View Full Version : CA 1989 240sx shell

03-19-2010, 08:04 PM
I have a 1989 Nissan 240sx shell for sale. Its completely stripped in the engine bay and the interior. its is still rolling and the body is immaculate. has a clean title and sunroof its been sitting in a garage for 5 years on a non op while the previous owner worked on it. Its missing a radiator support and hatch.
Price: 450 gets you the shell on clean steelies with newer tires, a dash with a small tear in it and a full interior harness. Also it will come with door panels.
The shell rolls and steers and the ebrake is functional.

Also willing to trade for some parts equal to the value of this shell and extras.im lookin for kouki taillights but watever u got just let me know

Located in sacramento
call for more info 9165087417
had great plans for this shell but the city came bye..need to sell asap.





03-20-2010, 12:41 PM
bump please

LB 180SX
03-20-2010, 06:07 PM
if u have the hatch door . ill buy that off u

03-20-2010, 11:07 PM
if u have the hatch door . ill buy that off u

sorry bud I decided to keep the car.Another shell to come soon tho.Thanks