View Full Version : S14 sr20det into S14 chassis lower harness information needed

02-28-2010, 06:55 PM
I am having trouble finding information on the lower harness for my s14 sr20det into s14 chassis swap. All the swaps I have read about say to stick with the ka24 lower harness and add on the ends to plug into the transmission, problem is mine is jacked, and Im going to use my sr20det lower harness. Can anyone tell me anything they know about the lower, going into this chassis, all i can find is 13 sr20's into s14's. Thanks for your help.

02-28-2010, 07:00 PM
I am having trouble finding information on the lower harness for my s14 sr20det into s14 chassis swap. All the swaps I have read about say to stick with the ka24 lower harness and add on the ends to plug into the transmission, problem is mine is jacked, and Im going to use my sr20det lower harness. Can anyone tell me anything they know about the lower, going into this chassis, all i can find is 13 sr20's into s14's. Thanks for your help.

I would tend to think the wiring is similar, maybe the plugs are different styles. Have you read this write-up before? ----->http://zilvia.net/f/tech-talk/209158-how-s14sr-into-s14-chassis.html

02-28-2010, 07:32 PM
Read it, I have it printed out and covered in black tape residue and grease, it doesnt get in depth about the lower, Im finding they dont match up very well. It's mostly just plugs im thinking. Heres a quick image i drew up to show what I'm finding here. Right now the issue is the Triangle plug (middle), it had 3 wires, a thick black with yellow stripe, and 2 matching smaller wires (yellow with blue stripe), on the ka24 plug one of these two small wires runs to the oil sending unit, the other one goes to the trans somewhere, maybe back up lights? Im not sure though. So what I'm stuck on is the rear portion of the lower harness doesnt have the same small wire (yellow with blue stripe). On the ka24 harness the black wire has a grey plug on it, not sure what it plugged into prior to being pulled.