View Full Version : VH45 into S13 Wiring

03-01-2010, 01:04 PM
Basically I am in the midst of my VH45 swap into my S13. Mounts and other hardware are expected this weekend. The only thing I am missing is wiring, I cannot for the life of me find any thing on the net other than one spreadsheet from god-speedracing.com which no longer exists therfore the link is dead.

So basically I am wondering if anyone has any information that would help me wire this up. I hit up Mazworx but they need the KA harness and body plugs from the Q45 which I do not have. So if anyone knows of any other shop that has a harness or a friend that might have it that would work too.

06-19-2010, 12:41 AM
Im in the exact same boat as you right now. Go out to your local junkyard and pickup the stuff you need. Thats what I did. My problem is that I've narrowed it down to like 4-5 wires you have to wire from the vh harness to the s chassis relay box but all the pinouts I have off of mitchell are different than the pinouts I have on my actual harness. Let me know if you find anything out and I'll help ya if I get it figured out. [email protected]

06-19-2010, 11:14 AM
I was at the pick-n-pull in Virginia Beach just yesterday. I saw at least 2 full VH45s in their engine bays. They also had one S14. The motor was there, but I can not recall if the harness was connected.

06-19-2010, 01:45 PM
i dont think there is alot of info on vh wiring. might want to try lsx instead.

06-19-2010, 01:47 PM
just kidding man. I hate LSX. I actually have a vh motorset in my garage waiting for a cheap chassis to come up. vh ftfw! I also need another gt40r for my setup. There was a writeup on 240sxforums a couple years ago. He could help you with wiring. google 450sx.