is more important than not buying knock offs.
I would rather be able to take my Girlfreind out and treat her like a queen, then save for a couple extra weeks to impress some guys on a forum.

My GodSpeed works fine for me.
Im not drifting over 55mph on entry and my tires are no wider then 9".

right on man

03-24-2010, 02:54 PM
First off, a few points.

To those apposing people buying "knock-offs" because they hurt the original company, what is your opinion on people buying used?

Second, many times, "originals" or "name-brand" are just over priced. Is a Tien coilover set up actually any better then PBM or FA coil-overs?

To the people rocking HKS or Zeal and crying about "pay to play" and "cheap posers"... why are you not rocking Ohlins, Bilstine or Penskie racing coilovers?

Is a $500 Takada harness honestly better then a $240 Simpson one?

Man up, go old school, and build your own parts if you are so worried about this crap. 50 years ago you had to actually make your stuff, not simple point-click and paypal it.

03-24-2010, 03:04 PM
Stock body ftw!!

03-24-2010, 03:09 PM
I also find that the "no knock off" crowd buys there BBQ supplies at the $1 store.

Talk about knock offs..................

Mi Beardo es Loco
03-24-2010, 03:33 PM
there's knockoffs to everything. Digimon was a knockoff to Pokemon. Megan Fox is a knockoff of Angelina Jolie. Tasty Cakes are knockoffs of CupCakes. It happens everywhere. What it comes down to is quality. In the end, you get what you pay for and if the expensive products want to stay profitable then they need to step up their quality or price it more competitively.

In the end it's business.

Mi Beardo es Loco
03-24-2010, 03:33 PM
I also find that the "no knock off" crowd buys there BBQ supplies at the $1 store.

Talk about knock offs..................
that's because they spent so much money on their non knockoff products they can't afford Home Depot

03-24-2010, 03:38 PM
theres also the difference between knockoff parts for the chassis, which is what the general argument is about...but what about motor specifics...? presonally, as far as motor internals go...yeah...i think thats one i want the actual product that best for it...be it OEM or R&D aftermarket items...

as far as my car goes, did i take a yr to finally get it done, yes, could i have done events withing that year even if my car wasnt done, no....simple fact for my situation was 12hr days weekly, 8hrs weekends...making serious bank, so i decided to make money while i could, im young and can afford to do so...i got to buy some quality parts for my car...i dont feel it wrong to take advantage of the situation if i can...

some people choose to buy what they can, some can afford it righ toff the bat, some are willign to wait till there ready... so be it...

cars are like beer, they all do the same thing, and we each prefer our own flavor...

03-24-2010, 03:42 PM
^^ I agree with that......

Seriously though? I buy Megan stuff.... if it sucks then ok buy real stuff.... Personally people should learn about their cars more and the mechanics of the car.... Ok how many peeps know how to read a shock dyno and understand it.... Do people who even drive the car on the edge enough to know the difference? I see it as try it first, read as much about it, if your knock of breaks, try to figure out why and then now educate yourself about why the authentic or more expensive stuff maybe better... Personally this is JDM stuff, people who know can just go to a Hot Rod Shop, Summit, or Pegasus etc and just buy and make their own stuff that is even better than the expensive JDM stuff at probably 3/4 the cost.....

You can stuff all the nice car parts into a car and yet dunno how to tune it, its still a piece of shit.... Learning about setup, engine tuning, reading a dipstick correctly, to tuning suspension and actually controlling the car... Spend money or time on the basics first.... Not all JDM stuff is good and not all Chinese stuff is bad and yes US stuff is good too!!

03-24-2010, 03:47 PM
Megan Fox is a knockoff of Angelina Jolie.

Angelina Jolie isn't even good looking.

03-24-2010, 04:05 PM
she was when she used to EAT. check out how she looked in movies like hackers, before the wafer thin look.

03-24-2010, 04:09 PM
OHHHH!!!!! Ill k!ll you kyle!!! take that back!!!

03-24-2010, 04:17 PM

Angelina Jolie isn't even good looking.

seriously? i like Angelina Jolie way more than Megan Fox

03-24-2010, 04:27 PM
she was when she used to EAT. check out how she looked in movies like hackers, before the wafer thin look.
I know, I've seen Hackers. Even then, she wasn't that good looking.

OHHHH!!!!! Ill k!ll you kyle!!! take that back!!!
No way jose.

seriously? i like Angelina Jolie way more than Megan Fox
Great body, not so great face.

Megan Fox isn't exactly the hottest woman on the planet, but IMO, she blows Angelia Jolie out of the water.

03-24-2010, 04:27 PM
she was when she used to EAT. check out how she looked in movies like hackers, before the wafer thin look.

or in GIA...damn she looked great naked in that movie ...and a lesbian...

not to mention FOX has that toe fingure...

if she gives you a hand job, at the same time you would be getting a footjob...

i digress...i still wouldnt turn down the either from her...

03-24-2010, 04:29 PM

Megan > Angie any day

i'd have no problem smashing either one though

03-24-2010, 04:31 PM
id pick Vanessa Lengies over both said bitches any day...

deffinetly not a knock off...

03-24-2010, 04:37 PM
I pick the Jonas Brothers over Justin Bieber.


03-24-2010, 04:38 PM
fuck that, Justin Bieber FTW

T chop
03-24-2010, 04:41 PM
Udon aren't you like 17? Wait a few years and your opinion will change. Just re read what Eric Castro posted a few times and maybe you will start to understand.

03-24-2010, 04:53 PM
Great body, not so great face.

Megan Fox isn't exactly the hottest woman on the planet, but IMO, she blows Angelia Jolie out of the water.

I dont know about that one, i would say there close to each other. they both are good looking, depends on what ya like tho...

03-24-2010, 04:56 PM
k guys i just bought full godspeed suspension and rota gridz

thanks for changing my mind, ive been rollin up to meets reeaal hard, bitches like my car more than all the srt-4s!

i also picked up an aero designs seat! i luv the thing! its way better than a real bride! who wants to pay for a $700+ seat anyways?

NOT ME! my car isnt even worth $700!

i love being so jdm!

mods can lock this thread now, thanks guys, i was saving my money for dg-5's, but i got full suspension from godspeed for the price of just the coilovers i wanted! im so thankful you all changed my mind.

i hope to soon be a pro - am driver repping godspeed and the inland empire drift game!

PEACE OUT DOGGZZZZ JDM FOR LIFE all the haters gunna hate but i love my silvia!

03-24-2010, 05:00 PM
^Seriously kiddo, go jump off a fucking cliff.

03-24-2010, 05:04 PM
no way d00d my life is too good i havent even been able to fully enjoy my new suspension setup yet

03-24-2010, 05:08 PM
mods can lock this thread now

You paid $10, you can lock it yourself.

03-24-2010, 05:10 PM

One more reason why this nutswinging fanboi dipshit suck at life.

03-24-2010, 05:10 PM
lol @ Mini-BH acting up again.

03-24-2010, 05:12 PM
Let me get the last comment before it closes!!! Not all brides are fia approve!!!! Let's go buy non name brand seats!

03-24-2010, 05:13 PM

Angelina Jolie isn't even good looking.
agreed !!

fuck, sometimes i love you turbo balls.

Udon aren't you like 17? Wait a few years and your opinion will change. Just re read what Eric Castro posted a few times and maybe you will start to understand.

yeah, the kid lives with mommy.
Udon, do you even actually track your car??
can you drift/grip?

If you cant, then shut the fuck up.
Buy lowering springs and bolt on's, you don't need ANY of the shit we are talking about here.

k guys i just bought full godspeed suspension a

my car isnt even worth $700!

exactly my reasoning.
Its a toy for fun.
not my lifes investment and a representation of me.

i hope to soon be a pro -
You know how many guys that turn pro are running "knock offs"?
pretty much all of them.
even the Matt Powers and Tommy Roberts ran knock offs and EBAY PARTS in their cars last year!

You paid $10, you can lock it yourself.
Udon is now Gen Pop to me.

lol @ Mini-BH acting up again.

no shit.
Udon, you are retarded dude.
You are also clueless.
Why start a discussion thread and close it a couple hours later?
The nut swinging didnt go as planned?
too late.

Udon, Save up for those DG5's, that way I can garentee i wont see you at the track anytime soon.
Thanks :)

Touge Noob S13
03-24-2010, 05:20 PM
Hmm, looks like Godspeed is a fan of Tanabe.

Tanabe USA:
"Built for the driving enthusiast, the Sustec Stabilizer emininates roll for exceptional stability and maximum tire contact patch and grip.
Unique to the Sustec Stabilizer is it's FULL CHROMEMOLY steel alloy construction. Chromemoly's strength is such that a small diameter chromemoly anti-swaybar is significantly stronger than the standard steel anti-swaybars that are larger in diameter.
Chromemoly anti-swaybars, which have typically only been readily available to race users are now available to all motorsport enthusiasts for a reasonable price!"

Godspeed Project:
"Built for the driving enthusiast, the GODSPEED Stabilizer emininates roll for exceptional stability and maximum tire contact patch and grip.
Unique to the GODSPEED Stabilizer is it's FULL CHROMEMOLY steel alloy construction. Chromemoly's strength is such that a small diameter chromemoly anti-swaybar is significantly stronger than the standard steel anti-swaybars that are larger in diameter.
The GODSPEED Stabilizer has a carefully calculated OUTER and INNER diameter, for the proper amount of rigidity. The diameter and strength cannot be compared to other commonly available anti-swaybars due to the vast difference in material construction.
Chromemoly anti-swaybars have typically only been readily available to race users. The GODSPEED Stabilizer makes this lightweight, extremely functional race material technology available to all motorsport enthusiasts for a reasonable price!"

03-24-2010, 05:22 PM
Knockoffs will exist as long as there is a market for them. Blame the real companies for not killing that market.
Castro said it best with pointing out that Banana Republic, Gap and Old Navy are one company.
Angelina Jolie is not hot to me, Megan Fox only slightly better.
Someone requested that the thread be closed, even though he could have done it himself.
Now I will do it.

No one reopen it.