View Full Version : Ignition breakup.. knock sensor issue??

03-07-2010, 03:23 PM
I've got an sr with cusco mounts, a nismo tranny mount and a straight exhaust. For quite some time now, the car seems to be having a lot of what seems like ignition breakup when pulling under boost in a straight line. It doesn't do it all the time, but enough to where the power is not at all consistent from pull to pull. I have noticed that if I am cruising in 5th and I drop down to 4th or 3rd and give it gas it does it more often, and also happens more frequently as the motor gets hotter. Cold start and idle temps it pulls like a bat out of hell. It never does it when drifting however, which it what really confuses me.
I've replaced my plugs several times to see if it helps and have tried a couple different gap settings, the most recent one being whatever the smallest the gauge would let me go (not sure what the number is) and it hasn't helped yet.
The only thing I can think of is the knock sensor is going crazy from vibrations caused by the mounts and exhaust which retards the timing and makes it not want to do anything. I remember reading a thread on ziptied about how the stock sensors are garbage when it comes to aftermarket mounts and the like, and there is a way to bypass it by looping a 1M ohm resistor at the female connectors on the knock sensor plug.
Anyway, before I go about messing with anything or buying a new knock sensor I wanted to hear some peoples input. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!