View Full Version : sr20det red top turbo swap

02-26-2010, 03:11 PM
hello my name is ford. me and my dad already swapped out the old t25 turbo and we put on the t28 s15 turbo and mani.. i just have a few questions regarding the oil and water lines! will the stock t25 oil hard line work for that turbo? and which side is the water in flow and water out flow? i have all the lines on there already and they look like they would work but in pictures it looks like my water lines are crossed and i didnt know if there was a certain flow for the water? thanks ford

02-26-2010, 05:14 PM
they will work with a little gentle persuasion

the water line that bolts to the block goes on the driver's side of the turbo.

the water line that goes to the rubber hose running behind the head goes to the passenger side of the turbo inbetween the turbo and the manifold.

and you'll need to redo your intake tube, and/or cut the intake elbow that bolts onto the compressor housing and reweld the aluminum elbow onto the flange so you can put your intake back on and it won't face down.

your hot pipe elbow (3 10mm bolts) will now face toward the front of the car at a 45 degree angle instead of straight up like it did on the t25, so you can cut your hot pipe and use a 45 degree coupler and that'll fix that.

best of luck,


02-27-2010, 01:56 PM
ok thanks for the info i seen pictures like that . i put the water in line from the block to the pass. side of the turbo and water return line on the driver side but still running the line to the ruubber hose! can i keep them like that or do they have to be switched a certain way?

03-01-2010, 02:12 AM
waterlines are only good for increasing your water temps. you dont need them if you have/use a turbo timer. it doesnt matter what direction the water flows through your turbo, as long as its flowing.

you may need an oil restrictor on your oil feed line to prevent the turbo from becoming over oiled. im not sure about the difference between the s13 sr20det and s15 sr20det oil feed lines.

03-01-2010, 09:40 AM
ok thanks correct me if im wrong, but i think the s13 sr oil feed line will work for the s15 turbo!

Soup Nazi
03-01-2010, 10:10 AM
You're better off getting SS lines for the oil nad water. Also a Reclocking kit as well to keep your Hotpipe and intake in the same position as with the T25.

03-01-2010, 10:38 AM
already got the stock hard lines on there and they seem to fit pretty good!

03-01-2010, 12:01 PM
the stock oil feed banjo bolt that goes to the block has a restrictor built into it....

you're fine ford. run it and go.
