View Full Version : Seriously, WTF!!! credit cards...

02-26-2010, 10:19 AM
So as some of you may know i got my Tax return. With said money i thought i killed one of my CC monsters...so i decide to check the online system to see the nice the 0.00 owed and just just fap to 0 debt...and wtf do i see

a 10.95 charge to some ins comp... woah woah ...woah...

i dont have insurance...let alone, ever had anything thru my CC...so why the fuck am i getting charge for said BS...

well with a simple search of the charge address i get this
800-572-5848 / 8005725848 (http://800notes.com/Phone.aspx/1-800-572-5848/3)

pretty much its some type of scam that they call you for insurance...heres the kicker...i never got said call...so wtf right...apperantly ive been getting charged for this BS since sep 08...

for the mathematically challenge...as of Feb 2010 (latest charge) ive committed 180+ dollars to this shit...not to mention the intrest that accumulatted do to charge which is nothing, but combining with my already previous debt, well you get the idea...

i already called said rep to let them know to cancel it...

they can only refund me this months charges...but not the rest...to get the rest i have to mail in a letter to corperate office...so fucking whack..

will i do it...fuck yes...thats my money they stole...

i do suggest check ur CC statements...ive been blindly paying large amounts over the last year+ just tryint ot pay this specific card off...hence why i never noticed it...

utter BS...


and be4 anyone tries to get smart with me, yes mah bad i didnt review my shit...but really is that an excuse for someone to stick there hand in my already depleted cookie jar? nope...

02-26-2010, 10:23 AM
Damn. Did you contact the credit card company to see what you can dispute through them?

02-26-2010, 10:25 AM
Yeah I learned this too. People somehow get your CC info and will charge you little amounts that you won't notice. I got charged $30 from some 1800 number that didn't work.

Always keep on top of your CC statements. I feel ya man, you got robbed pretty good though


with that being said, look wtf just popped up on my credit card

Transaction Date: February 25, 2010
Transaction Description: INTEREST CHARGE:PURCHASES
Charge: $9.52
Category: Other

Is this what popped up on yours????

02-26-2010, 10:26 AM
Damn. Did you contact the credit card company to see what you can dispute through them?

yes and they cant do shit!

the max they could do was get me a direct line to said company to cancel it... so pathetic...

DataX- seriously, i would have never noticed if it wasnt for me paying it completely off last week...

especially since i have paperless for mother earth...

02-26-2010, 10:33 AM
Ahhh. I havent used a single Credit Card in 14months, 12days and 2hrs :fruit:

Wife and I made a pact end of '08.

Had a cutting party and closed all of the accounts. I live by the Debit Card and watch that mofo like a fucking hawk!

Even have a side Checking/Debit account for online purchases & paypal, just to make sure there is no risk from these shady motherfuckers out there.

02-26-2010, 10:37 AM
^^^^ pretty much what ive been working my way towards sir I have currently a great CC score, so im closing up all accts... my sisters CC score is even better so i can just use her's once i buy a house...

all i ever use is my Debt, if i have money i spend, if i dont, im SOL and gotta wait...best way to live...

02-26-2010, 10:47 AM
^^^^ pretty much what ive been working my way towards sir I have currently a great CC score, so im closing up all accts... my sisters CC score is even better so i can just use her's once i buy a house...

all i ever use is my Debt, if i have money i spend, if i dont, im SOL and gotta wait...best way to live...

Seriously. We have never lived better! Didnt think it was possible. It feels pretty damn good to buy shit that you can actually afford.

So sorry to hear about that bullshit scam insurance deal. Ive had my share over the years. Fuckers.

Drift N Dragg
02-26-2010, 10:52 AM
Wow, I better go check Both of my Credit Cards.... That is Sutpid Bogus... Damn I hope you get your money back, then Find the SOB's and stick your Foot in there Pie Hole!!!

02-26-2010, 10:59 AM
Seriously. We have never lived better! Didnt think it was possible. It feels pretty damn good to buy shit that you can actually afford.

seriously im already living like that since i havent used CC in over a yr and some change...

the 4k i put down on the HB back in December was straight cash sir...

Wow, I better go check Both of my Credit Cards.... That is Sutpid Bogus... Damn I hope you get your money back, then Find the SOB's and stick your Foot in there Pie Hole!!!

if i dont see my money, bet ur ass im flying my ass to florida (there corperate offcie) and walking in there...ill get my money...

02-26-2010, 11:20 AM
(there corperate offcie)


ha ha ha

02-26-2010, 11:31 AM
must be nice having no life^

02-26-2010, 11:47 AM
I should get a credit card.

02-26-2010, 11:50 AM
I should get a credit card.
get 3. so you can pretend pay them off every month!

02-26-2010, 11:51 AM
Glad I don't have one. I don't plan on getting one until I'm financially stable... Which will be never.

02-26-2010, 12:17 PM
get 3. so you can pretend pay them off every month!

The other 2 pay for the one you actually use.

You'll get stuck eventually but it will be one hell of a year.

Make sure one's called Platinum or something so when the waiter at Olive Garden give's you the bill the broad you're with knows you're a big deal.

02-26-2010, 12:20 PM
Same thing happened to me but I caught it quick. I was getting charged some bull shit skype.com fees. I dont use skype yet alone know anybody that does. Bank of America took care of it for me quick style.

02-26-2010, 12:46 PM
No credit cards for me.

02-26-2010, 01:02 PM
Yeah I learned this too. People somehow get your CC info and will charge you little amounts that you won't notice. I got charged $30 from some 1800 number that didn't work.

Always keep on top of your CC statements. I feel ya man, you got robbed pretty good though


with that being said, look wtf just popped up on my credit card

Transaction Date: February 25, 2010
Transaction Description: INTEREST CHARGE:PURCHASES
Charge: $9.52
Category: Other

Is this what popped up on yours????

i get these too, they're just your credit card interest

02-26-2010, 01:06 PM
Is this what popped up on yours????

no...mine is under
purchase : NUF*IPP INS XXXXXXXX 800-xxx-xxxx NY
charge: 10.95

02-26-2010, 01:07 PM
damn ima go check everything now

02-26-2010, 01:08 PM
Yeah I learned this too. People somehow get your CC info and will charge you little amounts that you won't notice. I got charged $30 from some 1800 number that didn't work.

Always keep on top of your CC statements. I feel ya man, you got robbed pretty good though


with that being said, look wtf just popped up on my credit card

Transaction Date: February 25, 2010
Transaction Description: INTEREST CHARGE:PURCHASES
Charge: $9.52
Category: Other

Is this what popped up on yours????

you got capital one? i just checked mine and had the same thing for $4.46 on the 4th, first time its popped up.

02-26-2010, 01:16 PM
new credit card regulations did kick in earlier this week. maybe this is it? now i gotta check it every day just in case.

sorry you can't get back all your money without going thru all the BS. best of luck with u on that. let us know how it goes.

02-26-2010, 01:32 PM
My debt is only between 2 cards, and one card was opened through my bank. I closed the all but one so I only use my debit card when I need something, the credit card through the bank is only open for emergencies.

02-26-2010, 01:43 PM
I haven't noticed anything out of the usual, but I'll be checking up on my statements online bi-weekly incase some random charge comes through.

02-26-2010, 06:53 PM
for those with capital one, i too have that interest charge.

called them up and asked if this was really an interest charge from capital one. the lady over the phone assured me it was. she also said they have some new way or new writing about periodic interest charges. so it may be safe to say, it was an interest charge.

the charge was made earlier this february.

02-26-2010, 07:08 PM
It feels pretty damn good to buy shit that you can actually afford.

and this is where people most commonly fail with credit cards. why would you ever buy something on a CC that you didn't already have the money for? i put shit on my CC that i already have money set aside to pay off. it's a good way to build credit. you should never be in debt for common shit like TV's and stereo's that you never should have purchased if you didn't already have the funding for it in the first place. Only major debts that people should incur are home loans, auto loans, or even student loans. A lot of people try to use CC's like they are free money or some shit and it ends up biting them in the ass.

02-27-2010, 12:30 AM
you got capital one? i just checked mine and had the same thing for $4.46 on the 4th, first time its popped up.

I believe it is a capital one thing because I got this on my bill also. I need to finish paying off this card because Capital One is the devil

02-27-2010, 01:09 AM
I want to be debt free. 2010 is the year I make that happen.

02-27-2010, 08:05 AM
I want to be debt free. 2010 is the year I make that happen.

Only major debts that people should incur are home loans, auto loans, or even student loans.

In 2009 the wife and I made a deal to eliminate all cc, etc debt. Once we eliminated, all of that. We trimmed our belts and between us, we eliminated over 24k in useless crap. Now even these things like "major debts" seem optional.

Take for instance. Cars.

Everyone's got one pretty much. If you save up 25k, then walk into a dealership. You're going to see salesmen that can't help you. Want to talk financing instead of price. Some even talk about "What kind of payment do you want?" instead of what kind of car do you want. Nothing looks to be worth your nest egg. You're 3x as careful with the car once you own it. It's seriously a huge issue when you've actually got to buy the car. Car payments suk. Get rid of them.

School Loans.

I'm working full time while putting myself through nursing school. When I pay tuition. It comes out of my pocket. I've got to save up for it. I study because I can't afford to fail. If it's your money. You're committed. If it's someone elses then you slack off. At UNF, a soild 25% of the kids don't need to be there. They arn't committed and they're either fafsa'd or loaning. They have zero work ethic and won't suceed in work or college. It's just a waste of tax payer money. There's nothing wrong with graduating highschool and working for 5 years then deciding to goto college. Community Colleges get trashed way to much. They have some of the best teachers around here. Go there figure out what you want, get an AA then goto a 4 year school. Best value per dollar.

Home loans.

It seems crazy but home loans can be almost optional. The best financial advice I can give is walk in with 20%. If you've got 20% then you're probably not going to be "underwater" in 3 years. You're definitely committed. And get a 15 year loan. NO 30 YEAR LOANS!. If you can't afford a 15. You can't afford the house. Everyone always says. "Buy as much house as you can". They left "afford" off the end of that. Mortgage payments are the main bit of your monthly overhead. The less overhead you have in life, the less stressed you will be.

In January of '08 we were at about $3000/month overhead. That was car payments, credit card bills, loans, 1st and 2nd mortgage, cable, elec water etc.

This month we have $1423/month overhead. 1st mortgage at 5% fix @15. zero CC's. elec, water and interweb. Trust me if you save $1600 a month. Your life will be soooo much easier. It's like you can't help but money just stacks up in your bank account. Just don't borrow money. Borrowing is the commitment of future earnings. Think of a loan as getting your paycheck garnished. That's what it is.

In this process, Chase, BoA, and Wamu have done there best to prevent me from paying things off. They intentionally don't return phone calls/ drop you during transfers/ etc to keep you as frustrated as possible. Their goal is to financially enslave you. Avoid them as much as possible.

02-27-2010, 09:50 AM
Anyone who wants unsecured debt should just a prosper loan at like 8% or whatever.

I still have a tiny bit of CC debt that I'll be paying off when I get my tax refund.

EDIT: Yeah, and fuck car payments, I haven't had one in like four years.

02-27-2010, 10:47 AM
I don't understand all this credit card phobia. If you live within your means you can beat them at their game by building your credit with out going in to debt.

02-27-2010, 01:08 PM
i have no phobias...im just pissed off that i got charged for something i never agreed to...

02-27-2010, 01:50 PM
That wasn't directed at you DALAZ 68. I would be pissed too.

The people that did this(and continue to do this) should have some criminal penalty. It's the same as your cell company "accidentally" changing your coverage plan, cutting your minutes in half and removing your data plan. It's cool when they wave the extra charges, the first time. When it happens 3 months later and they refuse to fix it I call BS.

A clear pattern of fraud in any company should have criminal penalties for ALL involved.

02-27-2010, 05:15 PM
I don't understand all this credit card phobia. If you live within your means you can beat them at their game by building your credit with out going in to debt.

+1. i dont have a checking account, so no debit card. i NEVER have any cash on me, just 2 credit cards. if i need cash, i plan ahead. i charge the shit out of stuff, and i LOVE my CC. its the best thing ever. when i was younger i was afraid of them, because a couple of my cousins got into it really deep.....idiots.

anyhow, i had to check to see if i had any BS charges like this. i do all my banking online too, with no paper statement. i try to check over everything quickly each month, but i thought i'd double check after reading what the OP posted. uugh, thats shady as fuck.

Make sure one's called Platinum or something so when the waiter at Olive Garden give's you the bill the broad you're with knows you're a big deal.

rofl, this made me laugh.


my other one says "professional" on it. i only use the 1337 platinum one though. the 3 digit code on the back is worn off from being swiped so many times. good thing i memorized it. :keke:

02-27-2010, 06:58 PM
my other one says "professional" on it.

That's even cooler.

02-27-2010, 07:46 PM
My great grandfather had a card back in the day(70's) that was all black.

The limit on that bad boy was 100k.

Just think about that for a moment. $100,00.00 in 1975.

Dude was rollin' in it. lol

02-27-2010, 07:55 PM
my card got charged interest even though I pay shit on time.. wtf.. I called em and they are bitching with mee and giving me stupid excuses... told b.... off.. charges taken off.. horrible how these guys do business these days..the way things are going people are going to stop using em and start using cash.. better cash management and expenditure

02-28-2010, 01:28 AM
They actually have a black card, I forget who its through though. Supposedly it has no limit.

02-28-2010, 07:28 AM
american express. :)

i dont have one (a reg Amex card) because it's not as versatile as my mastercard. a lot of places don't take it. actually, i just looked and it looks like the Amex platinum card has no limit. but i always thought that the rates were super high on those cards and that they had a yearly fee. i'm not seeing one however.. hmm, maybe i'll look into one. the rates aren't all that important i guess. in 5 years, i've carried a balance one time, and for only 1 statement period. it was my bill for school. other than that, i'm really good about paying everything off once, twice, sometimes three times per month. i'm always on the bank website transferring stuff.

02-28-2010, 07:58 AM
a lot of places dont take amex because amex charges retailers more % per each transaction.

oh and EFF capital one in the A!

02-28-2010, 05:22 PM
a lot of places dont take amex because amex charges retailers more % per each transaction.

oh and EFF capital one in the A!

Actually. They all have been. Slowly walking everything into the merchant. Visa is regular about 2.5% Same with MC. If you've got some kind of points system, they take another .25-.5%. Got a "professional" card? Another .25%. Discover takes 4% Amex takes 3.5%. All of them have about a $20-$30/month service fee on top of the percentages.

The harsh truth is that almost everything has a 4% markup in it so you the customers pay the fees. You're chase points are paid for by you. Your cash back is money you paid. If customers paid cash we could charge less. The only "smart money" about it is they get 3% of every merchants take. And on retail parts if you can gross a 30% profit margin that means they get about 10% of your profit. Who's working for who?

02-28-2010, 06:51 PM
Actually. They all have been. Slowly walking everything into the merchant. Visa is regular about 2.5% Same with MC. If you've got some kind of points system, they take another .25-.5%. Got a "professional" card? Another .25%. Discover takes 4% Amex takes 3.5%. All of them have about a $20-$30/month service fee on top of the percentages.

The harsh truth is that almost everything has a 4% markup in it so you the customers pay the fees. You're chase points are paid for by you. Your cash back is money you paid. If customers paid cash we could charge less. The only "smart money" about it is they get 3% of every merchants take. And on retail parts if you can gross a 30% profit margin that means they get about 10% of your profit. Who's working for who?

i hate those small restaurant owners and such that always says "to use CC, you must order above $10 or more".

02-28-2010, 07:23 PM
they do it for a reason though. my parents business, they dont accept Amex because it costs almost double what the others charge. they also charge a $.50 fee instead of a $10 minimum or whatever most places do. yes we're all aware that its against the contract we sign with the CC company. but at the same time, it's such a small business that they'll never do anything about it. if people bitch and put up a fuss, we dont charge them, but in 2009, it cost my dad $8,000 to run his CC machine. that's crazy!

03-01-2010, 05:14 AM
i hate those small restaurant owners and such that always says "to use CC, you must order above $10 or more".

Because there's a swipe fee. A settlement fee (transfer the money to your bank account from the CC machine). There's an extra fee if you type the number in because the magnetic strip is bad on the back. There's another fee when you type it in and can't read the CVCC 3 digit number. They charge you fees on the sales tax. Then at least 2.5 % of the transaction. It becomes a large percentage of the overall transaction. Plus whatever he's selling may not be hugely profitable. The reason the sign is up is really saying "Whenever you charge something under $10 I was giving money away. I'm out of money now so go somewhere else." It doesn't have the same customer service ring to it but essentially the same message.

Another thing people don't realize. Refunds on credit cards. Get dinked the same percentage. Buy a $300 car part then call back up and cancel it because your wife flipped out/you found it used/you really couldn't afford it so buyers remorse set it. That's $10.50 in fees to take the order. $10.50 in fees to cancel the order. They've spent prob 20-30 mins atleast talking to you and $21 in fees. It adds up at the end of the month.

03-01-2010, 09:51 AM
Because there's a swipe fee. A settlement fee (transfer the money to your bank account from the CC machine). There's an extra fee if you type the number in because the magnetic strip is bad on the back. There's another fee when you type it in and can't read the CVCC 3 digit number. They charge you fees on the sales tax. Then at least 2.5 % of the transaction. It becomes a large percentage of the overall transaction. Plus whatever he's selling may not be hugely profitable. The reason the sign is up is really saying "Whenever you charge something under $10 I was giving money away. I'm out of money now so go somewhere else." It doesn't have the same customer service ring to it but essentially the same message.

Another thing people don't realize. Refunds on credit cards. Get dinked the same percentage. Buy a $300 car part then call back up and cancel it because your wife flipped out/you found it used/you really couldn't afford it so buyers remorse set it. That's $10.50 in fees to take the order. $10.50 in fees to cancel the order. They've spent prob 20-30 mins atleast talking to you and $21 in fees. It adds up at the end of the month.

you right you right. lol

03-02-2010, 12:05 PM
sent my letter out to there corperate office...certified mail...lol