View Full Version : 2011 Nissan GT-R $84,060, Limited To Just 315 Units For U.S.? [New Cars]

03-11-2010, 09:40 AM
03-10-2010 04:30 PM

http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/12/2010/03/160x120_2011_nissan_gt-r.jpg (http://jalopnik.com/5490433/2011-nissan-gt+r-84060-limited-to-just-315-units-for-us)

The 2011 Nissan GT-R (http://jalopnik.com/tag/nissangtr/) receives a number of improvements including a slightly revised suspension and more standard features. Unfortunately, the base trim was dropped and possibly only 315 are bound for the U.S., all $84,060 GT-R Premiums. MoreÂ*» (http://jalopnik.com/5490433/2011-nissan-gt+r-84060-limited-to-just-315-units-for-us)
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?d=H0mrP-F8Qgo (http://feeds.gawker.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?a=erVQCXG8Uv0:trn8_ixTRFc:H0mrP-F8Qgo) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?d=yIl2AUoC8zA (http://feeds.gawker.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?a=erVQCXG8Uv0:trn8_ixTRFc:yIl2AUoC8zA) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?i=erVQCXG8Uv0:trn8_ixTRFc:D7DqB2pKExk (http://feeds.gawker.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?a=erVQCXG8Uv0:trn8_ixTRFc:D7DqB2pKExk) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?i=erVQCXG8Uv0:trn8_ixTRFc:V_sGLiPBpWU (http://feeds.gawker.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?a=erVQCXG8Uv0:trn8_ixTRFc:V_sGLiPBpWU)

More... (http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/jalopnik/full/~3/erVQCXG8Uv0/2011-nissan-gt+r-84060-limited-to-just-315-units-for-us)

03-11-2010, 10:38 AM
is this the specv or nismo edition which is shorter n stuff?

03-11-2010, 05:23 PM
no, it's just regular GTR with some added luxo amenities that are irrelevant to it's performance.
Having one trim makes sense.
Producing 315 units though?!

Wonder if Nissan had trouble selling the 1,500 allocated to the US market in 09?

03-12-2010, 05:16 AM
They aren't having a problem here in vegas from what I know of. I see a new GT-R in the showroom of a couple nissan dealerships I visit regularly. More than likely they are trying to make it less of a common vehicle. Or they are building up anticipation for the V-Spec model.

03-12-2010, 06:46 AM
Theres a GTR at a dealership near me that has not only been there for 6+ months, but is now no longer in the showroom. Yes, thats right.. it gets rained (and snowed) on.

03-17-2010, 09:29 PM
Yeah I see GT-R's at most all of the Nissan Dealerships. Kind of makes me mad cause I had some dude who barely looked 18 in a GT-R right next to me at the stop light. Freakin' kids and their parents money.

03-17-2010, 10:03 PM
Yeah I see GT-R's at most all of the Nissan Dealerships. Kind of makes me mad cause I had some dude who barely looked 18 in a GT-R right next to me at the stop light. Freakin' kids and their parents money.

same here i see at least three gtr's near me but they are just not affordable for the average person...plus for some reason NY dealers always marker everything up

03-25-2010, 11:52 PM
Brother and I went into our local Nissan dealership a while back and they were asking for $125k. We told them, for that much, we're looking at a used Ferrari or Lamborghini that will still fetch us more pootang and stares than the GTR.

drift freaq
03-26-2010, 12:54 AM
I have seen several on the road around, here including a Black one that resides in the Neighborhood.

03-26-2010, 09:05 AM
no kidding huh? I have also seen kids that look 18 Driving GTR's WTF?

04-19-2010, 04:16 PM
limited cuz not everyone is going to/can buy one

04-19-2010, 08:38 PM
sometimes i think there should be regulation of what teenage drivers should be allowed to drive for safety reasons, i mean seriously who wants an 18 yr old brat driving around a 400+ hp car with no experience behind the wheel? not only is it not safe it can get people killed which it has in the past.

04-20-2010, 02:25 PM
i know 2 people with in my area kinda an asain kid that lives in pasadena(white GT-R).. i think he goes to PCC or something of the sort and a middle age man with one(silver).
sure they are great wish i could drive one or just sit in one haha i'm sure its an amazing machine. dave you havent been in one yet?? hahaha

04-20-2010, 03:55 PM
HA HA I just saw two at a mitsubishi dealership. Both got traded in for evo's. :(

04-21-2010, 12:48 AM
I bet none of u... And I mean no one... Would ever complain or bitch about driving a new skyline at the age of 18 at the expense of your parents money..... I only come to one conclusion .... Hate .... Hate... Hate.... I could allready see it " no daddy no, 500hp skyline is to much for me at such a young age, please daddy buy me something with less power" haha yeah right! Haters... It's the thruth que no?

04-26-2010, 03:15 PM
Does the white GTR have a "Mines" decal on it?

LOL @ the GTRs getting traded for Evos. Maybe that togue vid where the GTR eats it after chasing an Evo has something to do with that?

04-26-2010, 03:20 PM
LOL at the jealousy in this thread.

You wouldn't think twice about changing shoes with an 18yr old with a GTR.

04-27-2010, 12:55 AM
they should redue the tranny because is junk, one of my friends allredy when thru one

04-27-2010, 02:25 PM
HA HA I just saw two at a mitsubishi dealership. Both got traded in for evo's. :(

If it was south coast mitsubishi, they werent traded in for evos. The owner just bought them used as stock

04-28-2010, 12:41 AM
the owner at that dealership is a huge snap-on(tool)...lol


04-28-2010, 06:13 PM
it's ok dealer-ship.
they will rip you for trade-ins.
their service dept is mediocre at best.

however, if you want to buy/lease a new evo they do have a great selection & sell at invoice.
I got my evo there & overall it was a good purchase experience.

04-28-2010, 07:35 PM
Go to youtube and watch the 50 minute or so special on this. They actully loose money producing these, that is more than likely why there are such a limited amount coming to the US. Makes sense to me, why make more of something that you are loosing money on!

04-28-2010, 08:01 PM
because it's meant to be halo car of sorts.
serves as a publicity stunt to bring ppl to their dealerships & showcase their technology.
perhaps also serves as a platform for motorsports.

not every product is meant for profit.
what matters is the overall company is profitable.

04-28-2010, 08:04 PM
lots of hate for successful parents....

it's how the world works, some are more fortunate than others... :\

04-29-2010, 12:50 AM
not every product is meant for profit.
what matters is the overall company is profitable.

???? Not every product is meant for profit????? The whole point is to make a profit.... I understand what u are trying to say but u have it twisted.... it comes down to cost to manufacture.. And the price for materials and labor and fix cost and blah blah blah... Maybe when they priced it material was lower in cost I'm basing this on the economy for the last 2 years were everything fell... And since they been up on the rise again this could have offset their cost, maybe they have to many master techs working on less motors could be alot of variables. I sure won't do business if I'm allready losing money...yes we can say let's think long term but in reality this is not were There bulk of their money comes from.

04-29-2010, 05:38 PM
Well Nissan isn't just selling the GTR, now are they?

The GTR draws attention to potential buyers into the showroom who wouldn't otherwise be as interested.
They oogle at the GTR, and end up buying something like a Z, Altima, or whatever.
Those more modest models sell at far more volume, have profit margins, and are the real money makers

That is the general idea of a halo car.
Think of it as a form of advertising and a means for the company to flaunt it's technology.

Think about it, 315 GTRs will be sold in the US this year.
Whatever profit or losses from the sales alone are negligible to a company the size of Nissan.
They don't have to make money off the GTR to sustain themselves & they aren't going to be hurt bad if not a single GTR sells

04-29-2010, 09:23 PM
He did not say just gtr... How is someone goingwith the purpose of buying a gtr going to end up with a altima??? Makes no sence.... What familyis going to go buy a gtr only a selected group... And yeah u could get the 18 year old going to go look at the gtr... Maybe that's why they priced it higher to offset the cost and to male money.... I'm sure that's not the goal to lose money.... And now they will be limited so people with money could pay more for the fact not to many can have them...

04-29-2010, 10:58 PM
the way i see it 315 limited here is a good thing becuse since they went on sale ive seen several totaled or there sitn in a rich persons garage for a talking peice the car is ment to be drivein not sit in the showroom just like if some one buys a ferrari its a race car not a bently

04-30-2010, 01:12 AM
Once u have money u do whatever u like to it...

04-30-2010, 06:44 AM
He did not say just gtr... How is someone goingwith the purpose of buying a gtr going to end up with a altima??? Makes no sence.... What familyis going to go buy a gtr only a selected group... And yeah u could get the 18 year old going to go look at the gtr... Maybe that's why they priced it higher to offset the cost and to male money.... I'm sure that's not the goal to lose money.... And now they will be limited so people with money could pay more for the fact not to many can have them...

The GT-R is Nissan's flagship model and is supposed to bring up the brand imagine and drum up interest in people who wouldn't look at Nissans.

The intent is not to sell a would be GT-R buyer an Altima, but to use the GT-R as an advertising tool to sell more cars as a brand (Nissan).

04-30-2010, 07:06 AM
Well Nissan isn't just selling the GTR, now are they?

The GTR draws attention to potential buyers into the showroom who wouldn't otherwise be as interested.
They oogle at the GTR, and end up buying something like a Z, Altima, or whatever.
Those more modest models sell at far more volume, have profit margins, and are the real money makers

That is the general idea of a halo car.
Think of it as a form of advertising and a means for the company to flaunt it's technology.

Think about it, 315 GTRs will be sold in the US this year.
Whatever profit or losses from the sales alone are negligible to a company the size of Nissan.
They don't have to make money off the GTR to sustain themselves & they aren't going to be hurt bad if not a single GTR sells

Exactly. Same as the NSX from honda in the early 90's. Honda made a profit on the car, but barely. An all aluminum car isnt cheap to manufacture or design. But it made everyone else say "dayyyym, look what honda can do." Its not necessarily about THAT MODEL bringing in a profit, but more about bringing attention to the company. Kind of like a "look what we can do" mentality.

I cant wait for used GTR's to start going for 50k. By that time, 50k should be a feasible purchase. (aka, ill have made my millions by then :bigok:)

04-30-2010, 11:46 AM
Key word Honda made a profit!!! Someone said gtr did not make any money

04-30-2010, 11:53 AM
Key word Honda made a profit!!! Someone said gtr did not make any money

Honda made A profit. Didnt say it was a big one, or one that was even worth their time.

Its almost like companies HAVE to make a supercar to be considered "legitimate." Just to prove what they can do, even if it wont rake in the big bucks.

04-30-2010, 02:22 PM
Honda made A profit. Didnt say it was a big one, or one that was even worth their time.

Its almost like companies HAVE to make a supercar to be considered "legitimate." Just to prove what they can do, even if it wont rake in the big bucks.

Agreed. Plus all the technology developed that went into the GTR can and will trickle down to the other cars(albeit in watered down forms) which in a way saves them money on R&D and will improve their cars.

It is a known thing for companies to produce products that they will not make a profit on. It allows them to show the world what they are capable of.

04-30-2010, 11:29 PM
I understand what u guys are saying... All I'm saying no company would make something and sell it for less that what it cost to make... Makes no sense... Unless their is a big accountig error on allocating cost...Yes we can do a super car in this example gtr to show how advance it is and what not... Gtr went into production so even a break even or small profit it's ok but my Point being is that they can't lose cash, I mean that shoudnt be the idea to lose money to show off. Now one thing is to make a car that goes I to production and one that does not for example a a concept car. Never make it to the general public. And does what it was mention to do show off the technology

05-01-2010, 06:58 AM
theres a kid out here in psl that has a new gtr. by his looks he can't be more than 20-21ish.
i'm jealous, but hating gets you nowhere.

05-01-2010, 02:01 PM
theyre trying to freeze the market

05-01-2010, 02:33 PM
I bet none of u... And I mean no one... Would ever complain or bitch about driving a new skyline at the age of 18 at the expense of your parents money..... I only come to one conclusion .... Hate .... Hate... Hate.... I could allready see it " no daddy no, 500hp skyline is to much for me at such a young age, please daddy buy me something with less power" haha yeah right! Haters... It's the thruth que no?

obviously It's not the kids fault for having rich parents that love to spoil him. It's the parents fault for throwing their little precious child in a car that they should know is not suitable for a young inexperienced driver. It's risking your kids, and others lives, just to buy your childs love. Seems irresponsible to me.

05-01-2010, 02:48 PM
I understand what u guys are saying... All I'm saying no company would make something and sell it for less that what it cost to make...

The PlayStation 3's initial production cost is estimated to have been US$805.85 for the 20 GB model and US$840.35 for the 60 GB model.[199] However, they were priced at US$499 and US$599 respectively,[200] meaning that every unit was sold at an estimated loss of $250,[199]

Yes they will, if they expect to make profits elsewhere. Make a super car, people buys cars made by other people of the super car. Sony makes a super system makes sales of licensing fees of said system.

05-01-2010, 03:40 PM
People should do research on economics before commenting.

It is a simple and wide spread philosophy.

05-01-2010, 03:45 PM
Or think of advertising.
It's an expense you have to pay for.
advertising almost never returns a profit.

You spend money to make an ad.
You spend money to have it in circulation (billboards, commercials, etc).
The advertisement isn't going to return profits AT ALL.

Why do companies invest in advertising/marketing?
because it will bring attention to their other products that DO make a profit.
Think of the GTR as more or less something similar.

Is that more coherent?
Business strategies aren't always a simple matter of profit or loss for everything.
Like I said prior, what matters is the company makes money overall.

Also, please don't say "I understand what you're saying" when you clearly do not.
If there is something you aren't clear with, please express it.
I'll be more than happy to elaborate.

05-01-2010, 03:49 PM
People should do research on economics before commenting.

It is a simple and wide spread philosophy.

Economics should be be mandatory high school curriculum.
It is far more relevant than say science, history, and your typical worthless liberal arts classes today imo.

05-01-2010, 04:04 PM
It's all relevant, they just emphasize knowledge over wisdom in public school. I can throw facts at you all day but it wont make you smarter unless I also give you the tools to use those facts and find more info on your own.

You gotta be hungry for it or everyone's time is wasted.

/thread jack

05-02-2010, 11:11 AM
Economics should be be mandatory high school curriculum.
It is far more relevant than say science, history, and your typical worthless liberal arts classes today imo.

It already is in my high school.

05-03-2010, 06:33 AM
Economics should be be mandatory high school curriculum.
It is far more relevant than say science, history, and your typical worthless liberal arts classes today imo.

There should also be a simple economic quiz someone needs to pass in order to register to vote, but I digress.

I imagine the 315 cars is a result of their own sales figures and usually guys who can afford these cars are not tracking them. They just want a car that goes fast, is comfortable, and Nissan is tailoring their supply to meet that demand.

05-03-2010, 07:59 AM
anyone saying ''nah ronmcdon you're wrong'' just doesn't get it. because you don't understand what you're talking about, stop arguing. this isn't a debate, its a fact. the skyline is a halo car, why do you think the stupid lexus LFA costs 300-400 or something thousand dollars, because lexus is taking a hit on every one so they marked that sucker up so they wouldn't have to make as many. that also is a halo car. standard 'economic motivation of production' (pardon that made-up phrase) doesn't apply to a halo car or similar circumstance.

econ should be mandatory for high school graduation. its stupid that you're required by law (at least in ct) for a semester of American Gov and not econ which is arguably much more valuable information to have.

05-05-2010, 11:51 AM
obviously It's not the kids fault for having rich parents that love to spoil him. It's the parents fault for throwing their little precious child in a car that they should know is not suitable for a young inexperienced driver. It's risking your kids, and others lives, just to buy your childs love. Seems irresponsible to me.

i'm sure joey logano's parents feel the same way.

05-05-2010, 02:45 PM
halo car or not, in my own personal opinion i would make someonething for profit first and then for it to be a so-called halo car, i would mark that thing up to make money. the limited amount of cars will only be available to those who can pay for it so, if they are not making a profit from it being 80k i would sell it for a higher price until i satisfy myself on how much we will make...

05-05-2010, 03:44 PM
You are missing the point of a halo car and fail at economics.

05-05-2010, 06:46 PM
Yeah I see GT-R's at most all of the Nissan Dealerships. Kind of makes me mad cause I had some dude who barely looked 18 in a GT-R right next to me at the stop light. Freakin' kids and their parents money.

there are 2 kids at my school with gtr's. both automatic, and one has since been wrapped around a tree (no joke). The kid is 18, and has a r34 gtr in the bahama's which he paid a shop 10k to mod it, all his parents money. he infact, riced it out and tinted the front window! yep...

also, an AMS evo x at my school, bought not built because it just showed up one day. really ugly lol. another kid has a supra mxv that is automatic, built up i guess

fucking n00bs and their automatics. these kids ebrake pull as well, rather than clutch kick... FUCKING NOOBS

05-05-2010, 07:00 PM
halo car or not, in my own personal opinion i would make someonething for profit first and then for it to be a so-called halo car, i would mark that thing up to make money. the limited amount of cars will only be available to those who can pay for it so, if they are not making a profit from it being 80k i would sell it for a higher price until i satisfy myself on how much we will make...

the whole point isnt to make a profit. its to garner attention. if the r35 cost 125k they couldn't rub it in porsches face that the r35 whoops the gt3whatever for $40k less. its marketing.

05-05-2010, 07:11 PM

Sounds like you are da masta dorifta.

05-05-2010, 11:28 PM
halo car or not, in my own personal opinion i would make someonething for profit first and then for it to be a so-called halo car, i would mark that thing up to make money. the limited amount of cars will only be available to those who can pay for it so, if they are not making a profit from it being 80k i would sell it for a higher price until i satisfy myself on how much we will make...

You are missing the point of a halo car and fail at economics.

Agreed with king.

Why can't people understand the concept of making something that isnt for profit and just shows the technical wonder of a company which in turn will make people want to buy other products made by said company?

05-06-2010, 01:18 AM
Sounds like you are da masta dorifta.

:w00t:excruse me sir, but your a rir bit rong! i just feel that ebrake pulls is definitely not the way to approach drifting. yeah its quick and effective, but honestly if your going to start then at least try doing it right. i suck at drifting, i can barely get my car going sideways and thats because i suck at clutch kicking. but i never pull my ebrake cause its like cheating in a sense. this is all my opinion, don't get offended.

question: how tight should your ebrake be TO lock up the rears? i HAVE tried ebrake pulls 2 times, nothing happened. the car just slowed down a little but it didnt slide out or skid, they just spun like if i was applying light brake pressure... so how tight should it be?

05-06-2010, 11:40 AM
Zilvia is probably not the place for this. This thread certainly is not. You should do a couple of searches and maybe poke around the motor sports section.

05-06-2010, 08:47 PM
sometimes i think there should be regulation of what teenage drivers should be allowed to drive for safety reasons, i mean seriously who wants an 18 yr old brat driving around a 400+ hp car with no experience behind the wheel? not only is it not safe it can get people killed which it has in the past.


Economics should be be mandatory high school curriculum.
It is far more relevant than say science, history, and your typical worthless liberal arts classes today imo.

Economics class was mandatory to graduate high school in Georgia when I was in school. My econ teacher was a joke though...

There should also be a simple economic quiz someone needs to pass in order to register to vote, but I digress.

I agree, but then you'd have people crying "discrimination!" We unfortunately have to cater to the stupid due to "freedom and equality for all."

:w00t:excruse me sir, but your a rir bit rong! i just feel that ebrake pulls is definitely not the way to approach drifting. yeah its quick and effective, but honestly if your going to start then at least try doing it right. i suck at drifting, i can barely get my car going sideways and thats because i suck at clutch kicking. but i never pull my ebrake cause its like cheating in a sense. this is all my opinion, don't get offended.

question: how tight should your ebrake be TO lock up the rears? i HAVE tried ebrake pulls 2 times, nothing happened. the car just slowed down a little but it didnt slide out or skid, they just spun like if i was applying light brake pressure... so how tight should it be?

Using the e-brake is not wrong or cheating. Even pros use their e-brake. Some use it to initiate, some use to maintain angle, scrub speed, etc.

And when you tried pulling your e-brake, you pushed the clutch in, right? You're not gonna lock up the rear wheels if you're still in gear..