View Full Version : Nick Simmons rips off Bleach, threatens legal action against all who say so...

02-28-2010, 07:42 PM
Nick simmons, son of KISS frontman Gene Simmons recently released his own manga called Incarnate...only problem is that he's gone and ripped off another manga called Bleach...which has sold around 40 million copies world wide, kinda stupid yeah?


people have began accusing him of plagerism but nick is having none of it!

"Listen everyone... you're all digging your own graves posting on this forum. Facebook is looking into suspending this page and issuing any warnings for slander against me. I can't make this any clearer... I DID NOT STEAL OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK!! I may have appropriated some styles, but I did not steal. My work is full... of homages to everyone in my medium - not theft! You guys are just a bunch of mean spirited mouth-breathers - except all my fans on here who have rightfully supported me. I will ask Facebook not to press any charges against you if you give me a sincere apology here in this thread. Please do so. Facebook keeps all your IP addresses and info... so they will suspend your account if I do not receive proper apologies."

"Okay.. now looking at some of these photo comparisons, I can see why a few people are up-in-arms. I can tell you right now these are all purely coincidences. I never even heard of Bleach! Who would name a comic after laundry detergent? When I channel my energy when drawing my book sometimes I can pull stuff in that I never seen before. It's like i'm possessed when I start thinking and drawing. Perhaps I just got on the same wave length that all artists share. My dad just called and said I have a real case against all this slander. If Facebook doesn't give into my demands soon there's going to be hell to pay. Now, I have to damage control on another site - more people being mislead. Now I have to deal with this and my book's deadline. I'm not sure how I can think and draw under all this pressure."

"I have no idea how people are saying my comic looks like that bleach magma. My book is in color and the other is not. My book reads left to right... the other reads right to left. Besides some vague similarities, they're nothing alike. I put my heart and soul into my book - great story and awesome characters... yet people are trying to pull me down. And NO... I didn't trace or copy other peoples work. Most of these photos are starting to look like photoshop manipulations to make me look bad. You can't trust everything you see on the Internet."

some more images from here bleachness: Gene Simmons' son Plagiarizing Bleach? (http://community.livejournal.com/bleachness/446299.html)



i love it when stuff like this happens:D


02-28-2010, 08:10 PM
yawnnnn....... who in the fuck reads/looks at this shit? seriously. I was rocking comic books in the 3rd grade... that was the last time too....

and on to other news, men are supposed to procreate sometime in their lifetime. let hope you do too.

02-28-2010, 08:14 PM
this is what happens when some spoiled lil brat stumbles accross something and says "hey I dont think they got this out here, lemme copy it".. Since its in the US, he would probably get away with it.. even with enough differences to let it fly past laws.

02-28-2010, 08:18 PM
Is he wearing a knock off Dorki Dori shirt???

02-28-2010, 08:59 PM
This guy Nick sounds like a real E-thug making threats over FACEBOOK of all things.

Facebook gangsters, ftw.

Touge Noob S13
02-28-2010, 09:07 PM
I could understand borrowing some of the art styles but this? I lol at how he says he has never heard of Bleach.

02-28-2010, 09:08 PM
That's straight wrong. Yes I read Bleach.

Fuck that douche. Copying crap that closely is plagiarism.

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means

* to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
* to use (another's production) without crediting the source
* to commit literary theft
* to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

^^^Taken from plagiarism.org

I hope someone puts this guy in his place. I don't give a damn who his dad is.

02-28-2010, 09:27 PM
lol just like Chinese car makers claim they never steal other company's design

02-28-2010, 09:49 PM
yawnnnn....... who in the fuck reads/looks at this shit? seriously. I was rocking comic books in the 3rd grade... that was the last time too....

and on to other news, men are supposed to procreate sometime in their lifetime. let hope you do too.

Yet you took the time to post? Um, I don't really read comics but there are a few people here who follow the series (Anime/zine)...Thus me posting this thread...Thanks for coming out though...

drift freaq
02-28-2010, 10:47 PM
Did he plagiarize it? Sure looks like it. Deny knowing about Bleach? I highly doubt he did not know about Bleach, its huge. Oh and him thinking Facebook, is going to do anything about what people are accusing him of, when its so obvious. LOL

02-28-2010, 11:20 PM
Did he plagiarize it sure looks like it. Deny knowing about Bleach? I highly doubt he did not know about Bleach its huge. Oh and him thinking Facebook is going to do anything about what people are accusing him of when its so obvious. LOL

It's such a travesty I almost can't believe it's actually him making those threats on facebook. He sounds like a whiny two year old, and he clearly plagiarized.

02-28-2010, 11:50 PM
damn the proof is in the pudding.

He never heard of beach?! and he's trying to get into this whole thing like he's some genius? haha "my dad called, i have a case" wah wah

02-28-2010, 11:57 PM
the publishing company even called it a manga, so the creator is familiar with teh term, but isnt aware of a popular manga called bleach? come on! lol

02-28-2010, 11:58 PM
deyaam!! I just viewed the link to the rest of the artwork, this fool! is Wack!!!!
wow and he denies it still?? cuz he chaneled the energy of the artistic manga whatever? wow.

all the composition, structure of characters, and story line. I hope he gets taken to the highest extent of the law! haha

02-28-2010, 11:59 PM
the publishing company even called it a manga, so the creator is familiar with teh term, but isnt aware of a popular manga called bleach? come on! lol

that's what im saying!!!

im not even into the whole manga thing, but i watched bleach...on CARTOON NETWORK!!!

drift freaq
03-01-2010, 12:31 AM
haha "my dad called, i have a case" wah wah

:rofl: total musician joke. I give you kudo's for that one.

T chop
03-01-2010, 12:47 AM
I've never read Manga or comic books and never intend to read one, but judging from those pics he obviously copied "Bleach".

03-01-2010, 12:54 AM
Funny thing is, I didn't really read the thread title. First thing I saw was the pic and thought this thread was about Bleach.

03-01-2010, 06:25 AM
Just proves that people are dumb...cant believe he didnt think anybody would notice. Seriously? Copy shit off one of the more popular and heavily followed anime in the US?

03-01-2010, 07:02 AM
Wow, that's just ridiculous.

As if once or twice wasn't bad enough, this dumbass did it several times.

Douche needs to be shut down.

03-01-2010, 08:48 AM
yawnnnn....... who in the fuck reads/looks at this shit? seriously. I was rocking comic books in the 3rd grade... that was the last time too....

and on to other news, men are supposed to procreate sometime in their lifetime. let hope you do too.

Is he wearing a knock off Dorki Dori shirt???
Im thinking tha Dorki Dori is a knock off of the trends.
Yes guy is a douche, but Im sure that shirt he has on cost more than $15.

lol just like Chinese car makers claim they never steal other company's design
This is bad logic.
Ford stole the gas powered motor vehicle from Benz, Datsun(Nissan) stole it from someone else, yada yada..........
........and everyone's stealing that Robert Anderson's electric carraige/car idea!!

Douche needs to be shut down.
i heard him and Nick Hogan are gonna start a project together!!

03-01-2010, 09:58 AM
So either Cartoon Network/Adult Swim or Viz Media is probably going to sue the crap out of him.

drift freaq
03-01-2010, 12:15 PM
So either Cartoon Network/Adult Swim or Viz Media is probably going to sue the crap out of him.

you forgot Aniplex and Funimation. Or Even Shonen Jump in Tokyo.

03-01-2010, 12:23 PM

03-01-2010, 12:27 PM
Fucking fail.

03-01-2010, 12:30 PM
"I have no idea how people are saying my comic looks like that bleach magma. My book is in color and the other is not. My book reads left to right... the other reads right to left. Besides some vague similarities, they're nothing alike."


03-01-2010, 12:55 PM
has the creator of BLEACH even commented or know about this?

03-01-2010, 01:00 PM
All you have to do is not buy/read/whatever you do with it.

03-01-2010, 03:40 PM
Were those the only two?

03-01-2010, 04:24 PM
Were those the only two?

Oh no, there's more...



There is a clear difference between someone using Anime/Manga character styling and someone using tracing paper to 99% copy an art style and even the overall comic layout.

Most Anime/Manga are going to have certain similarities, since that is what defines Anime/Manga apart from other comics, but straight ripping something is asking for trouble.

Fan Art = Yes

Trying to make your own comic and make loads of cash while coping someone elses work = Get Sued.

Anyone who cannot see that this is a blatant rip is utterly blind :hahano:

If the kid is actually drawing the copied images, then he has some talent and should work on some original ideas. He just need to find his own stuff and not rip Bleach.

03-01-2010, 04:53 PM
Is he wearing a knock off Dorki Dori shirt???

That cracked me the fuck up dude. ahahahahahahahahahah

03-01-2010, 04:55 PM
ha. wow i always that that kid was a huge douche. just confirms it. i hope he gets the shit fined out of him. bleach is awesome!

03-01-2010, 07:48 PM
i believe the bleach writer knows himself and is just brushing the dirt off his shoulders.

Forte EXE
03-01-2010, 09:01 PM


03-01-2010, 09:24 PM
i dont get it? unless your referring to their noses?

03-01-2010, 09:36 PM
wow...just wow...I can't believe this guy. I'm a fan of the anime and it really upsets me that this guy is getting away with blatantly copying the artwork of someone else and passing it off as his own.

Also I never heard of Nick Simmons until now, def. not a fan.

i dont get it? unless your referring to their noses?

I just noticed that lol

03-01-2010, 09:40 PM


holy shit!!!

even he's a copy...no wonder!!! lol

03-02-2010, 02:13 AM
hahahaha Gene Simmons had sex with Kumar

03-02-2010, 04:19 AM
so is it like the same story and shit?

i remember watching an episode or two of this shit in Japan and finding it boring as fuck.

judging by the way that Simmons dude looks (im not supposed to do that), and my personal experience with those characters, or the original ones, whatever, its probably safe to say that this shit sucks and he will lose his family some money and move onto something else, maybe drifting or amateur field hockey.

03-02-2010, 05:53 AM
i wonder how many times he goes to people and says "DO YOU KNOW WHO MY DAD IS??" in one day

03-02-2010, 06:08 AM
if you look at the #1 incarnate "preview", it looks blatantly HELLSING too.

03-02-2010, 06:16 AM
holy shit, henry is a homo.

03-02-2010, 06:27 AM
:naw: matt face

03-02-2010, 06:30 AM
okay, you are now promoted from homo to otaku.

at least otaku are like fun to laugh at and take pictures of with your cell phone!

...oh wait.

03-02-2010, 06:31 AM
i don't know what's worse. I DONT KNOW

03-02-2010, 06:33 AM
homo is worse.



Touge Noob S13
03-02-2010, 10:30 AM
homo is worse.





03-02-2010, 10:32 AM
are the storylines similar as well?

03-02-2010, 01:13 PM
judging by the way that Simmons dude looks (im not supposed to do that)
Actually, it is perfectly fine to do that. Most assumptions are right or close to the real thing.

03-02-2010, 01:29 PM
are the storylines similar as well?

From what I've gathered no, just the art designs...

03-02-2010, 01:30 PM
eew, Bleach. and a comic by Gene Simmons' kid. yuck