View Full Version : Has anyone added more intake ducts into their pignose?

03-09-2010, 12:45 PM
i know a lot of people generally go with aftermarket front bumpers if they want or need more ducts, but i find most of them to be ugly. not to mention urethane holds up a lott better then fiberglass.

so im curious if anyone has added ducts into the lower portion of their pig nose fronts. im in the process of doing so right now. left side for an oil cooler, right side for my sidemount IC. ive seen 2 pictures of european 200sx's with a vent for the stock side mount, but never anyone in north america.


03-09-2010, 12:49 PM
Add the left duct just for the Oil cooler and there Is already a nice big duct for a better Fmic.

03-09-2010, 12:57 PM
i dont need a big intercooler though.

people on here slap giant IC's on for no reason other then they look cool.

a sidemount with ducting will work just as well, if not better then front mount. not to mention a front mount will block some of the air going to my rad.

03-09-2010, 01:14 PM
^^ Ergh... depends on purpose..... time attack, drifting, street driving, sure.....

Track... no way in hell its enough....

sure cut holes for brake ducting thats about it....

03-09-2010, 01:46 PM
somebody on here years ago had two cut outs on either side.. it looked great

what he did, and what you should do is find someone with a ca18det 180sx bumper get an outline design of the smic cutout that bumper has and then duplicate it on the passenger side...

it'll look rad.. do it

03-09-2010, 01:50 PM
somebody on here years ago had two cut outs on either side.. it looked great

what he did, and what you should do is find someone with a ca18det 180sx bumper get an outline design of the smic cutout that bumper has and then duplicate it on the passenger side...

it'll look rad.. do it
im already in the process lol

i didnt have anything to work off though so i made a template and traced it onto the bumper then cut it out. right now im fiberglassing some vents on, then later ill make the duct lead directly into each item.

03-09-2010, 02:55 PM
ha jeese... i just re-read your original post... skimming w/o glasses caused me to miss a bit.. post pictures up when youre done though

03-09-2010, 02:59 PM
i dont need a big intercooler though.

people on here slap giant IC's on for no reason other then they look cool.

a sidemount with ducting will work just as well, if not better then front mount. not to mention a front mount will block some of the air going to my rad.

Completely not true.you notice so much more power with a front mount. your engine gets alot more ait that way. Its a huge difference from side mount to front mount. The air flow alone. you will get heat soak with a smic. you wont with a fmic. but to each his own

03-09-2010, 11:41 PM
So you are running an oil cooler and a side mount...

But yeah, you will not gain much by upgrading to FMIC on the dyno. In fact, you may lose a few pony and response because the extra pressure and time it takes to fill the cooler.

However, most turbo'ed people runs boost controller as well. And once you push those extra pounds of boost, that SMIC cannot handle the boost no more.

Mease Performance's Intercooler - Test - GM High-Tech Performance (http://www.gmhightechperformance.com/tech/0104_htp_mease_performance_intercooler_test_calcul ations/index.html)

03-10-2010, 12:17 AM
^True, lowers engine temps if you plan on upgrading other parts, and your radiator is still getting plenty of airflow, if your worried about it then buy a cooling panel.

I wouldnt really recommend mangling your bumper to get better airflow because its probably going to look worse than an aftermarket one. Why not just run the cooler to the lower right portion of your radiator? Its not going to block it much & will still get air flow

03-10-2010, 09:21 AM
I've seen hundreds of modded OE bumpers over the past two decades, it's mainly about your skill at cutting. Plenty of people just use a holesaw or a razor knife and it looks like shit.

03-10-2010, 09:34 AM
ok well step two in my project is almost done.

my fiberglass pieces look pretty good and just need to be trimmed to their proper size now.

pics when im home from school.

03-10-2010, 01:35 PM
Keep us updated. I'm going to do the same for my pig nose. My current bumper is damaged (bad tires + rain = 65 mph through a sign solid metal sign and somehow only the bumper and fender cracked lol) but I got a new one that l'm going to open up for my fmic and open one side for my oil cooler. There was an old thread about using those plastic guards they use in gutters (funnel looking) to direct air over the oil cooler and intake I was thinking about trying too. It's like a cheap easy shroud design which acts like a ram air to push air through the oil cooler and or intake.

+1 for radiator cooling panels even if you make them yourself. They force the air through the radiator. Some site did a test with just cardboard mades one at like 60mph. It really does reduce water temps by 10 to 30 degrees.

03-10-2010, 05:47 PM
ok so here are my first attempts.


this is the oil cooler side, with a rough trim. they fit like a glove and snap into place.

this is the side mount side trimmed so it flows with the bumper.


i just painted both of them so by tomorrow i should have pics of them and the bumper mounted on the car. glitter black whuttt

let me know what you think

03-10-2010, 06:25 PM
looks good so far. i always hate when people mangle their stock bumper. this is looking like a sushi chef made those, instead of a butcher. clean. mo pics tho...

03-10-2010, 07:16 PM
:O i like that alot.

03-11-2010, 09:25 AM
ok so here is the finished result of my first attempt.


and mounted on the car


i think it looks pretty sick. i had to trim the foam bumper support a slight bit because of the way the fiberglass folded upwards. other then that they just stay in by themselves. ill probably throw double sided tape on eventually so that they form even better with the bumper.

Shift n Drift
03-11-2010, 10:24 AM
good shit bro, lets see some pics of the whole front end from a ground view

03-11-2010, 12:28 PM
It's starting to look pretty good. I'd recommend some kind of shroud or something behind your new holes to direct air directly over the oil cooler and to direct air into the smic. Otherwise it's just going to flow through and around it. Just my two cents - I'm always trying to get that extra 3-5 degress of cooling lol. But other than that great work :).