View Full Version : Suggestions on a ticket I fought and still guilty

03-21-2010, 10:41 PM
Bold and blue letters-for people who don't wanna read everything

This happened sometime last year around NOV/DEC while driving my dad's car (100% stock Toyota Yaris).

I went to In-N-Out with my cousin on a Friday night around midnight or 1am.I was heading back home and as I approached a traffic light they were all red and suddenly turned green since there was no cars around.I made a right turn without stopping, remember the lights had turned all green, and I saw two police cars parked illegally in a 7-eleven entrance with the officers posted in front of the cars.As I did the turn at around 20MPH my cousin looked over as he danced and we continued our way.Next thing you know two cars come flying in the back and I get pulled over.Officer approaches the driver side and here's the conversation (this the whole conversation as to what I can remember between me, my cousin, the cop, and the other cop):

officer:You know why I pulled you over?
me:No, why?
officer:Can I ask why you ran that red light with out making a stop?
me:I didn't run a red light.
officer:I looked over and on my side the light was green to turn left.
me:Well we saw the light being green that's why i didn't make a stop otherwise I would've.
officer:Alright well let me see your driver's license and registration.
me:Here, hold on let me find the registration.

(he runs my name through his wakie thing and I come clear with no record.He asked my cousin for his name and ran that.He then asked if he knows him form somewhere and my cousin says he doesn't know.Info comes back and my cousin has a restraining order against him and the officer informed him about it.My cousin him that he still has to go to court for that and clear it up.Officer says, "Alright."I proceeded to open the glove box and grab the little booklet thingy with everything inside.)

officer:I'm not pulling you over because you look suspicious or anything, but it's just something I we started doing lately.
officer:Thank you.......this is expired.
me:Oh really hold on let me see if the other one is here.

(searching and I can't find it.)

officer:It's fine I'll just run your license, be right back.

(I keep searching as he walks away and find it.)

me:hey, officer I found it.

(officer walks back)

officer:You called me back?
me:Yeah I found the registration, here.
officer:Oh, no it's fine.

(Walks to his car and then comes back.)

officer:I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the car.
officer:Just to search you and make sure you got nothing on you.
officer:Just put you hands on your head and spread your legs.
officer:You got anything in your pockets?
me:Yeah, hold on.
officer:Please take your hands out your pocket I'll get it.
me:Oh my bad, alright.

(he pats me down, pulls out my keys and everything out of my pockets.He then grabs my tic tac box and asked if I had raisins.WTF???I said no it's tic tacs so he proceeded to pull it out my sweater.He then finishes and I'm puzzled.)

officer:alright your done, can you go stand by the car.

(he walks over to the passenger door and tells my cousin to step out.)

officer:Can you please step out.
officer:please put your hands on your head and spread your legs.

(he pats my cousin down, digs in his pocket, pulls his wallet out and drops it on the floor,and finishes.He then opens his wallet and goes through all his stuff.Pulls his cards out and questions.)

officer:please can both you sit on the curb.
me & cousin:yeah.

(We sit down and the passenger door is open so he says he's gonna search it.)

officer:I'm gonna search your car if you don't mind.
me:Wait, hold on.Can I ask why your gonna search the car, because according to the law I know you gotta have something suspicious and have a reason to and you said we didn't look suspicious.
officer:Oh, no I'm just gonna search to make sure you guys got nothing.
me:Well it's my dad's car and not mine so I need to know why you wanna search it.
officer:Oh what?Your saying you got things in here or something?
me:No!But you got no reason to.Alright you know what if it makes you happy go ahead.

(He begins to search the car and then comes out and says,"Anything I fins in the car is under your responsibility."Hell late don't you think?He then says,"Mmmmm this In-N-Out smells pretty good."Anyways he starts to question about nuts and bolts my dad had and I told him he did maintenance at a building.He proceeds to search and pops the trunk.Opens it slowly and my cousin yells out,"Oh shit!"Officer jumps back and grabs his gun but then we all laughed.)

officer 2:Please cross your legs.
officer 2:Please put your hands out your pockets and on your lap.

(Officer finishes his search and let's us go back inside the car.)

me:Bro, this is so fucking stupid our In-N-Out is cold we got searched WTF?!?!
cousin:Fuck it they just trying to fuck with us.
officer:Alright well I'm gonna write you up for running a red light..
me:But I didn't run a red light it was green.
officer:If you want you can fight it in court.
me:Alright I guess I will.
officer:I'll see you in court then please sign here and I'm gonna give you a warning for have the music too high up within a 50ft range.

(We weren't even 50ft away when he saw me do the turn and at this point I was annoyed and pissed.)

me:It's a stock stereo.
officer:Well law is if I can hear it within 50ft it's too loud.
me:You wanna complain about it being loud go to Toyota other than that it wasn't loud.
officer:Well it's just a waning, well have a good night.
me:Alright then.

(He walks to his car and I'm just heated but get over it so whatever.)

[For people who don't wanna read it all]
I got pulled over coming from In-N-Out and supposedly accused of running a red light when they were all green.Officer searched me, my cousin,my cousin's wallet, and my dad's car for no reason.I also asked him for a reason or what was suspicious that he had to, but he didn't have anything.I was let off with a ticket and a warning then went home with a cold In-N-Out.

Court date came and my turn came up.Of course the officer gives his story and then judge asked my for mine.I told him everything and even that the officer at first said he pulled me over for running a red light and that I wasn't suspicious.I also told him how he searched us for no reason and searched the car with no reason to.I correct something the officer said which was "He told me he though it was green" to "I know it was green."People sitting in the court room were like WTF since I got searched and accused of running a light when I didn't.This was all in a cross road shaped like a + and if the light from the cop was green to turn left and my side was green too, then it would cause a collision.Judge kept listening and I proceeded to say my part and then finished.Judge told me I'll get a letter in the mail with the decision, which my parents opened up without even telling me WTF!!!Anyways ends up I was found guilty for running a red light and I'm gonna try to fight it again even if people say no, because I'm not gonna pay for something I didn't do and let the cop get away with treating me like as if I had drug or some shit.

Something that I also forgot was that the officer said it was around 12pm or 12am which I didn't really hear right and forgot to ask/correct it but the correct time was at midnight, close to 1am and there was no cars around.My question is, other then taking pictures and proof what else should I have in hand?I'm not trying to get a lawyer becuase that still involves paying which I got no money to.Hopefully they give me another court day which I hope because this is ridiculous and I'm not gonna pay $490.

Thanks for reading I hope for once I made sense.

Here's a picture of the crossings.
Red rectangle-me
Blue rectangle-cop car
Blue circle-officers
Green line-Light
Pink line-where I turned http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/3739/lalak.jpg

03-21-2010, 10:45 PM


03-21-2010, 10:45 PM
OKAY why did this happen Er!!!I'll fix it.


03-21-2010, 10:50 PM
shit good luck

03-21-2010, 10:58 PM
I hate these kinds of cops..pieces of shit

03-21-2010, 11:02 PM
Posted a picture so you can see what I mean.

03-21-2010, 11:17 PM
Get a Traffic Lawyer.


03-21-2010, 11:23 PM
I keep hearing that but I might as well pay my ticket over a traffic lawyer unless I can get one for cheap.Thanks though.

03-21-2010, 11:27 PM
Look man, its either a matter of principal or money.

If I know that I am not guilty, I will fight it even if it cost me 3X what the cost of paying the ticket would be.

Its the principal of the matter to me.

03-21-2010, 11:31 PM
There's a difference, you got deep pockets and I don't.If I was to get a lawyer it'd be for something really dumb that I did, not get accused of running a red light.

Honestly only way I'm gonna get a lawyer is if I'm guaranteed to have that cop fired or suspended but I won't so it's not worth it to me since I'll be feeding the state either way.

03-22-2010, 04:57 AM
Sounds kinda like your cousin needs to STFU sometimes.

03-22-2010, 05:28 AM
from what i read the cop seemed like a assclown to begin with so im sure he would have given you a ticket whether your cousin said anything or not. I'd just pay the ticket though since it would cost more to fight it.

03-22-2010, 07:01 AM
Next time refuse all searches (it is your right, tell the fucker to get a fucking warrant). Second, you didn't have to step out of your vehicle if he openly admitted no probably cause. Dude was a tool and bored and decided to fuck with you. These guys give officers a bad name.

P.S- Officers will normally always give you a ticket. They do not decide if you are guilty or not. The judge is the ONLY one who can decide that. The traffic officers are nothing more than glorified meter maids.

03-22-2010, 07:51 AM
I've gotten no less than seven warnings in the past two months.

You need to be friendlier.

03-22-2010, 09:16 AM
Was it CHP or local cop? Was it a old cop or younger cop? Sounds like the cop did a unlawful search and seizure but because you told him he could to make him happy it’s over with. If you would have fought it and told him no that gives him a reason rite there to search because they will think you are hiding something. But it sounds like the cop was bored and wanted to fuck with you. Because you were found guilty it’s going to be hard to fight it. See if you can go to traffic school if not good luck man. In the courts eyes the officer will always be rite.

I am in the process of becoming a cop and just started reading all the laws and proper ways to pull people over and this is by far the wrong reason and wrong way to do it.

If you really want to fuck with the cop get his name and badge number and file a complaint on him for harassment. or just let it go and move on

03-22-2010, 09:41 AM
You need a PBA card bad to prevent abuse like this. sounds like some bullshit...
If you deny the officers search to you or your car it will never end well!.. ever! they will get a K9 unit because its very suspicious

your approach to beat this ticket is totally wrong. (If the officer wants to win in front of the judge he will tell the judge ANYTHING!)
get a lawyer or postpone the hearing a million times, till the officer doesn't show.

"" I saw two police cars parked illegally in a 7-eleven entrance with the officers posted in front of the cars ""
lol police cars can't be parked illegally, those assholes can do whatever they want!
-you have to out smart the system, you can't but heads with the officer, you will never win, and he's always right!... "your stereo is too loud" I'm sorry, I will lower it.

03-22-2010, 10:00 AM
If you really want to fuck with the cop get his name and badge number and file a complaint on him for harassment. or just let it go and move on

this is what i was going to say. just raise hell for him. im sure the cop has done this before and if someone else has filed a complaint, im sure your complaint wont go unheard.

Good luck man!

03-22-2010, 01:55 PM
Another case of "Cop wants ticket, cop get's ticket".

03-23-2010, 12:09 AM
Yeah gonna get his bade number which should be on the ticket?IDK but I still have it somewhere so LMK.

I was nice and did everything the cop said until he searched us which also started getting the burgers cold.I also didn't wanna be out all night at 1am while they try to harass us and he also said I was saying I had something hiding which is stupid.The officer was probably in his 30's and the stupid one who just watched was younger. Funny thing is that most cops will be coo after being dicks for example:

One day I was with my boys and we all got high (this has nothing to do with the cop catching us).We were posted in front of a liquor store and then as the cop passed by we just walked away because we knew he was gonna come and ask us questions.Well next thing you know cop pulls up with a tazzer gun pointed at us!!!LOL I sat quick and just kept shut but my friend started talking back and well they threw him on the ground, blah, blah, they let us go.

That's an example of good cops, even though they also tazzered us but they got their job done after busting out alcohol and my friends bong.

I'll look into a traffic lawyer because I can't have any points on my record.I keeps it clean.Thanks guys/girls I'll post back soon.

Oh yea, I also don't qualify for traffic school I already did it once.

03-23-2010, 07:54 AM
lawyer would of won it i went through a yellow and red light i gunned it cop seen it i told him i had a emergency needed to use the bathroom i still got the ticket for the red light i payed a lawyer and he won my case

03-24-2010, 12:57 AM
lawyer would of won it i went through a yellow and red light i gunned it cop seen it i told him i had a emergency needed to use the bathroom i still got the ticket for the red light i payed a lawyer and he won my case

My situation different though.I didn't run a light at all.

03-24-2010, 01:10 AM
Well it's subjective so u should have won. For example cop says u did not stop at the stop sign. U say u did.. Both can be believable. Thus, the court must give u resonable doubt... But at the end of the day it's up to the judge and how he or she interprets the law... U must have not raise enough reasonable doubt with that judge...

03-24-2010, 01:47 AM
You need a PBA card bad to prevent abuse like this. sounds like some bullshit...
If you deny the officers search to you or your car it will never end well!.. ever! they will get a K9 unit because its very suspicious

this happened to me...the dog supposedly " reacted" to a scent of crack cocaine...i was like WTF!

spent 5 days in county blues, case dropped when i showed up in court

03-24-2010, 07:02 PM
K9 stuck his nose DIRECTLY into my tailpipe.. had carbon on his face for the whole pathetic search witch consisted of me crying about how the dog is going to scratch my paint. lol..

damn that s13 and its perfect paint... ghay